HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-10-04, Page 4ELDER ENTERPRISES SALES & SERVICE MAL 262.6142 11111SAILL ONT., ThE — I " RON 0..XPOS TOR* OcToBER 4 1979 lib tawyvorstot 044. ot Orangeville, Wee AppOinted to bring in reports for the cOnstrnetion rwo Municipal Drains, One rta. Cone 3/4 lots US and the other on ccateeSSion 1.1. Lot 16 at Hibbert 1'9101101p cooneil MoridaY, A Zoning Amendment By -Law .for TIM lot 21 Coneessionlwas given three readings, the clerk to obtain the Township Solicitor's approval hefore cirenlafing, There wars else to he pubIi hearing at the nest meeting of the Mitchell and District Planning Beard fqr an Official Plan amendment for properties in the EoliCe village of Dublin, Reeve Ross.McPhail; and Deputy Reeve' Rulf Swart reported ion. their 'Meeting with the hes,* of :council and Atea Fire Bard members cOncerning the problems facing the toard, They had hoped that the Meeting Nol114 have resulted in an amicable Settlerrient. Road Aer011tit$, for $5276•82 were approve4. with the Road SOPerintendent reporting that the construction of the Raglan Street Drain in the Police Village of Dublin was eemplete& and that the gravelling of TOwnship reads had commenced that day. General aceounts in the sum. of 53b408,30. which included allowance cheques for Municipal Drains nearing • Correspondent MIL. DON MacIt4E 345-2824. Dublin and District Lions held their monthly dinner meeting at..the Huron Hotel with 16 Lions present. President Lion. Herbert Brown introduced the Guest speaker Deputy " District Governor Lion Don Coughlin OrnOtifIn "Sta9Pgget* "mLOattr "Miller "Kleinfelcit." PollOwing, the appointment of AM Eugee o gle Prain. RA« 7/ Titt.,744N1147r. Tik ,R.UP 6,,fe Engineer's report. The twei inner* inVOINIed discussed Ibis with ;gone% and agreed that Me work Ow* be dune Witt. WOW, engineer'S repent 414 that an.40.a.ment would the ,neW construcnon ontots 1,4egileeAalett 21, and that tenders were to be obtaimill tor the snpply of a new frO.h.ft diesel tractor And front ,c1114 19-44gr. Payment for the Uderstadt reported that it: would be cheaper to clean out the drain to the old 11:1,•4aw grade, withqut, an Ethel attended the Canadian Posrmaver",, and Assistants ASsOciallOn Mini Convention Ont. •Branch in Creemore Ont. on Sunday, with 57 ritenthers n •at tendande. WilliamsOn is President of Zone 3 of C.P.A.A. - Don MacRae Secretary - be made on the 1952 bylaw, After studying, the Road Elndget to September 30 council decided to shoulder tractor might be made 50 percent 1919 and the balance in early new year 1980. Treasurer Zone 3 - 'Lothar Weber Secetary Treasurer Zone 9, This mini convention was a type of learning• . seminar and proved to be of benefit to the members pre- sent. ,FERS.014ALS •'Mrs. Tessie Costello spent last week. in Chatham with Mr. • and Mrs. Doug McGilvery and attended the Graduation of her grandson Paul from Grade 8. Visitors with Mrs. Miller Evans are her niece Mary Evans and friend Madeline from Windsor. • Visitors with Mr. Mike Eckert were Sister 'Mary of Lion Don is Manager of $taffct WI studies, Canadian industries • of Fordwich, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and at one time worked in Dublin With. Mr., Hamblyn. He outlined the outlesof a • good Lion and was thanked • by Lion Vern Steinman and presented: with a gift. •'Lion Larry Cook's honest draw • went to Lion Jas Paratchek, Lion Herb. Brown and Lion Jas Paratchek were presented with pins for their efforts in signing up new members. Lion • Ernie Fleming won the attendance Prize. Dublin and District Lions, TV Home Bingo starts Pct. 10 on Channel 12 Cable get your cards ear v. Postmaster Robert Wil- liamson MitcheWPostrna.ster, Don MacRae -Dublin, and. • Postmaster- Lothar. Weberi Windsor and Sister Margaret of Essex. They attended the Kelly -Kew wedding in Stratford and the reception at the • Canadian Legion Stratford, Miss Kelly is the daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly Stratford and •nieee• of Mike Eckert and $isters. • Hears of Sfr�tf�rd pubiIst:er Correspondent -MRS, JOHN TEMPLEMAN 545-2346 Mrs. WM, Mahon presid- ed for the Canadian Industries meeting of the Staffs Womens institute. which was held at the lime ofMr. John Templeznan on Wednesday, September .26. Following the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collet, elevenmembers and one visitor answered the roll • call by naming a industry completely owned and operated by Canadians. •Mrs. INachon and Mrs. • Carter Kerslake presented a' • Oct 9 was accepted. Mrs. • most interesting paper on the industry.