HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-11-15, Page 8PaoosITOR, VEMBR 5 1979 Odd* Irt end EloinfTownshond Human right, IA* ,week T described the non-peramt drornea ceralition that causes some people to have 4ifOcalty interacting M., *diet people because the -latter grottP looko. talk, or Meee differeetlY than the f, One of tbe examples I used was n -waitress who was confronted by two. castorners-one handicapped, the other non -handicapped. She communicated only with the ntm-disabled person by bringing one menu and asking him, What will she ye?"' The she was his companion.. A.1104.handicappe4 friend and 1 develop, ed a method for dealing with such a *nation. As soon aS we realized what was happening,1 began to de all the talking. I didn't give my friends's. order, but I gave my Own order-km(11Y, clearly, and in great . detail. I asked for the second cup of coffee and what was aVailable for dessert. Sometime1 let the waitress recite the whole list of desserts, even though I already knew what 1 wanted. (I did it for spite; I never suggested 1 was a saint.) 1 asked for the cheque and even paid for the meal. (My friend paid her share under the table or when we got back to the car; I'm not that generoesi Our purpose was to make the WaitreSS interact with me and to help her realize 1 was no different from any other customer, In most eases, by the time we left, the waitress, was talking with me in a more relaxed manner, I'm not naive enough to believe 1 changed her whole attitude toward handicapped people; I just hope she wasn't quite as stunned the' next titne a handicapped person cameinto the restaur- ant. Mthough the above situation can be frustrating and embarrassing for everyone involved, it is usually caused by misunder- standing and. can be handled on a •one-to-one basis. As one person_ put it: "When you're handicapped', you don't just go halfway to make yourself accepted. You have to go three-quarters of the way or a DiScrirninatiOn against the handicapped Appears in even more blatant forms, beard .and; read about many cases. MO -led persons have been refused .W*0 in restaurant* and: asked to leave Store*. They have been denied .aces to public transportation and educational They balm been refused tenancy in apartment buildings. They have been not Only opportunities to work but even opportunities to fill out johapplication forms. Bow would you feel if any of these things happened to, you? What would yOtt do? Would you take it to court? The federal government has legislation which prohibits discrimination on grounds of physical disability in the area of employment. The provincial government* of Nova Scotia and Prince dward islat4 have similar legislation. Manitoba and New Brunswick prohibit .discrimination on ground of physical disability in areas of employment, public accoMmodations, services and facilities, property rental and occupancy, and publications, signs, display of various representations etc:, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatche- wan, Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories and Yukon, as yet, have no such iegisIation- Handicapped assoCiations across, Canada are lobbying to have the federal legislation ex tended, while associations in Ontario and other provinces. are lobbying to have the physically disabled included in Human Rights Codes. One in; seven persons in Ontario alone has a physical disability; the physically disabled are finally being recognized as a minority grotto which is entitled to protection, under the Human Rights Act. Changes in legislation come painfully slow., In the meantime, respect for each other's differences and acceptance of each other's equality must begin at .the grass roots' level on a one-to-one basis. 3 North Star cots" ...BUY 'EM.NOWI . . - e Have .A Terrific Mahi St. Seaforth 5274110 Tractor Boots CO ct tT.) THE PRESIDENTS DO THE IIDNOURS Mrs. $tirley Graham, the first president of the Kippen W1,, 45 years ago, and Mrs. David Triebner, the current president, cut the anniversary cake at Thursday night's elebrations, • (E(positor Photo) Huronview 5 I over 90 Rev. Wittick's sermon on Sunday morning had a slight note of variety, with several different objects used to stress his points. Old Tyme Music was held on Monday afternoon in the Normal Care sitting' room. Cecil Skinner and Norman Speir playing their violins accompanied Mrs. Elsie Henderson on the piano. Mrs.,Betty Rodgers who is Our ietician led the hYtna sing. Clinton and District Christian School 'Choir sang under the direction of Mrs. itle Five girls will be competing for the title .of Huroo County Dairy Princess at the annual DairyPrincess Bali, to be held at the White DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD SALES WITH SERVICE Tke Place To Boy 4ppbonces NEW AND USED l-iensall 262-2728 Closed Mondays Carnation in Holmesvitle on November 16, Brenda Feagan, R.R.