HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-11-15, Page 19• 'Mr ?A C%AMMEE Consumers we're nett We can spend money a'let. faster than.; we can earn ill It takes na time at all for us to spend: the money that we earn or get as a present. les not exactly our fault that we buy things that we don't really need, it seem§, that the store merchants can read us inside and out before we even enter theHave you .ever nett 'red that Ts 4.715 at creast .85'Yo of the grocery. stores that we shop in have candy and magazines at the front of the store right beside the cash register, so that we . can just pick up one as the salesgirl is ringingour groceries through. Another thing about the candy at the front of the stores isthat it is never up high where the little kids about 4 years old can't see it! I can't imagine why! It seems that anything un - CHAMPION CALF WINNER -Cathy McGavin RR4 Walton received; the champion 4-H 'Calf award from Cliff McNeil, (Photo by Oke) HIGH SCORE IN BEEF CLUBS -Chris Meier of RR 4 Brussels received the trophyfor the highest score in 4-H beef clubs from Dave Scott, managerr of the. Auburn' branch .of Bank of Com merce. (Photo by. Oke) important like bread, butter and the Ertpositor are put up high where children can't reach thein and the more important things in life such, as gum, coke, chips etc, are put on the bottom shelves of the stores. Grocery stores, aren't the • that we would save if .we didn't "Want" to buy izzas.., recurFes, ds :ta comic books � ,.. and other neeeSsittes of life. We probably would allbe millionairesby the time we are twenty. Some of the things that telt. us about these great buys we tee: would make •rt a • otal . t.. t►.f 61.00 Does the lettering really cost. Met That's what k would amount to if you'd listen to some of the adver. tisements on some of the cereal boxes apd magazines; Ow your ,read!« Other times.. YQy Will : he S� only stores that seem to trap us: into giving: up our allow - 'tutees to: the. Infact, not many of us, really de go into the ,grocery stores unless we're with our mothers and then there's no way that we can buy half of the "junk" that we'd love to buy,' The stores that teenagers seem to spend the most time is in places that sell records, clothes, sports equipment,. have pinball machines, and restaurants! We don't need records but, it's great to have the newest records and' take them to, your friends to listen to.. Of course we get sick of them after listening to them for the sixty-third time in a row! We don't need all of the clothes that 'we buy although it's nice to. have a. different outfit every day of the week with everything matching including -our underwear. We don't need a new pair of skiffs every year but it's nice to have a nice pair of skiffs to ski with once or twice in ` the winter. ` And we definitely don't need to:0spendhour after hour : trying to beat a pinball machine in a game!' Just think, of all of the money read or watch everyday! Think of your favorite break- fast cereal. On the back, of most cereal boxes there is some sort of advertising whether it be a set of pencils. with your nameprinted on them or a tripfor.two to the Carribean. When you'resit- ting at home alone eating your Captian Crunch or Rice Krispies you'll probably find yourself reading, the back and the side of the box either purposely or absent-minded- ly. It .always tells, you the. same old thing.. "Exclusive; Canadian Stationery offer," or "How would you like this: unique, opportunity toown: your own personal pencils or pens with your name or message imprinted right in them in gold coloured letter- ing! Great for school, great for home, great for. fun,, great for gifts." They always guar- antee you something fab Mous : and then send you something', not anything like . what you expected. For ten. pencils youwould pay $1.50, which sounds like a really good price until you start 'figuring out that pencils only cost around 1Oc each -that. Hullett sees waterfowl ., On Monday; November 5, grade' 7 and. 8's went to The Kortwright Waterfowl Park:;. They saw a lot of water fowl tfrom sparrows to 'swans. !Then they went • to the John McCrae home in Guelph. In thehouse were cabinets of wartime articles such as, a • Victoria ' ,Cross, , bravery awards, his poem' (In: Flanders Fields) and many other articles. The grade 7 and 8's enjoyed itvery