- Harlequin Readers Service at Stratford, This • company was begun in, 1957, opening its office in Stratford in 1910 and is cornpletey • Canadian owned. • Mrs, Caner Kerslake gave •a report on what other' • countries • are doing • for children in the International year of the Child. • • Mrs. Robert Laing de;, monstrated how to Speed() Weave: and showed many completed items. She was thanked and presented with a' gift by Mrs. Kerslake. • During business a. • invitation, to meet with Sea - forth Womens Institute on ReddvelleP Tucky Style Chicken Et Pizza Ginjerale with every pizza. Catering service available • Chicken • Meat Platters • Pizza • Submarines • Save money • Buy wholesale- - ' • ,for further information call • 527-0443 Charles Douglas, Mrs. John Templeman and Mrs. Lloyd • Miller were named a commit- tee to plan •a skit for the Perth County Rally in Listowel, Oct 18. Mrs. Charles Douglas and Mrs. Daltin Smale will be attending the Sr. Training SchOol for Indoor Gardening to be held later this month.• • Following the -meeting Mrs. Wm. Mahon and Mrs. John Templeman.aerved lunch. A large crowd attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Colquhqun in Hensall, • arena on • Friday evening. • Visiting on the weekendat the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tniplerizan •vere, Mrs. G. McDonald, Toronto, Mrs. Dave, Capling, Mississauga. Mr. a'nd Thu Neilson, Stratford, Darlene Temple - matt Exeter, Ruth TeMple- man, Dublin, 'Michelle, 'Jane and Rebecca Martyn, 'Rusiel- • dal• Wanda Martyn is, home after a weeks stay in St. Joseph' Hospital, London. • :Registration for scents; cubs and beavers was held • Wednesday evening in Cromarty Presbyterian Church. • • 'Miss Judy Norris. Kitchener and her grand- • mpther, Mrs. Sam NOrria, were guests at a birthday celebration held for them at the home of. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Norris and family on Sunday. Others attending were Mrs. Dorleen Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Skinner and Rob Heckman, Mitchell, Daryl Kuntz and 1v1iss Susn Norris, Kitchener.' •PLAYING DOCTOR — John McKercher had an • opportunity to play "vet" when the Seaforth, • Co-op Nursery School students, visited the Seaforth Veterinary Clinic on Thursday after- noon. Here John is in gown and cap ready for • surgery. $t. Columba!, ark annniversary •.Correspondent • 11,1119. MILDRED CRONIN 345-2553• . Visitingwith Mr, and Mrs,. Matt Claessens are her three sisters from Holland. The •occasion ws the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Cleassens 25th wedding anniversary. • The celebration began with Mass in St. • Columban church followed by a reception in the Legion Hall in Seaforth.TheY received many be•autiful gifts and a .good time was had'by • • Mrs. Elsie Willems was honOured at a birthday party .• Saturday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cronin of RR #1 Dublin. evi learns, to, st • Canvas cr • • • BY MARY. JANE VISSER, The second meeting of McKillop 4 canvas Crew was held on Sept.' 24 at. Mrs. H. Klaver's. The meeting was oPened, with the 4-H pledge and then the roll call' was answered. The members then introduced thernselves to the 2 .new mentbers.• , They are Janet Drager and Linda Poppe; Then •Mrs. Murray .shoWcd us .how to thread a needle one way and. Mrs. Mayer showed us anot- her way. Then with the use of a blackboard Mrs. Murray Snowplow tenders awarded • BY WILMA, OKE • MCKillop • Township council, accepted the tenders of RyanBulldozing of RR 2 Brussels and taf" Machan Construction • for • snow • removal this' winter at.. a • Meeting of council Monday. Ryan's tenia49 was for a grader at S23.80 per hour plus $18 per daStandby and Machan was for a grader for •524 per hour and S18 per day standby. • Passed for payment were road accounts of 512,434.50 and general accounts., of 54,220,85. • • , Council was told work had been • completed on the McCallum•Snith and. Silver Creek drains. • • 1)U111.11111 FEE!) MI146 Order your • SEED WHEAT NOVVI BULK AND BAGGED FERTILIZER NOW AVAILABLE • • 345-2330 Bus. Dublin, Ont. •345-2884 