HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 31LEGION ANNIVERSARY SECTION 7A;
on your,
50th Ann iversar'
For Om :frhet• bread, and over
40 kinds of delicious donuts come: to...
COMMITTEE MEMBERS - The members of
the Seaforth; Legion and Ladies, Auxiliary who
planned 50th.. Birthday events during the year
included .(back row left, to right) Frank Phillips,
A.Y. McLean, Frank Sills, John Flannery, Jack
Muir,. Allan Nicholson and.. (front row) Eva
Brown,Tom Wilbee, George (Miller, Jack Eisler
and Olave Little. (Absent: Gary Betties) ..
FROM THE MAY 1101945
Business Places Closed
until Wednesday; Big Parade
on. Tuesday afternoon to
Victoria . Park. where Special,
Service is held.
Seaforth citizens cele-
brated with enthusiasm,
when the announcement of
Victory in Europe reached
town at three o'clock Mon -
Soon after that hour busi-
ness places closed and re-
mained closed until Wed-
nesday morning.. At five
o'clock Monday, afternoon..a
.special service . of thanks-
giving was held in Northside.
United Church and was
largely,. attended. 1n .the eve-
ning, a second public, service
was held. in First Presby-
terian Church, which was
filled with worshippers.
Later in the evening the
fire siren brought crowds to
Main Street, where a few
impromptu bonfires, started
by exuberant youngsters,
blazed for a time, but a heavy.
Seaf�rthcelebrafesVE day
downpour ,of rain . .soon
thinned out .the crowd, al-
though the celebrating con-
tinued for
on-tinued,for some hours.
The planned V -E Day. cele-
bration, however, was held
on Tuesday afternoon. At 2
o'clock the parade fortned'at
the Town Hall and marched
• to. John Street, then west to
Jarvis Street, north 'to:Goder-
ich Street, and east to Vic-
toria Street and to the Park.
The Colors. : carried by
John . Earle and William.
Edgar; Flight ' Lieutenant.
J.A. Munn, President of the
Legion; Seaforth Highland-
ers Band; men in uniform
from . World Wars 1 and II,
led by Squadron Leader A.
Copland; members of the
Legion; Seaforth council; and.
officials and officials of
adjoining municipalities
High . School Cadets; child-
ren's choir, led. by Miss M.E.
Turnbull,' and school .child-
Servicemen write home
from May, 1945 Huron Ex- camp _`1' was . in on'. January main thing is that I've had a
H of an: experience and
have comethrough it.
Don't worry about .me, as
I'll be seeing you very" soon.
All my love,
Bournemouth, Eng. April 30,
Dear Mother:
Everything is being done
for us to help us get back into:
the swing of things . again.
You cannot imagine how(
strange everything is to us, I
know I was lost . the first
couple of days.
They have a. special Mess -
hall for us, too, and Boy! we
get nothing but the best and
loads of it.. You know, figs,.
milk, porridge and stuff like
that. Almostall of us have.,
something .wrong with our.
stomachs, . and, we can't eat
much heavy food; as yet. I lost.;
over 40 pounds on the three
months march and 1 wasn't
up to standard when 'I start,
(Continued on Page '10A)
positor •
Editor's note: Wartime. was
especially rough for the syr-
vicemen in, enemy prison;
camps. The following letters
were written by one of them,
the late Stirling Habbkirk.
Mrs. Bertha M. Habkirk of
Seaforth, last; week received
the following letters from her.
son, W/O. Stirling Habkirk,
describing his escape from
the Germans and his rescue
by American troops:'
Europe, April 20, 1945
Dear Mother:
You have probably won-
dered what
on-dered_what had become of
me. Well, this .is the first
opportunity I've had to write
you in the last three months.
The Germans evacuated. the
1918 {Soldier:
(Continued from Page 4A) .
Ones or :the loving hands of
an ever grateful people.
One hears so much these
days of a League of Nations.
.What stronger bond of union
can there be' than that given
by the .thousands of little
crosses, representing " the
best life 'blood of the Allied
Nations. All given freely that
the rest of mankind might
live in Peace. And when the
final deeds confirming this
league are drawn up, let no
scheming politician ` or
smooth diplomatist, seek to
make much at the expense of
others, but rather, let him.
visit the quiet places, alas so
Many. , There let' him view the
Sleeping boys! A monument
at once to Willing SacritiQe'
and self denial so absolute.
Therefore; rather than re-
move our dead,let Us add to:
the lustre of their name, let
us have them as the seal of
surety, that there shall be a
proper League of Nations, let.
them sleep in the foieign,
land, far from home, 'tis
true; but ever present in our
never fading. memory. The
greatest example the world
has ever seen, of that great
decree, "Greater love hath
no man than he who - lays
down his life for his friends."
So let Canadian children be
taught, like the Mussulman,
morning and: night on, their
knees, faring this Mecca of
ours behind the battle lines,
let them think the men, aye,
and women too, whose spirit
indeed has "gone West but
whose bodies shall lie forever
in the East."
22nd, andsince:then we were
force -marched approximate-
ly 600 miles.
We had .very.little.food, no
cigarettes, insufficient cloth-
ing and consequently many
of us suffered from frost -bite
dysentry, etc. Everyone
marching was in a very weak
state,. and several of my
personal friends didn't make
the trip. Fortunately I am
feeling not too bad, aside,
from.being • weak and' very
thin. • I don't think 'there 'is
anything wrong that
rest '.and good food:' won't
heal. -
I.was liberated on the 11th
of this 'month, which I
think wasone of the happiest
days of my fife. The Germans
had been force -marching us
and they couldn't, get us any
rations, so Frank , McGregor
and i'sorta said the heck with
that, so we got away from the
main ,marching column
Sorry I cannot tell you
more in this letter,, but the,
To Seaforth. Branch .156 Royal
Canadian Legion on your 50 year's of.
Service toveterans and .community.
CuINSas Real Estate Ltd.
SEAFORTH 5274571
Auto Raiff 411241311'
The ,stiff Join, with us . In • offering sincere
congratulations to SEAFORTH BRANCH(
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION on their record of .,
service to this community.
50 Good Years
• • with more to come!
72 Goe rkn St.
Huron St.
M I . • I
Well Done!:.`
Branch.. i!
The Royal Canadian Legion htr `a proud history and
Seaforth Branch 156 shares iu,ita achievements
The staff Joins us .Inwishing you a happy fiftieth ..
Variety and. Gifts:
527-1680; Seaforth
To the, members and executive of
Branch 156 - Seaforth
Royal Canadian Legion.
Wappreciate all that you have done for
our. country rind out community.
SHINEN'S Seaforth
o the Members and Executive
Seaforth-Branch 15
Royal Canadian Legion
MMMT CMNrww', Two' Nod UM.
M Melo N.. YwMrit