HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-18, Page 15MAJORITY OF R SPONDENTSt HAPPY WITH LIFE jN VANASTRA
Nancy Ansteti who direGted the Vanastra •cormmunity survey for
the VarlaStra Resource Centre, and Hank Bonte-GeIocK, chaiurn1an
of Monday night's public meeting to discuss the survey results,,
look at the chart proving 78,35% of the cormu ity residents, said
they Were happy living the former air force basa,, (expositor ?ho
St�Fi1ey..Ladies Club donates
Stanley Ladies Club met
at the home of Mrs. Muriel
Glenn with a good.
attendance. Roil Call was
answered by naming a place
you, wanted to visit in the
summer, but; didnot get. The
new executive took over.
President Barb Moffatt, Vice
President Norma. McGregor,
Secretary Anne Gibson,
Treasurer Edythe Baird.
Money donations were
given to the Blind and'.
the Arthritic Society- The
Christmas meeting will be
held at Mrs. Norman Baird
On Dec. Sth with Roll call
answered by bring a gift for
the Children's Aid: The
L North End served lunch.
T U C k e r s m i Mrs. Bob Dalrymple is a
�CW patient in London, Hospital
plans December and hopes to be home by this:
berCSZfC� r weekend.
The Thanksgiving Meeting
forTuekersinith.unit 11-C'.W;
Bruceticld ltnited Chum It
was held it the School Room
Oet. 8 wit„ an attendance of
12, who answered 'the roll
call, -'Where you' spend; your
summer vacation-"
The meeting opened with
hyntn, "This i', my father's
world." w^ ith Mrs. Ann.
Broadfoot tit :the piano,
Mrs, Doris:Sillery and
Mrs Jean Hetderson were in
cnargc o1 devotion..
The scripture was. read by
Mrs. Henderson: "Praise the
Lord" was sung followed by
prayer, by. Mrs, Sillcry, Mrs,
Henderson spoke on glad-:
'Hess and fh inks. She said'
Count your Blessings and: not
complain which was most
interesting. Mrs. Sillcry'
closed . this part • of the
meeting with prayer,
Mrs: Margorie Broadfoot.
president:.chaired the busi-
ness portion, "rhe secretary:
Mrs. $illery"gave a report of
the Sept- meeting and the
Treasurer's report was, given
by Mrs. Berry.
Mrs. Stoll reported Get
Well Cards sent. to Mrs,:
Annie Allan. Mrs. W. Rossi
'Mrs, .Caldwell and John
Andrews, The bazaar is Dee.
1. All ladies were asked to
bring articles for the Touch
and Take at the Nov. 12
meeting,- A supper party will.
be held .on Oct. 25th: Every
one is invited. This will be a
good time to pick up 'gifts.
be held at Brucefield..United..
Church on. '.Oct. 28th at.
1 Ia.m. when 'Rev. Robert
Roberts of Egmondville
United Church will preach.
,and' there . will be special
music by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd.
Harman. At the evening
service at.8 p.m, the 25 voice
Mari -Bell Singers of Belmore
will, take part.
On October 7th flowers
were placed in the church by
the family of the late Mrs,
Margaret Livermore.
group to have the Penny s off'
contribution handed in by the
Dec. 10 :Meeting.
The Nov. meeting will be
Chapman and Mrs, Broad -
foot. Lunch was served by
Mrs. Helen Pepper and Mrs:.
in charge of Mrs. Grace
Now on at Jerry MacLean.
& Son, Exeter
20 watt .per channel continuous output power.
Suggested Selling Price '33005
'100. SAVING!! 2 v95
SAVE UP TO 3,0,0'
on Stereo Systems
(Receiv.r, Turntable and Cartridgi, two
speakers:). S. it
Now MOD AS LOW AS ` 41
Suggested Selling $2 2 96
Price '204.95 NOW 41
See the New
and the New
with FLURSCAN metres
SAVE 15%
Pioneer Sale Three Days Only
Thursday, Friday ('1110 p.m.) and Saturday
October 10, 19, 20:
ALSO: A Pioneer Factory Representative
will be In the store Thursday IL Friday
& S01
. :2314 000
The'"Three Linke* Senior
Citizen s met at the local hall'
on Tuesday evening for the
October meeting with the
President Mrs. Bertha,
MaeGregor presiding.
fiiaestS and. Members were
welcomed by ,the President,
The roll call was answered:
followed by the' business.
