HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-25, Page 22THE HURON EXPOSITOR:., OCTOBER: 25, 1979 1 Qorrespo.ndent n '%MARY C11ESSELL 48.2.9'96% Attendance « At the eighteen- th annual rally of East Huron. Region of Huron -Perth Unik ted Church Women was the highest in several years with: 135 registered. It was held in Varna, with coffee and des- sert: served prior to the meeting. Theme of the program waa "I am a Promise" front: the song tint was written especiail!, ly for the 'international Year of the Child. The program opened with the, 'Ukuleles Unique group, under the direction of Poris; McKinley singing this song. The pro- gram was interspersed with other numbers from them as, well. Poris led the r . ngrega- tion in a, sing -,song. N1 rs, 1101- • land, Mrs. Livingstone and Mrs. Parr of Wesley Wallis, Clinton, led the worshipservice. Anna keys,. Region Legion Newt November 4th to 10th marks Poppy Week for Canadian Legions. Volunteers are required for the poppy drive to be -held November 4th, Summit your name to the local branch and help out, A church parade will be held on Nevetiiber lith in mark Remembrance Day. It will continence At..IQ:i5 a"m• sharp., coming, events - Oct. 28 sports meeting in Chesley. Associated members: are invited.October 27th - Halloween Dance, tickets. from Jack Muir, December 16th Xmas, party for Children. December 22. Xmas dance, Clime on out and support YcurLegion. • OUR :P:RICE•5.: ARE DOWN • Right now, we're offering these parts • at prices you won't want to pass up -the result of :our quantity` purchasing: At our 4 Locations . we can pass the • savings on to you, 'Mr. Farmer. li 1MTERNATISNAL. 1 AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT. FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED fit al' President, drew ,attention: to the beautiful International Year of the Child banners. which were made by some of the Brumfield Sunday School; Glasses, and explained the si niftcance of ,each. ,of the symbols, 1t has: been said; "Yon should treat your children as; you would your friends." In a funny skit which was written by Erma Bombeck, the Lon- desboro U.C.W. showed how bad it would. sound if we talked to our friends as we talk to our children, How- ever, when Mother tried milting to Sonny like a friend, he felt pretty insecure. The treasurer's report,: given by Mrs. Grace Drum- mond, showed Huron -Perth"• Presbytery of the church at S3.9 per cent of their Mission and Service objective at the end of September, Donald. Keillor and Jane Hoy of the Centre for Child- ren and Youth, which is k)eated at the chiropractic Office building in Clinton, were the guest speakers on the topic "Children and the Family." Counsellors Counsellors in this centre have spent over 3,000 i An invitation was accepted Saturday, a ield U.C.W. to hold On'$unday, :a special offer- frozn,BJf �: � • • a X�arna, the rallythere next year, log wilt received t and Posh= churches for;the GOSHE, .N ANN�IV�ERSARx d The Rev. A. M,1 Johnston 'Oxford -Woodstock. Tornado e orna United: Fund- Varna. ,people who of Richards M m t,, l use the Churchin London was the wish to:donate may n t e ' • . speaker "'building fund.. line on their` tnteresttng.tnC� witty p......... at Goshen Church Anniver regular envelopes. to indicate r There was a. large the amount enclosed; Gos. ,gang, sagregattwon present for.h hen People may use the the back ;occasion, Rev, .Johnston re... -white envelopes at the b k nunted,manyof the illnesses of the church 'today in vivid language -for instance - cir-rhosis of the giver", and. listed the remedies for them: as found in the Bible. He strongly criticized the Conten tion, often heard in religious broadcasts, .that once saved, one can no longer be a sinner, .calling it ""rubbish,"' Even Paul bemoaned the, fact that he often did the very things he knew .be .$hould not do. He pointed out that medici: ne goes down easier with a spoonfulof sugar; and. . found long faces and black gowns on The Clergy out of keeping with the verse in Proberbs which praised a merry heart and countenance.. The choir, under the direc- tion of Anna Keys, sang the' hours in the past year in anthem "1n the'Stars His direct counselling of parents and children, and many more. hours in telephone counsel- ling, travelling, training of other community workers: and as consultants to other, agencies and school: staff, Their success is measured in the•number of families who. come for assistance on the, recommendation' of others who have found them helpful and families who return for counselling afterthey have movedout of the. area. Don ' explaincd:that child. ren learn from their parents in their early months what to expect from life and reflect it in their attitudes toothers.