HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-25, Page 2110 Notices
Fast efficient service. Write
or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth
Phone Clinton 482-3320 or
Seaforth 527-0284.
Dead orDisabled
Cows & Horses
. Stocker cattle, calves and
swine pick up, free of charge
Top Prices Paid
For fresh animals over 500
i. - $1.00 &hundred weight,
Cows and horses over 1200
lb. - $20.00.
4 wheel drive radio
• dispatched truck.
24 hr. service —7 days
a week
Pet Food Supplies
887-9334 or 887-6064
Toll Free
20 Auction Sales
• •
: 4 Gethke
• Serving Perth and •
• Huron Counties with
• many years of •
experieno. ,,• •
• Forreliable service at
• reasonable rates •
• •
• Call 347-2465 collect,•
• 20-24-1 •
e•••••••••••••••.! 21
20 Auction Sales
20 Auction Sales
Cattle, feed,. dairy equipment, tractor, Machinery ete,
to be heldfer Adrian Wantmes at Lot 34, ConeeS419149,
Godertch Township. Go four miles west of Clinton on #171;
highway to ifolmesville, turn left and follow cut line to.
• first corner, turn left and go A mile
Fall Bating * last week'S paPer.
Farm is SOLD. Terms cash, day of sale. Cheques
•accepted with proper W. ,
Aectiomeer RICHARD LOBB Clinton 482-78,8
OWAllex naletiOneOc ant InglPonliblo for accident.
20-24-1 ;
Auction Sale
well known tool collectors, and authority, ori
Egmendville pottery; plus Some selected additions
To be held arthe Industrial Park
South Main St., Seaforth
(Watch for signs.)
Sale of approximately 300 lots, highlighted by some
V: dozen pieces of Egmondville pottery; 12 lightning
rod insulators; purple insulator; many collectable
bottlesand oil Isimps. .
ALSO: Brantford and other earthenware jugs and .
crocks; Occupied Japan; •a Bisque and Other
figurines; Canadian, depression, carnival, and other
• collectable glass; Butternut chest; cedat chest; 8
piece oak dining room suite cw 48"-96" round
extension table; walnut bedroom suite cw-lear drop
brass pills; odd chairs; including rockers; odd
• tables; oak coffin:Ode; wicker baby .carriage; brass;
silver; many other household articles, tools and
antiques; Canadian books.
There are very few small articles, so be early for
• the sale. Cash or cheque with acceptable ID. Owners
Or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or
property loss.
AUCTIONEER, Tom Painple 527-0514,527-0940
SALE MANAGER: Johnflsher
CLERK: laCIE McLichhin
• Richard.
• Clinton 482-7898
Sot. Oct. 27
Feed cattle, farm
machinery for Adrian
Wammes, Goderich
Twp. 20-20.1
12 noon. Antiques,
furniture, appliances
• etc. at Richard Lobbs
Barn, Clinton.
20 Auction Sales
20 tuction Sales
• 4-4ctiort'Sdle,
108 Richmond St, south, WWII. Sale held on
Property, indoors If inclement weather.
APPLIANCES: GE refridgerator (2 dr); WeSting-
• house electric steve; Gilson 15 ft. deep freeXel
Kelvinator aut. washer; GE clothes dryer, all in
excellent cortdiflort; air conditioner; bar tfir 2 stools.
leather Obi (excellent); desk; hostess chair; rocking
chairs; arm chair heart design; magazine table; 8
track stereo with 2 speakers; 2 -8 track tape player's
• for cars; radio record com. player; 3Slcidoe helnieta;
• School; desk; older fridge; copper boiler; large crock;
2 huge bottles; 10 speed bicycle; Corsairtypewriter;
crockinole board; large model trent set; BB gun;
• large selection hockey equipment & childs' toys;
• barbecue; gas Coleman stove; ilantern & heater;
soldering gun; 'A" drill; skill saw; post hole digger;
combination step ladder; lawn chairs; patio table;
wipper snapper; electric heater; antique coffee
grinder; fainting couch; assortment tools; partial
listing; other items.
TERMS:, Cash day of sale - cheques with
ideofification, Accidents; Neither the owner nor the
• auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or
.property loss. Everyone must register and receive a
•PERCY WRIGHT, Auctioneer
• Kippen, Ont. 262-5515• in,744
Dean and Tommy ,are
ATOvof P' eas:14to ei4rha
by sister,cethe
Angela Marie weighing,
lbs. 14 oz., on October 14,,
1979 in Clinton Public Flospi.
tat, The proud parents are
Beverley and Linda Nott.
