HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-11-15, Page 9ANOTHER POTATO PEELER—Mrs. Jean.
Bewley was another recruit who volunteered to
peel potatoes for. the Walton, turkey supper and:
that meant being kept i pretty busy as
approximately 775 people attended.
(Brussels Post Photo)
Remembrance Day
S�uden�s march.
Hullett Central School Friends" by. Susan Van
pupilsheld then -Armistice Egmondl, "The Victoria
Day service at United Church Cross" by Laurel Duizer,
November 9. A number of Information on
interested adults attended. A Femembrance "Reason for 2
parade marched to the .: minute silence" by Glgnzie
church from theschool by all. McClinchey acid Last Post by.
pupils and teachers, . Sharon Gloncher
Drummer was Jeff McNairn• • Speaker was Mr. H.
Flag beaters were David
Stevenson, Sandy Carter and
Stephen Duizer Organ
music was provided by Mrs,
Johnstone; Master of
Ceremonies i was Jeff
McNairn. Nantes of the men
from Hullett township who
were killed. in World War 1
were tend ; Scripture was
'read by Marjorie Siertsema.'.
Readings "Remembrance
Day" ' by Bradley Lyon;
"Flanders Poppy" by Shawn
Seers. A group of 1Q Grade;7
and 8 repeated 'In Flanders
Field", "Miss Wingrad
Figel" by Lisa Duizer front
Readers Digest, "Someone
you Know", by Scott Millar.
The reading "A ' time to
Remeber" by ' Christine
Preszca:tor, "The,.Tunneller's
Pattison, Blyth .Legion
President who spoke • onn
"'telling 'time'.
Shuffleboard began
November 7th. High score
was ladies Helen Lawson;
men ;Jack Riley. Next games
will be. November 28th at 8
p.m, Everyone welcome.
There were 9 tables in
play at Friday night's game.:
Winners' were Ladies High
Margaret Taylor, Lone hand
Pearl Cummings,.
low -Marjorie Anderson;.
•Men's high -Ted flunking,.
lone. hands Helen Lawson
(Playing as a man) low -Glen`
Carter. :Committee in charge
wag Hazel Reid, Elma Jew itt.
and Isabel Colson. There will
be another one: in 2 weeks.
X1111,, alll!<
Sr.. and Mrs,, .lohni
Saundercock and Lia►, Marie
fit Woodstock visited
Saturday with his Ptrents
Mr. a Mra, Cliff
Saund.,ercoek .and attended
?the apriiversary narty for
Tom and taenevieve .Allan,
Mr. and Mr*. Ray Ra4ford'
of Londop spent the weekend,
with her paretttS Mr, and
Youths I:ii,jr
Mrs- Bob; Thompson 440
attended the anniversary,
Part), for Tori Ftd !Genevieve
WeekendViShOrs with Mr,,
and Mrs. TomAllan were
their daughter. Mr.. snd Mrs.
in coLJi.in
Five Londesboro youths are recovering
following a head -.on collision early Sate rday
night. In University Hospital, London are
Kevin Fothergill and ,Chris Roberts, in the
Clinton Hospital are Dawn Flynn and Julie
Knott; released from hospital is the driver of
the Vehicle Don Reid.
Mr, Reid was travelling on. County Road
2S between Blyth and Auburn when, he
passed* car and had a. head on collision with
an oncoming car driven by David Durnin,,
Goderich, :Mlr Durnin waa:.release4 front
Mr, Reid is being .charged with failing to.
share the road.
The Reid vehicle was a 1972 Buick aatd the
Durnin vehicle was a 1973 Dodge, 'Dama8es.
to the vehicles amount to approximately
$1,201 each, Goderich OPP'report,
'HARD WORKERS—.Kathleen Williamson and Leona McDonald were
just two of the willing workerswho helpedout, by peeling` potatoes for the
turkey supper in Duff's United. Church in Walton. (Brussels Post Photo)
0. •.
Mr. Harvey McClure
arrived borne recently from a
two week visit' with his son
Ray -McClure and Glen
Pritchard at Alliance,
Alberta. Ray :'teaches. `school`
at Forestburg and now lives'
at baysland,. .Alberta:
uncompromising Lynx.
xc foryourdollar.
The low price tag on the uncompro-
mising Lynx belies the quality and
value that it offers. Lynx is
every bit an Arctic Cat. No
holds barred.
•Two models, series 2000
single cylinder and 2000.
twin, present exciting
alternatives for �-
winter fun. Get
more magic for
your money
with Lynx.
Special this week
[Hwy. N4, let* .(Ham, bask iter *Arkin
262-3318 or 262.5809.
Harvey flew out to Edmonton
and visited there with ,Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Clark; he also
visited David and Susan
'Watson of Lloydminster.,,
Miss. Carolyn McClure and•
Neil McClure • of London
spent the weekend at the
home of their parents .Mr.
and Mrs, Harvey McClure:
Mrs. Florence Russell,
Mrs: Frank Miller and Mrs.
Bob Campbell visited with
Mrs: Jean Broadfoot last
Monday afternoon. 'Mrs.im
Smith, Brussels spent a flay
at the same home one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Venturin
of Victoria B.C. have been
visiting with the McCall!
families in this area and
surrounding districts the.
past couple of weeks. Mrs.
Venturin was the former
Jean: , McCall daughter of
Mrs. Bessie Paisley of
Victoria and the late George
The education and
Cultural Affairs meeting of
the 'Walton Women's In-
stitute will be held next
'Wednesday, November 21 in
the community hall. There is.
to be a 'demosntration of.
Christmas Crafts.
The. Walton • ##1 Needle
,point' Joint met at the home
of Carol Anne Williamson.
and washed and blocked
their needlepoint as leaders,
demonstrated how to mount
and frame the articles.
