HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-12-06, Page 4THEE HUR'Q
M K lipp; township
council at a meeting Monday
Councillor Marie
Hickne l: to represent the
township on. Seaforth,
Community .Hospital Board..
William . Leeming on the
Maitland Valley
Conservation Authority,
Arthur .Anderson on: :the
Conservation Authority;
Deputy Reeve Harvey Craig
on lily* Fire Area Board and
RGeve Allan Campbell on
Seaforth fire area board.
Council: acCented: the
Seaforth fire area agree#nent
aa; Prepared by the officials,
front the five MenieiPalities.
which, form the membership
of the . ;$eaft, Fire Area
Board. They are the
Townships of "McKillop,.
Tuckersmith, Hullett and
Hibbert and the Town of
Seaforth. The agreement
which covers a period of two.
years, will go into effect on
January+, .1., 1980, when
signed by all the partici-
pating municipalities. When
Excellent . Quaky,
Macintosh, Ida Red',
.1Ipartan, Mutsu, Spies,}
available now:
V/2 milts south of Elginfitid on 04 Highway
a i.
Painting,Decorating, f'cperh ng. n9
Interior and Exterior
FreeEstimates •
PHONE 527=1582
all sign it, the agreement wi11�
be made public.
Passed for payment Were
Toad, accoufts amounting, to
$5,696.60 and general
accounts. of An,4,926.75,
Council agreed that a new
half -ton truckshould be
purchased in the new year to
replace the present truck,
"It's been a good truck.
!reported Road super-
intendent William Campbell.
For 1980 ,ratepayers fate
with their taxes Will be
;paying, one-quarter per, cent
;more in penalty char$,es
rbringing the rate to 1% per
cent a month', or 1.5 per cent
per year up:.from. 1Z per 'Feat.
per years
By-laws Were passed..on,
1 GOT IT! -12 year old Robbie Giew=
successfully bobbed for an apple Friday at noon.
hour activities at SPS while Bruce Taylor, left
and J.lmmyRoth applaud his efforts. (Photo by
MRS. ED REGELE Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
527-1106 Ed Regele were Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Preszcator and
Mrs. Mary Thornton of.
Crediton a week; ago Sunday,
and on Monday past Mr. and
Mrs... Clifford Thornton , of
• London.
Mrs. Leo ' Murray of
Seaforth is • a patient. in..
Seaforth. We wish ` her a
speedy recovery.
Police. news
Seaforth police were: called',
toinvestigate the theft of a
car from the Seaforth arena.
parking lot on Sunday. after-
A 1978.Cordoba, owned by
, Gary 'Nash of R.R. #5
Seaforth: was parked in the
arena lot during .theafter-
noon hockey game. The keys
were left in the Car. When
Mr. Nash came out of the
arena' at 4:40 p.m., he;
discovered the car was miss-
The car was recovered • in a.
ditch at Maitlandbank Ceme-
tery. There was no damage
to • the .car and there are, no
suspects. in the case.
Police were called to inves-
tigate three minor accidents
in the past week.
On Saturday, a car owned.
, by David Longstaff; was
parked outsidehis home of
18 Adam Street, At approxi-
mately 7, pan:, a .second
vehicle turned onto Adam.
Street from James Street,
hitting the side of the
Longstaff vehicle. The car
didn't stop following the
collision, which caused $200'
damage to the Longstaff car.
two municipal drains which
have been completed or near
completion and which east
less to do thanthe engineer s,.
estimated. them The Nash
drain was 76.' per cent of
ori8 inal cost of S8,404
compared to ;ogler, price of
$6,554.25. The Buchanan
drain was. 88.98 per cent of
original gQst of S11.,635
compared to. tender' •goat of
Approved was .a tile drain.
loan applicaion of S9,7Q0,
Counell.approved paynlent
of annual .grant ,of $650 to
McKillop Federation of
Agriculture for 1980, and..a
Brant of S25 to the War
Memorial: Children's.
Hospital, London;
Tq edtfca�izltion
Cfly t c
Huron.Coonty Council
members indicated
conflicting opinions
regarding tax equilization
factors when they supported
a resolution askingthe
province to rescind:
equalization factors at
Thursday's council meeting.
A resolution from
Woolwich township which:
the • council: supported;.
requests the province to
rescind the equalizaton.
factors as published in June
and asks the province to,
move quickly to implement a,
full program of the
assessment of agricultural)
lands and their relative
Five townships in the
county have appealed the tax
equalization factors because
they expect costs to rural.
taxpayers willincrease more.
rapidly than urban muni-
cipalities. There is concern
that . rural . factors have
decreased to a greater extent
than in urban municipalities
since the price of land has.
increased drastically.
particularly' in rural areas..
