HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-18, Page 5• Huron
• Hotel I
Goettler H.11
P'urniture High Quality Low Prices
Seaforth N8 • VALUES!
Fine Furniture
MAIN STRtET 345.2250
closed, Mon. Open all day Wed. Fri. night t11,1 9 p.m.
•OPIEN 11.4 opts, 1u..4
• 0nrichmentH
• tourseat Dublin
More than 70 peOple
Attended, the first session of a
100140 Marriage Enrich-
ment and Family Itenewal:
course at ,St. ,Patrick's
School, Dublin on Sunday
Q• :of the program.
organizers said, they were
pleased with the :first night
turnout and hope it will,
• McKillop
$t, Peter's Seminary in
•increase over the
The guest speaker Sunday
was Rev. R. Charrette of the
Diving Word Centre in
London, Who spoke! on the
topic "Prayer Today." After
he coffee break,. .Father
Charrette answered
questiens frern the aedience.
Next week's session will
Mrs. Mary Thornton o(
creditCal who, spent the past
three weeks. with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold McCallum has
returned to Crediton to teh
home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Preszcator. Lora
London who will be speaking
on "Faith: What Is It?
Married ceaPies, singles and
teenager* are Welcome to
attend any of these sessions
at St, Patrick's Schoel.
St. Columban
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistner
of Brodhagen visited
Tuesday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Ed Regele.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
McCallum and Chad visited
on Friday evening with their
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Regele.
spent four days last week at
Clocinattl, Ohio, U.S.A.
were she attended the
German, Shepherd Specialty
Show. mere' a thousand
German Shepherds were
shown, _
The • infant (laughter
Connie of Mr. and Mrs.
Brian White has returned to
her home after being a
patient at St. Joseph
Hospital, LonclOn.
Mr. and Mrs. White and
daughter of Stratford spent*
the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Brian White and
Needlepoint by discussing trophy as well. These boys
Rumour has it that Orville
Furrow - Turner, President
aif the World Plowing
Association has appointed
Ray Maloney of R.R.S,
Seaforth as the presiding
"Judge" of the 1979, Beech-
wood internatienal Plowing.
At press time we had not
yet heard whether or net Mr,
Maloney had aCeepted the
Mr. Maloney's plowman -
ship won him first prize in
the 1978 Beechwood
International Plowing Match
' and this has undoubtedly
prompted Mr. Furrow
Turner's decision to honour
him with this appointment.
• LOP 4-11
The third meeting (If the
fn. DON IldseRAE
The! prthlin Athletic
Association! held their
• THE 1411ROICEX.POSIToR, ,OCTOopt 1$ 111
presented the Dublin an4 Association Annual Draw for
District Lions Club, friday. Dec. 14, 1979 At the
President Herb Brown littron floret.
outlined a saccessful year IT.R.SON4.5
and reported' the Pingo s on M. Jaelt Frost of St.
Annual Meeting Monday
evening. Acclamations were
as follows: President Herb
Brown, Secretary Mrs. Jas
Delaney; Treasurer Gary Van
Loon. Lion Larry Cook re -
Friday night which are been.
held in St, Patrick's
Community School Gymbave
been well attended.
He also laoriched! the
Annual Dublin and %Strict
Thomas is spending 4 few
days with, III* sister Mrs.
Jean Pill.
Dublin and District Lions
Club have started their TV
Home Bingo on Channel 12
Cable every Wednesday
Night at 7 p.m.
Mr, Walter Carpenter and
pMartientEsitninerSealCfgritiher Ctantire-
man namedjudge
haeKilinp 4-H, the canvas worked at these stitches the
Crew Was held at Mrs. leaders helped them with . 1 '
Herman Klavers. Oct. 1. The any problems they
meeting was opened with the encountered,
• en s
• 4-H pledge and the members roMballys gewri:schu:dd
answered the r911: call. The P a e!
4'4e by their leaders, Then the
club leader,Jantieke Murray meeting was dosed mewed
showed the girls how to do
refreshments which the
crthoeBassstriget:h11.0 While tahnedgtirhies. lierontgehrosutaadombeennweeytethingg..
Switty stitcnerseiect
Sr• Colurnban Soccer
teams recently finished
another successful season,
the future looks bright
because this year the arca
Correspondent , Shirley Miller; Assistant had two squirt teams, one
345-2346 • SecretarY„- Katie Kerslake; coached by Tom Sehoonder-
Treasurer. - Sharon Fell.; woerd and SteveMurray the
The Staffa Swifty StitChers Press Reporter - Janice other by Larry Cook and John
organized at the home of Vivian;' Achievement Day RyanThey did very well and
"Mrs. Spencer • Jeffery to Committee . Jill Norris, landed up second and third
begin '''Needlepoint", ahen Nancy Scott, Barb Temple-. in the league. -,
the following officers were man, Sharon Fell. Telephone The Atoms had a. perfect
elected: President - Ruth Cornmitte - Janice Vivianseason, They won the league
Harburn e Vice -President - •
Mrs. Jeffery introda,f:d and then'won the play- off
Munity Hospital.
