HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-11-15, Page 2Spaceer :" thawtht 1-8 V 1 a of Oda s vconalit . and smalt Cutbacks have hit most SecttOn� .: Can........." ... - m: business is. not exempt.. ; . w ` es lie is newspaper,. Probably the biggest Nat even .small business. .. k this pope � -- � -.. � , ' . had opo. b recently is. a: hike In the 0.0 pf newsprint, Jolt we. ve to ._..._,., .r . _ y . , .. es of h t valuable That higher cast, combined with #hr:eats of shartag .. t a words are printed on, has made' most weekly pa ers commodity these r _ _ p n p ' more conscious of the ne-ed: to,e0it ' ore tightly all the copy In each ���pp 's edition. k - y g aluabye commodity. 'What' Space. is suddenly ti bier, a much more v �.� � s1 has to go and what can, stay are being; discussed in newsrooms all aver ' the cauntry.. ,.-. Gone ac'ethe, days when we had room to run"almost verbatim reports: from rneetin.gs that read like the secretary"s own minutes "� JK, i None of us wants to sacrifice quality, We still are determined to bring our readers the best in- nuts and features about Seaforth and area. Reporters, editors and, correspondents, will be working just'a little -' harder. trying to say in one paragraph what we used: to say in one and a,: half.,. Walken - re- em ted to:, Most of :.OU wtin; t notice the d.ifiererrce, But when you t y.. . , veru k Phtlli s: of A VERY OLD PMOTO--Expositor reader Beth tGo ac) R Jarie, Black Ma ie Hays, MaggieVyaiker, . x 99 Mary Sparlin�; Jane description of th et upset'. a Verse the speaker gusted ora p e 9. P Seaforth has toaned 'the oldest school ave appeared., rn his." photo to h pp , Eliza. Hays, 1N:Ct Duff, teacher. Next y' Tom Grieve,.Ma , Dorrancei , row, a . - s eft out of asto' you contributed to the Expositor, you'll know. lunch i. I y series So far. It s ho�vs S.S. #2 McKillo P ' which Mrs. Phillips, mother Jane. McMichael Blanche McClure, Jean Dickson, Addle Dorrahce, Next n now why it was done.... n ! s.`Back from left` . attended about 1fiS1. Pictured in the photo are. 4t pup l , row Jimmie Oorrance Jim. Scott} �', ti =->-S,parlmg, Tom :DGdris,.:.Jim. _ ohnnle., Joe Scott, �Samers, J nevus tips, 1te want to emphasize that we still welcome and count on P , " D dds Jennie are A nes'. Scott, Elien Hays, Rebecca McClure, Betsy o 9 . : McClure Jahn• McC[ure----Dicksons - •. Jim Gra John Grieve. ature star ideas and r;: nests. for coverage from our readers.' W,0 11 fe �' �' !3 ;Darcan�e; Agg a Brown Eltre Hays, Flora Hays, .Lizzie: McClsire, Clarissa Ha front row, Hays, George McGee, Jim :Dodds and fro F y,. ' , ,• ..• be asking for your' participation soup ,rtt special Christmas editions• Grieve Ann Dodds, Annie Dorrance. ' A.ggie Black, Sophia Campbell, and John Dodds. . ,• If you'rean off`rc:ial of a'. group thAt:now contributes to thee=xpositor'• r or would Pike more press coverage, or even if, you're just interested personally, we invite' 'you to pick 'up a. copy of a brochure:` we've ,., "Your h,e:* t qrs, .. . e : red called, Guide to Publicity. rn The Huron Expositor.:' 1 x:s free and. can eve you ideas on how,youf group can.get the most, t 9 Y ' Hotel: sells. for o3 30 0 out of 'news ,aper covers e'• g lYl.1.