The Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 3410A, LEGION ANNIVERSARY' SECTION. Local men saw action OVE.rseas Editor's Note: The following sto►ies from, Expositors of the second world war years tell some of the stories of local: menwho fought for their country,) ON SPECI tL LEAVE, AFTER, PLAN :. CRACK-UP IN SOUTHERN ENGLAND WO2 Frank E. Phillips, RCAF., arrived home late Saturday night on a special thirty days' leave from Eng- land. He was met by Mayor Cluff, family and friends. WO2 Phillips' unit of the' RCAF.' was working with the, combined forces of the Fight ing Free French Air Corps and. the Royal Air Force stationed in, Southern England "I know all about it now," Frank said. "It is a ;,great life, even more so than I expected at times. You pass through a lot of stuations that I wouldn't care to talk about.. Our unit made • many operational flights over enemy territory. "On_ our ,last return trip, we cracked up in a southern part of England, We were flying at such a low altitude we couldn't bail out- but just had a stick it out.Two of our fellows were killed • and; the. rest were taken to hospital. I "was. in there for about two months and that is why l,tm: on special leave now for ,30 days. I feel fine, although .a little tired. However, I'll be ready to go back into it again after a little: rest," Prank, said He had arrived at Ottawa; on Thursday last with 300 otherreturning men, Frank is the youngest son. of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phil- lips, Seaforth. He joined the RCAF in Hamilton in 1941.. training at Guelph: Wireless School, at No. 6 Bombing and Gunnery School at Mountain View. WOUNDED BOYS ALL DOiNG WELL On. Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Cleary received a letter fromtheir song Trooper James E. Cleary, who is in a hospital in Italy. Jim told his I parents there was nothing to worry about, he had escaped without a scratch except for a broken leg, having received two slugs in his right leg just below the hip. His leg is in a cast. He says, he hopes to hear from all his friends back home.. According to letters from Englandreceived by their.. mothers here during the week, Pte, Donald Wood was wounded in' the leg and Pte. W. Wilbee was wounded in the shoulder. Every week more ' and more people discover what nighty . jobs . are accom- plished by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. Serv.ice.:m.en write (Continued from Page 7A), ed. Although..1 reckon since my release l have gained half of it back. The only trouble is that it is all; going, to my face and stomach. My arms and legs, are still pretty thin. • 1 am going on leave in a coupleofdays: with a lad from, London . Ona.. named MacArthur. We will: be away for a coupleof weeks, then • we will be back here to: be sent home, which doesn't take long, so you'll be seeing me very soon. 1 havea heck of , a lot of things I want to telt•you, but • it would only spoil them to be put. . in a letter. They will'., have l'o' wait till I, get home. Remember me to everyone, and I will write. again while on leave. Stirling The Management. & Staff of Seaforth take pleasure in paying their tribute to the leadership displayed by all Legionnaires in their record,of service to their Association and: to Seaforth over a span of fifty years ' SEAFORTH-BRANCH 156 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION The Royal ...is an inspiration t� all of us who . value devotedservice to' community and country.,. The founding :members built a solid base for others to follow.. That proud service is reflected well among, the members of... Se forth Branch 156 We respectfully join with the community in saluting their 50 years of service. S aforti BOYES FARM SUPPLY Massey -Ferguson 527-1257 SERVING THE, COMMUNITY—This Legion float in an early Sixties. Santa Claus parade, showedsome of the Seaforth branch's community activities.. (Photo by.. Phillips) R.S. BOX Funeral Ilorne 47 High St Seaforth congratulates `SEAFORTH BRANCH 156 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION on its 50th Anniversary and expresses appreciation for the service; it has rendered the community during these years. • ;ratu IatH i "at the going down of the sun and in the morning We shall remember them" THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 156 - SEAFORTH Has remembered and served for 50 years! , Seaforth: 527.1050