HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-18, Page 1120th, Year
Whole No. 5823,
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Sui0 Copy 30 cents
woman o
Farm Credit
Brenda McIntosh,: of RR3 Seaforth, has
every reason to celebrate the fact this is the
50th anniversary, .of the year women were
first' officially declared "persons" by the
Canadian government.
Recently Mrs. :McIntosh passed another
milestone when she became the first woman
ever appointed to sit on the advis ory
committee of the Farm Credit Corporation
Mrs. McIntosh was appointed to the
committee by Minister of Agriculture John
Wise She said all the commitee members
are either farmers or members of farm
organizations. Mrs. McIntosh, a member of
the Huron County Federation:of Agriculture;
has been operating a poultry operation with
her husband Jim for the past 18 years. She
was also deputy-clerktreasurer of
Tuckersmith for some years.
She said she feels the experience she has
gained in the past will be valuable ;in, her
committee work. .
The other Ontario member of the
committee is Ron Oswald, a Chesley area,
Mrs. Mclntosh's three year appointment
to the nine -member committee was
announced recently by the minister of
agriculture. Last week, Mrs.'. McIntosh.
attended : her first official fu tion as a
ember of the committeesitti n on one
day of the national convention of the FCC .in.
Ottawa,, and then attending` 'a day long.
meeting of the advisory committee.,
Brenda McIntosh
sh first
Traditionally this, committee meets about
twice a year for the purpose of advising the
FCC and the minister of agriculture on.
matters related to the Farm Credit Acta
The Farm Credit. Corporation, which has
been in existence for 15 years, is a
government owned money lending agency
for the farm population.
This is the first time in the history of the
organization that they )held a national
conference for their staff from across.
Brenda McIntosh said ,the advisory
committee is considering a number of topics.
related to the farm credit situation:. One area
of concern is the high rates of interest
charged to farmers by various lending
instittitions; Also, the committee.. hopes to
see lending limits raised by the FCC, since
land costs and other farm prices are rising se
Also, Brenda. McIntosh said the FCC is
allotted only so much a year by the treasury
board for land purchasesand the advisory
committee is looking at alternate ways to
raise money to lend. farmers, Mrs. McIntosh;
said, "Farmers must have dependable long-
term sources of credit,"
Mrs.. McIntosh said Dr, Ronald 'Poirier,
chairman of the Farm Credit Corporation,
told committee members that the a FCC (a
crown corporation), is looking at the
possibility of the corporation becoming
private! ,y owned., . The Conservative
government is currently considering . the
privatization of many crown corporations..
Mrs. McIntosh said the FCC chairman
said the aim is that someday in the future the
corporation could be owned and
administered by farmers. The,farmers could
buy shares when they paid off their loans.
and eventually they would be owners; of the
money -lending corporation:
The 'advisory committee met with John
Wise, Dr.. Poirier and other members of the
FCC board during their recent meeting in
Mrs: McIntosh said. the committee's next
meeting is. in December during the
Agricultural Outlook Conference in Ottawa:
A second area resident';who attended' the
FCC conference in, Ottawa' was Gordon•Hill
of Varna, the former president of the• OFA. :
Mr,. Hill was. on a panel with four other
people who discussed the topic "A Look at
the Role of Long Term Agricultural. Credit in:
the Next Decade."
Mr Hill presented the farmer's viewpoint:
on the topic,; while the otherpanellists'
represented banks and other lending.
Na more apactmertits far
seniors needed here: $fu�d�
Although the percentage of residents over
'65 here is well above the provincial average,
Seaforth doesn't need any more senior
citizen Ontario Housing Corporation (OHC)
apartment units, according to a municipal,
housing statement, drafted by the provincial
housing ministry and adopted by council last
The housing statement, requested by the
1977 .,council and dated October, 1, 1978.
provides population and income data on the
town inventories ven
s present housing and
prof trends to 1982.
Seaforth's senior_
citizen. population was
29.6 per cent of the town's total in 1977, ' well
aboveh . - -
t eprovincial average of 12,5 per
cent:. But, looking at, Waiting lists for
g g OHC.
accommodation, turnover rates and the fact
that the
present 16 unit apartment is now
under construction, the report concludes no
more 'units are needed "over the -next 12
• months:"
The average
g 'number of people per
household ldin
eaforth is well below the
rovincial average 2.6 in 1976 compared
• .
A'ith 3:1 across the province, because of the
large proportion of senior citizens who live
here, he study says it will : continue to
decline n and the
. umber of households will
increase "caused by the number of rnew
households settling in the town and the
undoubting of existing households."