$:7-9 . the . nide, stresses Is tannin aheReporters' and One thing g Q 9 ad; .:, ' ' :.. ers here work C what business hours' all week and then are photograph 4 eg AUEhti1BR fa,1819: , Walton an opened up for.business. nut:' Mini • and n Thomas. An Licari Church where Rev 'T.H', g Brown reached toe. serinott to a:well filled w a d for Kenneth Chambers hen he rrive workatS;Qa.m;`taaddition to the datttaged weekend assignments. So that staff cavi:-: Often 35ked; to d0 evening, and eeke 9 ;, ;. o the At rile sale: under :the, direcnon f Quite a number are - e: dots.. at Hills- i:hooung Sack rabbits rhes p church and oahkioada4 mocttn t service w'as , buil'din 00 hens 'were destmyed'by smoke, have e.sonai: lives we :have; to lar, extra -hours work ahead, ha, p ' plan executors.ofthe estateofthe lateR.A. Hays,. , a - t . ,.1. heid;.in Victoria.�i'ark. Miss Betty'- itiiickle of Hensall;,'receixea. .. :., ,r _ ,. _ .. r .. . ... ThurSda ' .mornln cit7r' n ews schedule fDr the t1eXt wi ids :made up . y g� _. t ... t sena the hotel, m rn..of Seaforlh, a, pre prop .. -- , �, � u . urchased by occu ted b. ir. Carralt• as P eA . gee .._ - i� Munic- Sf.G..I)Ietzt lineman for the ffa,. The Check season . ned on Thursda '' :' °p�... word last week' that she .had successfuil . ,U request for . : week's et' S Ot7tx T, and have your re. right' after, this pap ry .. Y g P . _ Cohn , o ; McKillop or 53 3W lcCtute f ag #, - •stein receivedi a� painful, spat Telephone S}. y P evening when: Brussels 'visited_ Seaforth., at g ,, . passed her examinations. as a registeFed 4', . a � le ; a week ahead for night or _ Ye e' called into t3S before Eben.. alt 9 Gb fag' l � . - �'Y a understand that R.:Ritncitn�, who xnJun to.one.of his eyes when a small piece _ the Camegie:Libraxy.: '.1�i4VEMBEB nurse• after trainin 32 months in:.' ,ictorm. � & months _ V , _ . ,. .. • .. weBkeni COeracte. • was for several. vests mortarr of the � , of, wire -flew ug and sntcYr him in tile; eyes � asked the Count}. Traffic has as„e 19,1954' n S150,000 'ddition to 5'eaforth � new� Hospital. J.C. Crich and Tim Eaton are. on a .haotin $ +.- _ •. din we at ;h .Ex sitar Cats continue With your heap and ucrderstan t + .. po • . :: eri ' F dr%- ana::manufacnirin , Com> God - ch sari, _ g .. itot to draw . the attention:. of the, : •. . ., y opened on .District High School wasofficially gene :. • tri in the �Tobecmo �. district p cy , ,. ' w I tie a of that we tr to` make of brir� i Seafarth:and area a .. eek y Wsp p y :. aspos 1? ant, has decid d to Locate int Sei rth• H - o the. fact that all- hones:. cattle... farriers t a ,. Tuesday' evening, byHon. W.J. Thompson. g > _ Friends and former neighbours in McKil:- . r ! [ t n , and that fi IIs a. ,need, .for .local people. high unlit. lite e5 i 9 y. w ti his rsona :attenti n and su will give . e pe_ o .. .:. per v ta;tha foundrt° business here.