HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 11Seaforth Minor Hockey OPENI G DAY Saturday, October 6, 1979 8:30 •9:30: 43040:30: ;44 ;;; ;;; 10:30-1T:30: r 4494 * • BANTAM PEEWEE *ATOM 11:30-12:30: NOVICE' 1230-1:30: MITES ,•' ALL players Who Intend Or Ile'Ve regletored for the above Categories will come out at the indicated time. " • PLAYERS MUST BE REGISTERED TO GO ON tile ICE. BY ALICE 91411 Sunday's beautiftd Whitt Summer temperatures were a Wier factor in making the fifth AIWA CiderfeSt. held 1, on the lige ggrnend. house grounds, the MeStatteceSSfal ever, POI Carroll, .chairman of feandatielt, Said he eStintates there Were aP.,.• proximately 3,000 people at the afternoon event, with 1,100 people paying to tour the home. THE HURON} .EXPOSITOlts, OCTOBER lit VVarrn a fte,rnoorir br�ug t crowds t Ciderfes •He Said .this year's attendance was up, from 33 to 40 per cent ever attentlanco at the 1978 Ciderfest. This year the Van Egmond fee,114atiOn held all the •events on ittio 421.0. rather than holding some events at Seaforth pow: school. Mr. C arroll feels this approach GOODIES FOR SALE — Jean of McKillop were two of the 1114,1;* r i1110.• slot , • • • • Drager, left, and Pam Soontiens, many area people With, outdoor •booths baicing. at $o.nday's Olderfest. They sold crafts and horns • 4.41' * WAGON, HO --Bill Leeming of McKillop• visitors to Sunday's Ciderfest Township, and Allan Campbell, used Mr. fashioned wagon ride around Egmondville. Leeming's team'and wagon to give younger (Expositor Photo) a good old Draw -winners The Seaforth Community Hospital Auxiliary Fall Fair , Prize Winners were: Afghan - Mrs. • Don Stewart and Teddy Bear - Mrs. Mervin Nott. atthe110 • 01)00( LRESTAURANt sepvertciolcing Ninifittld FIcirboue • Sunday, October 7 &:Monday, October 8th Our Diningroont will feature: Appetizer. Dry DockSalad 11• 0AST,TURKEY nitholti DUCK• $95 each •%ith (thrill %ante • PRIME RIB OF BEEF ith tirlottire Pudding •' All the above dinners include Pumpkin Pie or Choeolate.Mosae s'ITTINO AT 2:00. 3:1111. 8:00 /TII DA 1 S. 111•NE111 ATIONS liCOMMENDIAL Coffee Shop will feature: Special Turkey Dinner (No ai.senntitho row 1 • • It, DitY 1)OCK ItESTAUltANT HWY, 21 BAYFIELD 545.2553 Dublin & District Athletic Assoc. in o B. . • now being held in St. Patrick's School Gym ovary Friday • 8 /44$ more StteCeSSftil, Virolseley Barracks in London, lent •the Van Egttiond. foundati011 'IWO, large tents, agt 1:4 C 1sr 4iroaA4rryDipl aAahe' is gt1 toe, bonkadditional tents for next 1f -ear's event. Although the ,foundation MemberS haven't completed the tally of 1110Dey raised at the event, Mr. Carron said between $?-.50Q to $2,700. He the group will likely net said the gross yester day was, around •$4,290.. Last yOar, the group made about $1,S00 net from the eVent., Mr. Carroll said the weather was certainly a major contributing faetor to the event's success. He said he also thinks the Ciderfest is becoming more widely known. He said this year there Was • a particularly Nthurough publicity campaign and weekly newspapers and, the radio stations , were particularly helpful in publicizing the event. He said as well as local residents who attended the Ciderfest, the flow of visitors seemed, to be from the Stratford and, London areas. 'The Ciderfest is centered around:pressing, apples from Mimetic! Orchards to make fresh eider. This year; people could have cold eider, hot, • Mulled cider- and children were particularly captivated by the drink sold in red plastic, apple -shaped containers. These sold out during the afternoon. disMapr.PoCinarmeini tsaidwatshe ane apple butter didn't prove as popular with Ciderfcest visitors .this year as it had in the past. •• ATTRACTIONS Aniong the • special attraetions at the Ciderfest Were an art exhibit in the house •by members of the Central Ontario. Artists Association, a demonstration of pioneer •blacksmith techniques, an. old -tyme janiboree featuring the music •of the Huron 'Strings and stepdancing'by a number of area entertainers, the flower exhibits inside. the house and arts and crafts and flea market displays around the .grounds. • Mr. Carroll said next year the Van Esmond Foundation plans to increase the number and type •of arts and