Tax equalization factorshave
been frozen since the early
The resolution supported
by Huron County Council
criticizes the implementation
of equalization factors.
because the factors do not
theft at
The vehicle involved in the
tut and run' accident is
believed to be a `1973 Meteor,
two -door brown.' and: police
are, continuing their investi
gation of the accident.
Earlier the . same day, a, .
furniture truck` owned by F.
Regier of Seaforth, was
parked outside the ` apart-
ment building on West Wil -
ham Street while furniture
was being unloaded from the
vehicle. 'Harold. Hugill,: of R.
R. #2, Seaforth, in a 1979
pickup truck, tried to go
'around the Regier truck and
slid on ice, collidingwith the.
first. vehicle.. There was
apprdximately 525 damage it
the accident.'
An Monday, .just before
noon, a' truck driven by
Norma Riley of R. R. #1,
Seaforth, was: just. leaving.
the Seaforth Co=op lot on
Railway Street. Tony Van
Miltenbur'g of R; R. #4;
Seaforth.was pulling into the
lot in his truck, when the two
vehicles'cofl.ided; resulting in
about $100; damage:
Seaforth 'police were also
called to the Laundromat on
Saturday afternoon to investiw
gate a case of wilful: damage..
ire tOattettic tlanllai Mail) ifiltitl l tBoc) Tenser :i
w 045.7 55 .'-A
.. i
Christmas 15.
Presents V
resolve the problems' created
by the lack of property
reform and the proposed;
factors do not relate to
population or the ability of
municipalities to pay.
The resolution states that
the proposed phasing; of tax
increases does, notresolve
the problem of the weighting
of agricultural assessments
for levy purposes, but only
acts to slow the
implementation . of unfair
shifts of the tax burdens.
Deputy -reeve Bob. Allen of
Goderich told council he felt
those township
representatives whose
councils ..had already
approved the equalization'
factors wouldbe
tin themselves. contradicting themse , if
they voted to support a
resolution. asking, . the
province 'to rescind . the
Bill Elston, reeve of
Morris, said his township has.
appealed, its assessment''
based on the new factors,.
"The. factors are already.
set," he said. "What :good,is
an appeal?" '
"it is unfortunate our
assessment is in such a
mess, and a mess it. is." he
Seaforth reeve.• John
Flannery said he was on
council when the
municipality . did, its :own
assessing. The •,.province
thought they could de a
better job, said.: Flannery,
"but they are further out on
their assessment than ever
we, were.,
" ;The 'province setthe
factors, let them " contend..
with .them."
Deputy -reeve Aliend told
council there is a discrepancy
in •the waywe think, because
rural and urban areas
"Some are paying more
than their share and some
'are not 'paying their share."
Abend commented it is
'better.. to go . ahead with
egtialization until another
system is'developed.
"Let the rural areas lobby
that education taxes should:
' not be based on property
Wilbert Al! Johnston of 45
St. David' $t.., Goderich died
in .Alexander Marine and.
General Hospital after a
lengthly illness on Mon.,
Nov, 19 at the age of 85.
He was born on the
Goshen Line, Stanley Town-
ship, Huron County on Nova
29, 1893. to Edward and Eval.
(Kennedy), Johnson. He
worked as a, fox farmer, and.
lived in Stanley Township
until his marria$e to Eva
Jane Boyes there on Sept; :3!,
After his marriage he
moved to Goderich. He was a
member of the Knox Presby,
terian Church.
He was predeceased by his
wife Jan. 10, 1979, fie was,
also predeceased by his
brother deo;8e. -,re
survived by, three sisters-in-
law, Mrs. Frank (Florence)
Fowler of Goderich, Mrs.
Mabel Reid of Bayfield, and
Mrs. Iva Boyes of Clinton.
The funeral service and
committal were held at Styles
Funeral Home in Goderich,
on Nov. 22. The Rev. G. L.
Royal officiated.
interment was in; Bayfield
The • death occurred at
her residence in Vinastra on
Tuesday November 27th of
Mrs. Harry Pethick, She was
the former ' Thelma Jean
in her
and .
62nd year.
Predeceased by here
husband she is survived by
three daughters Janet of
Clinton and Ruth and. Gladys
of Vanastra and a son George
of Vanastra. She also is,
survived by a brother George
Wakefield of London.