#4, Goderich; Dianne Oldfield, Seaforth; Peggy Schneider, R.R.1, FordWich; Mary Ann Van " Dorp, Seaforth and Susan Zielman, 'R;R.2, Dafhwood, will be judged on an interview, public address and presentation in order to kbe, selected as Huron County 's 1979'-80Dairy Princess. • The Dairy Princess acts as a goodwill ambassador for the - milk producers 'in the County. The basic goal of the program is to improve cons. Munications between the producer and the consuming puhlic. The objectives. are to improve nutritional knoW-, ledge and the understanding of modern dairy farming. Visits to service clubs, women's group, schools and participation .in various community fiinctions are typical Dairy . Princess • activities which help to meet the goals of the program. If a% 11. Cabinet fits closer to the wall New ihorterpicture tube cep permits cabittet to fitcloser to the walL MakeS fora more attractive tom arrangernent. • DyrieCOlorl System !.. service Misere Chassis With Super Module Low Eriergylitage,. Personal Touch Control • Stabilized PowerSupply . NOWONLY. $ . wdeitivug4kicip MediterratiedriStYling• 011114Sar nialcostOlovisiOn: FRANK Ole General Electric Decrier for over 40 years 5274321 . . -SistOth K , , , . II, . LTD' .4 • Hearn on Wednesday after- noon in the auditorium. Both Junior and Senior choirs provided a good musical program, The video mach- ine. was in operation and we will now have the pleasure of seeing the children at a later date, The Over 9e0 Club consist- ing of 51 members also met in the auditorium and en- joyed the music, Day Care held ia coffee hour in the auditorium on Thursday morning. This is an excellent time for Huronview residents to meet and chat with' the people affiliated with Day Care. There has been a good attendance in the Craft room each morning with the ladies busy knitting, 'sewing etc. Plans are underway for the decorating of the home dur- ing the Christmas season. If there is any decoration in particular that you. would like to see done, please feel free to make your wishes known. This, week • Huronview would like to welcome Wally Beckett ,Winghani, Gord Thompson fromKippen Dick Atkey from Clinton, and Josie Boyle from St August - Fellowship plot. party 'The NOvetriher meeting of the rtreSide OtOttP of Firat Presbyterian, ebttrettntet on TtleadaY eVening wIth,a geed- attentlaneerof n'ternbera and rinds. Wm, Brown was th. chair and weleoniect he guests. The therne of the meeting "'Remembrance" was discussed by Mtn- Mr, BrOvVri read an article from the Legionary Magazine. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Rob. .Rev. T.A. Duke led in alleartteat The Christmas meeting be held at the home of raMrn. .a JamesndMr skel-lyZo TI c eCiovleed- IbCMc°rIsl-ectBi°rnoWn introduced the speaker Mrs. Walter IMBeirwinleeyriWttihrYo geanveIrea lvaeerdy fine. and ShQWed slides of that country, An Expositor Classified_ will pay you dividends, HaYe you tried one? DK S27-0,240, th Kitchener Alniitoriann, waSattended by her paten% ohert and guth Latng an4_ her grendmOther. Jefferson, all of 'R.R,2* Stalk, She has been ctn. played as a- MAIM school leaebet by tbe "YWCA tinrsery *Win -Cambridge Wan, ; KAREN lIVENDESSON1 gEONHARDT 7 Karen Leonhardt grad- uated October 2 rOm Wil- Fred Laurier University. She 1 teceived a bachelor of arts degree in sociology. She is a daughter of and Joyce ;Henderson of Seaforth. Karen is teaching et Cor- onation Public School in Cambridge, Fortle Studio MAIWARriguENLA010. Margaret Ellen. La ing graduated Sept, 29, .1979, from, Conestoga College cor Applied Arts and Technology (Don Campus) with a diploma in Early Childhood Education. The Convocation t, ceremony, 'which Was held ni: FIVE GENERATION — ive generations of a Iddal family got together for a photo recently. From left front are. Mrs. Eileen Thompson, Owen SOunand her mother Mrs. Wilda Chard, Owen SOuri , holding her 'great great grandson, Alynn Leslie Dale, five months. At rear left are tha baby's grandmother, Mrs. Vernon Dale and Rick Dale father ,of baby Alynn. WILY yes, .smyth's Shoes youbas.th;orirSwbotmbeeotn wfoer carry wide shafts, bigh,dress and low cailessudidre.nPworannmethe artandd durability are at the -top of the list. Ideal for working, playing and all outdoors. ` Whatever the look Smyth's Shoes has it ---: plus comfort and qualitYpersona casimizpetidedoneng.fitttin:thaigffs by , *SUEDES *VINYLS *LEATHERS *RUBBER *NYLON MR NEW °noun BAUER' SKATES SEE UM 410 . OPIIN 11,111AT WONT' C roOd(3‘‘Ing re- Ouf 0 P‘et4)1 Come and take, a plak" & DONUTS ' * * , ips. * **KIST GINGERALE * * mo;k Chicken; * cAti:DRy mac & cheese: 'T• :GINWINRKA4 °Iive Pim'. Dutch,. 4.* -ot .* qui. • * . sc liCviOtEpEs .** * or 3.50 cite lb.** * 1 69 .* 3 / 89 * Pickle & Pim it .4t * plus depesit * 4. 4g 4 4 GINGERALE * PEPSI 10 oz. ctn. Buy one get ortonEE (plus deposit) I 1:flo. 344.i 1199 44- c* )0** plus deposit eit:0 ' 4( *4‘. * * SEE OUR KOOKS Or ATWOOD two We riterver,the tight to, kilt nuantlen.yieue sticklasts, • *, WIN HR.OP, ENERAL Open Monday to SaturdaY 521•124 Om.. 1:30 cou to 9 O.