HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-11-15, Page 20THE HUR° poslroa NOVIR ts,, 19,'79 �s ., e' ,e" 1 Coming Events, KNIGHTS of Columbus; Turkey Bingo, St. Columban. Church Hall, Sunday, November 2.501, 8. p.m. 12 games for turkey; 4 Share - the -Wealth. games; Door prize. Lap card, 51.00, Extra cards 25t cents each or 5 for 51.00. 1-27-2. SANTA Claus Parade in Seaforth December 1 at 10:30 a.m. Float's and; :clown's welcomed. W.A. Hodgert 527-0046, Seaforth, 1-27-1 EDELWEISS Rebekah lodge are holding afternoon euchre party's at 2 p.m. sharp at. Seaforth LO.O.F. hall on the following dates. December 19thiJanuary 16th, February 20th; March 1901. April 16th, Lunch served after euchre: 1.27-1 A Date to remember, May 21, Unit 5 of Northside. United Church, Beef Barbecue, 1-27-1 DON'T FORGET Rummage and Re-cyclables sale at the Tree Trunk Main St., Sat., Nov, 17th 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Sponsored by' Van Egmond. Foundation. 1-27-1 THE ANNUAL meeting of the Walton Area Sports Club will be held in the Walton Hall on December 6 at 8 p.m. Special interest on a decision to, be made for library for Waltonarea. 1-27-1 ANNUAL Bazaar Festival and Tea, at Ontario Street, United Church', Clinton. 2:00 till 4:30 p.m. Saturday, November 17, 1979. 1.27-1. CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday, 8:00 p.rn. 1st regular card $1.00. Re- stricted to 16 years or over 15 regular games of .515.00; 55. `least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot 5200.00 must go each week. 1-25-tf BEECHWOOD POTTERY'S Christmas Show & .Sale of handmade stoneware by Addy McPhee & Robert Tetu Sunday Nov, 18th Noon to 6 p.m. Cheese and hot, mulled wine will be served. eeC hood Pi:rtrY, pottery In the old Beechwood Store,, 21/2 miles north of St. Cot- umban on McKillop Sideroad 10 (4 miles East of Seaforth) 1-10-2 BUS to N.H.L. gamer: in Detroit. From' Jan. 26 to April 5. Formore in- formation call United Trails.. 527-1222. 1-27-tf EUCHER at the Orange Hall November 1.9, 8p.m: 1-27-1 Corning Events Shopping Tripf WED., NOV. 21st, CITY CENTRE Leave Seaforth at 8:15 a.m. Leave Toronto at 4:00 p.m. 513.00 per person. 1-26-tf THE family of Dona and Bert Shobbrook wish to invite you to their Open House at. Londesboro Community Hall Saturday, November 17 from 2-4p.m. and 7:30-9 for their 54th Wedding Anniversary. 1-26x2 CHRISTMAS Bazaar, St. Thomas Anglican Church, November 21st, 3 p.m. 1-24x4 THE family of .Gordon and Sarah Elliott invite friends, relatives and neighbours to an Open House, on the occasion of their parents 40th Wedding anniversary. Call at their home from 2:00 till 5:00, and 7:00 till 9:00 on Sunday, November 18, 1979. Best Wishes only. 1-27-1 PULSIFERS Piano Place Seaforth. Now open daily until Xmas.. 1-22-8 Having a Wedding, Anniversary, Stag, Shower or any get together Let us supply the lunch We will supply the cold meat, potato salad, cole- slaw, cheese; relish ;trays and dinner rolls. For parties of. 200 or more people it could cost you as little as 51.00 per person;. Before you buy give us a try ROTH'S Food Market 1-25-tf BINGO every Tuesday evening at VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5, Clinton 8 p.m. lst regular card 51.00; 15 regular games of 515.00; 3 share the wealth; . jackpot S300.00 in 55: `calis or less; 5250.00 in 60 calls or less; S200 in over 60 calls. Admis- sion restricted to 16 years or over. , 1 -26 -if CHAMBER of Commerce Annual Dinner. Wednesday, November 21, 1979. Reception 6:15 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m. Seaforth Legion Hall. Everyone Welcome. Tickets 56.00 per person available at Keatings, Hetherington, Larones, Huron Expositor, Piet's Place and Seaforth Jewellers. - 1-25.3 Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 15 words 52.50 ,10c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS -No copy changes, 8c per word, minimum 52.