HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-18, Page 8e• THE HURONEVOSITOR, OCTOBER 18, 1979 ; fl• ; • .; • Preschooler, Jeff book While mom Library, DVATRIIMAINNIER One of 4. ehili'S eloss friends h his Or her grendrna A, grandmother is I he one children can ;depend on to ' keep a secret. .and• knew jest bow they feel. A grandmother is patient enough to listen to a. nee spng that yet& learn at. school or watch a little play that )O4 J ha)e metle up and perfected for her. She loves to get these presents that we like to Make .andIntakes stich a fuss 4 ower it esen'though she got a gorgeous fur coat' from the •. rest of the fantilY, Also your grandma is the s one who taught your Mom to be a pro cook and is a pro took herself. She is great at making all sorts of baking. Jill Berates of Seaforth say grandmothers are -nice and they knit clothes for you and they get 'the supper 'ready." Another thing grandmothers 11111buts.... Oesch, selects his Library looks on at Huron Scheel • are noted .for is, sitting in their rocking Owns and !knitting all day. If s true that they WO knit A.-itrvt,7s and Mittens really well but they Wrtaitik'S don't sit' in 4 reeking Chair all da) and de nothing,but 'knit! Most grand. mothers belong to some sort of ladies group like the 1".C.W...the Rebekah Lodge. the Womens' Auxilary or the Semenst n Set ele., Another girl 1 e as talking to said "A grattdma sitting a'sis months old habY for the first time. They want lo piek the baby up and ettddle it and never give it hack to the mother! The Sallie' thing happens with grandchildren e hen their •grandparents arrive. The •grandparents spoil and; hug Their grandchildren ;but do the grandchildren mind? ISeither doe e e baby. Often we feel tbad that we don't give eur grandparents Mere presents but *St the. HAPPY BIRTHDAY .Hepps Birthday •to. Terry Gould ho ill celebrate her 15th birthday On TheradaY, Weber 18. • • • • • .1 • • • • • • you a tot. At Christmas she gives you a lot ;of presents and eamly. She her; you things that you 'need. like shoes. -Althoegh they never realie it. all grandmothers are guilty of the same crime - spoiling grandchildren, At Christmas time, the time and money grartdmot hers spend buying and r;st in g out presents is unr al defintely net complain- ing!) It's like a babysitter baby • • • same, we ' remember our manners and never refuse a gift! Going to visit your grand- ma can be a lot of fan. First of all you act real grown up like, Unpack your suit ease .neatly and help your grand- mother with the dishes. Y nu help her clean (he heuse .and run some erraires fogLer downtown wee finally she mentions !low grown up eoteve been behaving. Then you can relax and le. a ''sleb" again or you Folktale workshop HPRCSS teachers KeIIi Rathwell, Mark Webster and Jeff Oesch are busy cutting and plan PA glueing while moms look on and give any needed assistance. Crafts IS On Monday, October 22, the Huron Perth County • part of the story telling hour at • Huron Centennial School Li brarY. the principals and teachers of Roman Catholic Separate School Board will be holding • Huron Centennial has ell us Each week students from • • Grade 4 to Grade 13 take part- • in a Library Monitor pro- • gram. This program not only helps to keep library mater- • ials in circulation but aids the students' familiarity with the • • library, --its materials and • reeihods of finding 'mater- • ials. Each week the monitor • who fills the qualities of • being responsible, helpful, neat and efficient gets chosen as the Library Moni- tor of the Week. The special • monitor leaves a permanent • record in the library. The photograph and pare - graph stay on display for one week and then remain in a special photograph book. • This year our Library Moni- tors of the week have been: Ki:ibarchan • BY MABEL TURNBULL Rev, T.A.A.. Duke. First • Presbyterian Church. cattle • Wednesday to conduct our church service. Mrs. Duke came also to help with the singing. I regret that I was unable to attend this service but 1, left a substitute to take 'notes'. Using these I hope to give a brief outline of the service 'which` opened with the hymn "Softly and tender- • ly Jesus is Calling" with MrS.