HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-11, Page 8. r -
HE;r HURON' .EXPowOR, .00TOBE;i tip T9Z9
lne recent general mOM-
bership me ,ting. ,of the.
Father Stephen Eckert
Council of Seaforth was pre-
ceded by the installation of
its executive officers. The
ceremonies were conducted
in the St. Columban Council
Chambers by District Deputy
Jinn Devereaux assisted by
District' Warden Leo Hagan,
The executive officers
formed up in the form of a
cross which is, the symbol of
faith and the Symbol by
which s .the Knights swear
allegiance to the principles:
me,nbers stand ready to,
,protect. Filling the position
of Chaplain; is Reverend
Father Hardywho prOVides•
spiritual guidance. •
As Grand Knight, for the
second year is SeaMilS:
Doherty from Clinton.
Deputy Grand Knight is.
Ewart Wilson from Seaforth,
Chancellor is Don Moylan
from, St, Columban, Recorder
is. Wilfred Mousseau from.
Iensail', Financial Secretary
is Jerry Flanigan from Zurich
Treasurer is Leon Bannon,
from• Seaforth., Advocate is.
Dennis, Rau from Zurich,.
Lecturer • is Richard McKay
The family of Foster and
Margaret Bennett held
"open' house" on. Sunday
afternoon Oct. 7 at the :home
of Bill and Betty Bennett on
-the occasion of their parents
50th Wedding Anniversary.
A large number of ;friends.
relatives and neighbours
came during the afternoon to:
extend their good wishes to'.
the happy couple.
Miss Karen Bennett had
charge .of the. guest . book,
Mrs. Peter McCowan, Mrs,
Walter Eaton, and Mrs.
Stewartliumphries' poured
tea, and Mrs. 'Mona. Graham
, and Mrs. Eldon Kerr served
the guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ben-
nett were married in North-
side United. Church manse on
Oct. 10, 1929 by Rev. Lane:.
Mrs. Bennett was born in
Winthrop, daughter of the
late Mr. and • Mrs. Geo.
Eaton. Mr, Bennett was born
in Walton, son, of the late Mr:
and Mrs. John Bennett.
After their ;marriage they
resided on• Highway; f18 west
of Seaforth, moving to Sea -
forth 42 years. ago. Foster
drove a truck for Crich's
Bakery for many. years and
worked at Boshartrs Fur-
niture until it closed,
They have:•,a son, Bill of
Seaforth and . a daughter,
Mrs. Mona Graham of Har,
purheY and five grand-
Message of congratul-
ations were received from
Prime . Minister Joe Clark,
Robert. McKinley, M.P. -A
scroll from the Province of
Ontario and: 'Jack' ,Riddell
M.P.P, and a. scroll from
Government House, Ottawa.
A dinner was held at the
"White Carnation" :Holmes-
Ville' for family and relatives
on Wed..evning Oct. 10th in.
honor of Mr, . and Mrs..
Bill .and Betty Bennett
served a very . enjoyable
dinner at their home for
relatives and close friends on:
Sunday evening Oct. 7th.
from Blyth, 'Warden is Frank
Crossley from St. ,Columban.
Inside Girard is John Van.
Bakel front Dublin. ,Outside.
Guard is ;Brian Lynch, front
Trustees .are Phillip Aur -
and from St, Joseph.:Francis
l -Ito l+nall from St. C�lurnb4n.;
and rhontas Ryan: from
Mount Carmel • The council.
M.lrnt Cannel to Blyth. isa
weft rt°f're'sented by area. and;
otters au opportunity to voice
oisattions to representatives.
Members look forward to.
an►sahtr tremendous year of
acti •.s as isquite evident.
tr., Ow enthusiasm of the
E,wcutne Officers . and
Committee Chairman under
the guidance of the ()rand
li:tttght .ind spiritual adviser,
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Our church, service was:
Rev. . R Ro
be ts.Of
Hgmondville United Church.
