HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-11-15, Page 80„. CADDY CANES
3 cups .sugar
'+ cup ,corn Syrup 1
pinch of salt
2'3• cup water
1 tsp; peppermint e;,tract
red food colouring,
Combine sugar. corn syrup: salt and
water in saucepan and set over moderate
heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Wipe
sugar crystals off sides of pant with .a
dimple eloth. Bring to a boil. covertand boil.
2 minutes.
:Remove cover and; continue boiling
without stirring to 271' or until a few drops.
in cold water form hard threads. Pour,
syrup into 2' buttered 9 inch pie pans. Let
stand until cool enough to handle. Put !:
tsp..peppetmint extrat-t on top of each and
a few drops of red food colouring ontop of
one•. Lift upsides of candy and fold into •the
• middle to blaidin flavouring and colouring..
Pull . each . batch of candy with •eight
buttered' hands until almost cold quite
firm. Twist each until it forms a long strand
'•:: inch thick, t fork qui kly soc'and, does
not harden too hooch to shape.) Twist the
two strands together and stretch until 1: -
Cut into about 1S six-inch pieces•,.Titre
one' end of each piece to form a cane and:
put 'on waxed paper to .set. Wrap in waxed
paper or transparent wrapping paper and
store.. in. refrigerator. l'Makes. 1S canes'
tiote, If desired;. the strands maybe cut er
broken into small, pieces for bite -size
Dianne Oodkin,
I ' 12 oz. pkg. semi -sweet chocolate pieces
14 cup crunchy peanut butter .,
.3 cups miniature marshmallows
- Melt choctilate•pieceswith peanut butter
in double boiler. Stir until well blended..
Remove from heat. Cool slightly. Fold in
inarshniallo"s. Press into a greased 13 inch
square .pan. Chill until firm. Cut in
squares. Alice Martin.,
RIR:. 3, .Brussets
2 cups brown sugar
' small lump. of butter or margarine
'Put enough water in to mix it up,` Let
cook till it threads from a fork. Do not
Shake dish or stir as it makes it go back into
sugar. 6 or drops vanilla. When done put
in greased pan to .cool. Then break tote
pieces.: Children love this candy and is a
treat for Christmas. Mrs. Sheldon .lackln,
Pape 54; Christmas ,Cookbook
3 t;ups brown sugar
2 tsps..l?•'ikin.g: powder
2' tbsp. flour
1 i tsp. scant salt
cup milk.
4 tbsp. butter
Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Add
iuifl and bring to a boil. Add butter. Stir
'onstantly til it forms a firm hall iw,hen.
tested in cold water, mit a. hard ball, but
well beyond the soft stage„ 'Remove a from
hear and add 1 tbsp. vanilla and ',z c.
walnuts. Let cool W minutes. Beat until
manly and pour into buttered pan. Stark.
in squares. - Mrs. John Oke,
RR.3, Exeter
3 ettp:white sugar
°: cup corn syrup
23 cup water'
2 egg whites
1 S tsp. salt
1: tsp. ♦ anilla
1 o nuts (optional)
Boil sugar, corn syrup and water
'together until it will form a hard ball when
dropped in cold water, Beat egg whites and
,salt at high speed, for 3 minutes in .large.
howl'. Pour syrup mixture slowly into
beaten” egg whites while beating at high
speed. Continue beating until mixture..
passes the glossy state, Add nuts (or:fruits}
and: vanilla and continue beating,.until
mixture forms a peak when beater is.
raised. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered.
platter or waxed paper. •
Jean Eckert
R.R.1 Dublin
cup' mashed potatoes.
4. cups confectioners' . cigar
4 cups shredded coconut
1 : tsp. vanilla
I 5 tsp. salt
•.a oz, unsweetened chocolate
Combine potatoes and sugar. :Add
,coconut r vanilla and salt. Blend well.
Press. firmly in a greased pan. • Melt.
chocolate over.hot water. Pour a thin layer
ON es the surface of candy. Cut in squares
when firm. Yield - 2° i lbs.
Delphine: Dolmage,:
R.R. 1, Seaforth.
lb. soft butter
Cups king sugar
8 oz. soft cream cheese
t 2 eup powdered milk
2 tsp ranula
2 cups walnuts (chopped) if you wish
Mix all. Pack in pan. Cut. Eat.
Delphine DolmaBe,
R.R. 1. Seaforth
S tbsp. corn. syrup
4 tbsp. soft butter
3 pounds icing sugar
1 can condensed sweetened. milk
Hase on hand an extra pound of icing
sugar. Mix anddivide into pieces. Flavour
as you wish and roll in little balls and cool.
•Flai,-ours. almond, maple. lemon, walnuts.
cherries; dates, ' 'coconut , 'peppermint,
cashew nut,
Melt over hot water: 3 cakes semi sweet
chocolate, 1 cake paraffin wax OR 1. Cake
paraffin wax. 1 unsweetened .chocolate,:1
Ib. sweet chocolate or, some jersey milk
Put little balls on darning needle and dip
chocolate. Puton wax paper and cool.,
Mrs, Michael Malaniuk,
2 tablespoons butter
'° cup (small ran) undiluted carnation
evaporated milk
P3 cups sugar
1: teaspoon salt
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1': trips semi -sweet chocolate chips
"teaspoon vanilla
1. 2 cup chopped nuts
Mix: butter, carnation, sugar and salt • in
saucepan over medium heat. Bring to boil.
Cook 5 minutes stirring constantly. Re-
move from heat. Stir " inmarshmallows.
chocolate chips. vanilla and nuts. Stir 1 to. 2
minutes. or until marshmallows melt. Pour
into buttered 8 inch square pan. Cool:Cut.
into squares. (Makes about 2 pounds).
Alice Martin,
R.R. 3. Brussels
Mrs:. Melville Jacklin,
' 2 lb. salted :peanuts
1 tbsp.• baking soda
' 2
tsp. vanilla -
• 2 `tbsp::water
1 - `c. brown ,sugar
l' is c, corn. syrup
'.: e. cold water
3 tbsp. butter
Put peanuts through food chopper.
Combine soda, vanilla' and 2 tsps. water in
a cup. Set aside. Combine next 3
ingredients in a saucepan (electric frying
pan works great) and cook till' 270° or, hard
boil ;stage. Add butter, :cook , stirring
constantly to 300° oruntil a little syrup
becomes brittle when . dropped in cold
water: Remove from heat. Stir in soda
mixture and nuts. Stir, about Vs. min.
Scrape onto large greased pan.
Evelyn Caldwell,
R.R. 3, Blyth_