The Community was
saddened tO ',Wr of the
Staff°Wi merriber
Mrs. Bob ,Parsoos, Mrs.
Frank Hamilton. MO. Carter
icerslake, Mr.. John
Templeman. Mrs, W.
Mahon arid MrS. Dalton
Smale represented 4tafta
Woolens Instltute as guests
of Seaforth Women's in-
• mime on Tuesday everting at
flu* cwt.-forthP..kliig
auddenrpassing of Mr. DJ.
Cronin in Stratford General
Hostital earlY Tuesday
S giieStS
Mrs, Sam Norris- and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Norris and
family were guests of Mrs
and Mrs, John Burleigh rtrirt
farallY. Goderich on Sunday,.
Mr. P4 Mrs. Hugh MoOre.
Lindsay- visited on the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Scott, Cromady.
and Susan Harburn.• championships, undefeated,
Jill Norris; Secretary -
• canvas, yarn, necessary league champs and then lost
• the requirements and objects are coached by Joe Visser.
of the project On display The Mosquitoes. coached
.• were various samples of. by Ron Murray also became
D.3. CRONIN commented on current Pallbearers were George equipment, and a finished the final play off game
Daniel j._(D.J.) Cronin,. trends. Parsons. Dr. David Way, article. against GOderich. That ;was
74, of St.' Coloinban, died Born in Egmondville., he Bruce s "Pethr Sturdy, At subsequent meetings the only loss all year.
Over tile Weeeed..
Visitors with Mrs. Tessie Mr, and. MTS. Jame%
Costello were Mr. and Mrs. Paratchek have returned
Doug McGilvery$Kimberely, from a two w,
Michael and Tint a Chatham two.
Dublin 4-H learn stitches
Publia 4 -ft Met at the
home ofMrs. John Burchill,
The Leaders showed 'two
more ..$titchPs7the Bargello
and the acoteti stitches for
the whole meeting for ex-
Tuesday at StratfordGeneral was a son of the late William-... DeGroot and Wayne members were taught the We thank all the coaches
Hospital. arid Mary Ann Spain. He was 'Stewart. seven stitches to cornplete and drivers for their help and
Born in St. Columban. he married in 1918to R • samples, graphing and de- !" 'co-operation?
Kilbrirchan signing, different methods of PERSONALS
was a son a the late Da niel Barrett who predeceased him
Cronin and former Bridget in 1971. He also was bloeking, and how to make a Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Downey. He was a farmer in predeceased by brothers , tassel and twisted cord. Vincent Lane over Thanks-:.
Notes At the most recent,. giving weekend were- Mr.
the area. retiring in 1964. John and .larnes and sisters'
Columban Roman Catholic Catherine, Elizabeth 'and Mrs. George Layton. Bay- finished into a pillow and a BergeySarnia 13en and Rose-
• He wasa member of St Lav ri a Margaret, ' meeting a sampler was and Mrs. Frank Van Den
hitrch. Anastasia. . field, is our latest resident knife edge pillow was on mary Flanagan, Kitchener.
Surviving are two siSters. lie is survived by a Don Hillis, ingersoii came display, Construction of the Mr.' and Mrs. - Jimmy
• Mrs. James (Mary) daughter, Mrs. Madeleine and took his aunt, M. pillows, mounting and Mailloux, Toronto, Mr. and
O'Conpori.,RR2 Dublin, and "Ogle, two grandaughters, Turnbull to Ingersoll for the • framing, and mit ered Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, •
Mrs. Hugh (Ann) Benniger. prude Ann and Linda Sue holiday where a small family corners were explained by Guelph.
of ',Dublin; and three Hogle, nieces mrs., D. Glenn party was enjoyed, Meinbers, Mrs. Jeffery and. Mrs,. Miss Hilda Kennedy spent
brothers, Albert, RR3 Kilmcr 13rantford; Mrsj j of the fardily besides the host George Vivian. . Thanksgiving with her sister
Seaforth Alphonse D. of St, Fischer, London, Mrs. Harry and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Congratulations to Mr. 'Mrs.' Mary Ducharme, also
Columban, and Jack R. of D. Grea, Waterloo and a Don Hillis, were Mrs. A.R., and Mrs. Jacob Visscher, on Mr and Mrs. Ren Mareey,
Wetaskiwin, Alta. nephew Wm. Spain Turnbull Weybridge Surrey, the birth of their son . Stratford and Mr. and Mrs.
