HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 14BY E.L. >aZ ALAN SCOT'," da" h'W.st trymen buy some feed; It could be a complete .,min Mix. protein. Owen, tate Mineral supplement or feed additive- In scone cases% the dairyman does not know what he is buying. What is the cost? is it what his cows. require?' The feed tag should be ' closely observed. This is the clue as to what )+cu are buying, Be sure you get your money's worth in, feed nutrition: ECP FROM NPN? Protein is one nutnent. which should; receive your attention. Suppose you are buying a 36%protein supplement. This guarantees 36 pounds of crude protein per 100 pounds of feed. If a source of non protein nitro- gen is used, (urea, etc,) it will be listed as per cent equivalent crude protein (ECP). from non protein nitrogen: (NPN).: If, for example, the feed tag states that ECP is albs.. then half of the total protein units come from non protein nitro- gen (NPN), COMPARING TFIE COST PER POUND OF PROTEIN In this case, the 36% supplement would contain 6.4 lbs. of urea per 100 pounds: of feeds. If the cost was $14/100 lb. then one: pound . of protein costs 35 rents (half: NPN source). _ If the cost of a 32% non urea :F supplement is $9.60/100 pounds, then the cost of one pound of protein is 30 cents (all vegetable;.proteinsource) I FIBRE CONTENT S AN ESTIMATE OF ENERGY Crude fibre. i5 an essenttal., component of supplements. Energylevel is generally not listed on the tag. However. the fibre level should give a clue as to the. energy.a corn' . 2.2% crude fibre (CF) and 91% TDN (energy), soybean meal 6.7% CF and 81% TDN, :.soybean' hulls: 44,1% CF, 38% TDN Alt values are expressed on a 100% dry matter ,basis. Generally speaking, the higher the fibre, the lower the energy. For each 1% rise, in fibre, TDN' level drops. 1% OTHER NUTRIENTS Crude fat will not vary greatly in most dairy feeds •;, (except milk replacers). Fats. will increase . palatability, decrease dustiness' but are . . expensive: Other guaranteed num- ents such as minerals and 'vitamins should be consid- ered when looking at a feed tag. If you are buying a feed R. 4 ang f ifor phosphorous Or vitamins., 4gain caleel to the ..cost per • !pound or unit as, via* done with protein. Ask yourself, "Why ant II 'buying this. feed'. - which nutrient, ;protein„ energy etc? What is the cost/pound or unit of that nutrient? What; is the g1►ality of the feed?" (You Sometinnes see an and! or designation on the tag), Are he 'Extra' utri nt t n e,s needed or useful? Be a careful buyer' DAIRY PRINCESS COM! Er TION, The Perth Milk Cotronittee would like to hear from young ladles, who, are inter- ested in courting for the title of Perth County Dairy d tags u.. P'riii�ss. ;Con#es�nts most be •daughters of milk or meant ,preducers ,, Or thein employees. They most also be between the ages of 17 and 2$ years, on August 15th,, 1979. Information; and appli'' Cation forms are available {from; Milk .Committee merit- ' M, An, application Porn% shou.l4 in forwarded by 'October S.th to George pink- oey, R. 3. Listowel. The eempetitihn will be held at the .Atwood Coto - Milky Centre at S:30 p,m. Qat Friay, .iQetober 26th. The competitionwill involve an interview with the judges and a three minute tall? on '"What Ilairying Meana to+ R. a tom Dry► ng e erre now receiving the 1479 Buy _ Sell Storage available EN R. P.BELL FARMS LTD. 1 I Dublin 27-0249 Attention i-� i�r Growers DIVISION iOf GERBRO CORP in association with. Lou Maloney Dublin Feed Mill tire pleased lo anno(lfice' eceving facilities for the SOY BEAN CROP of DLIH FEED MILL ,Dublin (5191 3454330 Qualify Service on your doorstep! • COOK'S ply.. OF GERBRO CORP., IlEAD OFFICE: HENSALL Isabel Garniss, ,Morris 'ToWnShlp'g representative on the;'Winghara cad