HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 7SECONDARY SCHOOL Ores!: Heather McLean; Skirt .anct lined vett: Michelle Driscoll, tieatftet McLean. Drees: Dianne Godkin, of azef:. Skirt. DianneGpttkln Stu,IfertAnimat. Heather McLean, SP•clat: Lar00e-S1Q. :tor }most Points in A section -Heather McLean. String art: Connie Evans, Hooked rug; Connie Evans. Special: Crown Hardware: Ste. for moat points in B .classes; Tied were Connie Evans & Dianne Godkin. ,FRUITS & VEGETABLES Tomatoes:.Hazel Hildebrand, Joan Stewart, Mrs. Dart, Melones, Five span's!) onions: Mrs, titan :McInnes. Five yellow onions', firm. Dutch Sets; Mrs- Pan Mcinne!, Lorne De Mrs, Clara Perrle- 3 cucumbers slicing not over 1 Mrs, Dan McInnes. White beans, quart box, garden variety, shelled: Mrs. Dan. McLane, White beans, quart box, field variety, shelled: Mary Berner - Ingham, Mrs. Dan McInnes Butter beans, shelled quartbox, garden variety: Mrs, Dan McInnes, Mary Fotheringham, Lorne Dennis, Five table .carrots -short: Mary Fotheringham, Mrs. Dan .McInnes, . Lornen Dennis, Five ,e table carrots - lOng: Mary Fotheringham, Five pickling beets: Lorne Dennis; Mrs, Clara •Perrle, Mrs. Dan Mc Innes. Ffye table beets: Lorne Dennis Mary Fotheringham; Mrs, Clara Per, roe. 1 pt. box multiplier onions: Lorne, Dennis. Mrs. Dan McInnes, Mrs. Clara Perrie. Five: peppers green: Mary Fotheringham, Mrs, Dan Mc Innes, Two sunflower. heads Mrs. Dan McInnes, Two tall cabbages: Mary Fotheringham, Mrs, Dan McInnes. Two winter cabbages: Mrs. Dan McInnes. Two red, cabbages; Mrs.. Dan McInnes'. • Two pepper squash; Jean Drager, Mrs, Dan McInnes, Joan Stewart. Two muskmelons: Mrs. Dan McInnes. Two citrons striped: Mrs.. Dan Mc- Innes, Joan Stewart. Two p.le pump- kins, 7" diameter maximum: Mrs.. Clara Petrie: Mr.s, Percy Adams, One yellow field pumpkin: Mrs. Dan McInnes, 3 table turnips: Mrs. Percy, Adams, Six quart basket Irish cobbler -potatoes unwashed: Mrs. Dan Mc Innes; Mary Fotheringham;, Mrs, Clara Perrie. Six quart basket Sebago Potatoes, unwashed: Mrs: 'Dan Mc- Innes, Lorne Dennis,, Mrs, Clara. Perrie,:5ix quart basket red potatoes; unwashed: Lorne. Dennis, Gail. Hugill - Mrs, Clara Perrle. )Six quart basket. any other kind 'Correctly named Lorne Dennis, Mrs. Dan .:McInnes, ' Mary Fotheringham. Collection of squash, 5 varieties named: Mrs, Dart McInnes. Largest cabbage: Mary Fothering- ham. Largest potatoes; . Mrs. Clara Perrie,,_ Lorne Dennis,, Mrs, Dan. :McInnes. Collection p1' garden pot- duce,.3 of each, numbers of types; & .. quality, to be considered: Jean Drager Mrs Wm. Drainage, Mrs, Don Kelly. Speclal, 'Huron • Expositor: for most points in section K:. Mrs, Dan McInnes -Winner 87 points, Strawberries: Mrs, Lillian Evans; Mrs, D. Kelly, Poaches:'R. Campbell . 'Helen Nott, Deb .Jamieson.. .Pears: Gall Hugill, Deb Jamieson, Mrs. D. : Kelly, Plums: Mrs', Lltllani . Evans, Mrs, D.