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - 52.17 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 51.89 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 11/2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 50c per insertion. BIRTHS- 15 words, 52.50;10e per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 15 words 52.50, each additional word 10c, IN MEMORIAMS - 52.50 plus 10c per line of verse COMING EVENTS -15 words 52.50, each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS -- 30 words 52.50;each additional word 3c: pN OR FOR BEFORE FRIDAY PAYMENT 50cN DISCO FRIDAY NOON IN .WEEK OF INSERTION. No canceilaation of multiple insertion. ' advertiseMents after Noon, Tuesday Des for clw.i kod ads is 12 Nose Tilesdays 'hone -527-0240 4 Help Wanted CHARLTON'S Cedar Court requires chamberspersons, Accomodation available, Write to Box 1478 Banff, Alberta, or call (403) 762- 3659 to Linda Charlton after S:00 p.m. 4-27x1 ' Help, Wanted 5 Bus, Oppoirtunity INTERESTED in earning; al#. extra S1,000.00 a month, ',W e require .aggressive business associates not afraid of hard work. Part time or full time - Write: P.O. ime.Write:P.O. Box 262, Elmira, OntariolN2B; 2Z6 for immedi- ate contact. 5-27.7 4 Help Wanted Help Wanted Applications will be taken for a person to operate a . 1978 International truck with plow for the 1979-80: snowplowing season on a part time basis. Please state age, experience and class of License,. Apply in writing by Monday, November 19th, 12 Noon. to. ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Township of Grey ROSS ENGEL, R•R•,: BRUSSELS, ONTARIO. 440-2. Required immediately Clerk Typ ist Typing essential, shorthand an asset, Apply in person to:> Robert Bell Industries:Ltd. • :Seaforth, Ontario. 4-27.• 1 Required immediately experienced: [Press] Welders and experienced Metal Workers Labourers: Apply in person to Robert Bell Industries Ltd Sealforth,:Ontarlo. 4-274! .' i Resources Planner Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority DUTIES: This permanent position involves the delivery of a program of private landowner conservation assistance in the areas of erosion, control, windbreaks and. reforestation, and streambank rehabilitation; the. preparation of master plans for the development of the conservation areas and site building and operating plans to guide construction and maintenance work forces in these parks provision of recreation planning and erosion control planning input to the Authority's watershed plan. QUALIFICATIONS: Graduation from a community college or university in resource management, geography, forestry, water resources engineering; knowledge of soil conservation princicples and vegetative materials; ability to carry out surveying and drafting duties; experience in recreation- al planning, engineering design, or construction° are definite assets. Ability to relate conservation practices to the rural public is a must. Applications, including salary expectations and references, will be received until Nov. 26 at the: AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Box 459, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 ATTN: Marion Lamport Secretary -Treasurer. 235261015191' 4.27-1 CUSTOM manure, spreading;:, on our farm. John Holland;' 527-1618. 