At a work meetingheld at
Linda Blake's, those doing.
Wayne Jackson.. Brian., Ken.
and Sandra of Ridgetownand
Tom's brother Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Allan of Watford: and
Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Allan
.of Chathaz><r.
A family: itinner was. *MI
at the Bedford' Hotel*.
Godericlt on. Sunday evening,
Congratulations to Mr..
494' Mrs. Tom Allan, who
celebrated their 4.0tIt
wedding, anniversary ion;
November 11. On Saturday
night a large attendance ,of
friends were at the reception
held in. Blyth Commutlty
Congratulations to Mrs.,
Lois Saundercock on bier
85th birthday on November
Debbie Westerhout; had,
an .unfortunate occident .on
Sunday, November 4th when
her horse threw her falling
on her, cutting her leg which
required stitches* and she.
also suffered stretched.
muscles. She is convalescing
at home,
Mrs, Laura Forbes is
visiting with her sister, Ruth,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Keys,
in London.
Mrs. Ted Fothergill spent
two, days last week in Clinton
hospital with leg infection,
Mrs. Jack Armstrng was
admitted ` to' Stratford
Hospital on October 28.
Friends hope she will soon be
Congratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Shaddick on
their new. grandson David
'Richard Scott born to, Cpt.
Richard and Mrs. Shaddick
at Burnaby B.C.. A brother
for Sandra.
:Mr, Jim McEwing.
returned home on Saturday,
November 10•fromspending
a week • hunting
Greeters• in the
Londesboro United. Church
were Jack ,Lee: and Robert
Hunldng;, ushers were Cheryl:
Lyon, Dune ShobbrOok,
Shelli, Westerbout and
Suzanne Tamblyn. Hymn:
sing was held- prior to
service, -Choir's; rector was;
Barb Busman and organist'
► 1,10Y4 and Nona. Fine,
Roma'Good, Mrs, Fahey,.
$Bard of Stewards, by
aret Taylor for $2,000.
►tr to. Ghu,rch 'mss',:
ePort cairtl of Korean.
Footer child Mt invitation to
a� Anbievernent Hay as '
Q nton November 12 at 2:
;P.at- Vcport of Cards aad!
*?buying wu • Oven by t
'committee .tepoila4 IleVetift
.catetnnla ting op, Frame
Me ure and• Gait Lear are to
an area. news
Louise McGregor.
Rev, Scott's children's
Story was. "snowshoe rabbit"
Junior teachers were Helen
Lee and, Bev Riley. The
message was "What 'Price'
Next Sunday November 18
is family- skating in Blyth
arena 4;30 - 5:3Q p.m.. Pot
luck supper will follow. This
is an event for the whole
congre$ation. Also the.
mitten tree is in place ready
for mittens.
A U.C,W,, meeting was:
held on Monday.. President
Edyth 'Beacom welcomed all
and led' in devotions on
Books of the Bible. Scripture
was read by Addie flunking:
meditation by Edythe,
Edythe . assisted by Joan
Whyte, told what each book
revealed; Edytheled in
Minutes of last meeting;
were read by secretary Joan
Whyte.; . Correspondence in-
'eluded thanks from Marion
Letherland. Jack and •Helen
Excellent Quality,
available now
pillows cut out their material 11/2 miles south of Elginfield on #4 Highway
andstarted sewing. backings
The seventh meeting of
the Walton #1 Needlepoint
Joint was held on Monday,
atthe home of 'Karen•
Plas;)atthe meeting members
showed. their completed
articles and filled out
evaluation sheets . on them.
They then ailswered a quiz
based on work done in this
club. The members then
started plans• for our clubs
part, -in Achievement Day,
which will be held, <on
Thursday;' November 22 at
The club wishes their
leader,Mrs. Anne ligan who
is ..in Listowel Hospital, a
speedy recovery.
Cash in on your
old snowmobile
Trade-in for
a suit
Trade -1n for
a }acket
Your old snowmobile clothes can work for you' Bring us your old
suit and well give you S10 toward the purchase of a brand new
Moto Sk i suit. Or well take S5 off the pr ic:' of a new Moto Ski
packet when you trade-in your old one.
Either way you wind up with a good dr'nl Because Moto Sk wear
is built tough and designed to keep you looking good On ,,r off
the sled.
Now s the time to trade up to More Moto Ski Fashion. 1 At pt:rttfr
pating dealers until December 8 1979
All trade-ins wrll be donated to the Solvation 4r my
ti 4i.W ��3..1�.''yi�..t.`,dt •-'fylLu
ciir F.�1i1 rirfrrAkrilii•VriVrIYKq SS7i':
41,e,r5k' 144
Activity needlepoint
December .6th, at 7 :p.m, in
Hullett Central School.
The lovely luncheon cloth.
donated: by Miss Ruth
Shaddick was on display,
A letter from the U,C.W,
Presbyterial that there will
be no change in area and the
meeting, will be January 28,,
1980 in Goderich North. St.
Church:. Treasurers report
was given; by Margaret
Good, Edythethanked all who
went to the Varna meeting. A
• meeting: will be held at
Ontario St. United Church,
get Christmas.; tree ,and any
decorations needed:
Memorial' Fund committee
-:reported the three :vases,
now here, werepnrchased at,
Bradshaws iii Stratford.. Iti
was moved` to quilt some
quilts for future :need>to buy
poinsettias foob�, the church,
Helen Alexander agreed to
audit treasurer's book.
December meeting 'wIItbe
a pot luck Christmas •supper
December 3rd at 6:30: p.m..
Members are asked to bring
a friend.
,phone number is
Building Supplies
g PP Limited
Bl h; Ont
Douwe Wilts Gary Courtney
Get One free chance: with each :purchase.:
at the: stores displaying • the red card
�n their wiedew