HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-25, Page 6HE HURON EXPO$ITOR, OCTOBER 25.1:1919 We7 reeerve the right w lullut *month**, to woerolte faSnRY recluireelents‘• Pirko* nriortIve, nnthl satoolarr October V:* IV% • IGA POP cola (only) 24 x 10 fl.oz. case 3.79 raregrtocmi A LONG HAUL—Tina Jeffrey of Vanastra Cornpieted 39 acrossrthe-POOL laps during the Swim -a -010h field at the Vanastra Recreation Centre on Saturday to raise funis tel buy ecNipment for the Recreation for Special 'Needs projeo. (Expositor photo) . , . , ' ; ; • : ; Correspondent SHARON JEROM• E MAMEEN DUNSMQRE. The Vanastra and District Lioness Club Riimmage and Bake Sale Saturday was a great success and the pro, ceeds will go towards com- • munity work. A benefit dance is to be held Friday, Oct. 26th in the Vanastra Recreation Centre with music donated by the band "Kaderiza." Tickets • are available frorn any Llon, 'Or Lioness. Proceeds will be put into.a special medical fund. The Lioness club will be • putting on a dance for teens pn Nov. 16th, in the Vatiastra Recreation Centre from, 8;30 p.m. to 12 p.m.. open to kids • ages 12 to 18 at 52.00 per persen. Music will be rec- ords. CUBS AND SCoUT$ The Vanastra Cubs and Scouts have the thirorr Dist- rict Scouts cook books avail. - able now. They are $4.00 per • book and are available from. Dave Dunsmore (Scout- master) or.Jim Thomas (Cub- • master). •There is a lot of we.* to be • done to write this column. • Sharon and I would like to' ask that if you have news or • events that you would like to • put in the paper, please give us this information by Monday night each week. • Our numbers are Sharon 482-9077 or Maureen, 482- • . 7723: No news item is too small. The Vanastra Curling Rink AT OUR BROWNIE •'MEETING We had opening. We bad Brownie Brownie gold and • inspection and then we • played a game. And then we • went to our classes and Then we did some, things-. And then we came into a sircle and we talked about waut we are going to do. And then we had our prare. And then we • had our squezze (sqiies) arid then we leave to home. —By Jean Bernard 4. is opening its season this year with a Fun Night on Saturday. Oct. 27th at 7:3Q p,m. Ladies are asked to bring a pot luck lunch. All new Members are welcome. The Vanastra. Resource • Centre will be sponsoring a community workshop this Saturday, Oct. 27th in the Vanastra Recreation Centre, , on "Creative Problem Solv- ing." S2 will cover the cost of lunch and coffee breakS. This workshop is open to teen- agers and adults and runs from 9:30 a.m. till 4:30; so come out and listen to Kathy Conway-Widdis speak on this topic. On Oct. 28th in the Vana- stra Recreation Centre there will be, a Group Parent committee meeting at 7 p.m, Please come out and suppnrt the four, groups, brownies, cubs, guides and scouts. PERSONALS Welcome home to Tony Jeacock after his stay. in. Stratford hospItal. Good health in the future, and a speedy recOvery. The Vanastra Cub Pack and Scout Tt001:1'Would like to thank the people of Seaforth, Egmondville and Brucefield for their support on Apple Day. Without you it would not have been such a success for us. • Oct. 31 , Hallow e' en night, the Lions Club will sponsor a Hallowe'en party at the Vanastra Community Church.. Prizes will be given to the children with the best costumes it 7 p.m. • The Lions club are putting on a Christmas Dance on Nov. 23rd in the .Vanastra Rec Centre. Music will be . supplied by "Joe Overholt." • The Lioness Club will be holding their general zneet- ing and pot luck supper on Nov,• 1 in the Vanastra 'lee Centre at 7 p.m. • BINGO The share the wealth Win- ners at the Rec Centre's regular Tuesday evening bingo October 16 were: Russell. Beyer, Clinton 573; Alice Jackson, Clint�n 572; scil and Pat Shaw, .Blyth, 574. The jackpot Was split three ways with the winners each taking home 566. Vanuatu, Public School News_ This past week was a very busy week at the Vanastra Publio School. Thursday Stan, SWIMMING FOR A CAUSEaina Jeffrey Of Vanastra completed: 39: •cross -pool laps. Of the pool, at .the Vanastra Recreation. Centre, while Bernadette Scott timed her C Crookall displayed his "Art from the Bible' He ex- plained ids art techniques as well as the history behind. each of his religious paint- ings. He emphasized that a person's "want to" is much more important than a person's talent, • On Thursday evening October 18, a very successful Open House took place, The parents and visitors were even able to watch a physical education class "in