• Kelly. :Red Raspberries: Mrs, Lillian Evans, Deb Jamieson, Mrs, D. Kelly.: Fruitcocktail:.Mrs. A: KellY,I Hu iii' Joyce Hugill, . Gail. 9 Y g , Whole tomatoes: Mrs. Lillian Evans, Mrs. 'K lty, Mrs, Robt. •Ragele Tomato Jtllce: Helen Nott, Mrs, Di Kelly. Chili Sauce: Helen Nott, Mrs. Olive Papple, Mary -Fotheringham.. Bread&Butter Pickles: R. Campbell, BrendaWhyte, Hazel Hildebrand: . Icicle Pickles: Deb, Jamieson, Gait. Hugill, Hazel Hildebrand: Pickled: Beans: Hazel' Hildebrand;• Grace Broadtoot. • Hot Dog Relish: Hazel Hildebrand,. 'Mary Fotheringham;' Brenda Whyte.' Pickled Corn Cobs: Lois Hodgert, Grace''Broadfoot, Mrs. D, Kelly: DUi pickles, sweet: Brenda Whyte, • Hazel Hildebrand; Mrs. D. Kelly. Pear' Marmalade: Mrs, b: Kelly;. Helen Nott, Betty Glanville, Peach . • Jam: Brenda Whyte, Heather Cronin; Joan Stewart. Strawberry, jam cooked Rowena. Wallace;, Joan Stewart ; Mr a ele, Raspberry -0)M s, Robe{;} R g cooked Deb Jamieson Joan Stewart; Rowena Wallace, Grape• jelly: Hazet . Hildebrand, Mrs, 0.Kelly, Any other variety of jam or jelly, must be labelled: Deb Jamieson, Della Ben- ' nett, Hazel Hildebrand. Collection of canned'fruit (pints) varieties: Lillian Evans, Three lore of jam or jelly decorated for, a Christmas'gifll Mrs. D. Kelly, Hazel Hildebrand; -Lillian Evens. Special: Doug and Gail Schroeder $10.00 to new exhibitor With most • points in classes 1-24. In case of tie money will be divided. Won by Mrs. Leonard Janiesoh, • ' .SCHOOL EXHIBITS ; Carrots: Jeff Benimell, Jane Papple, William Fotheringham, Bonnie Turn- er.. Cucumbers, 17,5 cm.: Kathy •Rathwell,' Peter John Boven, Nancy Taylor; Michael Schoonderwoerd, • Four pickling beets: Barbara Pother - Ingham, Julie Cronin. William Foth- eringham, Adam Davies. Four span- lsh onions with skins ol. H'elen Van Loon, Robbie Van Loon 1<*thy Rath - well, Nancy Taylor. Ful,.., garden carrots, long: Paul ; Hopper, Bev Beuormann,• Barbara Folheringham, Tim Fritz. Five pickling .cucumbers, under 7.5 cm, leave'stems on: Brenda Pullman, Andrew Kennedy, Kallen Carroll, Blair Oeuermann,'Fbur table • beets- Tracy Read, •Robbie Van Loon, Cheryl Ann Storey, Kate Papple. Four cooking offlbffs, with skins on: Stevan Johnson, Cathy Palin, Ptet Hate, Lee CUrrah: FIve red, ripe Tomatoes Will etema On: Doug Hugill, Brenda Pittman, Ben Rothwell, Kim Fritz. Ten potatoes, any variety,. In suitable box, :girt exhibitor: Cheryl Ann 'Storey,- Brenda Pullman, Lori Cronin, Judy Coupland, Two green cabbages: Bobble Van Leon, Andrew Kennedy, Helen Van Lbon, Susanne Hickson. i`wo pepper squash: Patrick Moylan; Lee Currah, Ken Axtmann, Marianne Moylan. ' Ten potatoes, any variety In suit- able box, boy exhibitor: David Cronln Andrew Kennedy, Chris Maloney, Paul Dodde. Two pie pumpkins, 17.5 cm In diameter:' Robbie Van Loon, Gayle Harrlson, Jeff Grinnell, Billy Stewart. Largest pumpkin: