HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-27, Page 22• nvusrr TOWNSHIP PROPERTY to be sold by Public Auction SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th at 10;30 P.71P- at the leattle. tt 1 have been instructed by the Mortgagee to sell under the powers contained in a certain mortgage subject to conditions and reserve: Part Lot 22, Concession 9 in the Township of Hullett, five miles north of Clinton on, No. 4 Highway, then 'A mile east, The ProertY consiSts Of a ten acre parcel of land on which there is 'situated, a 11/2 storey, 4 bedroom frame - -house, insulated, and heated with an oil turna,.e. A work Shop, 24* x 40, insulated, lined, with cement floor and cement block chimney with an attached 24' X 13' lean to complete with, cement floor. The property is well landscaped and has an area • suitable for a. pond, ,Por viewing or futher information, Phone 482-7898- Terms - 10% down day af sale. Balance le 30 days, Stlbject to reasonable reserve. Richard Lebbt AltetIoneer,,ait luta 4024898. .20-20-3 21 Tenders NVanted 22 Legal Notices " * * • it A* * * - HURON ExPoitir .11tilrtEM011 2n1914 GA, 19, oticea AAAPAAA.A.AAArteAm4 LIGHT buildOzing, land- scaping, ibackfilling. Larry Bailey, 523-4351. 19-204 JOCKEY MENS Country -Gold & Rockin Roti Good recorded music for weddings, dances anniver- saries, parties etc. Phone Brt4s!ele evening!, l387.6159' 19.084 1 CUSTOM sewilso Beat inflation. Get your wardrobe custom made. Reasonable rates. Alice Short, 262-2686 19-18-4 Tri Town Bookkeeping and COMPUTER SERVICE Computerized Bookkeeping anti Payroll LAWRENCE BEANt ROBERT PALING 52 Huron St., Clinton • PHONE 482-3524' 1917 -if Dogs Groomed appointnient only. 527-1931 19-17-4 CARPENTRY • John Ryan and. John Peckitt 527-1520 482-7567 19-18-tf VVANTED: Dead OrDisabled Cows & Horses Stocker. cattle, calves and swine pick Op free of a arge Top Prices Paid • For fresh animals over 500. lb. - 51.00 a hundred weight. Covi,s and horses over 1200 •lb..- 520,00. 4 wheel drive radio dispatched trucks. 24 hr, service—' 7 days a week Brussels, ***-A,.......mr********AAA",*-,A,W*** '19 Nances • Custom Slaugitering and Processing D t.4 dn&sds da Mrinii:r•Z DASHWOOD 237-3677 1 'el Pet Food Supplies 887-9334 or 887-6064 Toll Free 1-800.265-4267 l4.09-tf Notice We've moved 'A block north Walton BOOKKEEPING, payrolls, financial! statements and in- come tax for small hine and personal at our 10 tion. Let ine handle the bother of writing up your books. Reasonable rates. To inquire call collect anytime. London 455-2199. 19-20-1. 20. xortitio.aks . • . ichor Lobb Auctioneer A.1,7CTI ON • CALENDAR Clinton 482.-898 Sat. Oct. 6 • liensall Stocker Sale Mon, Oct. 8 1030 am. Real est- ate for estate of Jane McGregor of Sea - forth at Richard Lobb Mon. Oct. 8 12. neon - furniture, antiques, etc, at. Richard Lobb's barn. for McGregor estate Sat. Oct. 13 Antiques, modern , furniture, appliances for the estate of ,Bill Mutch, Clinton at Richard Lobb's barn. Sat. Oct. 20 1000 a.m. - 10 acres.; •house & -workshop for Ted Overholt, 5 miles north, 1./2' mile east of Clinton. Sat. Oct. 27 . Feed cattle, farm machinery for Adrian Wammes, Goderich Twp. ,20=20.1 • 20, Auction Sales .20 Ausction ;440t, STOC, • .,SALE.: HOntoll -Livestock. Steers, Heifers and' Calves VICTOR HARGREAVES [5191482-7511 Clinton BARRY MILLER [5191235-2717 Exeter or 229-6205 IKIrkton DOUG CARRUTHERS 237-3734 GREG HARGREAVES 262-2831 AUCTIONEERS LARRY GARDINER AND RICHARD LOBB 20-20-2 20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales A Township of Tuckersmith TRACTOR TENDER 1979, CONTRACT NO: 79-002TT i Seated tenders clearly marked as to contents, •will be received by the under- signed until 2:00, p,m. on Friday November 2, 1979 for thedelivery done 50 II.P. Utility Tractor, Rotary Mower, and loader. Tenders must be submitted on the Township Tender forms available .from the undersigned. The lowest or any,tender not ' -necessarily accepted, All , tenders' subject to approval by • the Ministry • Of TrarispOrtation and Communications. M' Nicholson Road. Superintendent - EgtnondvIlle, Ontarlo' .