4-264 Full time experienced ' Secretary l required for insurance office. Please send complete resume including qualifi• cations to BOX 788,1 SEAFORTHt ONTARIO 4-26-2 5 Rua Opportunity EARN a second income„ Learn Income tax pre- paration re- gra ion p t at home, For free brochure write U & jI Tait Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive; Toronto, Ontario. M4W 1Z4. No obligation. 5.27x1 5 Bus Opportunity EARN extra income 520.00 starts your own part-time business. You pick your own hours. Opportunity for excel- lent, earnings. Write: Reidell' Chemicals, Box 7500, London, Ontario: 5-27x1 s u w v■ i arittivises OOIIMs i SW* SAW AVOW 1i boss 44 Avon• Coloarialk, r.pr.asntaflv. cull On' yeti? If net, p.rh.ps year territory's •Yell.W4. k'or 'leifor. nNatIo. all c.11stf- f Hua. Opportunity CHIMNEY sweep business for sale secure investment and customers in this area. London 281-9879 in; the evening`s. 547.1' lialommeaumemeeetimanumnie CLERK -TYPIST Graduates of this program would be eligible for typist, recordsclerk, re- ceptionist and file clerk positions in a variety of office settings. Graduates have used this program as a "stepping; stone" to other skill areas in the business world. You may; be eligible for financial assistance from Canada Employ- ment or the Ontario Student. Assistance Program [OS'AP]. We can help you fu +d out, Building skills today. forthe needs of tomorrow. Clinton Campus Phone 482-34511 7: Situations Wanted, AVAILABLE to babysit in my own: home, 1 or 2 children. 527-1893: 7-26-2 Farm Stock For Sale LIVESTOCK ' for sale: Bred. gilts due 2 to 4 weeks. Good selection of hamp, york, Kamp cross york, york cross. landrace boars. Bob Robin- son, R.R. 4, Walton, 345- 2317. 8-26-2' Used Cars For Sale 64 Chev. Y: Truck body, poor shape motor good 550. Apply Charles Reeves 527-0834. 10-27.1 1975 Ford Truck :: with camper. Excellent condition, low mileage; 345-2903. 10-27-2 1966 Chevy 54,000 original miles with 6 cylinder, 3 speed $125.00, ' Call 527-0987. ' " „ 10-27x1 Mise. Sale Items. Re Wilfred Coleman, 1979 Chrysler "Lebaron" car, 2,1)00 K.L.M.;4 Recliner Chair; 3 speed fan; Chest Drawers, small apt. freezer; Pole lamp Medicine Cabinet; Oak Bedroom Set. Phone Ken Coleman 527-0398; For Saturday Viewing. 10-27-1 USED Truck 1978 Jeep Cherokee, 30,000 miles will certify, power steering power brakes, plus extras. Phone 527.1709 after 6 p.m. 10-27-2 • 1974 Dodge Monaco Custom, 24,000 low mileage. For more information phone 482-,N, 7961 between 9 5 P.M. 10.26.2. 11 Article$ Foe. Sale APPLE SPECIAL c+ Macintosh, Ida Red, Spys. 56.50 per bushel while quantity lasts. Modem; Orchards, to mile west of Egmondville. Phone 527- 1507. 11.26.4' 11 Articles For Sale. APPLES; - 'Northern • Spy, Mac's, Red. & Yellow, Delic- ious, Ida Red and Courtland apples. Fresh apple cider. No. 2 Spy's S4.00 per bushel, Potatoes,, onions, and honey at Art Bell's. Fruit Farm. Cooking onions. 524-8037- 11-274f 77 hundred John Deere combine. 4 years old with. 6 row 30 inch corn,' head and grain head. Best offer. John Deere 8 row 30 inch, Maxi - murge planter. Best offer. Phone 482-9206. 11-27-1 LADIES grey winter coat size 14. Ladies grey wool plaid suit size 12. Men's winter overcoat size 40. Man's blue flannel slacks, 32 waist. Call after 6. 527-0108. 11.-274 WOOD burning parlor stove, in good condition. 345-2255. 11-27-1 PORTABLE .SYMPHONIC stereo - record player with 2 speakers S50.00. Call 527- 0481 or 527-0066. 11-27x1' VIKING zig-zag ' sewing machine and console, built-in buttonholer, blind hemmer and decorative stitches. Very good condition, 5150. Phone. 