Based on the 1971 census, incontes in
• Seaf rth
are also below • the provincial
average. The average ge Seaforth. family
mcom -....i..
Incomewas $per
14 850
Y �ith
the 1978rovincial a
p vera a of $19 733.
The housingin
study shows
population has decreasededbY50 since1971
but that it's
stable now and is1ro`ected''to
increase at about
half a per cent a year to an;
estimated d 2,148 by 1982.
From .1972 to 1977 thetown's
, population
in the 0-19. group dropped
g P0 per cent
and the' 20 to 59 age group dropped by nearly
7 per cent.
In 1971 the, town had 74S dwelling units,
nearly 90 per cent built before 1951.
As Of 1971 more of them Were single
family houses, and more of them owned
ocaipied, than the provincial average, New
house building has increased every year
since 1971 an average '
, g of ten a year.
The housing studysays a tie..
Y w three
bedroom detached house in Seaforth costs
itbottt $42;000 "depending on location,"
Older Mika, sell at 00435 00006 and
r ► lots
from $8,000 to 313,000..
Rental accommodation in town,, the study
says; makes up 21.6• per cent of the housing
stock, below the provincial average of 31.1
per cent. Most of the apartments are walk
ups in the ;Core area, have a low turn -over
rate and rentals ranging from $125 to $225
per month, depending on size. Rent in'
separate apartment buildings in town is
`much` higher"; the study says.
The study notes that Seaforth has received
$98,736 with ' a further $40,000 allocated,
from the province's Ontario Home Renewal
Program, and Says continued' involvement, is:
a good idea as there's a' need to rehabilitiate
older,. houses.
There were no applications on fite
subsidized OHC family housing when the
study was completed and the report
concludes there s no needfor it. The report
does cite a need for low cost housing and
says the town -initiated subdivision (West,
Branch) hopes to provide houses in the
$35,000 range. The studynotes' a familyin
Seaforth would need, an income of S16-°
S18,000 a year to purchase the average new
house at S42,000.
Seaforth's Sewage treatment
g reatment facilities
when Completed will''allow for a'population
of 5,000, the study says and a new well and
the present water reservoir more than
adequate for the projected growth."
The study, which calls for a review of the
housing situation each year, adds that
based on the number of units with
subdivision approval and Units awaiting
approval, .there appears to be more than
ample Supply of
p pp y serviceable land to meet the
anticipated growth of households"
When it adopted the study last Week,.
council agreed "to contact other
. B area towns
which have had
housing statements done for
o ,
c mpanson andto check the need for more
senior citizen housing in Seaforth in the
Cooks sh
here's your
Bran muffins are my specialty When it
comes' to baking. The only other flung I
know how to bake at the Moment is a
chocolate cake. 1 can even do that
scratch method if have h to, but :prefelr
Duncan Mines,
But the more people who send in those
(Continued en Page
B 3)
anonymous phone call. late
Sunday night took the -Expositor's photographer to the site of the second
annual Beechwood International Plowing Match, just east of 'Beechwood.
Since the proposed site is in a field full of winter wheat it is uncertain just
where plowing will take place. But readers can be assured: that organizers
have this and all other potential organizational problems well in hand.
(Expositor Photo)
echwood IPM
The '.Beechwood Internationale Plowing
Match is alive and well and organizers are
just now completing plans for the 1979.
match to be held. October 31, .
The site this year is a winter wheat field
and it's not known yet just where the
actural plowing competitions will take
Competition is always .keen in this match
and the Expositor understands that
residents of McKillop who have no other
place to plow are turning up their gardens
to get into practice for `• the big day.
A letter from Orville • Furrow -Turner of
the World Plowing Association, Box:1.000,
Ottawa, received by this ' newspaper
outlines plans for the event. "Now that the
IPM in Chatham is. over, 1 find myself
concentrating. on the. upcoming Beechwood.
International Plowing Match;" the veteran
plewman says:
Mr. Furrow -Turner has appointed a local
resident as official judge of the Beechwood
IPP. (see this week's St. Columban news)
And he goes on to say "I do, however
regret that 1 personally will not be able . to
attend as my physician has advised:me to
take things, a little easier: I have been
involved in every. IPM since their origin in
1899 • and now that my :dear; Bertha has
passed on 1 have no one to hook my plow
for: me.''
Watch the Expositor for details about
when and where to register for the
Beechwood IMP and full coverage of the
Beechwood IMP' : awards night, always
outstanding in its field:
fills vacanc
Seaforth council had a small audience of
ratepayers Tuesday night when it met to
appoint someone to fill the vacancy 'left by
the resignation of councillor Jim Sills.