•••••••••••••••• • , • • R G. Gethke • • GENERAL • • AUCTIONEER • • Serving Perth and • Huron Counties with • • many years of • • ▪ experience. • For reliable sersice at • • reasonable rates • Call 347-2465 collect ; .. • • Sat. Oct. 20, disper- fie sal auction sale of • approximately 20 • Percheron and Belt, • • ian mares and colts, • horse equipment. 8N • • Ford tractor. miseeT. • laneous 'terns etc. • • t 4 miles west or • Bornholm. 20-20-1 • • • •••••••••to. • Welding. STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments. single and duplicate. The Huron Expos. • itor, Seaforth. 11 -17xtf 887-6029 tiezdNre/7 tP/iscriez/ei Auction Sale MORTGAGE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Under by virtue of the POWER OF SALE contained in a. certain mortgage, which is now in • default. there will be offered by sale by PUBLIC AUCTION by Rathwell 8:. Asseciates, Auctioneers, the sale to take place on the premises at the hour of 7 o'clock in the evening of Thursday the 27th day of September 1919, The lands and premises known as 217 Albert Street, Plan 3, Part lot -14& 13, in the Town of Clinton. The propertY will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. . The purchaser shall pay down to the Vendor's agent at the time of sale by way of deposit of 52,000.00 by cash or hy certified cheque and balance due on or before the 29th day of October 1979; Adjustments are to 'be made as of the date of closing. The Purchaser shall search title at his own expense. On the premises is said to be erected a single storey frame house with 3 bedrooms,.full basement, • living & dining rooms, kitchen all situated on a large (99 x 165') lot. , Inspection of the property may be - had from 6 o'clock in the evening on the Iclay of sale or by Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Mr.. Bruce R. Rathwell at 527-1458. 20-19-2 •10—.. (" /41e • d iige- ' AlOCadei AUCTIONeERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORT4, ONTARIO'NOK. 1VVO (519) .527-1458 HULLETT 'TOWNSHIP Tenders for Sriowplowing . Tenders for a grader snow- plo•v to plow approx. 20 ' miles in North West corner of •the Tbwnship. Grader mast be equipped with a V plow • and levellieg wing. Tender forms available at. Rd. Supt. and must be in his hands by FARMERS and DEALERS reterve this dolt. Saturday, Oct. 6',1:919j 10;00 A.M. Sharp •GIGANTIC AUCTION OF Tractors, Combines, Having 8 Harvesting equipment, Tillage equipment and all other 19-19-2 type of farm equipment, as well as Lawn & Garden equipment. Snowmobiles. ATTEAUTIO.N. • FARMERS o,••••• • • •• • ,.„,,s• We are now paying 55.00 515.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows & horses Over 50Q lbs, All calves & pigs picked up free of charge. Fast Effieient Service = 24 hrs. a day. / days a week, • HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL I ' Caiidollect 482-9811 Callus first you Won't hove to coil cffiyone else TRACTOR SELL AT 2:30 Sharp • , Don't miss it • Sae you than,. Auctioneer: Cliff Gilbert .WAYNE WARD FARM EQUIP* • 534-29110 $34-16311 21 Tender* Wanted Truk, Minittittnl• SiZe 36,000 GVW Grader, Minimum 11,F. 150. All tenders must be sub. mittcd ottAender forms which are aeailable at the township office. WILLIAM G. CAMPBELL ROAD SUPERINTENDENT4' seastm 1149 • tiwy,,t4oi4 WIARTON 21 Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OP tvfeEELL0P Sealed • tendert- will be , received until 12 mon intOCI.10 19'70 ' by either the Road .Stiperin. tendent Or ClOrk-Treasurer at the Murilcipat Offices, R.R. 1 Seaforth, Ontario tett • . •$nowplow touipment to plow roads for 10784.970, or,any tender nOt necessarily accepted and mustbe tip. proved by M.T:C. . • GEORGE HOGGART, .