action." This week has been dedi- cated to the children of the world. l• Always room for more 20 biock parents In this our International • Year of the Child, October has been, declared. Block Parent Month. At the pres- ent time, Vanastra. has 20 Block Parents, and although some people may feel that this is an adequate number, it should be the aimof our program to try and increase • our membership A great -percentage of our community is made' up of children and there can never b t much protcction rn- vicled for them.' A Block Parent program, to some extent, • reduces the crime • rate in a community and makes our children more aware of possible dangers. • Being a Block Parent re- quires very little time and witilioa s , , Ill (;) Saturday swimmers. swani, back and forth across the Vanastra Recreation Centre, thufort theyte weze:osn'ted, doingltjus swimmers were Partidfating in • a, swim-a-thon to raise, the centres recreation for thspOedcoiothoel:1414Y epqroogipZ for • The 5650 *wed in pledges during the swim-a-thoa WW wheelb be uscdhtaoirt'aunydlaifep ai raga ee Itt sea for the handicaPPed people from around the county who take part in the special needs • Pr°Bgteranmadette Scott, Project manager of the program, which has been funded with a Canada Works grant for nine months, said in addition, to the special needs program at :the centre, she and her ic/l7h9ormk ss aroundhVea variethe nUtcountys to lead fan and fitness class- celsasfsoers thiencirleuten• otn% These er prograniwbsichcoincabnininbge exer- cisesdonewhile sitting down, with a variety of active games. peMopre. Sticeonttenstaildngsofrmoematilthee • special needs program in- clude residents of area nurs- iendggroupsani Idohmopemesti people feorerwsthidoereknritigtardoatf. ARC Industries in Dash- wood. On Tuesdays, Senors from Huronview Day Centre come to the recreation centre and on 'Wednesday merninlir members of the **Ake club exercise 1,e the Pat t she said 250 peOPIO he.Y0 taken part in the program to date, which includes a WOO exercise Program in the centrespooL Mrs. Seat $1114 in last,,WeerS swiel-a-thcno one lady from the Huroaview Day Centre, who doesn't have any ase of the lower part of her body, Warn back and forth across the pool to help raise funds for the equipment Purellases• On Friday, swimmers from ARC Industries also com- pletedl a number of laps across the pool to raise over $280 in pledges for the Special needs program, • In addition to Mrs. Scott, the other tvo, staff members of the Canada Works project were Susan Dick of Seaforth, the aquatics program„ co- ordinator and Laura Overholt of Exeter, whO co-ordinated the exercise program for the handicapped. On Tuesday afternoon, -the recreation program spon- sored a special activity day for seniors from county nurs- ing homes. Mrs. Marie Flynn and her orchestra supplied the music for a dance and sing song for the seniors, • Although the Canada Works grant runs out at the end of October, • the special • needs program will be con- tinued by the centre's staff, effortaoapy.in ndty 0 lionled sdnot haveer . c parent, please contact me at children; 482-7757, the best Block Parents are In the meantime, for those middle-aged, to elderly with already acquainted with the ,no children. program, rd appreciate your • In the past few months it dent that a strong community learn a bit more about it and friheelPndsin and neighbours to increasingly evi spirit td titiorivbeeslohnego here, dchr ma . 119PtsefetlifinallYbecome: ThepineksaPfeatyr- community that realty cares.eh0n about its growth and Its and welfare of our children is People. the responsibilty of all. Remember that a Block please help by supporting Parent program can play a the Vanastra Block Parents. ' key role in this growth. A Glenda Gardner, Chairman-Vanastra, community with Block Parent sigas displayed in the win- • dows proves that it does • Bleck Parent care. • By now people are familiar wittt the program and how it iuncfions. However, if you • require more information, or • wish to become a Block Prod.of 'USA • : • •1•••• TANGELOS- ORANGESSe Th ... I'm • Lrrsnens Hoy U 1 Enterp and I'm prepared to coffer a real good "Bounty'. • for your old snowrnobile as.a trade-in .1 Come sot, me today LynnHoy Enterprises Ltd. Authorized Bounty lute . doz. I I CHECK This week's • HANDBILL • for over 60 additional • FOOD SPECIALS Ski -Doo has wile to my head! ll.,1110 althe cold with this warm u, intcr ttiquv. Lynn !Hoy Enterprise' Ltd. Hwy. 86 E. 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