Rue, Business •Computer Services of London will again, be employed to make up the tax aCcounts. Three tile drain loans.were approved. • Council will meet with an • Officer from ,the 'Ministry of Natural ResOurces when ifia, possible for him,to attend. conncil. He wilanswer' questions on hunting, dogs: and Other related areas. Councillor Marie Hicknell" reported on • hospital committee ,and board meetings Ad' anended. "Count -Met Arthur Anderson, reported On Seaforth, fire' areaboard meetings he has. ...71assifieo Ads pay di.. idends attended with . Councillor William Leeming; and Clerk Marion McClure reported on a two day seminar she attended in London in September. • • showed the . girls how to dO. the gobelin stitch' and the continental, and the tent stitch. Both leaders 'assisted the girls while they tried these *stitches.. • The leaders reminded the girls not to use too long piece of thread and not to • Peter Van Drunen was awarded at commencement night in Clinton High' School with the Bowden, Award in Electronics, He is entering the Radio college in Toronto for further studies, Visitors from Holland at Peter Van Drunens attending the Van • Drunen-Van Nynatten wedding were Mrs. Volga Van Esch, and her son Trans. They remained for,a three , week holiday in Canada. Also visiting with the Van Drunens were M. Ad Kabel and Huai Puller from and Mr, and Mrs. Peter Jansen frarn New' Jersey, U.$ :A, itch Phil the thread too tight. The, girls also graphed one of thstieteitheidnitioanls t‘hch hveizrsawmilpl•iehres using the Continental 'stitch. Th e meeting Was dosed and refreshments of orange juice and muffins were served: St. Columban CWL plans a busy fall St. Columban C.W.L. met Sept. 25th, Due to 'the fact there hasn t been a meeting all- summer there was cort- sicierable correspondence to read. The CWL received numerous thank' you cards and requests for donations as well as invitations ' neighbouring- parishs' fall activities. A letter was read •ftorn the group's foster child in India. • • KNOWLES, LANSMK, OMOND REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS & CONSIILTAIITS. . 190 Wortley Road 679-1502, London: APPRAISALS.FOR ALL PURPOSES INCLUDING' • rstIRCHASESALE, FINANCING, TAX. ESTATE EXPROPRIATION INSURANCE ETC • 8 KNOWLES A,AC1.. SAP*. 8LANSItIK CRA. SRA •OMOND. MCI, SRPA, ' • ' • MentlerS'Arvraisal In.Vitute of Canada Man was not ;tomtit to ntix 'gas •BM OCTOBER DISCOUNTS Oa EFFECT N011i!!! 811111116111.11/7 sonsiniessmsimseir-- 11111111.11.00 • mug "4"rtj -7,1170. JO— 4 .4 V. Quick and easy ENTICEtt 340 DELUXE ire mt eisy !tit., 4 7,4 r.qhhAtirOrt ele- tt staft.#r And thole. s ge,wer blur the trees as You what.sh tic.vvz *rat, Easy tn.ce 'IO1 YOUR AUTHORIZED YAMAHA FULL SER. VICE DEALER* 1 MILE WEST AND 1 MILE SOUTEr I1ENSALL. According to the new business discussed it will be .a busy fall. • The next meeting Will be Oct 30. A full turnout would help in making • important decisions affecting both' the parish and C.W.L. • The meeting closed with prayer and a social hour. • SEA Oil ikfleetirog Take notice that a public meeting. Will be held in the Seaforth Council ChamPers at 7:$0 p.m, ThUrS. OCit 11 1979 Thurs., Oct.., - At this titilgt All interested persons will; have an opportunity to discuss ad comment on a proposed amendment to the Official, Plan for the Seaforth Planning, • Area. The amendment would Change the permit- ted use of• land from Industrial •to Residential on a parcel of land situated at the northerly end of William Street West (north of Genespo Shoe, Factory). For further information contact the Clerk's Office. WEDDING INVITATIONS • - • THE HURQN.. ExposiToR • PHONE .027,000,y SEAFORTH' • Plants Liven Up Any Area. • 44'1 _11 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! • • • THURSDAY,FRIDALSAYUROAY ALL HANGERS SPECIAL• 4y REG..4.00 • HANGERS 925 ONLY Al • Cash and Corry Only! Offer goed in both Mitchell &Sectforth, *DAILY DELIVERY FROM STRATFORD TO SEAFORTH SCOTT'S FLOWERS Hwy. 8 west of Mitchell Ph. 348-9406 or 527-1924 PARAGON E NE B N ANL on d Read Pctde tuggeste eetttO PC.Ite0bCeerPlIa-2Cr'''1"Sil,79 This is your opportunity to own Paragon . a name that IS world renOwned for artistry of design. Caine • in $dorf 10 view a beautiful display of Our Paragon range during this special] 0110, Now's the lime to start (or add te) your Ptuagon Oollectian