• Rd. Supt.' Londesboro, Ont.. • NOM -2H0 , • 21-19-2 • Tender assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, Ont- ario this 10th day of Sept- ember, 1979. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUx Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix • 22-18-3 . • 1 am no longer responsible for debts other than those incurred by myself as of April 1, 1979. —Christine Scott • • 22-19-3 • NOTICE.TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Olive Elizabeth MacDonald All persons having, claims against the estate of Olive Elizabeth MacDonald, late of the Town of Seaford', in the County of Huron, deceased; who died on the 14th day of August, • 1979, are hereby notified to send in full part- iculars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the llth day of October, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 1 lth day of" September. 1979. McConnell, Stewart & • Devereaux • Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors. 22-19-3 . • . I 24 tards of Thanks. W e, sincerely wish to 'that* all our friends and neigh- bours and anyonewho assist- ed us ht any way at our time of disaSter. All those wonder- ful people who gave gifts, assisted us financially, gave us moral support with words of kituineSsi helped as re- build and made last Friday Sept. 21st at Clinton Legion a. night we will never forget'. Due to some great peoplc. with a Rolling *Me and. people looking after our plumbing & facilities, we, never even had to leave home. Thank you. —The - Hugh Flynn Family 24-204 The family of the late Mae Hillebrecht wish, to express their deepest appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bours for the acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement. Special thanks for the cards and letters and visits made to her while she was a patient in the Stratford General Hospital. 24-20x1 l. 16, Personal Aetheny Forman of Mel - %wine, Australia. Mr. and Mrs. 'MacDonald will be residing in Edmonton. Drs. riend ad Etonian in. Sask- ateon. The marriages took place in Edalootgo on Sept .ember fith, 26404 2?. PATTERSON; Jeff and Laura Patterson of Thorndale are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their first son, Christopher Sean, on Sept- ember 7th. Proud grand- parents are Mrs, • Carol. Patterson of London and Mr. and Mrs. Joe van Dooren of Seaforth 27-20-1 WEYINISSERGEN: Garry and Cathy are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of their sons Jospeh, Michael and Nicholas. The triplets were horn on Thursday at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. $eP t 20 1979. The proud 25 In Memoriam grandparents arc• Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Thuss, Parkhill MURRAY: In loving memory and Mr. 'and Mrs. 27.a2;ixni Murray who died 3 years ago Sept. 29, 1976. TWoeti'deagrihveeritv,oyiceesaannddsmeeorhee.r DParriryjuvdat or: efisrestpthteecmIstiabl d:, AnSdr" glireeet her at our door. 2Kitchener.01979, cdHospitalgrn n. But all we can do, dear Is nmgd leavethandert ehnedh your tokensgave o f parentsat and gEeit .1 te fnr eSeBaeBra°Btrittiheaanondfd LLB000nibAs. love don. Daryl is pleased to have To the best mother God ever great-grandparents, Mrs. A. made. Harrison of ,Seaforth and Mr. We like to think when life is IlalPh Sumner of London. Wdheorn:ver heaven maY be, • Car In L h God for the safe arrival of Up there to welcome us. • RE FUEL, OH. Sealed tenders, clearly Marked Tender Re Fuel Oil, will be received by the undersigned until twelve noon, Tuesday. October 9, 1979 for supplying NO 2 Industrial Fuel Oil to the • Court House, Goderich, for The next two years commenc- ing November 1, 1979. Storage Capacity 3000 gals. Quantity used per annum - 'approx. 