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The Huron Expositor, 1979-09-27, Page 12
tr THE HURON :EXPOSITOR" ,S PTEMBER 27,, 1979 by EI©h,e.Townshen Jin. roc ;mafe you ever get the feeling yens were beteg: watched when yott knew ypu were Or at least thought you were alone? It happened to me one night a few weeks ago when 1 was typing. My concentration was invaded by the creepy sensation of eyes boring into the back of lily head, The nape of my reek prickled; 1? awan:ted to tom around, I chided myself!. "I$ your imagination dummy. Yeteve been watching iota rognY police' shows on television," The feeling persisted and 1 grate in. glancing over my shoulder to meet 4$ pair of beady eyes. His nose was ,twitching: This. front paws were hooked over the .edge' of the top of the door .frame, his tail w.as. stretched up the wall, in the corner. Having; a mouse scurry away from me acrossthe floor is one thing, folks. but having him Stare .down at me from above a door is something else. We stared .at each other for what seemed like hours.QThen 1 reached for the phone. "Hi: ya, Dad! How are ya doin? Sleeping. htih. I'm sorra*, 1 just didn't realize what time it was, No, nothing's, wrong. .I just wondered how you and Mon: were:. By the way, if .either of,.ou chine into town tomorrow , would you: bring .atpouse trap with you? Yea, 1 got a mouse m the. house. Well, you knots' the ledge over the ,door between the kitchen & the bathroom?` He's sitting up there, watching me and listening 1 suppose. What would you suggest I do with him? 1 don't want a pet, Dad. He doesn't look like the scary type to me. 1 was just kidding, As soon as:l get off the phone, I'm gonna get ,the broom and chase hint out of there, , If he gets excited, he wouldn't lose his balance and fall on .me, would he? Just kidding again, Dad, No. 1 don't want you to come tn. Of course not; I'm not afraid of a little thing like a mouse. I'll handle it. 1 just thought I'd phone to ask you about the trap before .1. forget. 1' l let you go oa*, :bed now..Sorry I bothered you. Yea, you sleep tight, too. I gave the intruder one last long steely ;glare, which he returned, "Okay, buddy., —No, more fooling around," 1 warned. "Yote, just wait til 1 get my 'brOn tt,., Then ,l remembered the broom was in the storeroom, which wason the other side of the bathroom, which meant I.had to pass, .u.nder the =use's perch to reach the. broom - a. minor complication. 1 stalled, -for ai moment. Then I gathered all city courage, took a deep breath and started a quick dash through the doorway. In mid -Stride, I stopped. "The broom"s no good," I thought to. myself: "The fireplace poker in the living . teem would be better, and it's inthe other direction.'" stalked into the living room, grabbed the poker and returned with new confi- dence in my stride. He was Pone. "I knew it!" I exclaimed. "'As soon as you found out I meant business, you, turned tail and ran. Where.d ya go, you little coward?" 1 stomped around the apartment jabbing the poker into corners and banging the walls. floors and rads. 1 knew I was probably; waking the neighbours and risking eviction, but 1 had to prove my `•,superiority once and for all to that furry litt.Ie intruder. Half an hour later I was sati§fied, but 1. still looked up when 1 walked • through doorways, even though I knew he was long gone. "He's probably cowering in the walls somewhere or outside running back to the field where he belongs."" I told myself stnugly . -I scared:' him good, ;and he deserved it. 111 bet he never comes back here!" I crawled into bed; switched off the light, and just before drifting off' to sleep, reached out to touch the poker propped