527-0895., 11-27-1 A 10 x 5 - wooden ping pang table for sale. 887-6735. 11-27-1 CHINCHILLA cages, bottles and nipples and rubbers.. 482-9672. , 11-27-1 GESTETNER INK available at The, Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth 11-25-tf. HONEY FOR SALE 2 & 4 -lb. pails Wilmer F. Kelly a Son Apairies, 101 James Street, Seaforth. Phone 527-1023. 11-20x10 1974 Ski -Doo Olympic 340 twin and sliders, 400 miles.. Best offer. 262-5936 , after 6.00 p.m. 11-26x3 30 .gas stove withfour burners. 527-0844. 11-26x2.. FRESH, or frozen ducks, geese and roosters for sale. Call Zurich 236-4502 or 236- 4723. 11-26-3 PERMANENT anti -freeze by the GALLON in bulk. 57.50. C S HA,ORNN .IR CAMBRIDGE 0 Seaforth 527.0120 11-27-4 TWO 600 x 12 snow tires, likee new, on rims for Toyota. 345-2386. 11.26x2 FALSE teeth, long under- wear? , Expositor classifieds have sold almost everything. Place your ad today by calling 527-0240. 50 cents off when you pay cash. 11-25xtf' DRY hardwood for sale de ivered 482-9250. Maple hickory; wholesale or retail. 11-25x3 VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 roll's south of Clinton on lilghw.y Mo. 4 'a liWciito How ISNINos "APIPLIANOIS •LAWN ORNAMENT Opens • days s IRINA 4$2.7922 r 11 Articles For Sale ONE Flectrobome cabinet Stereo-likenew with tape,, phono, AM & FM. Asking, $210.00,527-1882. 11-27x1 ONE.' Ladies Street Length. Winter Lined Leather Coat, Size 20 5100.00 One Ladies, Hudson Bay Coat, Light Blue size 20.5100.00; One Beige and Brown Curling sweater -, Heavy Weight size 18-20 $2500. Call 527-0551 after 6 p.m. 11-274 COAL or wood stove, warming; oven and copper reservoir. Nearly new with. wood grates. 887-6187' after six. 12-27x1 73 Skiroule new track 345- 2006. 11-27-2 APPLE butter made from sweet: apples and pumpkin filler and also sweet cider. Apple Mervin Wurdell. 347- 2774. 11-27.1 ONE child's car seat made by Dorel. Excellent condition. ' Asking price S25.' Phone Debbie Rau, 527-1301.. 11-27.1 19 inch' black and white. Simpson's Silvertone Model Portable. Phone (days) 527- 1530. 11-27-1 Pair of snow tires C78 x 14 good condition S15.00 Phone 527-1991. :11-27x1 A black and white 'puppy . to give away Phone 527-0276. 11-27x1 5 , JAMESWAY FARROW- ING CRATES. CALL 345- 2067. 11-271(1 1973 Boa Ski 440 Best offer 527.0636. 11-27x1 1973 • Bombardier Olympic: 300. Model 3101 snowmobile low mileage. Phone 527-0093 after 5'p.m , 11-27-1 Marty`s Place Maio St. Custom T -Shirts Girls ''T" Gowns Terrific Xmas Gifts 527-0363 11.274:, STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The 'Huron Ex- positor, Seaforth. 11-25xtf 12 . Wanted To Buy USED TV antenna. Phone 527-0226 after 6 p.m. 12-27x1 WANT to buy a, fridge, a Ford' or a phonograph? Try an EXPOSITOR wanted to buy classified ad 527-0240. 12-25-tf 13 Wanted GOOD used '•furniture. 482- 7922. 13-254f ROOM ROOM and board wanted for professional man in Seaforth, Monday to Friday. Box 3408, The Huron Expositor, 13-26x2'. OLD BRICK buildings . for Demolition and Salvage pur- poses. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest ;supplier of reclaimed bricks. 