HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-11, Page 11,•••••••••••ia.•••••a:.., ,ristance Mr. ThornaS ChM of TnrOnte, In viSiting the Clittf hnntefl NOrth, Main Street. Mrs. Robert Johnston and daughter klitsVieY Of Brampton spent Thanksgiving with her sister Ond *Other Miss Pat Troutheek and Ken Southgate, Seaforth Leos, held a successful car wash SattirdaY *Spite a drizzle drain that fell through mulll ,die day. Proceeds Amounted to $35.00. Next meeting la 'Pet for Monday at 7:30 in the Town Hall. Jo and Paul Hagan spent ThenkSgivine LOriden. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reith and family of Kitchener spent the holiday weekend with Mr. an Mrs. Crich and Mr, and Mrs Clair Reith, Mr, and Mrs, Pat ClearY of London were in Seafortb Saturday and attended the Legion anh, Anniversary .5141ng James of EgrnorldVille returned fie Arn a three week holiday to England and Egypt on Wednesday Mrs. James visited her sister Liz Watson and niece Sadye while in Egypt. Mr. and, Mrs. AI Hiles of, Ottawa visited with Steve and Frau Hook of Esnondville over the ThanksgiVing. holiday. Mrs, Wilbert Maloney visited Miss Ruth Peltier in Plymouth Michigan and attended a reunion of her " classmates. Mr. and Mrs, George McDonell and. Mr- and Mrs, -Robert Matich of Garden City, Michigan spent tbe weekend with Mr and Mr. s Wilbert MaltineY Isabelle Hunt, Seaforth and her sister Rozelia, Rooney of Blyth have returned from a holiday at Thousand Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Van Rooijen spent last week at a cottage near Barry 'S13ay in Northern Ontario with Mr. and Mrs. John Van. Rooijen and their .daughter Kris from Hamilten. Mr. and Mrs, Ken Eaton of Toronto spent the weekend in town on the occasion of the SOth Anniversary of his sister and her husband Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett. Mr. and Mrs, Larry Eaton of Toronto, also attended the • anniversary of their aunt and uncle. Eric Barber of Toronto and Bud andl Fran White of Birmingham, Michigan had Thanksgiving dinner with Andy, Susan and Gabrielle White in Melting', ,,ownship, Mr. and Mrs. .Paul Brandt of Seagrave wert guests of -her brother Mr. James Hogg,,James St. Miss Mabel Turnbull spent Thanksgiving with Mr, and Correspondent MRSA MARY MEM% 402-7143 WS, Bill Storey ViSited On Wednesday with Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Smile of Staff*. Sharon Thompson Of Downsview spent the week, end at the her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and, Bob. Thanksgiving weekend visitors with Mrs. W.L. Whyte, Bill and Mr. Harold Whyte were Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte) Andrea and Kerr of Lindsay., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, Paul. Mark and, Margie of Oakvillepdiss Margie Whyte ef Galyeff Whyte of Quelph and the Nick Whyte family. Mr. Carl Merner, Sandy, Julie, Michael and Shelley visited on Sunday with Mr. :and Mrs. Allan Merner of R.R.3, Drumbo, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stevenson of Tillsonburg visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Paul Stevenson, David, Darren, and Luanne, Visitors over the Thanks- giving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dimaline, Dcin, Peter and David were Miss Kathy Dimaline of Toronto) Trudy Dimaline and Ken Allen' Of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Maris Bos, Steven, Sharon, Kenny, Michael, Andy and Kathy visited en Sunday with Mr. ' and Mrs. Leo Sanders, Jennifer and Jeffery -of R.R.4 Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Woods and Michelle. of Gananoque spent Thanksgiving weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley Mrs. Jean ..Riley of Torolitni Mr. and MrX, of ain on, Mr. and Mrs. Prauk Tarclella and Doug Riley, Kim, Greg of Christopher of Mississauga Winthrop. also