HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-18, Page 28PLOW DOWN FERTILIZER IN STOCK
A :11E11,PIND, HAND -- D4rtene, Otves. Wilma: Mel-ean ctff
Suatorth . Olt .irf aid Owing tnta Macteitto uuss WO every Tuasday
eventlig at Dal( tuna 4 Craft •snt3p
titpQst.ttlr Photo)
s"'rlk ' Is 'sp,irat'lon
Quit 1. tree -lined;. streets, nlostlt' _ 'tor
Rxpanstye partes Stwalrs•.tti
the Avon River, TJrey ah heli
paint Stratford as that small
conservative city .itrttttrR
afare u claing
for. fil,��rest of
your life?
's launch pia
world ,.lass
theatre •
Aoki., they 011. help make it
small southwestern tliitarto
soageq siiiice ski bold
-and radical tor th0 Limn that
cattail in with baby woks to
• ,It's cOntroversial• yet:
little•It now n. ..hapter in the
widcome rife 'next intintit
;. Scheol. association.
die l'it1IN1 *theatre Company
presents .King Whistle! ..tt
2••• tho Avon Theatre
'the musical cume;ciy extra:
vaganza runs Nov: '.1S, 1 Ct,'.1
Would you enjoy 016 •
flexibility of iistrltt King whistle! was written
qualified for several
jobs? •
Graduales' of, this
20 -week program start
ing 9 have
the skiffs necessary for
the building, furniture
and recreational vah-,
icer industries.
You may be eligible ;•.
for financial'assistan+e
from CanadaEmpioy
meat or tie Ontario
Student Assistance
Program [OSAPj.
can 1p yo i
fu�cf Out.
8tiiklirt";;3 skill8 today
for the needs of tt>morrtt'w:
Clinton Gern us
Phone .5$
by 'weli-knownn '. anachan
playwright James Reaiiey, r
hauler' C'ent'ral student. Pro,
diex r is Ron Dodsi)n, the.
current theatre arts aeaelrer
at the school, bIret:tur is
E•`ran} >
n SSt elate
The Pince T,,
Buy Appl,nntes
Hensatl 262-2728
Closed Mondays
d11i:chit .rt NISW]
t (citral student. Mao
4w rww ytnurc rt' has written'
tiiustt .tor the production, and
at s bring arranged anc.l
cltn;ct_cai by ,Juo 'Storms.,
nriiSt4'in,Styoctet'at King. 1 t:ar
Public S4hooi A Stratford
nazi% e ww ho studicti: it) N'ew
York and [hen returned
tu..tapen her itwrr srudita. Ann
$tixtc:r-T•)ndale, is handling„
tile. eht)ret)gi,aphy,
lrnptirtatit,;ts those.Trttrple.
a ur the a t k are. psi. the tip t)f.
the it.eberg The east will.
1.r1011t4 010r0. than 80 ai,tors,
singers and' dancers, all
reern t'ed trent die eonrn)un
i ing Whistles began es:
"f.Siratford: 1933" 'hack ,in.
Et t is y. wlen ...eaney and
severer' assistants from.
N 17W l • initiated weekly
wworkshnps at' Central. Cent.
nunity, rtlembers were in-
vited to atteilitand:.soon an
outline dew.el °tied which con,
wasted the sights and:snuncis
c)t S-tratford iii 1933• and the
present Chis '`Stratford
St.raphoorl"'ww as•presented to
'Canada's tiril;erne)r Csene;ral.
h it Se reyee wirers he Visited
the snty as part of C,entral's.
centennial ,celebrations_ in
May.... •
In July and. August i~rtnk..
en began to 'develop the
script, Kenney worked
firrietusly on_a first draft, and
14 students started,learning
the newlywritte•n ntiisi. •
As 'the story deVelop)eda
Adults,: and: children joined..
the studcp,ts and thtCast .