11.25-tf Property For Sale 4 bedroom, 1% baths with. fireplace, 1 block front Main Street. Reasonable offer. i• 527-1312.;;.., 14-25-tf RETIREMENT in affordable mobile home park on Lake Huron. Enjoy lift in beautiful surroundings. Write: Huron, Haven Village, Box 128, Goderlch, Ontario. N7A 3YS. 14.27:1 Remembert I# iake;t but n• moment to ;pike raga E*. positor Want Ad, OW - 5244240. Properti For Sate Po <inTSe AingwommonnoggamemmemeemeMNIIIIIMIIIIIMIlk FOR SALE SEAL. ESTATE uINIU LiO 0111,00 ,0 SEAFORTH 5270460 Wayne Ellis Steve Murray 527.1505 ' 345-2172 "We sell 111. earth end laws everything in it." IMt: On a beautiful 3 bedroom home in Harpurhey on a 95'.x 250' lot with a tax bill of only $402.00. With first mortgages going at 15% a 10%mortgage is like money in the bank. BEST BUY! This beautiful century home is one of Seaforth's finest, and the price has been REDUCED to a very realistic figure. Features. include large living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, family room, sunporch, office, garage and small barn. Extra lot available. 4. BEAUTIFUL. - 3 bedroom brick • and stone. Fireplace, large lot, partially finished: rec room. Asphalt roof, floors carpeted & cushioned, large kitchen, living anddining room. *REDUCED! Owner must X11 a lovely old brick home close to upt� .O ti Seaforth. Three bedrooms, closed CUM., country kitchen, `132' x 110' lot. AND it oeing sacrificed for a quick. sale. Any reasonable offer will be considered. COUNTRY HOME - on the outskirts of Brod hagen, completely renovated, 3 bedrooms, treed lot, barn 20 x 40'. .> COUNTRY ESTATE IN TOWNate Georgian Style five bay home on 2.6240,/ •ea. 11 room home features 5 bedroompanelled den, 3 fireplaces, conservatory, green house, small stable and garage, 'BIG IN VALUE - SMALL IN PRICE 3 bedroom home, floors carpeted, living and dining rooms, - kitchen with built-in cupboards. Priced in the 30's. * MOBILE home on lot in Heritage Estates, 12' x 60', 2 bedrooms, 1'/� baths, air conditioned, stove, fridge, garden shed- Reduced to 59,900... *LOOK HERE! 4 bedroom home includes a• large. kitchen, 2 baths, attached garage, double paved drive and more. *MOBILE home located at Family Paradise.. Living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and an added room.. Priced at 53,500.00. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS in Silverview Subdiv- ision. *MOTEL 14 units, 4 cottages, 101 seat licensed lounge, 3 dining lounges, total 129 seats, 3 bedroom apartment. pool: excellent location.. RURAL BUILDING LOT - near Winthrop, 125' x 165', trees, water service: *RESTAURANT Licensed restaurant seats 61, coffee shop seats 47. Large 3 bedroom apartment *SERVICE STATION with 2 bay garage, 3 bedroom home, 20' x 30' barn, 10 acres of land,. zoned rural commercial. * 2 - 6 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDINGS 10-2 bedroom and 2-1 bedroom kitchenette, living room, 4 piece bath, carpet in bedroom and living room, zone controlled electric heat, ,storage building, tv tower and all theunits are rented. *SALVAGE, YARD - 4'/a acres in. Egmondville. Building 40' . x 80' plus a barn and small shed: Stock and equipment included. 7'100 ACRES in Grey Twp:, old 'house and barn. *145 ACRES - in Grey Twp., Twp ., beef bank barn, 5 bedroom home it REDUCED 197. ACRES - 3 miles from Seaforth,' bank barn, hog barn, 3 bedroom home.. 14-27 BAILEY 'ear Estate Ltd. Clinton Ph+e .:412-1371 13 ACRES - near Holmesville with modern 1 floor home and farrowing operation. MORRIS TWP. - 41/2 acres with large frame home and good barn. Suitable for hogs. 18 ACRES - tear Varna. new home, very scenic. BW.E'1'T TWP. - 6 acre hog operation, liquid cleanout. Good brick homer HULLErr TWP.. 10 acres with 4 bdrm. home and large workshop. Nicely land soaped. CIJlr'1V) msnercial propert}i . .c, fronting berSt " on Al r FOOD 'POI THOUGHT Time la Nature's way of preventing everything front 1)mNg atones; 1427-1 Somebody Wants What You Don't Need 1 SELL 1111111.11.116. Through Huron Expositor Classified Want Ads Additional' Classified 'next