• Robt. McMillan at the piano and "Now Thank we all • bur God." Rev. Duke. read I. the text from the Bible. St, Luke Chap. 17 front verse 11. Jesus •was on his way to Jerusalem and passed through Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a certain • village there met Him ten men who were leers and • they lifted ug their voices and Said "YeSus,.. Master have mercy, upon us:" Jesus Said "Go. show yourselves unto the priests." As' they went they were cleansed. • One of them turned back when he sawhe was healed. • With a loud voice glorified God and fell on his ,fate at His feet giving thanks and he was a Samaritan, Jesus answering said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where ate the nine? They were not . fend who returned to give • glory to • God save this stranger." For the rest of this story read St. Luke Chap, 17, vs. 19. • This is a goOd stOty to all of its for Thanksgiving Day. We take for granted so many things from God but %eget to give thanks for a bountiful harvest and the beauty of nature at this tin* bt, yea which is So evident all itround us. The meeting closed with "What a friend We have it: Jesus," prayer aid * snack bath. , Scott Cooper, grade 7; Bill Elliott. grade 7; Todd James, grade 6;, Brad Holmes, grade 7; Lori Maxwell. grade • 7; Jeff Reid. grade 6; Bonnie Turner, grade 6 and Kelly Purkis, grade 7. Congratu- lations! October 3rd was a spec- ial day again this year. The • preschool program has start- ed again this year commenc- ing at 2:15 p,m. to 3:15 p.m. This is the sixth year pre- schoolers have taken part in a regular school activity. The program consists of story- • tellingireits many forms and a time for crafts tied into the story therne. Each :pre - choler also selects and signs out, his or her own books. Just like the big kids. Any preschoolder who has not yet attended is invited to come join us on Wednesdays. ednesday, October 24, CharlOtte's Web is being shown to the students at 1 Huron Centennial School: Grade 2 and 3 are invited to see the showing of Char- lotte's Web in the library beginning at 10:45. Fre- schoOlers.,Kdg. and Gr. 1 are invited to see, the showing of Charlotte's ',Web in the lib- rary beginning at 1:30. • SOCCER TOURNAMENT At the area soccer tourna- ment held at. our schOol we tied first place with Seaforth LeOS plan • Seaforth's new Lees Club met at the Town Hall Mon- day with 30 members attend- ing. They discussed the dance planned for Friday, Oetober 26, 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Optimist Park Hall. Admission is 51.00 but those attending must be invited by a Leo member. • Annual dues are $2.50 for the charter from the Leo's in school standings. Both the girls and the boys teams came in second indiv- idually and , all the • team members had an enjoyable but tiring day with all the running. •School Standings: First - Huron Centennial and Sea - forth Publk; 3rd - Blyth Public and Holrnesville; 5th - Clinton; 6th - Hullett Central and 7th - Christian Reforni. dance International. The deadline for this is Monday October 22. • Anyone interested in join- ing the Leo ,Club may contact Dennis Nelsen, Cheryl a county -wide professional activity day at St. James School, Seaforth. • The day will be in the form of workshops with teachers , receiving input- in the following areas: • Primary Teachers (Grades 1C-3) a.m. .cFolktale e Kelly (Speech • Pathologist) will be providing • input into, speech and • language assessment and follow-up activities. • Junior Teachers (Grades 4-6) a.m. Science; p.m. Folktale. Intermediate Tachers (Grades 7-8) a.m. English; p.m.Folktale. Mrs. Dorothy Spence a teacher with the Hamilton- wentworth R.C.S.S. Board .• . will be conducting the work- • shops on the use of the Folktale within the classroom. ; Celt continue to be e.wn so- that Your grandmother will give a good ;report to von. mom when she comes to r, • money for doing :little er- 'You While your parents are rands."• out. This also is true. A ,grandf Undo gill's of Seaforth says Inothee,1111.s hridge,eVer "A grandnla is someone who S9 get ;me Another good thing about spending the night at your grandmother's house is you get to stay up later than usual and you can have a good game of tummy while you're there! A friend's sister who wisti- edto be says "A grandma is nice. She makes "stuff" tor you and gives you things. A grandma is kind and lets you have your own way. A grandma lets you get away with things that your mom won't. She gives you the generation gap. Ciraed- mothers don't have to be strict with us because they were already strict with our mothers and taught them hew to discipline children. (That's one lesson I wish she ‘i'olueldllave ,forgetten some, ttnso A grandmother can enjoy you instead of always telling you to make ,your bed. (A mother's favorite saying) she can sit back and read a story to you much like a babysitter does. She often acts like a babysitter as she looks ler CAVAN UNITED CHURCH Winthrop Rev, J. G. Vanslyke, Minister • Miss Marjorie Papple, Organist . 