HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-27, Page 13TUNNEY--.DALE' Sherry Lee Dale, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Vernon. Dale of Seaorth and: Donal .George Turney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker,, St. Thorias, were married in'Egmondviile United Church Sept. 14, ,1979, Rev. R. Roberts officiated at the double, ring; ceremony. The bride was given in martiage by herfather. The maid of honour was Kim Dale, sister of the bride. The bridesmaids. were Carol Barry, friend of the bride, and: Peggy Dale, sister-in-law of the bride, The best man was Rick Scott, cousin of the groom . and the ushers were Ronny Scott, cousin of the groom and Rick Dale, brother of the bride, Following the wedding a reception was held at the Legion Hall, Seaforth, Ont.. ilba c c, *rites: : C I , missin • in their' :lives; le seemed to flock around'Jesus that he 144 something to fulfil **Md., A feeling of restlessftesS, and emptiness,. was ,present in their lives,, Submit- A trust in and JesusChristi if people had faith to, believe in the .teaching of Jesus all would.; be well . This is something, we trust: believe ourselves. He told a story, about King Edward Vii; He was out walking, with the queen: and she hurt her ankle and Was unable to walk home even with his help. He saw a farm. house and 'Welted on the doo. An old man•came to the window and shouted down "Who: is there", "The: King" was the answer, He stilt paid no attention but when the knocking. Continued he at last came down and discovered it was the 'King, he gladly gave. the help to get back tp the castle. At first he refused to help his'King, Transmit we :must share BY MABEL TURNN'BVLL Rev, J. Vanslyke, North- side United Church took our Wednesday Church service. The service opened with a hymn sing, with Jane Vin- cent at the piano, Other members, of the joined, ns also,. Hytnnss sung were I'My Faith Looks Vp .to: 'Thee.," "Blessed" Assurance'to.. "Take Time to be Holy", 1 am so Glad that PerFather in Beaten". U.C,W. ladies in - elected Doreen- Kelly, »Margaret Sallows, Audrey! McUwain, Yvonne Vanslyke. Rev, Vanslyke read; from At..› an account of Pentecost when the people asked what shall we do? Peter replied Repent and be baptized;; all. 3,000 souls praising God, and the breaking of bread. and day by day were added those who were saved, Faith was the secret of it alt Chnstiamty in four words Admit - by which we must believe. People seem naturally to have snynethifR; MON. TUES.. WED. 9-6 P.M. THURS. & FRI. 9.9 P.M. SATURDAY 9-6 P.M.. ladies our experience with others so they will also believe,. Commit, we give our. ;beliefs to others in trust. Sunday 1 enjoyed a drive with the J.A.:, Stewarts to Bayfield to watch the lake; the sail; boats and see all the new housing there, +temendous, Ken Baiting took Olive to. ;Kitchener for the weekend; where she visited her daughter and saw her first born baby grandaughter. Her 5410112,M, brolight het' back to KiIbarchan, A special birthday greeting! to Ruby Anderson. who celebratedher brithday„ Sept. IS. Her husband, Geprge,. Pante from tiodericlt to help her celebrate. Stephen Seiler, Mitchell.* and family Michael Jennifer and . Robert visited his mother Mrs. Marie Seiler. Nancy Van Meekeren Seaforth, a former member of the staff visited Kilbarchan this week. Esther Brady joined us for' enter Bridge on Friday. 'Esther • and: Clarence Jack-. son had high score. They had' a little slam but didn't bid it.. The cards, were questionable forbidding, While playing we were pleased to have a Visit frOtti Lillian 1Kerelake whose health has been curtailing her ;Balint actiyitles for seine time. "A morning; smile", heard from my room; one resident to .another, "You're sleeping in your chair" Answer, "Where do ytait think I'd, be sleeping, on. the floor?" l was amused.. Miss Ella. Elder and Mrs. Mary Pryde, Exeter' called to visitX Pearl and 1, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd B, Morrison Thornhill and Mr, and Mrs. Ken Shugart Aurora visited' M. Turnbull at Kilbarchan. People often ask me how 1 fill in my time with so much: on my hands„ 1 ant rarely. bored for something to do. i answer my letters and have just finished four large scrap - yin THE HURON �I POSITOk SEPTRM R -04AS, With material I have been collecting, for years. It is good to get it in a NO in order where I Can look throw,B h, it and bback memories. Even with the use of one hand 1 wets able * do, this Without help. Recently 1 have became involved in my family tree .A distant ,relative in, the Rife connection wrote me from,, Sheldon N. Dakota and asked me if 1 would send. 'her the names of my grandmother, Sarah Rife's descendants, 1 have been over a year assembling material My grandmother Sarah Rife was a daughter of Joseph Rife who came here from'Hespeler and settled on•. tt'° Par tine near Hillsitreen. My ;grand ;mother wa years old; when she carne .WI #his, area. She married John Wanless of Varna and lived there most Of her eighty-eight rat* where Abe »raised four children. She lived With us here the last six years of her life where I was associated With her and learned to appreciate her.philespphy of living, The Rifer were United F,.mpire Loyalists, Pennsylvaiiit: Dutch, who chose to remain under the British flag at the time of the American Re- volution. Their lands were confiscated so they had to start a new life in Canada, John Wanless was a des, ,Pendant of a Sent. so I am three parts of Senttialt As t was somewhat bogged: down with recording material I asked araCe Scott;, Mrs, J.M.'Who bad worked on the Scott farnily tree if';.sh would he1P mo organize nl l materiale We have already spent tWO evenings• on it and: fortunately I can see a sat factory conclusion, ,`hanks to Grace. She hais•, an interest in the Rife tree as her grandmother was Mary Rife • a- sister of my grand- mother. Sheisworking, on her side of the family which seem more complicated than mine Classified Ads pay divid- ends-, 1 A LITTLE BIT BETTER amemeseareemee Prices effective;, until Sat., Sept. 29,,;:,. 1979. .. ORDER YOUR FRESH TURKEY NOW FOR THANKSGIVING ' 9 For Thanksgiving Frozen Utility ' LADIES' POLYESTER SLACKS Choose from a size range from 5 to 11. Excellent selection to choose from. Compare this price Just • Assorted LADIES` TOPS Sleeveless - short sleeve - and long -sleeve tops. Many dtffer.NQ,snt1M stytss,. 1j �; PRICE Made' from leather or canvas. • REG. VALUE TO '21.95 A new line to our store;'.. Gothic plain knit,all sheer • panty hos. with gusset. Comes in beige; spice, and taupe.. Petite, Average. and Tall sixes. Reg '1.39 "°* 2/19° QUEEN SIZE MINI & MAXI Reg. '1.59;ea. • F'' OZEN FOODS 'Be ready for fan! MEN'S WORK CLOTHING Pants - Shirts Coveralls BUY NOW AND Mode from 100% Cresian" Acrylic. The ideal thing' for those cool fall nights. • Choose from sizes M•L-XL in Red only. 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PRINTED 36" WIDE • METRE VANASTRA FACTORY OUTLET 'The Store *stunt You Mel' r'nl$4 sOY• lAont *Ott •AA',''W A•.?A.l:0606 S' Nw4Mo,AA?,,,s s }Ou14igide y.7*O t fit`lUfiili«' Moony. f aide yR•ik.rltF. • *OA 3litutrAfifi: 19 !Fait`, « 6 1►:ttYW Suttdtltt 1? noon .601144 Highway 4 South apt CBisaton c29 Vaanastro c•{f516°._�.."r.�„_..,sr.'i1L`YYiW