The remains rested at the
Beattie Funeral, Home,
Clinton . until Thursday
November 29 at 2 -pm• when
Rev. T:A,. Duke of First.
Presbyterian Church,.
Seaforth conducted a funeral
service. Interment followed
Win bingo
in Dublin
Winners of the . twelve
regular • games were as.
follows. Lucille Delaney,
Dublin; Mrs. Peg Waikom,
Mitchell; . Marge Dale,
Seaforth; Joan Purdy; Mrs.,
Mary McCarthy; Mrs.
Phyhis Lee,..Clinton; Joan•
Purdy; •l'enetta .Meegans;;
Mrs. Olga Eckert; Michelle
Rowland; Mark Van Bakel;
Jane Delaney.
1st special Winners;
Richard Ruston; • Daniel,
Ruston, Kurt Purdy, and Ted
2nd Special Winners;
Audrey Hoff-: and Michael'
Payne; Share -of -the -Wealth;
Joan: Purdy; • Door Prize
Winners: Mike Van Loon; Pat
Cronin, Marilyn, Price,
1;; Maltlan4 Bank Cemetery.
MRS, ROSSM.'NN�., .`
Mrs. Ross M. Rennie of ZS
Lascelles Blvd„ Toronto,.
died iii Royal Victoria Hosp'
ital. Barrie on Sunday, NoVs
ember 25, 1979.
MRennie, who had
'been in poor health for the
past year was in Barrie
visiting; sister when it
becartte necessary 1.0 admit
her to hospitals
The former Edna: Leonard,,
Ole is survived, by her
husband Ross M. Rennie
formerly of Seaforth and by
sisters Mrs, Alfred (Eliz-
abeth) Onli, Mrs. John
(Sylvia) Mansell of London
We ask for your cooperation
. in checking any outstanding.
balances and for your
remittance to reach us
Repairs made to most
offltr mdchlnes in our
'own 'service . deportment,.
Huron Business
PHONE 482.7338 p;
''4MMNSTREETsotiti SEAtt tNi trfia,;e.eIMnrrl+4tt,t 2i.A10 tieii,CtS10'i31'7OQSl,
h.. r
tatwta rtartiitantliiateatl tetrot
r ¢hits stra
Seaforth 527-0910
C$inton482-3405 Hensall 262-2418'`'
and Mrs. Charles (Relent
McGladdery of Lambeth indl
Mrs. James (WO .ombardo,
of Toronto. and by a, brother
Roy E. Leonard of London an
well as by several nieces.amdi
A funeral Service_ wan;
conducted :at the: ;Needham
Memorial Chapel, London at,
3 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov.
ember 28 by Archdeacon,
Derwyn, D. Jones of St,:
James' (Westminster).
Anglican Chureh.:Interment
followed in. Woodland .Cern
etery,. 'London, when:' the.
pallbearers were Gordon,
Rennie, Ron Rennie, Robt.
Ivey, Pentland Book, Daniel
Hunnissett and : Douglas
Farm, Commercial & Residential Const,
Framing, 'Roofing, Aluminum Siding,
Renovations, '
Dave Salm 523-9641 Blyth, Ont.
Butcher Your BEEF or PORK afi
-cut ..
-make your lard
-cure meats)
• .TEL. 345.2360
From ",Forest:to.Thriving, Hamlets each 54.00
by Belle Campbell •
The Story of Seaforth
by Belle Campbell
A History 'of' Tuckersmith •
by Belle Canip.bell
A History of McKillop
by, Mrs. Joseph Gruniii ett
The Story. of Hibbert Township
A Hibbert Review [Part 11]
Three booklets dealing with the Township of Hibbert
by Belle Campbell'
each 54.00
Lich $4.00
each $4.00
each 54.00
Huron County in Pioneer Times
by Janies Scott
tach $1.25.
Settiefnent; of Huron County each $5.00
by Janiesit. Scutt
Varna in Review
by J. Floyd McAsh
Seaforth Women's 'institute
Souvenir Cook Book'
The Importance of Liberty
by'Frcd Van Egmond
Brucefield United Church
Centennial 1876-1976
(Please allow 25 cents per book for mailing charges).
each 54.00
each $3.:00
each s4;00;
iiln', 101'011
"srN.1 )'Q'4 St Pt r%'gOrr 'tarnniuoil, F 00°
Seaforth 527-0240