Laura Che3ney,, Ron Pryce, Amy Vanden Akker, • Connie McClure, 3 ears popping 'cern: Craig Hader/ell; Bar* bars Fotheringhaen, Paul Dodds,, Joan Dodds, Largest squall): David:' , Campbell, Sandra McInally, Jennifer tftkilllr Brent Van den Akker; Three WO tweet fable corn: Anne Robinson -Matt; Townsertdi, Myr Workman, ,Ribble Van Liar, Two, 9iunfip+eers heads; Tracy Read, Steven Johnson, Carel Axtmann, Ken Axtmann, Three specimens of gourds, In suitable box, teav„ef Mems on: Wifllarn .Fotheing- ham, Efi;ppeth Anna SteleArt, Ben Rathwell, Tracy„ Read. A vegetable man: Brad Falconer, Peter, John. Bonen, Malt. Townsend, Androw Kennedy. Special, Seaforth Coop $5.00, - Robbie. Van. Loon. Topnotch: s3,00; -Brenda Pullman, S2.00 Tracy Bead., Pansies; Terry Gray, Nancy Taylor, Julie Townsend,: Michael Schoender- woerd. Sweet '.Peas„ .Scott DriSeell, Jason Schoonderwoerd, Gladtolii - 3. spikes; Chris Cardno, Murray Town, send, Mark Ryan,: Terry Gray. Asters, mixed colours, 5 stents: Scott Driscoll: Michael Schoonderwoerd,, Brad Fal- coner, Kathy Rathwell. Asters! powder puff 5 sterna: Scott. Driscoll. Brad Beutenmlller, Jennifer Hugill, Jane Nipple. Asters. - need,e, 5 stems: Helen yan Loon.'Mark/Olds- large, Mart olds -Targe, 3 stems: Terry. Gray, Trevor Fortune, Kate Papple, Jane Papple Marigolds - smell, 5 stems: Sherri Kling, Kathy Rathwell, Cheryl Read, Jeff Gemmed. Zinnias = Pompom -5 stems: Bev, Beuermann, Karsten Connie McClure• r6, tea: blscutts ,aft grades; Joanne. carter, Janice Carter; Sandra. Hunt.,' ..Donna •M4Clure, S• squaree unbaked, grads 4,5,6Scott; Townsend, Paul '.Dodds, 'Part Camp* belt, Peter VanSlyke, 6-2.5 cm chop: fudge -open to ,all grades: Cindy, Evans, Ann McClure, Julie Town- send, Mary Hunt. 6 cupcakes decor- ated for a party open to all grades: Merry.Townsend,,Uncle. Ellis, Lorret- ta .Glanvipe, ttanOyr Bodkin. Nut- ritious; & attrwttve, school lunch in, suitable container: Vicki Gordon, Debbie. Campbell, $taut Townsend, Matt Townsend. 1 matt attractive. pizza, grade, 7' & 8; Sandra Hunt, Kathy. Pryce, Date Loal Grade 6,7 A. 8; Sandra Hunt: Paul Dodds, Kathy Pryce, Joan Dodds, 6 plain peanut butter cookies 6,7, & 8: Kevin Colam �, SandraHunt, Barry Vin- Pent, Julie Townsend. Mrs. Williams, special: Sandra Hunt, ,loenne Carter. Paul Dodds, Scott Townsend. An exhibit made from clothes pins: Linda Ellis, Dav;d KelIV Tr� A Stenion Peter Vanslyke. A button collection -grade 3-6: Peter Vanslyke, Linda :Ellis, Kevin Cooper, David Keay, A Inacram° plant hanger,including, plant grades 7&8: Wendy Smith, Mark. Ryan, Darlene Moore, Beverly a y. ik-3) .Poets: Mike •Schoonder- woerd., David Katy, Terry t<aiily, Aunts N-6) Booklet: Machaet Kelly, Martin Andreassl, Grant Ross, School Display: St. James & Sea - forth .Public S10,00 each. Historical: Contest: A model, dem- stration or display of pioneer crafty industry, .etc, Cindy. Evans, David Kealy, Michael: Kelly. .Mark .Ryan, Terry, Kelly. Eggs; 2'h doz. brown eggs: Kim •Peas, Jim Mao. 21/2 doz. white eggs: Bruce Scott, Ann Wilson, Sharon Wilson, Joe. Ryan. LION'S PET SHOW Best-lt: & ,Kati rend. Swinkleookings,caMananaNatalie Moylan,. Shelly Anne :Coughtry,. Judy Coup 'land. Most unusual cat: Barb Sloan, Ltnda Van Dyk, Donna Godkin, Tracy Taylor. 