much, A VISI FROM THE NURSES On Nov. 5th and 6th two nurses` came to Hullett_. Central to check the eyesand ears of the students of Grade 3' and 4.. They checked our.. .would have loved our cosmetic department : .arid you will too! AGREE CREME RINSE 450 ml. PLUS 100 ml. "FREE" • COVER GIRL NAIL SLICKS COVER GIRL/PROFESSIONAL MASCARA ONLY ONLY WONDRA/400 SKiN CONDITIONING. LOTION WELLA BALSAM/500 mt« f ONLY ONLY BOUNCE/FABRIC . a. SHEETS ONLY 411 5$ THE SQUARE, GODERICH/MAiNCORNER. CLINTON/ MAIN CORNER, SEAFORTH • , I A4 N 0 L" E DISCO LJ NM„.. eyesight by having us look at some Letters on cue cards. They checked our hearing by seeing if we could., hear. certain noises. KING TUT ARTICLE All last week the school was selling the Globe and Mail for 15c. The paper contained an article on King Tut with write ups all week The King. Tut treasures are being , shown in the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto from November 1 till! December I. watching Mork and Mindy in your own living room and on wilt come this ad. for McDon- aids, Right away you get this terrific • sensation for a big Mac or a quarter pounder. The ad looks so good, as they show melted cheese running over the sides of a big Mac. They don't bother to .show the crowded line-ups and the crowds you have ' topush' through to get the Big Mac ,that iso sometimes oold .by the ;time you finally get to it. You :might drive . all the way to Stratford or London just to. get $10.00 worth of food that you really don't need. Other people would just spend their money right herein Seafortb spa food because they saw a.. ad on T.V. that looked pretty good. By the time you; got back from Stratford of .even, uptown that n your'show w t at you were watching before the commercial came on will probably be over!: Have you ever noticed that in larger towns; and; cities; such as Toronto you have to. watch the amount of money that you get back from: the, salesperson. • Kids ' always. seem to the ones at the back THE HU.NO EXPOSITOR INOVIEPA of the tine. Things,seent to go logethhr so that a toy would not work right withouta- nether. We seem 'to buy son they keep corning 'With, new ideas. As consume?!§, kids' are net pros. I'm not writing this to say that people are. wrong when, they spend their money on; the things that I just men- tioned because '1 do it too. It's, part of human nature, or at .least . kids' • .natures, We .spendmoney at places such, ashockey games and dances. As we enter a hockey game, they will be quite happy to. sell us a ticket on a pizza or, some money, It seems that as soon as we spend the S.50 $1.00 to get into the hockey Happy Birthday Lynne. Dodds is celebrat- ing her 15th birthday on November 16. All her friends wish her a very happy birthday, . Jane .Robinson will be 16 on, Nov. 15. game,we'a..e spending more to get the money back than we spent to get .in. We just can't seem t0.save money. Pros. conn mens. kids are notPros. If you know of anyone Celebrating a birthday, this. uN� week, eIthet mil the Ex* Fositer$ 627-0h0 or ate Birthday, Notices: c/o Patricia Rimmer The Huron Expositor Bo69, $eaforth or Avow AND soar ACTtI.6' t1I✓ECT$. AND LETTERS., ,SPELL THEr NAM 'OFA .. Z,,D AN/MA4 000000 AL 5.01001. rtinui['UAVICL'' U. K: 9.949 AMAZING BUY S 165 EA�� AVANTE Ila SPEAKERS "An amazing buy" says one magazine "Leader in its class" says another. "Our reference under $200" say we, Great sound - 5year warranty 40 ONTA1 .IO c TQEET c TQAT 'OQD 27.1-2960 VISA At .ply k fIF k �t •:?h W 7 ;c• •Jic sA .tfU �• �!(• 4...• ',. • ,MITCHELL MERCHANTS present their CHRISTMAS 104 SANTA CLAUS WILL BE IN DOWNTOWN Mitchell Nov. 24. and Dec. 1 handing out treats to all the Kiddies! For the next 5 weeks participating Mitchell merchants will be drawing;_ the following Mad Money" Prizes! NOV. $, 17 NOV. $100 y 24. DEC. $200* $200* DEC. $ZOO 15 n MAD MONE' In MAD .MONE �„ ;MAD MONEY MAD MONEY MAD MONEY *ALL IMAD MONEY IS AS GOOD AS CASH IN ANY OF THE PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS' STORES:` HOW TO 'ENTER Drop into any part Cipating merchant to -day and fill out an Entry Form. No purchase necessary. Draw dates are above and Winners will be published in the following week's paper, Enter as often as yOu like, IT PAYS TO SHOP` IN MITCHELL. THIS CHRISTMAS!! , "; 114411010,11 t41144101411^4.4),- ‘415:*. Ntal0 I* 44%1111011. }