crafts demonstrations since' they have preyed So pcipular, Also, the date for the Ciderfest will be standard - lied in the future so it will always be_On the last Sunday in September. Mr. ,Carroll •said .the foundation vvinted to thank one group in particular, •membors of the Seaferth junior Farmers organization, He sak4 "we couldn't have Managed without them," The ,lurtior Femets helped with crowd control, and, parking and sold admission, tickets at the erir. trance to the Van Egmon4 house grounds. They also helped raise the exhibit tents, ENTERTAINERS Mr, Carrell said the group also wanted to thank the members of the Huron Strings and the local dancers fer contributing their time and talents to provide entertainment during die afternoon. The Mllsieiatia daneerS played on stage setup • Meng the eraft and flea market boo*, POT •the blacksmith, de- meeatrtOion and the flowet show, proved particularly appealing to visitors. Paul Carroll said this year instead Of' indpg have themeextdiftthe flowers were Waned' slrietlY decorate the various •rooms of the hiStorie home, The flowerS were arranged by members. of the Seaforth horticultural Society and the Van Egmond Foundation, The proceeds from the afternoon event will be used tg continue reconstruction of• the home, built by THE BARBECUE TEAM— Bill Lee of ,Clinton, on the left, and Ken Williams of R.R.4, Clinton, were two'of the volunteers who barbecued' homemade sausage, one of the treats available at Sun -day's Ciderfest on the Van Egmond •grounds. Co.:. Van BPK$14 #itr. Carroll, said tender!r' thc nee step in teconserachon will go out this week. The foundation also is faced with paying the costs of archaeological excavations at the front of the home, The team working on the dig is hying to locate the original foundations of the verandah. When they're located, the verandah, will be rebuilt to fit the original stye. M*. Carroll said the ex- cavations will likely cost ap- proximately $3,000, and the, group doesn't know whether they can apply for any grants which will cover these costs. He said • visitors to the home VC obiviously in- terested in the project, since over S40 was contributed to the excavation fund on Sunday, Mr. Carroll said members of the foundation were pai-. grateful for. the support from the community for the Ciderfest activities. He said, "We hope to offer an equally successful one next year with some new and different attractions." A patchwork velvet quilt, made by Dorothy Williams and Gladys. Van Egmond, which was raffled by the Van Egmond Foundation, was won by Susan White of R.R.1, Dublin The draw was made at the close of the Ciderfest. - The Van Egmond. Found- ation would also like to thank Frank Sills for loaning. his collection of photographs and other items of local interest THE STEPDANCERS These d 'young step ancer s, members of the . . . . • Country Squares,theCiderfest, .entertained visitors to while their teacher Mrs. Lila Storey calls out the steps. COMMERCIAL HOTEL SFAFORTH • This week 8 Sat. Matinee • GRANT CARSON SHOW Next week 8 Saturday Matinee Richard Russell Show SPECIAL MONDAY T -Bone Steak or Turkey Dinner Between 5 - 7 p.m. FINE FOOD FINE ENTERT UNNIENT ].979 NOW A CLASS "A" FAIR TO BE HELD ON • FRIDAY.EVENING iOCTOBER 5THi • * VIEWING OF EXHIBITS AND CONCESSION It Starting A1/ • * n1- * 8:15 CONCEflT OP LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT* tti,i SWEETHEART OF THE riti it ediortitioN . OFFICIAL oPENif44 OP THE Fain ; *• friday Night AdmiSMOA 4 AOULtS. • FREE GRANDSTAND' • FRI. & SAT. • OCTOBER 5TH .& 6TH GIANT PARADE Time 12 Noon . . • 9441/111.111414. ;11414111114C 50,041. KINGSVILLE & ESSEX ASSOC, BAND HARNESS RACING • .' • SADDLE RACES ' SADDLE HORSE:SHOW' • . . A fainily Pun bay LAMBYON-KENT PONY PULL • WESTERN ONT. LOG SAWING CHMOS. CLOWNS ARENA ENTERTAINMENT , LIVESTOCK AND 4-H SHOWS ROSEMOUNT AMUSEMENTS' ACRES OF EXHIBITS • GROUNDS ADMISSION ON FAIR DAY , ADULTS — $2.00 • CHILDREN --50c PRESCHOOL CHILDREN — FREE PARKING S1.00 SATURDAY .EVENINGi -OCTOBER 6TH TEEN DANCE so.und sisioms "70"*MU11 ` C#11 I Adm. 52 00 * * ;.-;+ DANCE TR,41/BUMLIN4 *dm $3.6o , * **************************** FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY aa"41 ,111*Iir-SAL • •4