6,51 looking rabbit: Stephen Dotmage, Matt Townsend, }bug •Hugill, Naomi Ward. Most unusual • rabbit: Susan' Rutley, Susan DAie, • • Darren Beuerman, Eileen Ward. Beet.. • •- looking, dog: Judy Nigh;. • Patrick Moylan, Lisa O'Dwyer, Karen Camp- : bell. Best dog; least resembling any • known breed: Claudette, Tommy „ Nash, Todd Mauer, Jason Rodney. • Best behaved dog: Barry Vincent, • ' Any breed pigeon: Susan. Hulley, . •• Billy Stewart; Mary Lou Stewart, • 7Kart1 • • • •• • •. • • • • • Kelly, Helen. Nott. 'Pumpkin toot plain, Jane Vincent, Mary Fothertng,• tam, Grace Broadtoot, Applalaitw, Cake, plain; Mrs, D. Keller, Mtyec 'Fotheringham, Gil" Papp", Weston'sspeclsl mat points. in classes 5-14. Olive Papple. Arv, Flour for fiat in Class 7, LAllr; Hodgen. Maple crown -WPM*. W Ib,: Oily, Papp!., Mrs, D. K•liy,'Lillian Evan', Chocolate Fudge, approx. ,h lb,: Qtlye Papple, Chrirtlne Trimmer, Mrs. D. ,Kelly. Seven cheoelate, brownlee, iced: R. Campbell, Loretta. Mintage, Olive Papple, seven ba ell peanut butter cnoktai;. Mrs. Lillian, •el OLDTYME MUSIC Was the theme of this James Seperate school float, complete with musicians and square dancers in last week's fall fair parade: Carroll, Joan Dodds, Jason Schoend- erwoerd, Zinnias large, 3 stems: Ben Rathwell, Scott ,Driscoll, Pat Nigh, Terry Gray. Dahlias -large, 1 stem: Terry Gray. Cindy Maloney, Bradley Beutenmfller, Jason Schoonderwoerd Dahlias -baby or pompom, 5 stems: Kevin Coleman; Terry•Gray, Denise Morey, Lynn Nigh. Dahlias -Cactus, 3 stems:. Terry Gray, Kevin Coleman; Brad Beutenmiller. Cosmos -5 stems: Terry Gray, Scott Townsend, Murray Townsend, Jason Schoonderwnerd: A cheery arrangement in a ooneernug: Becky ,Rathwell, Brenda -Pullman; Scott Driscoll, Sherri Lynn Coleman, Petunias -double: Terry Gray, Donna Godkin, Scott Townsend; Nancy God kin. Petunlas, single •- 2 colours: Wendy Hoelscher; David McLiwain,. Jeff Hoelscher, Kevin Coleman, Snapdragons, 3 spikes, any colours: Jell Britton, Brad Beutenmtller,•Stev- en Johnson. 'Dining "Table centre, flowers & container. no more than 22.5 cm high: David McLlwain, Scott Driscoll,Mary Hunt, Brad Falconer: Floral Mat: Michael Schoonderwoerd. Donna Godkin, Scott Driscoll; David McLtwain, • Red and white arrangement: Donna Godkln, Scott Driscoll, David McLlwaln, Carol Axtmann; Roses, 3 blooms: Jeff Britton, Scott Drtscoti„ Murray Townsend, Dail& McLlwain, Floribunda Roses - 1 spray. Scott Driscoll, Scott Teall; Sara Tealt, Jell Hoeischer, `Bachelor buttons or corn- flowers, 5 stems: Kathy Rathwell, Ben "Rathwell, Terry Gray, Brenda Pullman, Flower arrangement in small pumpkin or squash Scott Driscoll, David McL'iwain,. Brad Fal- coner,,Jetf Gemmell - Special Seaforth' Jewellers S5.00 most point in sections -, Terry Gray.. Simpsons Sears; $5,00 to winner of class 25 won by Scott Driscoll. 