The treasurer Mrs. Bert
Horton: reported accounts
and bank balance, The 4th
annual Zone #8 Rally will be:
held in the Legion Hall
Clinton on Wednesdays.
October 17. Members were
Invited to be^presentat this
meeting which .begins with.
Registration at 9:30 a,ni,
Carpet Bowling and
Recreation forthew
r r
CTeat n
months was discussed Mrs.
Mabel Shirray Sate an, .In--
teresting poem by an old
British lady in a geriati c
ward in the Hospital. Pother
Mooney of St. Bonifaee
parish Zurich was present
and was introduced by Mrs.
Anita Bengough.
Father Mooney showed.
most interesting pictures o.n.
"Peru" where he spent six
years in the Mission call the
Pacific Coast, Mrs, ;Bertha
MacGregor thanked. Father
Mooney and a social: hour
followed. The. Entertainment
Committee were Mr, and
Mrs. :Dick. Taylor and Mrs.
Anit,4 Bengough. The social
committee was Mrs. Myrtle
'Sherritt, Mrs, Laird Mickle,,
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor,
Mr. and .Mrs.- Pat .O'Brien
have' takenup re idence in
the Queenscouri Apartments
1:76' Oxford':Str
Mr. andMrs. Wirer Camp-
bell' of Toronto spent 'the
'Weekend with the formers
Hensall sales ' a r n
• l
parents.,Mr• and 'Mrs,. Mete
Campbell and were guests At
Koehler-Gelipas wedding at
St. Boniface Church Zurich
titr Saturday.
Mrs" Sim Roobal
patient in South. .Huron
Hospital. Exeter where she i$
receiving treatment.
Mrs, lid. Corbett has
resumed her position: at the
local Bank of iMontreal after
a pleasant vacation,
A large number of
relatives and friends
attended the Koehler-
Gelinas wedding reception
new, at the Zurich Com-
munity Centre on, Saturday
evening, Dancing, was en.
joyed to music supplied by
the 'Blue Water Playboys.
Visiting at Queensway
Nursing Ratite last Seek vl WWt h
Rus4cll 'Erratt Isere Cathy
and Rod -Patterson, Helen
Taylor, Joyce Boussey, Bill
'.and: Verna barker' visited
With Clara ;Featherston.
Miargaret Larsian visited
Louise Mitchell.
Chester and
lila Dunn and Jack and
Loreen Parstey visited. with
\era LarnMie, Ketr^-
Losbough of Exeter
conducted Church service at.
the home, ;Mrs, Losbough
tree mpanted at the piano.
The 'lima United Church
Lades entertained the re -
siderrts to Bingo and Treats.
On Monday. The men's high
cans t
Court Constantine 1.1842
met Thursday evening when
tickets were handedout for
the Fall Danee November
23rd Quilt ti Skes are also
available, the draw to be
made at heal dance.
' t
Ladies Night Will be held
on October 22nd with euchre
and penny sale and a
Halloween party will be held
is ,10
:bowling.: +Sere was Neil
Regan with 119 and me
Ladies' was May Farina
with, 74.
Ch iselhurst U C W, are
holding their annual Bazaar
and Pate Sale on: Wednesday
October 31st at J p -m.
Mr and Mrs. ,Joe Flynn
have returned; home after"
spending several weeks
vacationing at Silver Lake
and Kincardine.
Mrs, 'Edith Bell who was a,
patient itt South ;Ifuron
on Saturday evening October
27th for the .community
children. The membership
committee are• to plan . the
Family Night. •
It was reported that all the
Centennial' cook books had
been sold and the' money
'turned in,
Best wishes are emended
to'Bill 'Dalmage a patient in
Mr, grid lNl:rs, Cecil
Kippen eo Ie horn .1
from East Coast`
U.C. W, of .St, Andrews,
Kippen, held their meeting
Oct. 9. THe theme of the
meeting was Thanksgiving
and Mrs. Robert 'Fortier gave
the Devotional and Mrs,:
Emerson Kyle gave the topic
on the -theme, Christine'
Cooper favoured with piano
Mrs. Bert Faber gave the
report of the Regional held. in.