`. s an = v kind must not be..: g ock of an� '•Minister of.Education for Ontario• �, la '}ionoureil James � . Scott. at a: held P P bion The old` adage. that misfeitttne, seldom g ,•, . ._ county permitted to run at :large an the can _. permitted., pe roads. w in a e '. pond and the trots of Ater neat b� po h. arrival ofan employee who discovered .the: at the home of .his son' Gordon. Scott.. . , Roxboro. The occasion was: Mr. Scott's bUtti. ' ., ?' comes tv;is_L?eins.erifiec la otic' case of, _ S- _ , , - w ;Messrs. Coleman an _Gouinsa k of to % -,n, �' • . . v _ Armistice: services were . Vecx^ itngnssi a .Arhus . _ _ • i�taze .combined:to sage, a large building at. g g _ birthday • , %� weeks ago they had' couple; o(their. salt, g held : •Seaforth ower' the -weekend. On in v the veterans: graded to• St. Suadai evening, P. Scotts' Poultry £arm early:.F.riday from destruction., The, fire was discovered 'b Y While at their home in McKillop a fsevie days a o Witfred:and Elmer Dennisfounda. 8 7 • + {� I a.n,,, a7 •blocks destrov ed ;v and: oa NV e-daesday` evening last' .;their, prernses Frere again large balloon which' had, settled. to earth':sy,txy ' : By'81 Sr 1 i e'y. visited, b4° the flet}'' ,Mend. Jataes', &Heil of Kinbum had tw•t} sheep , eh -40d O, seenes'. 'Be' killed by dogs last week and three more r . ' b Keith. R.:o� LSt 4 t]' • p ��s To retwe or not.•' • S ottl o the Tham Road has ir. C e f R y 1 emeteda `err eo'rmmodio4s'':bkailding of scantlinq'trarne - s ti0 ix `ir. 41e a ho ha'd • Iian�' s�ttt�ctione alt lose ,, . 7n be c,, , c_ ta%e. ietnt at•is'. Thi bre3ttr tooth Rrt i a :t d gala,. �k'lizti: l ,his stab:tes burned last summer. :A is she 4>+ts....a, ...a.=any . ccdA=S of say t2rne :a:i 'frown O%°rzceas fid.., was':; Vis- age ;:_t w:e yyi:b tirQ�e rosily f: was art ti.a forail tri iiresent ,ci h" ; : .V ER i8.:19Ws . '' Ttse..rcaliv fnencls: of Peter :'rtr.av cf', . It was the' altimaIe lII: bad tis te_i'hii : Rhntneini'. They were read ” to 11SteA to a y • there is no doubt that, _. a .man on ' rules thecc _ ..- .. µ tine: •�cev sit ve had .=c vvwa dcntist.:lzstin ' the cental work to, g. - . -. ' •th were :sled to see luxzi: in uckersttu reigned in Iran: an American cases gn , .o ' R a ie " io the old da s man hn granted turn y � `ved countrn the Ayatollah,. tan : arm. t t Inti?, the 1+e � , :at ¢ceve zimen; er etse, ,. ,. :, e .�: ,. - was a �,-gi w SSP. I•i.. tc��ed a ;lie' ras_,w:c s_cr,„ w,� �a-e. as 5'hak pcsi' town_ lie has been aid uv ,x ith trtahoid fever his ! venture, . and Zx.s ass: � e..ture crit: rias; coelection dot.. television static n showed what bas become' gabs in: North America-, ihr .ster�ty of . `F�. h d. to before the imencaIIs a am change: chan a their land. They were ..read} -for a' Tyrants ace tyrants wheiher'they represent � - .Fie � ,_ • .... +,.y{:�•, r }x -_5h; .�' wcr � �i e - . e ! tt,. 'l!V'1. Com. ria.. }r. ,�!`t\.'t: $4�n .