6 banana muffins -all grades: Brad Carter. voanne Carter, Ann McClure,' Beuermann. An article of string art, grade 8; Derek Cooper, Joanne Albert; Dorothy Dyk, Joe Ryan. A bottle lamp: grades 7&8: Derek Cooper. A project turned on a lathe:, Barry Vincent, Peter Boven, Derek Cooper. An article of wl h ut zipper Grade 7: Sandra Hunt: Brenda PuiinTan, Wendy Smith, Susan Hui- • fey. An article of clothing including zipper. grade 8: Gale Turnbull: Lisa :Campbell, A woodwork project made. .by 'hand, Grades.. 7 E. 8: ' Derek Cooper, Danny, Stryker. An article made from sheet metal, grades 78.8:, Barry Vincent,. Derek Cooper. 'Stringed picture frame, grade 5 &. 6: John Ryan, Michael Kelly. Picture- string art- Grades 3 & 4: Peter Vanslyke, Mike Schoonderwoerd, Anne Robinson; Jane Papple. Butter- fly of felt, fabric, buttons, etc. grades 1:& 2::Jason Schoonderwoerd, Terry • Kelly, Danny Glanville, Nancy 'God - kin. A homemade candle grade 1 & 2. Terry Kelly, David' Kelly, Jason Schoonderwoerd. Open choice -any craft Item' not listed above; Chris Dinsmore, Wendy Smith, David Kel iy, Brian Whyte. Special A & 'F Boutique: S5.00`, for most points to classes & 2: Linda EIIIs. $5.00 for .. • mostpoints in classes 3-19 was Derek Cooper. Grade 4',5,6, any topic - up to; 8 lines; Joanne Carter, Peter Vanslyke,. HeatherRitz. Grades 4,5,fr, -.A 4 line verse, rhyme not necessary:, Tammy Taylor, Jennifer Hugill, Cheryl Ann Storey. Grades 7 & 8, any topic 16!to 20 lanes:. Patricia Rimmer, Glenda Beuerman, Jim Campbell. Primary Grades 1-3 A tall tale: Brad Beutten- miller, Tery Gray, Andrea. Muir, Junior 4,5,6' "The Best Thing that ever htappend to me": Gayle 'Har- rlson, Manny Gomes, Darren Beuer, mann. intermediate Gr. 7 & 8; Any Personal Topic: Shelly Driscoll Jean- ne McDonald, Debbie Hulley, Prim- •••..•.••.• • •,• 00 ••••• •. •:•! • • •. • • 41,•••• •••• • ...•• •.••• ••••. • • • • • *see .6000. Ev•art, Olive Papple, Ruth camphalt. 'Seven baked oattniset. ibokler, tolled,; Gait .Hugill, Mary ,Fothsrfr►Dham, Hsl•n Connell. Soret .oaten it date, squares: Grace Broadfogf,,Artily Bei•. careo. Mrs. B. Kelly. best Qatmsal date squares: Gran Spada; Sealorth Cromay for beet Oatmeal, date ;guar's wort, by Grace •Broedfoot. Arva Flour for mat points. In 11 to 2Q won by Ruth Caunohell .Pumpkin Rte. Jesrl• .HIII•n, Joyce: Hugill, Mrs, .D, KATY'. ferry Wei •lattice top: ,oaten Connell, Joyce • tt 1plll, 011yltPappte.'Ratsk pie: Mrs. •Jean} Hits, Helen Connell, :Ruth Oampbsif. Apple P" -no spice: JesslY • • • •.• • • • •.