He has, just retprned from a
tri •to Wales. We were ,glad
to welcome him back. The
service opened with the read-
ing, of Psalm 43. The text was
taken *oln. Genesis Chapter
Rev, Roberts, explained
this ,chapter. Before creation
there was nothing until God
created i all things including
man who was the last to be
created God! 'was sufficient
to fill our minds. He needed'
energy as He is the source- of
all things of all energy. He
has no beginning or ending.
He created light. He needed
no light to produce it but just
created it for man's use. He
just said "Let there be light ' ,
and there was light. Land
appeared and water. Every-
thing was planned for us. He
brought forth living; things
and last of all Man. This plan
ts, eotltinuing and: We will go
home to Him; Green plants
and food. We are a creature,
of God. We must have faith:.
in God to fulfill His promises.
After creation He saw it was.
good. Read this chapter to
get the full story. The follow-
ing hymns, were sung with:
Rev. Roberts, at the piano.
The Old Rugged Cross, What
a Friend We -lave in Jesus,
Sweet Hour of Prayer, Jesus
Saviour Pilot Me and Jesus
Keep me Near the Cross.
The hymns were followed
by prayer and the Lord's
Prayer in unison, We then
drifted into: a sing song,.
singing the following songs:
from our Sing Out books:
Silver Threads. Among the
Gold,, Clementine, Mocking,
Bird Hill, When its Spring-
time in the Rockies, There's,
a Long long, Trail A -winding,
71' 74. irtt'.' •. rTitld':, +Ai:"'°'Tffi •lY w:� ai „ 'ter.'r•'�,.' `',16 •• �aG.•. ,;•'+y a,. ;R'.:: T� .'�,f•
Cruising Down the Elver -
Our snack lunch was
served. Mrs, A.R. Turnbull
Weybridge, Surrey, England
visited her sister-in-law M.
Turnbull: this•Week. She is
visiting in, Toronto, Ottawa,
Ingersoll and St. Thomas,
She and daughter Gillian,
Ottawa, will spend a holiday
:in. Bermudabefore' returning
.to :England:
Nelson Govenlock, Simcge1.
came for the 1st World War
Veterans Reunion, and visited
friends at Kilbarehan:.
Autumn has crept silently
upon us. From my chair by
ithe window of my room: at
Kilbarchan. I looked high one
day to see the stately maples
at the front had developed
branches of striking splashes,
some concentrated to bril-
liant red and others lightly
splashed, leaving enough
green to accent the •colour. I
gasped, at My :First thought
was. "l.11 have to get my
brushes in action." It is .over
two, years since I've done any
painting. The inspiration
must come with a driving
force behind it! 'My Memory
Lane' presents itself very
forceably as 1 think of My ten
seasons of feasting upon. the
wonders of nature in Musk-
oka, as Bruce West, Globe
and Mail columnist in Thurs.
day Globe .& Mail section, a
native of Hunstville, and a
former pupil, who keeps in
touch, says "For the
symphony you must travel. to
Muskoka; where the back-
ackground of evergreens 'pro-
vides the silent percussion;
instruments which accent the
brilliance of the brighter
colours: enhanced by the,
sparkling waters of the
northern lakes which reflect;
the brilliance along their
The only spot near here
which I visit to remind me of
Kvery autumn
mn I take
drive into the area, off
Bannockburn Hill between
Brucefield and: Varna. Turn.
right near the top of the hill
and explore. I . painted' a
picture in there on one
occasion and gave it to Bruce
when he called to see me
when 1 first took ill. It
reminded me, so much. of
Muskoka, He always sent me
a copy of his books, as he
Said, far grading, I' was
always able to give him an A.
Such books as "The man who.
flew Churchill"., "The Fire -
birds",, an account of the
airmen who, went out from.
Queen's Park to fight the
forest fires in: Northern
Ontario and "Toronto, one of
the Centennial Series,"
Recently he told me fits"
publishers wanted him to
update t.hta boot as so troch..,
of interest had taken place tn,
Toronto since centennial. He.
was interviewed ovc►
when his completed the up-
dating, Yesterday Jean Durst
visited Kilbarcban and set up
beautiful; arrangements: of
flowers fromher garden, I
am enjoying a deep red
rosebud opening to a full
roae,: "The last rose of
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