Elimville, a nominating cpm
mittee composed of Mrs,
Edison McLean, Mrs. Robert
McMullen and Mrs, Robert
Kinsman was . named.
Hostesses for the evening
were Mrs. Keith. Love and
The Penny Contest captains,
Mrs. RossandViva Berry
Jones and Mr, and • Mrs.a°
Wilfred Huxtable, Centralia,
have returned from, an en-
joyable trip to the , Fast
Coast, Their motor tripp took
them through Lake Placid
and they also called un Mr,.
and Mrs. Ken Junes and
fancily, Hillier, Ont.
Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs.,
Robert McMullen and Mrs,
Robert • Kinsman attended
the Regional at Elimville.
Mr.. and Mrs, Ed McBride.
visited with Mr. and Mrs:
Steve Pine andfamily at
Mr, and Mrs. Gary Cooper
and family. Detroit,'
Michigan. Mr. and Mrs.
Gayle Cooper and, family
London, spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan
Mr. and Mrs: Harold, Cooper.
�ct�ve last week Kippen Kontinentdls'
Hensall two 4-H club; the
Needlepointers, met October
9 at the United Church. The..
Bargello and . Contiintental
stitches .were learned andt'
were put on a coaster pillow.
canvass. All drew their
initials on graph paper and:
the stitches for this • will be
learnt at the next `meeting:
All the girls learned the
Cross Stitch.'
The Hensall Sale$ Barn'.
was active again last. week
with Supply consisting
mainly of heifers and steers
and prices lower Fat cattle;
steers, 573.00-5/9.50. top to
80 cents, heifers. 569.50 to
578,50, :t.,p to '5-78.75. Pigs,
Mrs, Jack Bains of 'St.
James, Winnipeg,' spent
three days last week.. with.
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Payne and.
attended the Unit of
Women's Concerns of the
National Anglican Church iii
Huron Diocese at St. James,
Cutest minister) Church,
London. •
Mrs. Diane Gerstenkorn,
• Mrs. Audrey Christie, Mrs..
Audrey Joynt, Mrs. Hazel
Corbetts Mrs: Nan Britton
and Mrs. Grace Drummond;.
attended' the Regional.
meeting of the U.C.W. at
EIin'i ttlle on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs, .Jack Vine,
London Mr and Mrs,
plan: books and stitches
Andrew Bremner, Ethel, Mr.
William Doig, Roxeter, Mrs.
• The first :meeting of At the ` second;meeting
Kippen 3 . Ncedetpoint 4-H October 1st Janet Kerr read Club' was held at.Brucefteld the ' minutes of the ; last:
Church on Saturday, Sept. 291 , meeting. • Julie Townsend is:
Elected officers were Mary to be secretary this. week.
Gibson., president, and Julie' The president then; asked for_ ,
Townsend is vice president," . suggestions for the. club
Members decided to have name.
a floating secretary and the Members did the Gobelin.
oneJanet err. The
first is K :. stitch and the continental':.
iter is'Li.. Johns
rens re o e Lisagraph
press , psstitch. They received •
an thephonegirls . arein
d g l paper and did theirinttials r
Joanne,, Gruenwald • and it,
. Colleen Deiong. Members At meeting three Estella
were asked to think of a WilsOn volunteered to be our
• name fqr the club.` next Secretary - and the
Two. books on needlepoint: ' group's name was decided
were handed out and leaders on, the Kippen Kontinentals
Ann: Gibson and Joyce
Wilson explained` several
things, to be done in' the
books. Mrs. Gibson also
passed out• samples of yarn.
and canvas, „
Arthur' Hewitt, Mrs. Carl
McDonald of ,\ t wood, Mr.
and Mr. and: Mrs. Robert
Goldner, Mr. and Mrs, Morris
Honeyford and Mrs. William.
Merle of Llstowei were
dinner guests at the Manse.
on Sunday and also attended
the morning w orship at
Hensall United Church. Mrs.
McDonald and Mrs. Morfe
remained for a few•days stay
.at the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs., Bert Faber,
Kippen visited with. Mr- and
Mrs. Sam Oesch on Sunday..