• e-•-APPLIANCES—Th APPLIANCE' 8 REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized factory Warranty' Service and repairs, to GE, FRIGIDAIRE & INGLIS APPLIANCES' Service and repairs to all Makes HORNE'S • Major Appliance • REPAIR SERVICE 5.27-0636 • .Seaforth • • • • •,. •: .: Chris Maloney. Fancy Fowl: Darren. • Beuerman ' Becky Campbell, Bonnie; • Turner, Jim Campbell. Most unusual • pet: Laura & Stephen Pletsch, Nancy • Godktn, Andrea Pinder, Jeff Akey, •' Consolation event: Chris Maloney, • Sherry •' e ry & Al1an.King, Cindy Maloney, • Rob•Sloan,• PARADE : • Grades 1,2,3,4 -To room with best . • Identifying' headdress, sash or apron: Gr. 1, SP.S. Gr. 3-4, St. James; Gr. 4S.P.S.; Gr. 2_S.P.S, Grades 5,6,7.8. To room with best banner or individu- al placard, 1tag & pennant: Gr. 5 &6 S.P.S.; Gr. 6 S.P.S.; Gr. 7 St. James.' • Best Class Float: Gr. 5 S.P.S.; Gr. 8 St.. James; St. ,Columban School. Best clown (any age) The Glanvltles;. The,Townserids, Barry Vincent, Shar- on Kelly. Spector Prize -non.. school ..float - Nursery School. Best Pet & Handier: Carol . Ann Glanville, Central Huron Rabbit Club Winthrop Warrettes. Best Decorated Pony & Cart: Bob MacLachlan, Nancy Millson, Wre. Leeming, Har- vey McLlwain. BAKING', • Loaf white bread, entire crust, • . • •. • •: • • • • • • •; • • • • •: • CAR: CARE-- BRUXER. Repcir Service Criss A Mechanic Repairs to all .makes of cars .&, light trucks; Lawn Mowers & Tillers, Small Motor Repair. Ph ,n 345- i? 345-2891 Frank Bruxer J CAR: CARE---‘ • • • • " • yeast: Mrs: ;D; Kelly, Loaf fruit bread, entire crust, yeast: Mrs, D. Kelly. Six Clover Leaf' buns, plain yeast: Mrs- D. Kelly. Special: V1/omens Institute stitute 55:00 pec most. points 1-4 won by Mrs. D. Kelly.Arva Flour for 1st in class 1. Mrs. D. Kelly,: Angel cake uniced: Lillian Evans,•ois Moore; Mrs: Dan. McInnes. Banana layer cake with tilting iced Lois Heger}, Olive• Papple . Mrs. D. Kelly. Chilton cake any flavor: Helen Connell,' Mrs. D. Kelly, .Olive Papple,. Dark fruit cake, entire crust: Olive Papple, Light fruit cake. entire crust: Otive Papple, n Mrs. D. Kelly: Date and nut loaf: R. Campbell Grace Broadfoot, Olive Papple. Car- rot Loaf: Mary Fotheringham, Mrs, D. •. Licensed Mechanic ;Service to all makes of cars •Detroit Diesels Dasels • it v -y. • 5270333 : " CLASSIFIED "-"\ 0 l quite Renting for. Oct. Nov. occi paacy BLUEWAT MANOR 52 SUNCOAST DRIVE GODERICH! TWO-NEVt.ALL ADULT THREE STOREY •BUILDINGS all utilities paid - controlled entrance - almond coloured appliances • ,carpeted' throughout laundry facilities large storage closets FOR MORE RENTAL INFORMATION CALL LEE ANN SOLSK 1: • • •' • • • 0. • • • • • a •. • • USE .EXPOSITOR WANT ADS Phone 527-0240 : • -FARM, SUPPLIES.' • ,l• • • • • Seaforth Co-op • • 527-0770 • ,: • • • • • Feed Seed. Fertilizer Farm Supplies. Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils 1 DECORATING m, Expert anterior & Exterior • �r ++ Decorators • e7 Kem Paints • 4 - Waucoverings • Armstrong Carpets • A Window Shades • • HILDEBRAND • fiAINTAND'PAPEi1 •: • Phone 527.1880' 15 Main St., Seaforth • `.... : ,..__APPLIANCES • • Appliance • and • • Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE • Jim Broadfoot • 4824032 ••00 •• • •: • •,•• THE HURON EXPOSITOR':O TO 1071— 7 Nan, Helen Nett,:+HMM• CiwM•.1.. tipeslsl: ArVa Flour mtxtt,Writs IR :divas. 2144, Wart by, J•NN; Hilton. Swan butter tarts: Helen Connell;. tr•tt+l. Dolrnage, J. Helen, 'Seven baked Loy tarty. Mn. D. Keely. B$ttY GlenvlU.. I ssk..; 8Aafortil Oreatnory for Belt, 0i4* tatty, Woo by Haw C lnnell.ea: Biscuit: .won. oy Helen :011001. For Bat Bran Muffins; rOraca 13rpadloot, 8pedel 5111s Hardware: Most, ,points In section, N: Mrs, D. Kelly, Olive Popple, Chocolate cake Cadbury: Mrs, 0„. KNIY.,. .Brenda Whyte. Mrs, Wm. Dolmaga, _Choc- . .• • • • • • 0. • • • • • •.• • •,• • • ,.• • •. US.I.1,,1eas olslt• cake Mrs. t�ftltltlottl „Olive Papple. Crtrptytfak• tipsolM: Oflve Pappt!t ;ChristIne Trettwtr, Rath Campbslt,,, Bee Dlah..o baked been won by' ,pllv_P•Ppl!t, NEEDLEVIKNIK Qullt practical, any design, fled: Joyce HUgilt, Helen Connell. Oultt. hand stitched applique: Mrs. Jim, Cronin, Mn, Robt. McMichael, Mrs.. Mary Finlayson: Quilt pieced gp` metric dealgn; Mrs, Robt. MOMich rel, Quilt ;embr010.ery; Dorothy liar, quls, Jenny McNaughton. Quilt -twin size either boy or girl: Mrs. Jim; Cronin. Crib quilt; Deb Jamieson, •• • •. •• •••••••• •••,••••• Mat, lo�i(s•,'�,,,,•h,�o� ed on t�u�tisy canes; Allred KOlgth 0 Joann* J•w$tt, spools iatorttt Womet's ingest Write in, 147 won by Mn, .,tenor. Cronin, Wall ,banging, latch booksid• in. turkey canWrs; Alfred Knight, Grace Broadfoot, Joanne Jewitt. FIoor cushion: Mrs. Oliva Papple; Mary Nevlll, Cushion patchwork: Peb. Jamfason, Mrs. Wm, Dolene., Al- fred Knight. Cushion -fancy crochet: Mrs, Masionasl, Mary Fothfrrhp ham, :Mr's`. . .. Odrnap1e MOW,�gl�:tW, v croctt•I, Or WOO blend O. Rota, .MrMic 5 4, Mrs. 'Wm, 1 4t^ (tncutuea un Page 441: .•.•••.••.:•eT.es• ir •�: ...• •. ••••• • • • • • •••- ••••• e• •,• • • • ••••• • • • • • 1.11•••••••e••••••• •. • •, irector ••••. tl• •• It el, •••_•5•*IA .••••••:• -DECORATING Graves Wail ;aP.P er 4 paint ti. .• Featuring MOOfiC, Canadian & imported: Wall Coverings 527-0550 Seaforth. (--ELECTRICAL--N Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor HOME FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING. Phone Auburn $26-7505 or. Mitchell 348-$684 ELECTRICAL-'- Geo. A. SII! pp .S Ot SOf1S HARDWARE , MERCHANTS PLUMBING =.HEATING & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 527-1620 Seaforth SEWING:—� SEWING MACHINE .. SUPERMARKET Over 100 machines on display Service to all makes' Sales -White; Etna, Husgvarna lots of used machines from 