Duct tr t IiHospitat: board met with menibers of connect to, discuss letters of appeal council :load' received front the ,Citizens Action:; catumxttge, and: the hospital's board of Governors :; t!i; proposed court action to save hospital beds„ The letter front the .Citizen's. Asch?! Committee described the methods the committee had tried in order to save beds at. rhe hospitaIand: said on:. the advice of a lawyer they were going to try and fight in court but would need to raise at least $54,009; to fight the ease. The letter stated that they thought the most equitable way, to raise this money would be to approach the local governments using a formula based on an area's in -Patient diatrihution during a 12 month; ..:.plod -from A 4I 1, 1974 until ntil.Match31;, ocwnth,'had 256:admissi n to the Wieghant hospital or *percentage of, 8.15 to the total admissions 004 04 to 8,92 per cent :and Monis w Townshi ,,l?'S allocated cost l be $4.460.. Although the letter :said the commLttee realized that momight not be available ur: nsa „8 n allocated e anyhe 1979 budget, .. money a at d in the 1980 budget, would, be appreciated for this rause. A letter front the hospitals 4Board: of Governors ,endorsed the appeal of the Citizien's .Action; Committee„ Mrs. FGarniss told council that the board hadvoted on court action and that eight were in favor, six were against, one abstained and; the rhairinan didn't vote. She said that 14 beds in the pediatric unit had been closed as of Monday, When asked Reeve Bill Riston whether the ...to Ws. .rig .i S. .Iota (Confirmed from.:Page 15), economy,. it would be much easier to take than increases. of the magnitude ;proposed by Premier Davis. What is required is strong political will to present the case for the r Ontario consumer in Ottawa, and to. make it plain that Alberta, and the ;oi1 companies will not, be reaping extra, revenue at the expense of .he people of this Province. The ;power to set the price of oil. and to implement the alternative policywhich, we have proposed rests solely with the federal government, Alberta's approval, consent and •co-operation ire tiny necessary The only essential; is; for the federal government to be .determined to re- cognize that our Province: has and that the time has come: to say to Premier Lougheed, for the present, at least, that enough is enough. fi hospital was fairly busy« i►' rs. Gam* replied that they had been running on about. an 80 per cent average capacity up until the end of August. She said there had nevelt been a !case of turning anybody away, and that the hoped they, °wouldn't have to, She sad 12.. oPie bad been laid off ,at thea hospital. Layoff -criteria;- were merit and whether there were two -Readopt -niters to the fantilx er not.. Wit came to a choice the one* Who had the most seniority were ke$ t on. Council then went into. eorta,mittee-of--the -whole todiscuss, the hospital situation and followingthat made a Motion that theydid: hilt su rt the cti n ., pPo a p committee, and did not endorse their appeal, Members of East Wawanosh council,• attended Monday'smeeting,, to discuss the agreement on the Belgtave Community Centre. After some discussion it was decided: to Make a few changes in the agreement. A grant of $2.50 will be given. by each of the eouncilsand any further financial committment would have to be referred to both councils before any further action could: be taken bythe board. They also decided': to change a .Statement that said the agreement could only be _dissolvedby having bothcouncils sign agreeing to do this, Council decided,to make the agreement more open,to say instead that the agreement would be in effect foF two years to be reviewed in December of 1981. In other business;, engineer Andy;, McBride from Maitisnd