swelled to 40, `t3y the'huddle
nf.August their ,story about
the factory • • w;urkers .104
chicken pluckers when refused
to ,answer the Call of t.ho •
whistle, fn at. bid 'tor tet:tig...
mucn of ..their. worth as
wwage,eartlers .wwas rt itiy tor..
a .sneak, pre>rit;ww: •
Rianey has c.uttinueci,,tn
'Stren.gthen .the: script, tailor-
ing •Charat:ters'ter many cif
the "ai:tors, who have' been
involved in:.tlie production
:Hctis:►.11. ki3tim;it • It
,the 44arapktk ul .st:rt~.ir tat a
afca •.tttvtut•tf►4iitioti• :y
ole tenting ;t ;4;11t)it1 s
fur ttsr of their 40,t0j
1,1hurnw; lAnstrsiup•
IJ.owoi,or•- titt:t,tlwu 111 0.4)1
euntttiwtmttt:tes• ,I.A11 lull . lt; owls
ehatrge for the pernttta:,.
an 4 titst•atssic4n, at their
ttteeung;, 111,040, ecce
H4robi i night saa4 the:1004S
wva.saatnotl;ttnty at t,ortixtriing,
a+ 4css twa lbw) dunip�,
44ge.s11.0g• .that ills tea rQ.
pi;rt cot of those how using;
the dump have stat fight to,de
fait -its slaw, are oisili A`t,si lents
wrt t"ithwir Tl 140.111 »tr ..4101ittra
With. wf 10.ur slit" 41041 the
t.tt ittt"
shtrritw Reeve. Ri.11
hIw)rw:ly *las n't arts ndatit:ti.t4t
the nieenng and sidit, Ito
i ottd! see no problems at all
with litnstir•a tsuggtsstiwtn:as
tong as. ti;aburttu 1410rrayi:r;i
whe ua,u die hied.* are: ahto
iwa at;titt'e: lite: tat:ew';M++try :,pot"
netts •
Morley t said tit tnderstood',
•tha; pt ruin aIrstt;rn wits•
*44114 tftittt, wwciffa efer.
44(44 that, a lithos ircd
ne.t,tssarw ter haws" et " dirty.
shoats, „tet matt' to keep
ttttaritlrt)rt<s:ti Its:t,wple trena-
usi.ng, tl;snip'
`WS t tir.)ti14nt iw11ert,w4c
yen get httolcv said kit the.
41.414whil ose tit dumps after
,hinight int tossers many un.
aeth01i4011- .pitolllw••htowv Op.
with chlitip trunk 10414 wif
A hylttw intplenrtitting the
new systeni is expected twin:
passed• " at the. Ntw1inther
meeting tit ..uunttl, .although
Knight suggested' the
perm) t.$ would not be
required until rhe spring.
'Pernnts will .prttb.alzly be
Made available at the offices
til the Lisburne anal Hcnsall
jerk `
s t they fluty lit mailed:
ww ith upcoming tax notices,
While l•fensall is ex
perienc ing problems with
trnlawfui tisk: cif the dump.
council members also ex=
pressed ceric:errt over the
recant practice, of .vandals in
ritiniping garbage: over the
main street= -
For the -last two Saturdays. •
int :lid' 1ttt .I44;triot:
Citi It ham. ilesigtltwd 4
ttequid for acing slow twnniltot
taoinr keit si4ww,e.t4 sl:isaas
.1004 w htOtt. : •1s1t 16 .01114
garbage hags haw teen
strewn over the r+ id itiri1 tint
$404:144 have thcii ai)ita;roritl}'
dw1tg'htoit ,in 4n ling Ott*:
nif•:1tt4e4 through; .tt,. ttikxfta
disgraw,,. t -tic Wit)
tftt»y tarry en," ,.t ratn.twiited
cithociltor Harry iwtatrge1
t;,'nrtncillar 10444a Vag,
Wieren said peeptw: ;thwxitttd:
�e nncourageil:not to sot
their .actuals out until tiie
i!0Qrnnng to utrt;re want,: tlttr,
probleni. althotlgti Knight •
nwrtud that Ors gart).n
31iiceti00;is Ottetr<. tine't4rwira}
tttyl 0Q. 'a. m.;
0ti4V; src ; ;:
Several new aigt7is, wth
soon be erected. to Hs tiatl,
some of which will noto dial
it is unlawful to: Bark on 401).
village streets hetwetn the
:hours of 2:00 and '7:00 a,m.