Former councillor Bill Bennett ° was
appointed after he received five votes, while.
another suggested appointee, Gary Boyle,
receive, one. Councillor Irwin, Johnston and
Reeve John Flannery were absent when the
vote was taken,
"I hope this doesn't discourage you from
standing in the coming (1981) election,"
Mayor John 'Sinnamon told Mr. Boyle, , a
spectator at the meeting.
In other business at the unusually short
meeting council decided to discuss possible
MTC resurfacing of Highway 8 through town
at next month's committee meetings.
council will look into installing, hot water in
the library basement, now home to a nursery
school;, following a requestby the Huron
County Health Unit's plumbing. inspection
eating tonight :on FAB.:
Members of Seafokth's Volunteer. Fire
Department are hosting a meeting with town
and township; representatives at the town
• -hall tonight in -an attempt to finally "settle The
question of area fire protection, The meeting
will be closed to the public.
Following Seaforth's short council
meeting Tuesday night council stayed on for
what a couple of councillors called informal
discussions about what Seaforth•'s position
at the meeting will be; •
The councillors also: indicatedthey would
discuss whether Thursday'smeeting 'would
be open or not" But Mayor Sinnamon said
Wednesday morning -that that` decision was ..
"up to, the fire department: They called the.
meeting, "
Seaford' fire chief a rrry Hak said he
understood the meeting would be closed and
that a press release may be ` issued
Eht uroli' o 'tor
Inside this, week
Bazaar, tea: at Northside' .
Centenaires will surprise
Fitness for health .
Macrame lessons. .
P. 7
P. 8A.
Fire destroy
A •$65,000 fire on Sunday night
,destoyed: a barn and livestock owned by
Terry Taylor., of RR4 Clinton.
Thei o
Cl nt n fire department was called to.
the Taylor farm at approximately 10 a.m.
Mrs. Taylor had been in the downstairs of
the family home, and when she was going
upstairs, she looked out the Window to see
the barn engulfed in flames.
There were 50 chickens and 325 pigs lost
in the fire. By the time the fire department
reached the scene, the older frame barn was
completely ablaze. In addition to . the
livestock, hay, straw grainand
stored in the
barn were also destroyed,
Clarence Neilands, the Clinton fire Chief,
said the cause of the .fire isn't known at
present: •
The barn was insured and the Taylosplan
to rebuild in the future.
uckersmith promises petitioners a hearin
Tuckersmith Township council agreed
Tuesday to call a meeting of its ratepayers
before going ahead` with the construction of
the ' addition to the Vanastra Recreation
A large group of Tuckersmith residents,
mainly from Egmondville • and Vanastra
attended the council session. Lloyd Eisler of
Egmondville, the only spokesman,
presented council with a petition requesting
it consult with its ratepayers before
proceeding, with the addition:
Councillor, Frank. Falconer told he didn't
think a'm eetin would solve anything "We
8 Y g
could be held up on a S175,000 grant
(Council is awaiting word from, ministry
officials in reply to a request for community
centre and Wintario grants.).
Mr. Falconer agreed it would be a lot
easier to get the grants if the ratepayers
would go along with the construction:
Councillor .William Brown said, "1 don't
think theratepayers are opposed to the
additionbut, if it could be shown the centre
"would make a profit p t O r break even,.."
Reeve Ervin Sillery quest ioned Mr. Eisler
about the ,
h deed for presenting the petition
when at the last council meeting on October
2 he had p resented -a similar petition: Reeve
Siliery told 'him that ...he would agree to
calling a meeting. The reeve said'. when he
:agreed to the meeting
t "it would be an
he felt
opportunity for council• to give the people
both sides."
Mr. Eisler replied that the 'reeve had
agreed to the meeting but that the rest of
couneit might not vote for it.
Deputy Reeve Robert Bell said he would
hate to see the project held"up.
Reeve Silic asked:. at.
ry d. kt the ratepayers
have the true facts, Would we have anyway
to know if they had changed their minds?"
Councillor Brown asked how much a vote
Would costo Townahlp clerk lack McLachlan
replied that 'it wettldCost SS.00I ." '
Councillor Falconer' said, he thought the
project would be a complete loss: and that
now the township first first in line for the.
grants, but that if the government officials
get the' wordthe ratepayers are against it,
then some other municipality would' get
Mr: Eisler replied that if council didn't go
to the ratepayersthat they would force a
vote, He said 62 per cent of the eligible
Voters ( there are a total of 2,300 of them)
could demand it:.