- and their self-confidence or lack of Confidence. Changes in a •.family will sometimes cause 0 crisis. Children usually know when. something is wrong, and are upset when they don't know what it is. Jane listed someof:' the changes we face which; can lead to crisis situation- marriage, first child, second child, teenage years, first child leaving home, last child leaving, etc.. They, coritpared the work they do with a fire where 'the smoke is so thick Handiwork 1:.See". The Jun- ior Choir was accompanied by ukelelesfor their anthem, Julie Armstrong was the, soloist, and delighted every- one with her lovely lyric soprano voice, SELLOUT CROWD The. Orange .Lodge had a sellout crowd at their dance at Hully Gully on Saturday night. The door prize was: a bushel of apples, donated by Ivan and Margaret McCly mont, Grant Stirling. reeve of Goderich Twp., made the draw and it` went to Cliff Henderson of Brucefield., Spot dance prizes were won by Clare McBride and. Betty. Young; and Chester and ': Isobel Sturd y. ,RETIREMENT PARTY On Saturday evening, a retirement party was held at the White Carnation for Jack. Hunt; accountant at Ross Scott Fuels. Jack and Margar.. et. enjoyed it tremendously, as many -old ' friends • front Toronto, Waterdown, Lon- don and Sarnia, as well as new friends : from this area " were there to honour them,.. .' Members of their family were also present for the' it's impossible to find the celebration: source of the tirc.•They help to clear away the smoke. When people can see where the source of their problem is., theycan take measures to overcome it. .00 INV Look for the rfrspfay at Piet's Place P�I,('( ill I.(!11!,III r!11(I(' \OII IO\e Creative Pi�fessioqal Photography D AO k a 10 f. 4 r 4, Jack was a junior>. clerk when Sunoco first opened an office in London, so has made many -*friends in the company over the years. He was presented with a cheque in order that he might choose Something he would especial- ly specially like, and ;yas out on Monday already shopping for a router and sander for his workshop. PERSONALS Sandra Webster has accep- ted a position in the Credit Union: office in. Clinton, and started work there on Mon- day. Grant and :Elva Webster were guests at the twenty-fif- th wedding anniversary party for Ken and Doris Carnochan of Seaforth which was held . at the P);:rridge Chalet on:. Satui•da�' Mail,.,, ra of the .Bayfield Cubs and Scouts will: be selling apples in Varna on; Of the church.; On, Monday, the 29th, the official, Board will meet to. discuss, sponsorship of a refugee family. Please tell boa,a members what you think; .aac))t this. The final decision will be made by the .COngregation as a whole,. BRIDAL SHOWER A bridal shower was held at the town$hip hall last i thursday evening for Judy Voisin. Master of ceremonies was Ruby Hill. As usual, some pretty talented people put on a couple .of .shits. Judy's neighbours on they Bayfield road the Babylon (line.dirt a "'Trial Run" of the wedding. if the bride isn't nervous after seeing that, she's. pretty cool. Dianne Kirton and Bonnie goy,, with. the .help of Julie and; Nancy Webster, Laura Roy and Tracy ' ;Poswalk, protrayed a scene '(Corm the Drydock Restanralt where: Mrs. Voisin was,; employed, for several years... Musical,numbers:were con- tributed by the Varna. Vaga- bonds -Warm, and Kathryn Taylor and Bonnie IDowson,• accompanied by Brenda Pow. Son on the piano, and Laura Roy and Jacqui Tay, lot who played piano solos. Shirley Taylor (Danny"s. wife): sang and played the guitar. Shirley Hill read an ad dress of good wishes, and Judy was, presented with many lovely gifts. She gra- ciously thanked everyone and invi#ed them to the wedding reception. Sale runs from: Oct. 25. till Nov. 3, 1979 Models * 1 -Granada * 1=Mustang...* '1-F150 Truck'` *1-El50 Van, *. * 1 -Fairmont RY! HURRY! �HURRY! * 1;.;FTOO Truck Landau NEVERW1Uj... .IKE THIS AGAIN SEAFIR. MOTORS FORD MAIN ST�tEET LIMITED •Sales •Service ' .Leasing ►r' Satisfac#ion is our First Concern SEAF.ORITH 7-1 Sew it up early for Christmas r A N:ew Shipment of Velour 60" ` width The Knits':. Nifty shapes, trendy textures in airy Boucle and Sweater Knits ( Corduroy in cotton and' polyester 45" polyester corduroy 60" Wool''" create a brilliant fashion impression with wool tweeds and mix and match pain 60" v idth Flannelettes, printed and pistil Shop early while the selection is at its best A complete selection o.f comp lButterick patterns available Vogue mail order service' Laroi' e Seatorth "� AfP " tr ANS Ns al k r ,w•w'*w'Pi4' *4,$ `:,r.. w, ,(f * fir r r a44w4