Engrneedag Services_;in Wingham' read the :repos on the .Vaulter, dram and said a complete recgnstxu•,ction of'a rile portion of the Coulter drain, andthe construction of a new branch drainwere proposed. The coati ,estunate was $42,500, Council made a motion to provisionally advt. the p Y report on the Coulter. drains Court of Revision is to be held on October 22. Council also opened snow plowing tenders and decided to accept those. of Jaynes Adams. for the truck at S17.75 per hour and $12 bier hour stand-by time and that of George Radford for a grader at $24.50 for the actual; work and $12Pet` hoursto n b . Other .d. y ..... submissiotnwere Keith Nicholson at $23 per. hour and $20 standby and Glen McKercher at $20 per hour and $12 standby. Council received word from 'Blyth about the village's secondary, plants ting that council was looking at the possibility of a, minor annexal ion of the indestrtal pork and! that as, soon as the plan had Ministry of Housing approval the village council would like a Joint meeting with the Morris Township council- Council also received a copy of the proposed Turnberry Township Secondary Plan. They were advised that the plan is entering the second phase which involves reactions to specific proposals and that later a meeting would; be held with Tumberry and neighbouring councils to discuss this plan. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES STARTING' DATE FOR MONDAY EVENING CLASSES WILL DE MON.. 0 '.1' 1971, REGISTRATION INFORMATION 1. Ali classes will begin during the Week of October 1, 1979 FEES 20. Session Course :25 10 Session Course '15 Less than 10 Session '10 Credit courses 53000 2. Advances registration is: desirable and; may be mode by phoning or visiting the school. 3. Late registration will be accepted on opening night' 0f class is. nat'already filled. • 4. Classes. will be held weektyl -generally from 8-10 p,m: 5.One credit toward Groduotion or Honour Graduation Diploma will be allowed for academic courses completed; Materiels for prolrct"s must be "applied by students. atudants must purchase required text books. SOME COURSES MAY HAVE TOBE CANCELLED IF INSUFFICIENT INTEREST IS INDICATED BY ENROLMENT. IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT DEMANO; OTHER. I COURSES MAY BE ARRANGED " CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON-PHONE 482-3471 ;MONDAY Nog g. Basic Sewing (10: wks.) Bookkeeping 120 "AL) Ceramics' (10 wks:)` Furniture .;Refinish(ng (10 wks.) Gymnastics (10 wits.) Welding (10 wits.) TUESDAY NIGHT Art st10' wks.) First Aid (8 wks.) Hairdressing (10-wks.),. Advanced Sewing (10 wks:) Women's Fitness (10 wks.) Karate for Beginners (10 wks.) The Law is Not for Women' (10. wits.) Auto Maintenance (10 wks.) •WEDNESDAY`NIGNT Crochet and Knitting (10 wks:) Drafting (.10 wks) Macrame ( 10 wlks.). Flower Arranging (10 wks.) Step Dancing (10 wks;) Typewriting (10 wks.) Upholstery for Beginners (10. .wks.) Electricity for Homernakers (10 wks,)...... F.E. MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL WINGHAM-PHONE 357-1800 MONDAY NiGH1 Decorative Tube Painting (20 wks.) Oil Painting General (20 wks.) (Above courses held; at Bru'sseis Public School) TUESDAY NIGHT Amateur Radio (20 wks.) Bridge. for' Beginners (10 wks.) Ceramics. (Advanced) (10 wks.) Hair Styling (10. wks.) • Intermediate Sewing (20 wks.) Ladies Auto .Mechanics (10 wks.) Luxury Sheers (20 Wks.) Macrame (e wks.) Pilot Ground School (20 wks.) Standard Fir"st 'Aida (0 wks.) Upholstery (20 wks.) • Yielding (Basic) (10 wks.) WEDNESDAY NIGHT Alternate Energy for the House (0: wks.:) Ceramics.(Beginners) (10 wks.). Custom drapes (20 wks:). Flower Arranging (6 wks.)' Fundamentals of Art (20 wks.) Ladies Physical Fitness (l0 wks.) Practical Auto Mechanics (20 wks.) .