This is to htediatate the:
Highlight$ tot a' World
tour were revealed to
Scaforth lions Tuesday night
when Harry Scott, SMIS Vice,
principal speke tit members,
Mr, Scott' anti his fancily
returned Just prior to school
opening Following an eight
week tour thattook them
over 40.00:0 utiles
He found several slay±:.
spent in (eyl'an particularly
interesting he s.ud despite
difficulty which westerners,
found. in assimilating the •
highly spiced tood. The
People are ungiuu but
highly cultured he said as he
recalled incidents. of their
Visit there. The urogram w,as
arranged by Elmer Larnne.
Changes es .In situ executive
resulting from the
resigpatign of Jail Pickard
iriettrwttr.sl4 al' 440W and W et'lts
stiitaint!ctadafifhill. t l �iFeti,.
advised that ,the signs :have.
ltotrti sVcclw $ and htt
obtain**, 1uca'tto4•. ifrom.. �ihc
i artotts., ttt:iitttteS Were
-erei ting *PM.
LauiTtw;il atistt,atitia#nt'►xn4ih
Irtf#4 task' of oca'wi rrtrttt»i- Hato
!gns, ,Ills t ttecit$ed tet *melt tilts
pro ixt to stsps.after leartnieg.
that 0 luta! e4 21 signs 41 a
t ost
of:$10j1. iv oofa be needed
rir tcplat:e thnsi which: were
iiamageej tai trrci,ent.ewi
w;wtatsiru,i iit?ti iirtjeot or: •stolen
sly vandals„
Vast 1 t.i~:.i t Suggested
that WAS quite a ,5itntrt ut'
1140 00 1 and altl,tasoct
s, ioniittig, it all at one •tune,
what; most ntninbers
agri:i .dt, ('ou:nt;illor Pont •
Wilattds: suggested signs.
slltouid, bo greeted to ,putt on
sidestreets punning off 'Ling
St ,and Kaaren wsa
al tliarixe tl to prrrghase one
sign Fier each of the three
1100'4os.t ons at Welling:Mir,
Nelson arid ,l3rui:1.
CIinto mayor won't resign
wwIto ha:td, Moved' front tnww=n
were reported by presi lent..
Harold Turnbull. Hill
Mit aughlin bet:nines first':
vice president and Robert
P'llrnrsteel third vice. The
club approved a ,gift of $150
to the 'Woodstock • Relief
Fund . and agreed to
investigate an arrangement
whereby toys :edelidbe
t:ullectedl• . for Cbrisrt'i as
• t istI Ib ttien.
A short discussion of
atrangenients for the 1980
Summer carnival indicated.'a
egiensus among members`
that the carnival should be
held at the park not at the
:frena as liad bee the ease
this year.
Club welcomed Jerry
Alan who was inducted .by
Orville Oke:
lintort t hfi
w a t
a . Harold
Tubb isn't: geiing- .t i-, resign
A uontpr'unnsw; ,huttifiion has
boon r0a4iit l between the
mayor find I'ini Eitg;.
Y ,. ,,t,c.Fatd,
editor tit the:' t -hrtt r News
record. Earocr thrs .tail the
mayor t'hrLatciri„tl to resign
t r n i council t
4 11411. it Mt Fitz-
gerald w
g Indite t ,trrt,tt)grau kelt
remarks to son Augtest:(teifer
• la! in the paper- winch waist
t.0 tt the cettot:ti tor: having.