Another grandchild for Mr.
and Mrs, Harold East and for
Mr. qp0, MTS. Elgin Nott.
BEVERMAN: To Mr. and
MrS, Ron; Beuertnan Seaforth
at Seaforth Community Hos-
pital on October 19th, a son,
• Evan James. 27-24x1
DON4D J. HULLEY, son of
• Mr, and Mrs. Gordon, R.
Holley, R.R. 4, Walton,
formerly of Seaforth, gridu-
ated recently from the Uni-
• versity of Guelph with a
• Bachelor of Arts degree in
philosophy. Don 'attended ,
Seaforth Distriet High
School. He is continuing his
Guelph.stildies at the University of
Ratepor_rsi meeting
II* WAIN& 00
Tuckermith Township
wuncnof am
addition to, the VanaStrit
e group eo
a t ont teonwt rx: bre: rate-
offered stiff opposition by a
At ,a public meeting held
Thursday night at Heather •
Oardens,, Vanastra, 39. of the
55 ratepayers at the _Meeting
voted agiarist having the
addition built, Nine voted for
theaddition and seven ab
Diane Durnin, recreation
director of the centre placed
a propoSal before Tocker-
smith council about a year
ago, suggesting an aquatic
and fitness program, for
pea roepgl:141?porlol.g'orualmd ,nosthfitinto
gested that the council apply
for a Canada Works grant
available to provide **ere-
ation for special needs. A
condition to receiving the
Canada Works grant was
that the centre be renovated
to aceomodate physically
handicapped persons (wheel
chair cases) who would be
involved in the program, ,
To make a washroom
accessible to a person in a
wheel chair means that two
•Seciforth of the washrooms would
21 Tenders Wanted 24 Cards of Thanks• • have to be used to make one
nurses of Seaforth hospital
Rev. • Yielding of Bethel
Bible Church conducted ser-
vice last Wednesday at
• Seaforth Manor, •
• Mrs. ..Rapson and
Mrs, Siemon also rendered .
the lovely duet "He is so
precious to me.' Readings
were given by. Mrs. Gordon
• McGonigle, Mrs, Siemer)
and Miss Doris Wills; Rev,
Yielding closed the service
with prayer and a short social
and Box Ambulance, 1 wish
to express my sincere thanks
to all the doctors and nurses
of St. Joseph hoSpital, and
London Ambulance while 1
was a .patient there. --Luella
jrritel, X(at, V. Montgomery, 24-24s1
clawed evekca&cot 25 In Memoriam*
Tend• DENNIS: In loving memory
er of Mrs. William Dennis who
•• passed away one year ago
• The Huron County Board ;October 22, 1978.
• of-. Educe tion will receive Your presence is ever near us
Tet ders Wanted • Auction
• Tenders
wanted for
AT 11 A.M.
at St. Peter's Lutheran - 2 chesterfield suites; Philips.
Church, Brodhagen. Duties 2 yr. old floor model stereo;
to commence January 1, • Westinghouse 24" Band W
1980. Tenders must be re- television; T.V., coffee and
ceived by• end tables; occasional chair;
• December 191979 AGS 2 yr. old stereo. with 2
APPLY speakers radio -and 8 track
13111 BEUERMAN Secrets's), tape; humidifier; rug; •arm
• ft.R.#1, Dublin chair; pictures;.Mirrors;
plainly marked Your love remains with us
• Sal•
on the following . You were such a special• e
of household effects and
antiques will be held for the
• estate of Watson Sholdice at
. Brussels Complex Centre,.
plaques; pole and table
Lowest or any tender not lamps; 3 magazine racks;
• necessarily accepted.' card tables; SE radio tide -
21 -23-7- board; hall tree; electric
. heater; daybed; telephone
table; 2 china cabinets;
„ •
of Real Estate, car, household and some furniture to
• be held on premises, 88 Richmond St. South,
Hensel for• -
PROPERTY: Attractive 1% storey house with white
aluminum siding, large kitchen, built in cupboards,
• dining room, living room, fully carpeted,.3 piece
bath, laundry room, 3 bedroonts upstairs with walk
in closets, full basement, nearly new Garwood
•• furnace with air cleaner,. Cascade 40 hot water
heater, Miracle water softener, 7" insulation in both
• attics. This is a •very attractive modern home
situated on a lot 80 ft. froetage by 136 ft. depth more
or less, nevi garagejuit built recently 18 x 24,
cement patio. This property must be seen to be
appreciated. TERMS: 10% down day of sale,
• balance in JO deys, sells subject to a reasonable
reserve bid.
CAR: Chev. 4 door V8 automatic & power steering,
. 63,000 miles,. sells certified, this unit is above
• ' average condition. Property and car sell .at 3 p.m.