22,000 gals. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B.G. HOTLY, • Clerk-Tresio..Adiele. amity of Hem, gourt Howe, 6oderkb, ()Atari, N7A 1M2- 22 Legal. Noticed NOTICE TO cREDrroits In the estate of ALBERT KEITH SHABO • All persons having cleimS -against the Estate of Albert Keith Sharp, late of the Township of Tuckersmith, in 'the County Of Huron, Mer- chant, deceased, who died on the 28th day of July, 1979, are hereby notified to send itt particulars of their claims to the undersigned of'Or before the 4th day Of October' 1079 after which date the 24 Cards of Thanks I would like to .thank Dr. Rodney and the nursing staff of Seaforth Community hosp- ital for their kindness and care while I was a patient there. Special thanks to rela- tives, friends and neighbours for cards and treats. • —Andrea Van Steelandt 24,20x1 A sincere thank you to all Our friends, neighbours and !da- tives for their kind expres- sions of synipathy through donations to charitable . organizations and beautiful floral tributes sent at the passing of a dear husband and father. Spedial thanks to Rev. John Davies and the Lockhart Funeral Home, the pallbearers and flower bear- ers; to the ladies of Staffa U.C.W. and all who sent food to the home and helped in so many ways. We will always remember. —Ada Pethick. and family 24-20-1 Many thanks' to my family* friends and neighbours for theit, "Get Well Wishet", gifts, flowers and visits dur- ing my stay in Seaforth, Community hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Malkus and' Rodney, Rev. Vanslyke and the nursing staff. All was sincerely appreciated. —AnnicAlIan 24720x1 Thaeks to me family and friends who visited me while I was in the hospital and the .Manor Nursing Horne, I Mysincere thanks to neighbours and friends for the kindness to Peter and 1 while 1 was in hospital and since returning home, also for visits, flowers, treats arid cards Very special thanks to my sister and my family. Mildred McNaughton. „,„ 24-20.1 of our dear mother Melva Heyn bergen, Seaforth, If we had all the world to give HODGERT: Bryan and Linda That she'll be standing at the MEIDINGERt Patrick and door o ( ee enc ae) thank —Sadly missed and always their first child, a. daughter remembered by her'family. Krista Ann, born at Si 25-20x1 Joseph's 'Hospital, London sed away°":October In a little house. beside th :Iranddeild for Mr. and :Mrs-. e Carl Leiichan, London. 9th road, TriT'lli; f719d7'0.Pas• grandchild for Veronica With cattle standing by, Meidinger: Seaforth. Proud A tall man lived, and loved, and laughed great grandparents are Mrs. His loving wife was 1— Alex Aubin, Seaforth and But now he's -gone. to live 27 20 / Alex Meidinger, Zurich. Sept. 24, at 4:42 p.m. weighing s. 1 oz; 6 lb First with God— No tear now, dims my eye. His face 191 see, in front of me, - • When time has 'gone long by. —Lovingly remembered, Grace. 25-20-1 • • • KRAUSKOPF: in loving memory of our dear mother, Catherine Kranskopf who passed away three years ago October 2, 1976. There's a gift in life you cannot buy That's very rare and true It's the gift of a wonderful The• 1. iki ne orntthhaeenr' yonthings we had insyoud dyou.f or In your kind and loving ways You have us years of happi- Nneesne • ocan take'aWaY. Memories , don't fade, they just grow deep For someone we loved but could riot keep. —Always remembered by Marie, Jim, and grand- children. 