539.95. SEW AND SAVE CENTRE LTD. 149 Downie ..qt (2 doors south.of Hudsu,)., Stratford, 271;-9660' RESTAURANT The FORGE Restaurant Lic L.L.B.O.: For good old fashioned home Cooked meals 527-1964 CONSTRUCTION- Excavating & Bakhoe JOHN MIDDEGAAL North main in Street Seaforth, Ontario 527-0104 ,-FUNERAL HOME--\ its -Ri Whl ane., Ibe ;�� �' Y Funeral. Horne ROSS 1N. RI BEY, DIRECTOR 87•Goderich::St., Seaforth 'Phone, 527-1390 CEMETERY MONUMENTS Sincere and courteous service ( NSURANCE--� SEAFORT . H INSURANCE 39 Main S. St. S. Seaforth .Horne .Business .Farrn .Auto .Life Sickness & Accident . Investments 527-1610 / : PIANO Piano Tuning And Repairs> Bruce Pulsifer = 527-0053:. or after six .phone. 348- 9223 MONUMENTS Cemetery Monuments s. (li Inscriptions Markers Showroom Display WHITNEY-RIBEY FUNERAL HOME 87 Goderich.St.. West ' • Agent for Winghtlun Memorials: Seaforth 527-1390 --IMPROVEMENT—N ARTS—' KRIEGER Home improvements Specialty aluminum and vinyl siding, windows, and doors, Additions, renovations, etc. . FREE ESTIMATES 482.3' PRINTING ofoss ona1 1nting:' c hf Aution*afxposittor 527-4240 •5,•• e• ••••••.••••••• 'OPTICIANOptic• tan David Lon staff Ltd. 7 Main St., Sot;th Seaforth. OPTOMETRIST'S AND OPHTHAMOLOGISTS Prescriptions Filled Promptly Mon-, : pan WednesdayFri9-5- Closed30 , Saturday 9-12:00 COMPLETE OPTICAL . SERVICE 527-1303 IMPR OVEMENTS MacLEAN HOME IMP. . R OV EM T EN S Phone 527-0032 Free .Estimates For Siding. - Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings. • ,—FEED MILL FL MI• E NG. FEED MILL Bulk Pelleted Feed, Fast unloading elevator. • 2' pits open 24 hrs. a day CLINTON' 482-3438 "—WELDING ZWAAN'S WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Winnipeg Rd. Vanastra 482.7931 SALES AND SERVICE OF luminu t A m Welding Livestock Racks Edbro Holt ts Grain oodles Fifthr,Wheel 'Trailers deilerai Potties • •.. • • • A,. D VERTISLNG,:." Boost' Your Income BUY THIS SPACE TO DAY! t. C1II ' 44.'40 4 •. • • • • • • 1 •. •. • • • • •. • • "—ELECTRICAL -:. • . • • • • K. MURRAY ELECTRIC 24 hour service Farm, residential; Industrial and commercial wiring •' • 527-09�84 Q� • , .• Seaforth • • & STEREO • • • Complete Lfn:e ENT. 2 I H.. TELEVISION SALES' ANND STEREO SERVICE. Seaforth Electronics • • • • • • •, • • • • 17 Sperling St., • 527-1150' • r WIRIN N lDUSTRIA L� RESIDENTIAL. - • and FARM WIRING TNG .'I 1 • .,;s544 L,L • • • • •: CALL GARY DILL Brodhagen 345-2442 .o, 347-2435 R.R. 1, BORNHOLM e*"▪ -- CONCRETE •. • • • _. • • • • • • •• •. • I• • • • Hv-TiY READY MIX LTD. 420 BAYFIELD RD., CLINTON, ONTARIO. 482-3431• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • LU M BI --m PLUMBINGNa Repairs & installations •WcitSer Softeners Mervin A Jones • • •S • • • 0 Plumbing & Hooting • 887.6685 J • r re•t►.tl"i6'hr iwei►••sea••••••sss•••••••sae•••••.••••aas••••••••••iM.ori••••'••ss•••aa••'a•••••••• 40