• Sewing for Beginners (20 wks.) Spinning and: Nature Dyeing. (10 wks.) Upholstery (Advanced) (20 wks.) Woodworking (General) (20 wks.) • Decorative Tube Painting (20 ,wks.) TO START MONDAY, APRIL 7, 19$0 Advanced Knits (10 wks.) Golf for Beginners (0 wk3.) TO START THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1900 Besic Knits (10 wks.) MONDAY NiGHT` Art (10 wks.) Badminton (10 wks.) Bridge (Beginners) (10 wks.) Conversational French (10 wks.) Crocheting (Beginners) (10 wks.) Liquid Embroidery (20: wks.) Sewing (Basic) (20 wks.) Typewriting (Advanced) 00 Wks.) • Your Car Hs Care and` Feeding; (6 wks.)• • •GODERICH` DISTRICT COLLEGIATE ISTITUTE GODERICH-PHONE 524-7353 TUESDAY NIGHT Basketball (Men) (20 wks.). Photography (10 wks.) Sewing (Advanced) (20 wks.) Sewing' (Intermediate) (Victoria: Public School) (20. wks,)' • • WEDNESDAY NIGHT Macrame (Beginners) (6 wks.), Volley ball . (Adults - mixed). (Colborne Central Public School) (10 wks.) Welding' (10 wks.) Woodworking (20 wits.) THURSDAY NIGHT Conversational Spanish ( 10 wks.) Quilting (Beginners) (Victoria Public School) (S wks.) Strsetch)Sewing, (Beginners) ` (10, wk` TO OEGIN IN JANUARY badminton (10 wks.) bridge (Intermediate) (10 wks.) Golf (10 wks.): ' Men's Sports Night •(10 wks.) Stretch Sewing (Advanced) (10 wks.). TO BEGIN IN;APRIL. Gardening • (3 wks.) TO'NEGIN IN MAY Tennis'"(S wks.) NOTE: CUSSES OL I AT 7:30 P.M. SEAPORTH DISTRICT HIGH? SCHOOL SEAFORTH-PHONE 527-0380 MONDAY MIGHT Advanced Photography (10 wks.) Crocheting (10 wks.) Furniture Refinishing (20 wks.)' , Introduction to Photography (10 wks.) Quiltit$g (10 wks.)` 'TUESDAY NIGHT Accounting far Farm and • Business (10•Wks.) ' Flower Arranging (10 Wks.) Ladies keep Fit (10 wks.) Liquid Embroidery (20 Wks.) Sewing and -or Tailoring for both • Beginners and Advanced (10 WM.): WEDNESDAY NIGiiT . Badminton for Men and Ladies (20 wks.) THURSDAY NIGHT ,Men's Basketball (20: Wks.). TO BEGIN IN JANUARY 1910 Cross 'Country Skiing TO SEGNI MARCH 1910 Disco Danci . TO IEGiN IN`AfeRIL 1110; Golf Tennis SOUTH HURON 61STRICT"ftdHieloGinHt ' SCHOOE.'E TUESDAY NIGHT Badminton for Adeno (10 wks.)' and• `aryeib • (10 may MONDAY NIGHT equipmenty' �be rented or nnerk ,• � Language. 00 wks.)` �i3 purchased for corninuniceition With the deaf WeavMg °11//111°° • a foam (10' .). "Computer Studies .400 (25 wks.) wks.3 Chair Caning (10 wks Flower Arranging and Christmas (credit) Crafts (10 Wks.) cross cetintrySkiing (10 wks.) WEDNESDAY NIGHT l evkl 2 SeViinq 120 wks.)' . Starting: December 11, in Beginner Sewing for Children. (10 (credi (Advaitced3 (2b wks.)' Ma hem cs•i 240 (2S` Witt:)' tevei 3 Sewing wks.) Ages 10.12.1:30 :11: M p.m. (Mathamot(cs 440 (2S Wki,) - booms at 4:30 p.m.Ages.13.14-11:60-f:20ii.m (credit) Lave) 4 Sewing (20 with.) (Sim- Chit* Decx rating (10 wks.) Motor ibit Miifitialte '(10 • putted Tailoring) Ceeamics (20 wks.) M wks.) � dins et fi:36 p.m', Creative Writi (0 mai.) Petttey (Ileginnir's) (10 wks.) Mathematics 550 (25 wks,) English 340 (2S wks.) (croon) QWttIeg (L twits.) (arid!?) # I010011 l 440 in wits.) (credit) XETER -PHONE ?3 Fitness and 'Weight Control (10 Wks.) .Men and Women •Flower Arranging and Christmas, Crafts (10 wks.) Pitman Shorthand (Beginiiars) (20 wks.) Pitman Shorthand (Advanced) (20 wks.) Ttpfng 100 (25 Wits.) (Credit) Welding 300 (25 wits.) (credit) THURSDAY MOW Aida Mechanics for Warman (i0 wks.) w d r '�ng - AMA . tit .r ase• Carni° becorsitive Tube Painting: (20 wks.) Canadian :law 460 (2S: #.)' (credit) First Atd (St. John's) 00 WkS ) Gourmet Cooking (10 wits.) Mathenatics SS4 (IS wks.) (credit) Mritliiematics of ihelittntinf Pottery (Internldlwta) (10 wks.) NOTE? Oa di* frit ,atiWo aHesieils tiiM 11 E'i$ IMIIIie Misttalat laibibt4