25-20-1 HOTHAM: In roving memory of our dear mother Mary A. Hothain who passed away 2 years ago on Sept. 25, 1977. Never for a moment' Are you very far away, Absent and yet near you seem And dearer ever day. —Always remembered by her family Madeline, Cor- inne, son John, Leone & her grandchildren • and -great grandchildren. 5-20-1 • 26 PerSonal Mr, and Mrs. Ray Consitt, Kippen, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Deborah Marie to Ronald Allan, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Eli Denys, Kippen, The marriage to take place Saturday, Oct. 6, 1979, 3:30 pan. at St. Bind, face Church, Ittrich. Recep- thin 26-20x1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend Dublin,WIsh to announce the marriage of their daughter Judith Aline to Mr. Robert MacDonald and their datigh. -tee Dr. Susan Friend to Dr. g8 Deaths rootturriourisrot M Stratford Peiteral Hosp- ital, on. Sunclity, September 23, 197% Harriet Blanche (Bolger) Johnston, of 79 Goderich Street West, Sep forth. 13eloved wife of the late Frank JehngOtlit in her 77th year. Dear mother of Irwin of Seaforth and, Harry of R.R. 1, Dublin. Also survived by a sister, Mrs.. Torrance (Olive) DundasQf Walton, seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren Pre -deceased by a daughter, Roma (1959), and two -broth- ers, Howard and Harry. Friends were received at the vvz4.000eY-. Whitney-Ribey Funeral, Horne, 87 Goderielt Street West, Seaforth, where ser- vice was held, on Tuesday at 230 p.m. with Reverend James Vanslyke officiating, Interment Maintlandbank, Cemetery, Memorial done- ations to the Ontario Heart' Foundation would- be . appreciated as expreesions of sympathy. 28-20-1 MAE HILLEBRECHT At Stratford General Hosp- ital, on Friday, September 21. 1979, Mae Hillebrecht of R.R. 4, Seaforth, in her 84th year. Beloved wife of the late John Hillebrecht. Survived by two sisters - Mrs. Adam (Cora) Dodds of Listowel. and Mrs, Cecil (Edna) Baxter of Springfield. Predeceased, by tWCI sisters and one broth- er. Resting at the Whitney- Ribey 'Funeral Home, 87 Goderich Street West, Sea - forth, ' where friends were received, Funeral service • was on Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Thomas Duke officiating. interment Mait- Iandbank Cemetery Seaforth. Memorial donations to the Charity of your Choice would be appreciated. • 28-204 1 Coming Events ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Ch .iselhurst United Church Sunday, September 30th; 1979 2:00 p.m. Rev. Stanley McDonald Anniversary Preacher with The Snell Family of Londesborough as Guest Music. Excellent qualit,,, •MacINTOSH *SPARTAN ' available now 11/2 miles south of Eiginfield on #4 Highway First PRESBYTERIAN Church 59 Goderich St., W.. Seaforth Minister: Rev, T,A.A. Duke Orniuilst: Mrs. D. Carter SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30' 11:15 Worship Service, Church School & Nursery October 7 - World Wide ComMunion Sunday. ST. THOMAS Anglican.ChUrch. Seaforth • • Rev James Broadfoot SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1.6th Sunday after Trinity' 10 a.m. - Holy Communion Service of Harvest Thanksgiving Sermon - "15 iS geed to give thanks" NORTHSIDE United Church' 54 Gotledch St. West, Seaforth SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Sunday SebOo110 & 11 A.M. Church Serviee 11 AM. • Rev..11.G; Vandyke, Minister Organist -Choir Director Jr. Choir Leader Margaret 'Whitmore Audrey 1VieLlwain Atea congregations are invited to take advantage of the church diredorytoannounce their church services bath Weekt. Church direetory annotintements are available for a minimum of 26 cOnSteiitiVe weeks in Units of two eolttron inthes at $2 per unit. Changes in copy may be made each week but must be received 'before noon on Tuesday. ..„