104thOctober21r ANNIVERSARY SERVICE .• :. i.. . -. 11 a.m. Rev. Dr: R. •G.' HazelWooct of Brussels, Guest Minister. .. • ' Morey or Cathy Larone. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 22 at 7:30 in the Town Hall. Members must be between the ages of 13-18. By Colleen Ryan, Press Reporter MEN GET.'SHARP START'EM ON PURINA • • WE ARE OFFERING THIS BEAUTIFUL BATTERY POWERED PENCIL SHARPENER FREE WHEN'YOU BUY 4 TONNES OF PURINA PRE -CONDITIONING/ I., RECEIVING CHOW THIS FALLI • OFFER GOOD UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 1979. Use your sharp Pencil to figure your profit when you feed Purina's Receiving Chow. It's Ontario's mot popular commercial cattle. starter. Receiving, Chow helps you get low cost: gains the first three weeks! (when many cattlemen haven't even got their shrink back yet) START YOUR CALVES ON PURINA THIS veAR : to-Air3 Penc ShartAiiertaetconsfiledoerod40 oda deiembeidi MILTON J. DIETZ R.R.4, Seaforth, Ont.. 527-0608 • Kippen United Church • 112th AnniVerSary Sunday, Octobr 21st . . . ;Special' progrouri by the.Teen Tones of . Groderlch. Everyone welcome: • . • ..:Kippeu-Sniurgasburd. • Turkey* ilumn'S.Oppei! • Brueefield United Church 11111 Wednesday, November 14th 5-8 p.M. • Adults -$4.50 •12 anil under51'.75 pre,Sehoolers Free . • • ADVANCE T1CKETS ONLY •Ca11262-5510 really cares about you. When you've been bad your grand- ma understands why yeu did, it. She always gives you things." Another girl that 1 talked to said much the same. She added '"A grandmother cares a lot about yete. She would have to •do all of the nice things for you as she does!" Who takes you out with her to church with her when you visit and says "These are my grandchildren, Ruth's child- ren."? A grandmother is always wry prond of, you. She aveteheS your kindergarten graduation. then your grade ight graduation and then your 'high school graduation too, Grandmothers, are very 5pecial to all girls and boys, and especially special to your parents too. There's one person that we haven't men- tioned all the way through thetIgh, the one who keeps the grandmothers in practice when they're cooking - grand pa who married your grand- ma. A speeial thanks goes to Jill Betties, Linda Ellis,ancl the three anonymous friends that helped me with this week's column by giving their ideas. If you know of anyone celebrating a birth- day soon, send their name, age, and birthdate, to the Expositor. Also, next week is Hallowe'en so if you have any ideas about Hallowe'en send them to:,; Kid's, Teenst and,in c Retween,S , o'frish Rimmer • Box 69 • Seaforth Now on at R.S. Box Ltd.in Secyforth SAVE AT LEAST UP TO . REC....'ROOMSPECIAL, 4..'sto 7.95sqyd• KITCHEN CARPkT4, • ' • • BEDROOM CARPETS * 7.95 to 10.95 sci.yd. LIVING ROOM,CARPETS • 7,95 to 15.95 sq. yd. 5 ROLLS- INDOOR OUTDOOR 3.95 to 5.95' • We also have over 25 rolls in Stock including Hard twists, High -Low. shag, Saxony carpets all at specially reduced prices. We feature Harding-Kraus-Ozite DON'T MISS THESE FALL CARPET BARGAINS , BOX Limited '01.0-1•C Vie/ ' -4 etillail- - - • In Area Churches • First PRESBYTERIAN Church: • 59 Goderich St., W.. Seaforth • Minister: Rcv. T.A.A. Duke • Organist: Mrs. D. Carter • • 11 :15 Worsh COMEIS1)1er vAi AND.:e(:)CC rhvvu r c°0BRIIESS eltHh2wo ol 1. & Nursery • ST. THOMAS Anglican Church • Seaforth • • Rev James Broadfoot • SUNDAY, OCTOIIER 21st • • 19th Sunday after Trinity 10a.m.Holy Communion & Sermon, • • NORTHSIDE United Church • 54 Goderich St. West, Seaforth •SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st • I la.m. Church Service • 10 &11a.m. Sunday Schools Nursery Provided • Rev., J.G. Vanslyke„ Minister Organist -Choir Director *Jr. Choir Leader • Margaret Whitmore •Audrey MclAwain Area congregations are invited to take advantage of the church directory to announ cc their church servicet„ each vi-cek. • Church director), announcements art • availablc for a minimum of 26 consecutive wecksn. • units of two column inches at S2 per unit. Changes ii • copy may be made each week bet must' be receive before noon on Tuesday. •• • • Now on at R.S. Box Ltd.in Secyforth SAVE AT LEAST UP TO . REC....'ROOMSPECIAL, 4..'sto 7.95sqyd• KITCHEN CARPkT4, • ' • • BEDROOM CARPETS * 7.95 to 10.95 sci.yd. LIVING ROOM,CARPETS • 7,95 to 15.95 sq. yd. 5 ROLLS- INDOOR OUTDOOR 3.95 to 5.95' • We also have over 25 rolls in Stock including Hard twists, High -Low. shag, Saxony carpets all at specially reduced prices. We feature Harding-Kraus-Ozite DON'T MISS THESE FALL CARPET BARGAINS , BOX Limited '01.0-1•C