Beautiful new drapes will be sold ids*.
• IFICIRNIIIIREi 3 piece bedroom suite nearly new
• triple dresser; chest drawers; Sealy pesturepedic
mattress box springs; dining table; buffet 6 chaitst
• beautiful kitchen table (chrome) & 6 chairs; end
tables; occasional chair; vanity chair (beautiful); 2
• beds & ntattresses; high chair; rust rug 12 x 12;
table lamps; humidifier; Xnuis tree; floor polisher;
• chest silver; bedding ik linens; ironing board;
toaster oven; floor lamp; 2 coffee percs.
ANTIQUES dining extension tabk; 4 old kitchen
• chairs; vanity with wing mirrors (excellent); treadle
sewing machine (works): dresser with top Mirror;
1941 radio long 4: short wave; Viscount automatic
washer & dryer; 15 ft. deep freeze 9 cubic ft.
• refildgerator; Enterprise electric stove; wheel-
barrow; 2 laundry tubs & stand; wooden eltithes
dryer; nen* garden tools; assortment dishes &
kitchen uterisih; -Other itents; listing
• Apes* Oat. 262-5515
EXPosrrog cidissitmo
• chrome table with 6 chairs;
utility table; chrome table
step stool; Leonard 23 cu ft
freezer; fridge; 30" stove
, Simplicity dryer; Kenmore
, spin dry washer; floor pol
• isher; rug cleaner; vacuum
• cleaner; carpet sweeper;
• steam iron; electric fry pan;
mixer; can opener; kettle;
• pop; up toaster; electric
• clocks; sandwich grill; slow
• cooker (never used); 2 can-
nister sets; Melmac 12 place
•Setting; 13; place setting•black
handle silverware;- chest of
silverware; lazy susan tray;
• numerous glass and antique
dishes; cooking utensils;
flash camera; picnic folding
table; picnic basket, dishes,
. jug; exercise bike; drapes;
• bedding; linens; dressers;
' wash stands; chamber .chest
Of drawers; wardrobe with 2
mirrors; wooden and iron
beds; treadle sewing mach-
• ine; antique desk; cheese box
stand; wicker fernery; small
' wooden tables; wooden
cheese ben; Christmas tree;
• 3 medicine cabinets; round
top trunk; beer camera; comb
brush and mirror sets; wicker
clothes :basket; clothes
horses; Wood iron board;
wood bake board; wood
candle holders; Settee; ;foot
stool; wooden trays; match
• holder; Oat oil lamps; sev-
eral crocks some have blue
• flower; set or bills dated
108; odd bells; lanterns;
,Waah tub 'stand; bottle cap-
per; toil 'shade; antique
reciter; glass wash board;
wooden nutllet; Remington
chain saw; electric drill and
jig saw; buck saw; Moto
• power lawn mower; crow
bar; 'Calf Hook black and
tackle; numerous tools; flow-
er pots; smilers and small
• items.
Terms: Cash or cheque
with I.D. day of sttle.Estate
or auctioneer net responsible
for accidents.
GEORGE rowmu,tiork
required for our Elementary
and Secondary Schools up to,
12 &deck nodi Ideal 'tittle
Monday, •
• Art Supplies• ,
General Classroom Sup-
plies; ;
• Notebooks,
Office Supplies,
• Paper. Supplies, and
Physical Education Equip-
• ment.
• Specifications and 'tender
forms may be obtained from
the Board Offices, 103 Albert
Street, Clinton, Ontario.
NOM 1LO. -
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
24 Cards of Thanks
I wish to express my thanks
toall those who remembered
• me with cards, treats and
visits during my stay • in
SeafOrth Hospital. Special
thanks ..to Dr. Malkus, :the
hospitai staff and those who
helped at home. Your .kind-
ness will be remerithered.
• • —Jim Cronin • 24-244'
• We wish to thank Our friends
relatives and neighbours for
the many cards, gifts and
Visits received during our
stay in hospital- and since
returning home. Very special
thanks to. 1)r. Underwood,
Janice Leonhardt and the
many nurses for their Care
• given.—Wendy and Kara
Murray. 24-24x1
Brothers and sisters of the
late D. J. 'Cronin wish to
• extend their sincere thanks
to • relatives, friends and
neighbours for their kind
expressions of sympathy &Ir.
ing their recent bereavement;
• to Dr. Malkus, Father Coon*
y , Father Oostveen,' the
nursing , staff of Seaforth
Box Ambulance
Attendants, Dr. Quinlan, the
nursing staff of Stratford
•Hotpitalt the women Of
COluiribian't Worticti's Lea.,
gue for a delicidus lunch,
Your loved ones will never
• The • years may wipe out
many things, •
'BU r ihis they'lriake away
• The memory of those happy
•days, •
Which we have spent toget-
• —Sadly missed but remem-
bered with love, husband
Bill, daughters Mary and,
Geraldine and families, and
granddaughters, Sherri and
Melanie. 25-24-1
KERR: In loving memory of a
dear husband, father, grand-
father and brother, Alex,
who went to his rest, two
years age October 22, 1977.