beside the bed NK RATE FINANCING an all models -new and used Come to:.Brussels Motors See Our Selection '79 Pontiac Parisienne with air '78 Chevelle 4 dr. '7.8 Ford LTD 1I, 4 dr. '77 Olds.. 4 door. sedan '77 Buick Le. Sabre 4 door sedan. fully equipped 2- '77 Chev. Impala Sedat,. '77 Chev • 2 door 77 Dodge Monaco 4 dr. with. air TRUCKS 77 Pontiac Grande Prix 2 dr. hard top '78 . G.M.0 Sia ton Power S 77 ,Chevelle Malibu. Classic 2-'76 LeMans 2 door '76 Chev 4 dr. hard top '76.OIds Cutlass 4 door '76 .Pontiac. Bonville •full power '76 Oldsmobile 98 full power with air Number of '71 Chev •and (cord ;Vans '75 Chev. Impala 2 door 174 Chevelle Malibu • 4 dr: hardtop'.' 174 Cataline. '73 Chev. 4 dr. hardtop Numerous 1973 Che and Pontius area veddin s and Mr. 'E a uDa,v d Durham. and Floyd son. of Mr. and Mrs, Jack, Llp4 , . It.. R. 2. Rana. ,w were mitrrred; in Ayton on Aug. 18 at 7 p.m. Rev. Martin- ,Stocky , effielated at the double ring, ceremony in Trinity Lutherast; Chinch The! bride was gir.en in marriage by. her father. ,Mrs, Joan Weiss. sister of the bride, was matron of honor,. The bridesmaids were Linda Becker and Tracy Grein,. friends of the bride and Betty Upshall, sister of the groom, The flower girl was Michele Derbecker, The best man was; Robert Johns, a friend of the groom and ushers were. Wade' Riley, Douglas David, brother of the .bride and Ken Upshall, brother of the groom, Danny Upshall, a cousin of the groom, was the ringbearer. The organist was Herman Maes and Mr. .nd, Mts. Keith Domm sang the solos.. Following the wedding, a reception was held in the Nomanby Arena Complea, Ayton. Out-of-town guests attended the wedding from Calgary. Timmins, Hunstville, Wainfleet and: Exeter, Following a honeymoon to Ottawa. and Niagara Falls, the couple took up residence at:RILL . Mitchell, (Photo by Borton) Rosemary DAVID—TrpsHAL1F avid, .daughter of Mrs., Reita David" Ayton Lowisa Ann McDaniel, daughter. of Helen and Ross McDaniel of Goderich and Frank G. Hagan, son of Leo Hagan and the late Mrs. Hagan of Seaforth were married at the home of the bride's parents on Aug, .17, The Rev. Ralph King officiated at the double ring ceremony. The. bride was given in marria$e by her parents. The matron of honor, was Mrs, Monica; Murdock of Kitchener, a friend of the bride. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Denise McCabe of GQderich and Tanya Palmer of Ottawa, both friends of :the bride. The flower girl was Samantha Brown of Guelph, cousin of the Wide. The best man was Paul Hagan of Seaforth, brother of theroom and the usher were La g s ...try McCabe and Ron Miller of Goderich. The ring bearer was McRANIEL—HAGGAN' Sean Speake..of Fredericton, N.11:, nephew of the groom, Sharon and Larry Johnston sang at the wedding, accompanied by Randy Lauson on guitar. Following the wedding, a dinner and dance was held at the Maitland Country Club, Guests attended, from Fredericton, N.B.,. Ottawa, Carleton Place, Napanee, Toronto and Niagara. Falls. Following a honeymoon through northern Ontario, the . ,couple took up residence at 64 Wellesley Street, Goderich. '78 G.M.C. ?a ton 4x4'. -'77 G.M.C, z�z ton pick ups,. '75 Chev. Hicube Van '75 •}t2 ton van BRUSSELS. MOTORS INC. IB.ox 335 ' THE HOME OF BETTER USED CARS" Brussels, Ontario Model Suite Renting for Oct..Nov, occupancy , "BLUEW'ATER" • MANOR 52 SUNCOAST DRIVE. GODERICH TWONEVIA.LL ADULT; .'• THREE STOREY8UIL.DING:':S all utilities paid controlled entrance - almond toloured appliances - carpeted throughout - laundry facilities' - large storage closets: - AOR MORE RENTAL INFORMATION CALL • tEE AhMN SGLSKt • 5244414 Pineapple/orange or Pineapple/grapefruit • DELMONTE 48 uzi