visited on spent the Thanksgiving) SuidaYweekend with their parenta Mr. and Mrs, Dave Presz- Mr, and Mrs. Don Buchanan cator2 Christine, Lisa 1.Panl, and GarrY• Christopher and Gregory visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roo WrE14946":""r Brady of Erna/Klink. Mr, and Mrs. John_ mrP.aasntdwlevierksenprlauviissitteovrsenwsiothn Thompson and Mr, .and Mrs. David, Darren and Luanne Terence Hunter of Colborne Township spent the Thanks-, were Mr- arui MrS- Grant giving Weekend with Mr. and Kea* Suzanne* AndY3 Mr.. and Mrs. Jint Steckle and Mrs, Andy Thomnsen of . Korey all of New Hamburg. Qakville.Congratulations to Mr. Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Otters and Mrs. Jim Preszcator)1301, (em Debbie, and Michael were werear(farmer ec arrIvead 1BnZkuerir)ch7oh° on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jewitt and Friday September 28th. The Mrs. Ella Jewitt of Seafort% reception was held at the Kevin Jewitt of Thr°°0214r* Pineridge Chalet in Hensall. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Mr. A number of neighbours and and Mrs, Ellwood Spicer or relatives. attended, They will Regina Sask. and Helen be residing in the house on Milroy of White Reck WC, the farm of Eric Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Snide Mr. and Mrs. marris gas, of Seaforth visited on SunSinY Steven, Sharon, Kenny with Mr. and. Mrs. Dave Michael, Andy and Kathy Preszcator., Christine. Lisa, visited on Sundaywith his Christopher and Gregory. parents. Mr. and Mts. Jahn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steven- Bos and John of Mitchell. son t. David, ' Darren, and Weekend visitors with Mr.. Luanne visited on Thanks- and Mrs Paul Stevenson, giving Day, with Mr. and David, Darren and Luanne Mrs. BilLSteyenson 'and were Mr. and Mrs, Ron family of "grave. Herman and Korey of Mr.and Mrs. Ken Mitchell.) StratfordAetty Ann Herman Jennifer Robert, and Simon of Shakespeare-. ensaII lodge: 'tO: CNIB' canvass - '" -- Noble Grand Mrs. Hazel Corbett presided. for the meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday even-. ing assisted by 'Vice Grand Mrs. Elizabeth Riley, who Egmondrille United Church FOWL SUPPER PRE-SCHOOLERS FREE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT &OWN Hardware or plasm 527-1455 PRE -SALE ONLY NO TICKETS AT DOOR COLBORNE TOWNSHIP 14th Annual CHRISTMAS, COUNTRY FAIR Display and Sale of local arts, crafts and country baking. Saltford Valley Hall mile north of Goderich east of Hwy. 21 4 ED.• OCT 17 10 a.m. - 9 plmr. SAT. OCT 20 10 a.m. 6 pm'. TEA SERVED — DOOlfp1UZE2S_LAdmisa1on 25e Attention Veterans Et-Seirvice Men and reported for the visiting committee. A name had been proposed for membership and a character committee was appointed. Mrs. Riley reported for the C.P. & T. fund and stated a donation was asked for the CNIB. Mrs. Hazel' Corbett and, Mrs. Alice Ferg volunteered to canvas the CNIB. Mrs. Dorothy Corbett gave the • Seaforth !HI. Important Players Please mturn any sweater you may have that bekilts to the Hockey Club. AllTU FAI Northside United Church 2 p.m. Saturday Oct.Ii Treasurer's report. The Installation of Officers will he onOctober 17th when Mrs. Jean' Henderson and her installing staff of Huron Lodge Clinton will be guests. The entertainment com- mittee for the next meeting is Mrs. Hazel Corbett, Mrs. ,Isobel Rogerson and. Mrs: Annie Reid. The social com- Inw eit tl emirss mmras Irene Maggie gieBlackCampbell- Mrs.eari shadia. Relvdafuss, and Mrs. p A penny sale followed the regular meeting. and a social hour was enjoyed in the . lower hall. THANKSGIVING SERVICE Carmel Presbyterian 'Church was beautifully dec- orated in keeping with Thanksgiving' on Sunday • when Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted service, speaking on "Thanksgiving and