If we had one lifetime wish,
One dream that could come
We'd pray to God, with all
our hearts,
•Per yesterday and you,
If teardrops were a stairway,
And .memories were a lane,
We'd walk all the way to
And bring you home again,
A thousand times: we've
needed you,
A thousand times we've
If our love could have saved
Yo • unever 61entlid•have
—Dearly loved and sadly
missed by us all. • 25-24-1
RACHO: In loving memory
of a dear father, Lyle Harvey,
who passed away two years
ago, October 28, 1977.
We miss you Dad, what more
'can we say,
As long as we lite
remember the day,
That you had to answer that
heavenly call,
We had to part with; the best
dad of all,
You shared our troubles and
helped us along,
•If we walk in your footsteps,
we'll never go wrong,
On earth you suffered in
heaven you rest,
God bless you dear dad, you
were one of the best. '
—Too dearly loved to ever be
forgotten by daughters, Car-
ol and Joan, 25-24-1
• period followed.
Visitors last week and this
were with Mr. Wilber Keyes
- Mr. Fred Reid of Clinton,
• Mrs. Ruth Mullholland of
Clinton, Mr. • Watson
Webster of Clinton and Mr
Jack Webster of Stettler,
• Visiting with Miss Bessie
Davidson were Mrs. Edith
Dunlop • of town, Mrs.
Margaret Cole Of Clinton and
• Mrs. Muriel Miller ofiStaffa. g
• Mr. and Mrs Jack Carter
visited with •Mrs, Mary
• Carter. •
Visiting with Mr. Mack.
4, Tiffin en Sunday were Mr.
Sam and Walter Tiffin and
Mrs. Leslie Tiffin of London. 0
Cutting down on the num-
ber of washrooms would
reduce the total capacity of
the auditorium in respect to
the requirements of the
Liquor Control board.
• Mrs. Durnin proposed that
larger exercise rooms, ac-
tivity rooms and changeand
shower' rooms would • be
practical too. and the nee
for an addition seemed to be
the solution. •
Presently using the centre
under the Special Needs
recreation program are 240
'persons, including mainl
• tmentally handicapped, men
ally, retarded and develop
mentally handicapped from
Such centres as Goderich
Group Home for the mental!
handicapped; Arc Industries
of Dashwood and. Bluewater.
Centre for the developreeet-
all? handicapped Inauded
as well, are some senior
Citizens from Huronview and
area nursing homeS, some
hysically handicapped
people, such as stroke- cases.
Mrs, Beverly. Eisler of
Egmondvillepointed out there
verc only three wheel chair
cases item Tuckersmith out
f the 240 cases, and ques.
oned Tuckerstnith residents
axing to ;* pay for all the
others from outside the town -
Clerk Jack McLachlan and
vife, voted against the ad.
jotOjui:nnei:yil 0 rt twBiil o township °off.
gmOndville who with his
dais attended the meeting-
' The main objectiOtt seetn-
d to be that the centre has -a
ebenture debt now of
. . .• .
R.S. Box, the pallbearers and
any others that he ed,
—Estate of tf. .,,, Y. ronin.
• •• 24244
I would like to think my
flintily,• friends, neighbours
and relativeS and every One
that helped in anyway, Sp'e,
•eial thanks to Drs. MalkUlt,
*ye, Underwood and the ...iiiiisommsms...— --:--- .
tVnt of the approximate
tatutrter of a million dollar
Post of the addition, Quest-
ioned if the groups Using the
*Pies would ,Sign, snag.
nnteea to colltintle using the
faCilitieSk the Clef* replied
Mat :government agertelea
never guarantee such things,
as their money is dependent
Pft Av4ilahle ,ecoverntlIglit
Presently the. taxpayers of
Vanastra are responsible for
all debt $ pertaining to the
Vanastra recreation centre.
However, at a previous meet-
ing protesting the addition,
Reeve Ervin Sillery and
Deputy -reeve Robert Bell
indicated they wanted these
spread across the whole
As the meeting ehairman.