�' S?l'�}.e: 'OAF � :k.�. tit ?r. Y."� 1� '1T1 .dii�.L:1 iF:�' �tii� ..Y.x�+S5r�1 ..Y .. - � The, i16Li�4�..+�.' BP.w:i. sT13Gt� RI�%n, i.7�! �}'r Th hands_m - y , hi , + ... ! _ .. _ ; :.. ei rsc#i; threatez;in corn; stsi xi slid, cru .t a. .. � P Ke stone stone s sort of combtaation: of file K . , moa �rha ss►td that it gas not oil all right. .. ... � .. a Allah, to , to hate but it oras tIIdeed a duty. t„ .. thettiselves or a 'church: We think of` .. i ' ' ' religion as o . that- o e $to s methitlg a promotes love lgess i o"ze� : °~- ^µa i+ tial' tat* meta ,term on sh`'c -' tiom rza riL� { • . tc , PQ F - n .. �; %: s a dwez that :also sacred ane iatt2II llssw �,ta,.: :' `tot. " vpr , t.0 has been ori Seaf�ctli CalFegi to Cade gips . , . ,- , ' : ,y a n' do s.e-- ine c4..er tom? 3 .0 . � i ' a w eanII t .toweis on their and the lt,afi g ea turn aII Westerners. . and undecstandin t when ,tell . 5 St but pion •. :. _ ., ., ,. ... ,r .,. „, F, .- . t —it deaar .. a, nL� s, s og~.s .- don . amt a ilia , ,old titterm9 lap y�c.; _ �. _ .: . by eshibits�rr. ; ; drk�: ` . . beadsr , ; In: he te�ey lszon show a; tefun $hiek • :The Americans'. im nsoned` :;in the: ` P. in Iran for: Amencan :Embrssy are paytng e Ple feel they havethe r god 'on tlieic �.. side they : fee ''ustified to do. the most, I J a -d ys irk s' are .^ oCt .. THIS s1 : a ire h ._'.. g^, • - . ,� t r be' :kick Ca=i,4=4 v -e! .' f^c'd t^ ,the sz. . a,_ shall o iwa, sellas. Tex- _cgrea B t4 a bseti, t?ii t e Aie.Iovtire o+f t~.: _ .;; ..d ,or stat .oc several =n. : feav itis _ or who, cu him a, gives the �ouag . cct red . , the sins of America in the past. It isn't their ... ,, ho i le o C' .' to tab f a is Laws of'mea mean littleto .,, . _ ,, _,.. _.. , . - t w+tiz a s �$. if that de'IItrst Is: a:ye :t�dsY, h "+f std � _ : �� _ -h u ere fie: ksad � yreek for Caaslt;e r. �>r , r k sent. his •ti' dau liter; dressed bile a. pre ow _ : fault. It isn t the fault: of their government them. They re actin on the e f of g„ b ha] Qod ' . . . _' »,. that- �y oald ,bt' autte.' i a to's gk: ham. , ' .. . _ 4 .:, been yy .nit. bell` .daxieer'. Tt'Ras:aa insult -t Arabs and - .. _ t ' c. • `' _ the w•ictims of a: Sion I hc� an . pas. Eventually the residents of iron` wrili' ' , . «.., ,�. r •, , , W r�i: 3t5 • h]e tme are rXeitt siosig' z'd; ltzm. it�e natig has : , G.M,. Baiwwin re;tnined Ciao ee.&, bra icy rile inttili II��e of the iorth...Atnexicaa gc , .. t has been building over the years g y come to see that'their ntew Ieadei is as bad Y .:...... ., ir t be: g air... *rpt g lee. rad Iniad c ' .zr,¢ a ., e— bunft ; lis tiitiskou- H:e i .3tss fu«3: to thv far audxnce.. it did more luta s}"thpa ., . „ _. heroine a€ t, is}ustices,• a passion . . as their old one. "Onci. theeiR hated has ,. _,.. ., tial. basvH-:t? l� : a� the thifu1 . l gnat oze• time inlay. b . _ .. -merit of deer. comg:k is in Iran than aIIy�thin else the• stndeII � Rhipped to a fever pitch: 2y a ceingiousi , cooled they will see they ve only ex. - • _S ., t mrd :.. tiotrs:, a :c anti: re- the �.d d� .:. - r «z , , : F, ,. la «. l,.s.: �_. wthe+ dxrt< I t#:+g tertyt .that have beezi pane' d« oo ,faze.,, out. ..p ri- : _ D. i3a5 of Isirreti is, 5. a ;b �:. 