HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 35Legion Auxiliary
The Seaforth Women's:.
Auxiliary, formed in April,
195Z has played an
important role inthe
community life of the
Sefaorth Legion.
Members, of the group,
which meets the first
Wednesday of each month,
are thewives, daughters,
sisters: or grandaughters of
men who served in the war.
Unlike the Seaforth Legion, ,
the Women's Auxiliary
doesn't; have ;affiliate
Eva Brown,president of
the group, said the major
activity of the organization is
catering for everything from
Legion banquets to weddings -
and meals. for other
community groups. . The.
group's members.. donate all
their time, and Mrs. Brown:,
said, "it's pretty near . a
compulsory thing to work,:'
it's not just thefun part."
Presently the organization`.
has 51 members;. and three:
new members are joining,
next month. .
One very important in-
volvement for the group has
always been their work with.
the veterans of both wars.
who are. patients in West -
minister Hospital, London.
On. _' October 28, for
example, 45 . patients. from
the hospitals.. will be coming
to the Seaforth Legionfor a
social afternoon, followed by.
one of the special, dinners
catered by the Women's
Mrs. Brown said the group
also sends $25 per month to
thehapital fund + and a larger
donation at . Christmastime
to provide treats- and -social.
activities for the men, con-
fined to. Westminster.
The money raised by the
Women's Auxiliary , at their
monthly . Sunday night din-
pers is always doanted, to
community projects. When
they. were first organized,
they raised. almost .$10,000 in
nine years to help clear the
debt on the New Legion.
Other eommunitY projects
inlcude the sponsorship of
the Seaforth Brownies group,.
under the leadership of Mrs.
Liz Cardno; an annual
contribution to the dialysis
van which - takes patients
from the district to. a; London
hospital for It idney treat-
ment, and a 3100 bursary,
given each year to a
veteran's child from $eaforth
District High School;; who. is
going on to college or
Legion. hall
(Continued from PaBe9A1
The building Commem-
orates the memory of men of
the district • who . paid the
supreme sacrifice in two
World Wars. They, are:
1914-1918-F. Cluff, 3.
Hutchison, J.- Scott Hays, W.
Hart, Stanley Hays, George
Mulholland;. A.S. McLean
A. Neely, JohnPurcell, R.B.
Rivers, Leslie Reid, Manson
Reeves, Charles Rolph, Fred.
Weir,.C. Westcott, D. Calder
H. Chapman, R. Cook, T.
Edgar, . S. Dorrance, A.
Archibald, B..... -Brown, J '
Bullard, T.'Govenlock, W.
Hall, C. Garden, George
Weiland, , F, Weiland, J.
McLeod, C Russell,
Parke, C. . Dilling, : Albert
Bates,, J. Horan, .J. Spear-
point, P. V,anner; R. West,.
C. McNamara, J.: Jamieson,
Russell; Scott...
1939 -1945 -Arnold Archi
bald, Van Egmond Bell,
James' Broadfoot, Harold`.
Chesney, Prank Casson,
Frank': Devereaux, Arthur -
rthurFraiser, -. William Greig,..
William A.' Graham, Hector
Lamont, John' Miller; How-
ard' McTavish, Harry McIver.
John :. McSpadden, Robert
McCallum, Norman Mc
Quaid, : Clarence O'Reilly,
Frederick O'Leary,. Robert
Friend of Youth .
Branch t56
on their
The women also; contribute
to the organization's
provincial bursary fund for a
veteran's child who needs
financial assistance to go
On to university They also
send handicapped, children;
from the area to summer
camp each year..
This year, the Women's:
Auxiliary has been
particularly busy, with 50th,
Anniversary events. They
have: supplied meals after a
number of special events' and
Papple, Melvin Shannon.
Chairman:' of the well
arranged program which
took. place _ in ' front of the
building was; Allan Nicholson
president of Seaforth Branch,.
I '156.. Other officials. taking
part were:; Seaforth Mayor
Edmund Daly; Huron County,
,Warden and Reeve of Tuck-.
,ersmith, Ivan. Forsyth Mrs.'
Mary McCann, of Fordwich,
District Commander Ladies'
Auxiliary, who Was intro-
duced by Mrs. Charles Wood
pres�dent. _of the Seaforth
Auxiliary. Second vice-
president Cleave Coombs
introduced the past presi-
dents. .
Seaforth Branch 156 of the
then, Canadian Legion of the
British, Empire Service
League was organized at a -.
meeting held in the GWVA,
Hall on October 15, 1929,
following informal discus
sions that had been going on
for some months.
From its inception the
Branch assumed responsib-
ility for all matters connected
with the welfare of Veterans :.
and with the perpetuating of.
the memory -of those Veter-
ans who had, paid the sup-
reme 'sacrifice. One' of: the.
first activities of the branch
wasorganizing a. church
parade and Armistice. Day
program a few weeks after it
had been established`.'
will be Catering, the October
6th,. ' banquet which is the
final SQth anniversary event',
Mrs* Brown said the
women's group is "thrilled"
with the proposal to build an.
addition to the. Seaforth
Legion building. The
proposed,. addition will in-
clude a bigger, more modern
kitchen and a meeting room
:or the group.
Mrs. Brown said next
year's Sunday dinner pro,
ceeds wilt go tofurnish the
new kitchen and meeting
The first president of the
organisation,, Mrs, Jessie
Cameron, is. r}OW living i4
BANQUET PREPARATIONS - Legion Ladies Auxiiliary Piave^ Little,
Thelma Coornbs and Eva Brown take a pause from working in the, Legion
Kitchen,' getting ready for one of the many dinners they cater throughout,
the Rear;
(Expositor Photo)
dears •.
l'011d Rec�rd
Best Wishes to Seaforth Branch 156; Royal Canadian Legion on the
occasion ot their fiftieth; anniversary in appreciation and recognition
of their. generous contributions and service to, our citizens.
527-1205 Seaforth
For remembrance
r celebration
:Ra .Y ,0
chk 1' Seafarth
Canadian legion
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