Harvey Hammond outlined
the beginning and growth of
the centre he said if the
addition is added "we could
have a complex even too
large for the whole town-
ship," He added he would be
more in favour if the county
would look at it.
Vince Fowlie, a; former
Teckersmith Township coun-
rifler explained that when
the Vanastra residents sign-
ed a petition asking. for the
reereation Complex to be
established in 1974, • the
township ,council passed a.
by-law crating Vanastraas a
recreation area, responsible
for all the costs of the
complex. He advised that to
protect the interests of the
residents the tevvnship
council have the by-law
removed. He suggested a
better way to stop the
addition would be to have an
injunction served against the
Doris Wilson, one of the
nine members representing
the Vanastra Community
'association ( they ' voted
against the construction of
. .
the addition) questioned why;
if the Vanastra residents are
:tine Saig t:he'albslellS"Ctick:Mith' th11),
net have; the right to run It?'
taking advantage of
We don't 40,Vitfit that 1)44,
The chairman, assured, for
that council bad the right to
run the eetttre*
Terry HOW of Egoloorl-
villo remarked *At tinder the
lan 0ship ,cof subdivisiontuvdt:meatnotjerti
'frotn; the developer ;woo,
unchd%,jarmndanbiutlilamding;n4 saw
that mistakes were Made by
A. council not familiar with
the situation and at Vanastra.
co"Wmemuwnietrye.„ 'timed new
Clerk /*Lachlan:old only
One additional person would
bi:flehaireodf mfeermbethres expected
gLcoaddition,pas e sending c st tsh. a Ht .11wouldpsaide top, lowet
for the pool sent along staff
to look after them. With
grants and additional people
he •said •"we should break
• Bill Embling of Vanastra,
who formerly worked .at
tecreation centre in BramP-
ton, said pools do not break
even but lose money. He said
the money from ice rental
supported the pool at Bramp-
ton. The elerk said rental of
the auditorium and day care
helped -to support the Van-
astra pool.
One man asked what Clin-
ton received this year for
recreation from Tuckersmith
• and was told S500. He said
Clinton should be asked 'to
pay for their citizens who use
the pool and other services.
• Clerk McLachlan said he
thought other communities
would be asked to pay their
Users' percentage in the
•future• •
An flE.J:p0-* sitor Classified .
. .
will pay you dividends. Have•
you tried one? Diet 527-0240. •
Excellent Quality •
available now •
Mrs. C.P. SA s and Mrs. ti
McCurdy visited with h
residents on Tuesday after- 0
noon. s
Four tables ofeuchre were
in play on Tuesday afternoon fi
• and ' volunteers were Mrs.
Rachel Riehl, Mrs. Cassie C
Nicholson and Mrs. Elmer E
.T�wnsend. High scores for
our residents were Men - d
Mr. Robert McClure and
ladies MiSs Doris Wills. Mrs. e
Townsend had high score for d
our visitors. $
• On. Monday Miss Edith h
• Saki was the winner in wheel -
• chair bowling with Mr, Bert 1
Bendy for the men. Bingo ad
was held last Thursday
evening with twenty-four tie- 0
sidents resent w
119.000 and adding a furt-
er debt was not warranted,
and that operating costs
night not breakeven, adding
ditional debt.
Clerk McLachlan pointed
ut that grants, if approved-
ould cover about l8per.
• Beginning Oct. SO'
Macrame Cord
lieg. S.7
SPECIAL for 70yds 2.99.
Phentex Cord
Reg, 4.26
11/2 miles south Of Elpinfield on 84 Highway
farm, Commercial & Residential Const.
Framing, Roofing, Aluminum Siding, ,
DaVe- Blyth; Onts,
5:00 - 6:00 Atom Practice
6:10. 7:10 Bantam Practice
1:30 - 1100 Men's Broomball
7:00. 8:00 Queens Practice
8:30 Lucan vs Seaforth Centenaires
8 S.M. • 1 potn. Sat. Morning Hockey
1:30 • 300 Public Skating
31s Novice
4:30 Atom
6:15 Pee Wee
8:00 Oldtimers vs 'Windsor.
SUNDAY, Ocronit 20
• 11:00 Midgets
1:00 Minor Hockey ,
7- 11 p.m. I.H.L.
4:30. II:30 Figute Skating
8s30 • 1000 Oldtitners
'TUESDAY, ocrosta*br „
5:30 Pee Wee Practice -
7400 Ilatitatn
• 8:30 Midget
S:00 4. 6:00 Novice Practice, .
6:00 Jr. Hockey Practice
840,1140 p.m. Women's Iiroomball
Keating's Pharmacy Ltd
5274 990 Sao**