Mr, and Mrs. Asir Roobal
of Holland returned: home
last Saturday night and word,
has been received that hey
they arrived safely.
Mrs. Pearl Erratt is a
patient in : St: Joseph's
Hospital, London where)she
is receiving treatment.
. Rev: and Mrs: T. Garnett
Husser, Beamsville, Mr, and
Mrs. Don Ingram' and family,
and Mr. and Mrs. Dreyer
and family of Aylmer: and
Mrs. Claire Sheppard and
daughter of Tillsonburg were
Thanksgiving guests with
Mr. and Mrs. William
Scotchmer and family on
for '
in good condition
=ase and op fOr'Stiver Dollar
dated 1941 Y. bettor*
V. for N' Pl.cesi dorsa 1057 & b.fa .
' 2!',fi r 25' Nicola datad t4%* l bifato
404 for Sliver Dimas datad Viet a Wan,
Canadian ' Olympic coins, American
Silver dollars &oil' Gold Coins Hearted
'Saturday, October 20, 1919
dledfard Arms Mottsi'
HlehWay No. 21 Goderich
• t. Phone 324'734{0
Mrs. Gibson ;passed out.
black bristleboard . as the,
book covers • and members.
did the Borgello • and cross
stitch. ' ' .
lfnspttel, Exeter was trans-
feral, tn, l:Jniversity Hospital.
1ondon where she undenvent
surgery for a fractured hip.
He r rnanyfriends swish:, her a
speedy recovery.
ti. Mrs, Russell Errata is a
patient Mixt, St. Joseph's
Hospital, London where she
is receiving treatment.
Dr. J.K. R. Thompson of
the Monkto.n.-Cranbrook.
Presbyterian Chargescon-
ducted service in Carmel
.. a _.
oncelocioe h
Tr+esby:tectan Chur ft .on;
Sunday and delivered' an
inspiring message on. "Tine
Abiding Presence**. Rev.
Kenneth Knight was
eondueOng anniversary
services itt lusfhome church
at Cranbrook. Mrs. Taylor
presided at the organ, 'far the
serivce of song. A .dirt&
municants class will be held
on Wednesday .evenings at
8:00 p.m. The Ladies .Of tiro
church are holding :their
annual Bazaar and Balq Sale
on, Nov. 3rd at 3 p.rn.
Herman, and Betty Ann :and
Paul Balers of Shakespeare,
Mr, and Mrs. Ron Herman
and Korey of Stratford, Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne ;Merman of
Toronto visited on Sunday
With • Mr. and. Mrs. Paul
Stevenson. David, Darren
and Luanne when they
celebrated David's Ilth,
hda .
biit ;�.
Sunday supper guests with
Mr. and • Mrs. John
Thompson and. Bob' were Mr.
and Mrs. Terence Hunter of
Colborne Twp, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer :Ranter of Stratford.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Jim
'hiompson, Leisa and Cheryl,
Mr. and Mrs.. Larry Scott,
-Dwayneand Craig ofParkhill
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott
Dwayne and Craig of Parkhill'
visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Bill
Debbie and Michael.
Hi -Boy 40
Dog Chunks, • 20 kg,
An expanded, bite size dry.
food to fit the needs of the
average dog', Gives a com-
plete balance of all'needed
nu Ment
s.. . 438-303
Hi•o .
%P 85
Dog zaiia.
A concentrated form, wit
all the essential' nutrients
for the more active work-
ing dog that needs greater
amount of energy.; 438-103
Purr -Feet
Cat Food
9 49 .
t0 k_
Provides all the necessary
nutrients for a healthy
happy ddry orm
at in a. con439 301
2 kg. 439-311 189
Dog Food 014s
A tasty moist food that will.
giveyour dog a complete
dinner with all needed nu.
then ts.. - . 438-201
Single Cart price , 25tt::.
Canned .- �'
Food ' 1 Q
Cat F caa
of 4S,
Contains beef and all the
essential 'vitamins and
minerals your cat requires
in convenient can. 439-301
4 cans for ... . , , ._ 99c.
eaforth Farmer- s Co -bp
- 527-0770
,'t's dere! Just Arrived
We Sold Loft of Winners
Selling 6 Different Lotteries