Friends were. received at Cambridge, five great England and her daughter Mr. and, Mrs, Wyn West, Ken Ducharme, Wingharn.
the R.S. Box Funeral Home, nieces five great nephews, Ottawa and Miss Embro visited Sunday with Mrs. Mary Moylan spent •
Seaford' when funeral mass ten great, great nieces and Marilyn Hillis Mr. and Mrs. Rob Temple- the week end with Mrs. Bas
was celebrated at St. • eight great -great nepheWs. Rev. and Mrs. AMOS man and Carrah. Lane and boys, Toronto. '
Columban , Roman Catholic Beard, Troy Mich visited
Church 111 a.m. Thursday, GEORGE GI,ENFIELD their cousin M. Turnbull last
Rev. P. A . 0 os t ve e n GARDINER week. Friday's bridge was
officiated. Burial was in St. A Huron County school cancelled when 13 of the
Columban Cemetery, inspector for many years. residents drove to Bayfield to
• Faith e are rs • were George Glenfield, (Glen) see the coloured leaves but
• Berinedict Benniger, Ronald taardiner of Port Albert died on return some remarked
• O'Connor, Stephen Cronin, in Alexandra and Marine they hadn't seen any as
Jerry Cronin, Gordon Cronin General Hospital, Goderich beautiful as • right here in
and Jerome Cronin. on Monday. town. I, have never seen any
Mr. Gardiner, also a more beautiful than outside'
WILLIAM CORNELIUS former superintendent with , my window here.
SPAIN the North. York Board of VISITORS
An Egmondvillc padre. Education * was in his 68th Miss Pat Rowcliffe RN, a
William Cornelius Spain died Year. Born in Mount Forest, former valued member of the
in St. Petersburg General he was the son of Robinson staff, now with St. JosephS
Hospital, Florida on Sunday, and Ida (McElroy) Gardiner. Hospital. London, in the
October 14. He was in his He k survived by his wife, • nursery dept. visited friends
93rd year.
the former Helen Irving and at Kilbarchan this week,
Recognized as an authority sons Glen, Frank and John, Come again, Pat.
on apprenticeship standards all of Toronto, A brother Bob Mrs. Bob French, Brod-
• for mechanical trades, Mr; of Mount Forest and sister hagen and Mrs. •George
Spain at the' time of hia• Noreen (Mrs. Charles 'Rock, Mitchell, visited their
retirement in 1955 was Crompton) of Toronto and mother Mrs. Lena Benne.
prinicipal of the Detroit five grandchildren also Sur- wies recently.
Little Jessica Mena pick-,
• Apprenticeship School. He vive.
had taught at the school- The late Mr. Gardiner Was • ed up a few pretty leaves and
• sine 1927 and during those Predeceased by a sister proudly brought them in to
years had graduated in Margaret. '(Mrs, Roy me which pleased Me very
advance courses at Wayne Beacom) of Brantford. much,. It showed that she
University and the University Funeral services were held appreciated the beautiful
of Michigan, For several' from North Street United leaves and thought 1 would
yeats he was one nf a Church, Godetich ion like them.
committee of three Wednesday afternoon with Leone Rowat joined tesi-
responsible for establishing interment to follow in Christ dentt M. Turnball, Gladys
• apprentice standards for Church Cemetery Port Brightrall and Clarence Jack.
electricians that had Albert. Rev. Dr. Robert son in a foursome of bridge
application throughout the Sinith officiated. • on Friday, our bridge da,
United States.
• Farm, Commercial & Residential Const.
Framing, Roofing, Aluminum Siding,
• Renovations
Dave Salm 523-9641 Blyth Ont.
• For a number of years an
annual visitor to Floridalhe
mo ved there on Iris
retirentent Interested in
• people and new experiences.
he spent several weeks most'
years in travel. He was a
regular visitor to Canada and
• each summer, usually with
• Itis niece Mrs. Harry Greb of
Waterloo, visited Seaforth
• and area friends.
Itt the years since his
retirement he was a frequent
contributor to The Expositor
as he recalled events of his
days itt Egmondville of
insuiant e that ‘othrs truh,
• uswithei.„:.., *Michell '
PHONE: 01.111C1 34S-073
- fidintatirt attaiatAiittat stintitts •
The third meeting was
held at' Mrs. Rose Varl
Bergen a bomo. The Ladot
showed three new stifehea,
the continental the cross
stitch .anil the eashMere
A *AL:ry.ivit,,,,,;
Distinctively Personal
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and 45 regular •
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t'•A *: • •
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and Itt‘ractively packaged
Show your good taste
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