5o ndation" ruder his t�itte��. cuuki' have.. � W Its the kind of thing ihat:has lien lc � dl . man. The, to the ciisis''was a sick mane ' �� changed the kind of tyraay they're sub« erred to: J i; ;. •...h a. , , tie c tat s. SoL! wa..� „ Tyr. •mss _;g ti .rue aid b:okem mouth ni:► eee ; -This week week a aumi+er of out Metas have . _ . to tlx current tense sttii�tion. Westerners .. .: , rziw went to .The, former Shah to > ° If, that is ' the have' a': chalice to cool' .... • b�- fir'. , • was aiaott« S4 toclav, irs;cad a e + w ac:h . _ '; eii; b�-en :haring ..heat ba4ts res >, . _ -tie been care- p►mericaiYs m paracuiaz« ha .. its ur' lrTorth Amerxx, u a:, attxttr fi P - their hatred. Hatred :breeds hatrs;d. The bei` xsir; w. I"Yr t ocr t*«+ "' i ,Ls: 5,.k as :: tines of fie raid: x cathez : ...., less and nnthinlixag :t;i :f it t catment of :°& now. 33e"sad" ' " aoant, stripped of his Fwd hatred of `the Iranian students', the: toKaid ' N .., dap t ° vests. a� t ,s �a, bea ., WtO thm t bluest da wi ii J.. W and o , V arils; .. Sh ad 'd.� i ;,: .g Arabs: �:c seri' ed: ?iitSL 'as . They've Ply 'pow er. 'Few people here have much U.S. which led to the hostage takinghas g .. .. T ,.,, lirztie sifts a y ze tts~«�a: : s.a-t�eci a�-aw bad ., I . <., .:. se , : .. t hiclttm fait xis a asc*tt :. $tib id and,later as 12th neker with; . P lady sympathy tum yet slew, are ready to tins led to a hatred' on the' " of the' MS. I I� • . - .� _ e y, :. ea~ , est, or .:.begs tt'does sbow khat irZ:atio Walt ., _ ;. , rrow 'ti>:^e know ;her ° man. Jatm 5gal .. ... s� m thy . Y4 a w'ece ha " , 'ta take their :rhI: p? PPy . . , him over tQ Irate as dema'tided.' Thecc is no° I toward Iranians, White the Icaniasi trtxettt= ; ,; . .: « . # it to « % � . ft x ss big .as a:n: � � a mit... .,y .. , _ ... V acaa, Chis ;enc carried ti€i' tilt ted tl4iet at a little.:it, re for ears hint azid g" „ . y .. . e in for enemies of the Ayatollah. merit was. directed against the. acts of the .. + T : arm a. alarm Nhat abode ;�M :. . the Exoter. Seafoctth..Goderich Brussels:: „ , . reacted ,kith pawn atld anger, w heII file' Ol�I . � Seikb g the Sliait m Iran is art. instant American government in the past it is the '. ..' s ... ` ..:' .. i ... .. •.. to- :..:., . Abdit hada t sp a alio, :bar a 'thioles ea* 'tehtr I trrcdr x ; � ae -a 'l u` _. a - $IVI th', IDun oriel. gai,3teid s.. +►s for �..:.. .. clad ucin counmes decided ti>e time had #.:, and t not v deyth sentence, ptnbab y a cry people of the U.S. who have been granr`us8 -.: totsita Sixas a' wr, . t harms & .,ecT down tai t car vcbo t�ty� berg fond t.� retire - has handsomee is iii of eixes»tsnt carriage conic for theta to share in the wealth froom . plcasaat r3eail> At .that: 3ncreAsidgly violent in recent days as the • tizagK:. 