its. Meanings.' Mrs. Robert Tay- lor presided at the organ and accompanied the choir sing- ing "Now Thank We All Our God" A cornmunicant class will begin October lOth at 8 Featuring, Home Baking, Sewing,, Crafts, Garden Centre and afternoon tea. Small Admission includes cup of tea. Mrs. Edith Bell is a, Patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter where she is receiving treatment. Lions • ' Every Saturday at11:00 p.m. Myth Memorial Hall 12 reg„ games, 3 share the wealth, Jackpot $150.00 in 60 calls THE HURON ,,EsPostTottl, mosER Mrs. NA Ri,11s in 111VA:soil. Three carloads of the residents of ,Kilbarchan Nursing home enjoyed a ride thintigh Huron County On riday Aftert0M. Mr, and. Mrs, AIWA Beard Of Troy, Michigan were ;1344S0' CPf 1444 MOO' Turnlinii. Recent visitors at the borne a Rev, and WS. Ure Stewart were Mr. and Mrs, Jake Goften, Plattsville, Ure and 'Mrs. Stewart visited recently the Misses Elizabeth and Mary filack, Ayr, also the fonnees son and his wife, Dr, K.,0„ and Mrs, Stewart, Waterloo. The Daily Gleaner of Fredricton, N.B. reported recently the first general meeting of the UniverSitY of Fredricton Law Students' Wives organization Group. Heading the Law Students' Wives Group is Mrs. Norman Speake, Whose husband, is attending the University Mrs- Speake is Fri. Oct. 12 Sat. OCt.13 Sun. Oct.14 443040* 1.30.-3;34 2;30-, 4:30 Parents & Preschoolers 64-), 1-3 p.m. Seaforth Arena Heneall and District Community Centre Sat Oct 13 . MUSIC BY "COUNTRY COMPANIONS" Admission $5.00 per couple Proceeds for Hensall and District Community Centre Fund Raising Committee the fernier mazy Ragan, a graduateof St. J'alll*R' Separate Schnol and Seaforth PiStriCi Ugh:Uhool,, and Is the daughter of 1.ett Sgaforth, CO • LhJ >0 - • DA * T Main St,• -••-iSeafortit:-..52fl 110 - NORTH STAR • 5 • fl • V1119:Brelig Next week: Wed. to Sot. Plum Loco ***vet Huron Tavern Women and Dependepatii The Royal Canadian Legion Seinice Bureau Officer CLARE, WALL provincial Service Officer of London will be visitlitig hi the areal Anyone wishing intolination, *dike, Or ANdilineNe4 regarding: [* Wir Disability Pensk; , [b] Treatment for entitled 'Vetieelmitil lc] Appikaition for Benevolent Ftiladtil [dj Appeals againit advert* original application for WarVoterillis And WklOWA Allowance,. la requested to cOntact the Service Officer of Seitforth, Branch 156 Rival, •Canadhin, Letkin whose name 1 Appears ink*, prier to • • et. It noititteivletv CON' Iota CLEAVE COOMBS *stilee Officer. Soaforth Ortinelt1S6, Royal, Canadian Logien Phone 521.11$5, • HALLOWEEN sponsored by SEAFORTH JUNIOR CENTENAIRES BOOSTER CLUB Wed.—Sat. & Sat. Matinee dy Saturday, 1)ets)bet",' 27th SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Musk by Southern Comfort • 'Tickets $7.00 Couple includes lunch PltriES FOR BEST COSTUMES PROCEEDS' TO JUNIOR, HOCKEY tt10„#* ReStrkied lo fierimnia 19 tears of age And oVer Ticket* from Centenalreserecaittre members, Bob iit1Wry's Variety, 4Th -Huron Evolater veo...t.,:tarAvigkaitgait District Community Centre Dancing 9-1:00 Admission $a.se pot person Costumes, prizes, °Klaiber fest Nioct Sponsored by 'Blyth WOOS Club on w Band ••••••otoomploomiummollmoimomminomoloow Dining Room 'Open Daily from 12 Noon Good Old -Fashioned Home-CoOked Meals contmiletwiii Entertaltinient from8 p.m.to 1 A.M. AGWAY 08 DUBLIN 4111141$11114101. OCT. 10th PLEAS WEDNESDAY OTE SHOWTIMES SATURDAY S:00 P.M. ONLY 1.0Ve.Call be hazardous to your health! GEORGE GLIENIDA SEGAiL. 'JACKSON ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS rIE STORY OF TWO JUVENILE DELINQUENTS. GEORGE BROOKE SHIELDS BURNS 041 ' WOODVALLEN NAN* touralliv watt famiNavvay MERYL StREEP ANNE Mkt 30 THE SQUARE 'Proqi PHONE:524,1811'ubect iRCONDItIONED 0 c*.Mle 00011*AN susiert tO oiapted iattocalt motto ..77.7",","--"""2111111NPINAP•mr------ •