Councillor Brown asked for a recorded.
vote on whether to agree to the petition for
the meeting and all voted Yes.
Council agreed the meeting would be held
at the Vanastra Recreation centre• -possibly.
on November 5, pB rovidin the centre would
be availableon that date.
The cletk read a prepared Statement
outlinging the reason for the addition, and it
tevealed that in 1978, the township applied
for a
Canada Works grant to provide
recreation for special needs. Three persons
were hired. nine provide
for nine months to provida
specialized, programq of aquatics uatics and fitness
for individuals who ate unable to fit into a
regularl a
aquatic and fi#ness :program.
Clientele includes mentally handicapped,
senior citizens, arthritics, stroke patients or
• er
p sons with any other disability.
He read that one condition to receiving the
grant was that the centre be renovated to
accommodate physically handicapped per-
sons who would be in'Volved in the program
He explained in detail that to do these
renovations and not inconvenience people
flow using the facility, it would be necessary
to build an addition.
. IEIe outlined the grants expected', Which it•
is hoped will cover 78 per cent of the
building costs, with another 11 per cent to be
raised through public subscription to match
the Wintarlo grants. He said to date these
grants have not been given final approval.
Architect Brian Garratt; hired to draw up'
plans for the addition, attehded the meeting
and, 'opened the tendersf ubmitte d for the
construction work. It was pointed: out that'
council has 60 e days to consider the •
Y t nders
before accepting one or, rejecting alt
The lowest tender submitted was from
Reffling Haus Construction. of Goderich for
$227,480 with
work • to: start November 1,
finsih April 1980:
The otic three ree tenders.,
Kelly -Lyn:
Construction, tendon, 5256,456; Genan
Construction of Waterloo,'S25 1 5'" n
Construetion9,11, and
Whitney iora
hitney Construction of Stratford,
$263,647. •
Mr. Garratt revealed that the Refflin8 haus
tender was about $30,000 belowestimated
Council ave him authorixation tostudy
the tenders and bring in a recommendation
, to council as to, the tender giving the best
chance for the most funding.
If the construction is carried out the
architect's fee will be eight
g per cent of the
total cost and this will increase the final total
c st.addition
0 Ind it n to his petition for the
ratepayer's.. ,
meeting Lloyd Eisler questioned
council 'o the .. .
about t e deficit incurred each year
bythe Vanastra a a day care centre. He asked
whycare had
the daycare
.to pay a big rent of
5700 monthly to the recreation centre. Her
was told by the -clerk: it was to cover heating,.
hydro and water costs.
He gtiestionedwhy rents from the use of
several day care centre rooms by various
groups, renting the space through the
director, did not go to the day care
centre to help Celt: down its deficit. He was
told the rent from on of the toonis used (the
kitchen) did ge to the day care to reduce its
tent, but that it was better to have the day
care with a deficit than the recreation centre.
The reasont
for en i this -
g v was .because the
day cite: was 'funded 80pc t' cent by " the
government and the recreatiotl Centre was
Palmier expl*fitted: '''I yogi go the other
421 4: 144440441461...2
route you put all the expenses on the people
'of Vanastra, •
� recreation complex at, . Vanastra--
housing the recreation centre and the day
care centre in one building, and the curling,
rink . m r
n k another butldmgare all owned by the
residents of Vanastra and all debts against it
must be paid by the residents. Hence the
concern of the businessmen of Vanastra who
held a meeting recently objecting to the
addition to the recreation 'centre'. The
residents alreadyowe we S119,000 and they
don't want that debt increased.
The residents of the rest of the township
are opposed because council has said • it
would like to see the debt spread pmo
a ng all
the 'residents of the townshipjust
not just
the residents. of Vanastra.
Tuckersmith township council as a whole
manages the recreation centre.
Followign the 'Meeting. this press repre-
w s given a press release from the.
ratepayers who had attended the meeting,
announcing:*W public: meeting: for Tucker,
smith township ratepayers rate ewill be held at
Heather Gardens at Vanastra on Thursday,
October 18,at 8 .m. FOR or AGAINST.
Tuckersmith ratepayers organized to oppose
council --on councils decision on proposed
new addition to Vanastra Recreation Centre:
to block increasing taxes -4 petition will be.
Seaforth gets
planning grant
e Ministry of Housing has announced
the town of Seaforth will receive a conttnuu-
itplanning studyant totalling $13,$46.
J� I> li: grant ail
Seaforth clerk Jim Crocker said the money
will be used to review and update the town's
official pian, originally palmed in 19711,