3cbttr3rytxmbet, fiiexidly bow $ Bouts«' ac' lice aF tarot' - . hacsrs. _ ... _ their own resources and itzcreased the � The cony is that the "nian students crisis dragged' on. That hate among the, .: £�. of Cts Se' Torok w Ess`. :, incl l sodic d await N s Ste: air tigy as liur�iiaz#3gb+tsds a - . r t linstard: Brt:cclae fir. si�d Ctrs ; . , , ere s e hone from B tifxc�d a. ,Itzv All: along: the way the Arabs ha-, a been , demanding the eztraditiou•' of the forager ; . . tare actin as behalf:af a iterK .. t 8� tyranan . comtrwgti ole is harder to change than P Be the acitons of a-governtnont. VVha tell ;_ ; . w _ to t as rant war ice;: trzy sweaty zhew ats}tl tkx ekes put ncue , . .tnrnusg • .' tnet with a: setx2tis a tdetit. 1►!t, tustUd, the piece« We've. seen tbewt elle nlauis of .: Issacl , They tolnah.'s hiis.been visited o . Nstioe n what seeds are being sowed throb ie the _ _ .,, ,: 1 rs ers.sad a fadfng:,p�ctarc of iy first back into .be old shoe facttzt-ir Hugh seh edn. itrtall f " to 4 bdr i'a tbo Others are istrabak:. hr iI[ + p�8 _ :. ..: zeas . a ed horse In :a tt�.er=d baggy, when a `'°d .. i ba, its : o#I: titin and 1 8 �. dWered *ben they trete beaiea ' c. lac a a eteat gortian of rile ttlation tk► n fbe':Shai S gat it'lw' been no less vicioci.. 'crisis that will tater to tat Batt ' and violence. 6�' SKr!, +..:... ... _ Roots, t ; , utas a siy9l ; at d a , ort beta' aiseiess:: Zile lattet, >Et card ale ftvu �,. - S . , - . into fisStitcaxng riseborsewhichy'umped ren the see them as the a setup �s . , .: firs dense of'de�uoctacy' 11aS txiimbled. hyo t ti.. one cul %in in a situation tike' 'so' . _ .. _ _ thaw st d be passrd 0aa to tq v: ! rt. tey k :tbeit gives out o€ their resgecttse ditch. The bei ladMr, and Mrs'. tom' '� �} g, 'MCorIIeTY �ifkd � � fight's t w'I h �C' . Wl Of :iht' �Y�Ii�' �OVGZ �t�at 'we all [Use. c7f .kiiac#s T halt t?#ilt trae., Cot eiscir: tits, a rise' lx�se, gttti ' g sat Mt3stasd botYt• dsidez' :;ilii rig, I rsr . jheir titades3lat#ded .hxatl• . .: dos. rise Ora � E� " aitt0 aen�t�. y r y{��y, �� wiser'., I tlaotghxt. years Argo C Seale ford die ttsat there ft*', , . .�.�..}r «. 4. Mttstard had 'an � t* nor Atm. at:d' he . . � . ..., .� y : IS it tkosidez that Arabs' lyrbag tr li n or slay trtEkY n�iidd',.', Fasted CotintZy fee# , b'1�'r towardthe-.Westt is: it any 1Y1odit* �' the . of an :ti6i1{' t!Ww: J1A k ot Cl to sixt.7• w7'{Tn* l : ,�, '.... fooc+3oa hicUottiald vrsnloCi and oQe t' E.f V ..: ' y : of: •.rock. cs, chart' '. Tit n am; ' �' :Bh , ; ,. ,football' t star payers �' -lie l;Ictrors ate o listen to > ready t � 3�aaaeo�t' . , . ,..... . r li , : �i ttsftft t tttii d 1 .. _team: S rift }"i1L 'Ri ch: Ltie' Malt teattt io the i ilio urge: theta to t'etalwe. , ha � ivcartiaris kidded r i om>�nn� to the >t d of the * bo, ace Ukidg batt thampmsiu :a#'il�c t Faa« actively l booing that tb6 Visite�d� . i Shah +,supported tt�e s Ira* + ld t ,+�.►� tWissA�� �.:.*ti,,r bethe � i;� .�of the �w. 3hotiid be explained tot I''....