In camera ra ulotttit ts,
the; editorial was written
after: the town s. hudget was
r 'set
1 following II wwin
u 'closed
[) used.
.1 -fleeting on'July '3i,
When the two men met
last: week to try and reach a
contpron4ist;, the mayor
pledged .he Would try to
cotil'l.rir;t% council to have tSCn
• open meetings a:" month
caths r thatt.On't: open session
and, one e:lused sess'hu " " •`
the mayor qu
ycirwas quoted as,
saying, In: rata, . 1 pledged
when 1 first; rare tor mayot,ti r
197trl': ttt" h:awc 'twvo open
meetings per month, but
decided to go back tri
the old ways when J was
The newspaper edit Tr
acirnitteci he 'had written.: the
editorial in haste but said Tie;
was stating a principle of
wihitt. he 'thought'. was• the
ptrhliL's right to know. He''
telt! the mayor Tse wasn't`
milling the editorial at any
-riot; particular member of.
the rrtn
rust respect
fur. Mayor i.obb's abii"ifi:es,
and '1 respect him .as a .gond
mayor who ` is always acres
sil)1c and cares for this town.
Tt was newer meant to be a
rrtc„rsonal slm,"
o fast4r ikon assns, tha
That report sttbrnitted iiy
tbuticlirtg ,w)ffiw:ial ;flermatt:
k'an, Minn innicatcd three
t riXlti.ts iita bs ea i$sued;
eluting post mink, with
4 t,ihi.it taf $13.500.
1•liinst" intingitrt On additttaii
til ;at :garage; lot trrrric
Thrinwer. 103 Albert; a llanie
aotiniunt for Jarnes Rum). 74,
Ilichrncrnd; and a, xenowatton
permit for Larry: :tlxl, 7I
Nelson. '
PHtQ Li l4.1' PIkSISTS:
Ceetteil learned from the:
:paries 'hoard ciamniitiee that
the problera of 4 "film 4tn the
audittrtiunt walls at tho arena
0000miut to. .elect although.
nianager Sip '1'oarson; liar
scrubbed 'Moto .r own.
Neilands reported that not
t;ansn ex' solution bas: yet,
been found although. several=.
government agent.ies :have
histo ted ilte facility,,:
"Ws :a vapor -of cisme
ktmdl.'* 1 night uggested.
,Igo LI naw, ;being,. ;readtoil
for •tbo i`Aming Season 444
one et first functions will'
Ile 4 ..fund raising
sl ratta•a.tltott,'being planned'
by the Viand, raising
cantmittee asst Blair 2I:
.M their mc1Rtlaty. P#
Dctober 4, the ,quirks, itt4tr
agreed Ila write off
from the iensai! I fns
Athletto A44410410, A004141t
from la;, Fear.
Gelyour wintor supply now of Iced
[, ttiiciot, tf,, GoIdon, P.eildous and icia AO.
Sh klsRoar, . .
opsin 0-8 doily::
,11111.11111111111_ I
W".e ri :w pre read for atJ 1 ;
Y 1979..
We Bu
in Crop
.for dr Ir
Y g
We also do custom spreading
We �
also do custom spreading
For trucking arrangernen. is call
'.$ Monktoi , aunt,
(Coning • (Sift ing
Segregation)' Segregac tori)
We (Vent) ready' to receive your
1919 :CORN .NOP
WNW *leo tto' *hipping Weft corrs tro spec d up uhloodtritt Iacllitlt il';,
345.2330 liiili'r Qiit • 345-2854 Rosa
1 Higher yields
2. More availabia. phosphates
3.•`Time and labour savings
4. Reduce soil cnmpectiort with flotation applicators
No nutrient separation as in dry bulk blelnds as illustrated),.
6, Uniform distribution of plant nutrients rias illustiratedi,
ave Time n Money"pringayspreading
yourPotash and Iosphate�
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Truck Spread ing
(Nott- in,i Enrn