HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-27, Page 104 ThE NAOS 'EXPOSITORt SEPTEMBER 274 Sere dip micte 00A, The..., of Shanty ioht4 'a character' who *ed. outside Egmondville* the 100QS4 .(she of those stories that is IWO' 'legend as fact., hut since ifs a stoty with happy ending., it hearS rpeating- Now arity actually. John Fletcher was a rather eccentric bachelor who lived outside Ellinottdvilte, Since -he dressed rather diatinetiVelY in, a ceaturne blue, demin pants, long top boots and a. -tightly buttoned smock, he was someone most villagers knew on sight. While Mr, 'Fletcher was a handyman Of sorts, his profession- was listed as "killer of beasts" whichl meant he was the man farmers contacted whenever they had a cattle beast or sheep ready for slaughter, *Cording to legend, Shanty John had such a. careful nature he would shoot the animal with a longharrel rifle and then watch where the shot landed so he could retrieve it and moltid ix again for use the nest time mond. Althellgit Mr, —Fletcher Was a well-known figure around the community, he had a speech impediment which made it difficult for Others to understand hint. He was aIs kTi0V4110 be quick-tempered and a man it was best to avoid when thing weren't going his way. One of the only perm anent reminders of Shanty John's existence is a portrait of the Man painted by Egmondville area artist William Cresswelt, the man who lived in, the brick cottage which is now the hi:me of the Martene farnily. • Mr. Cresswell. who was a charter member of the Ontario Society of Artists; and a member of the Ft.C.A., immortalized. Shanty John in a sketch and portrait and many years later, the painting was donated to the Stratford and. Perth County Historical Society by its ewner. FENIAN RAIDERS . h, ; . , . Now the story 0014 the Ipaipting's subject takes place .at the liMe of the Fenian raids in 1866. The Fenians. who were Or8artize4after the Arnerion qjj War. w ere reported to be- organizing bands all along the Great Lakes, with the stile Intent of "taking Canada. The alarm was sounded all along the border and a, voltniteer militia Was soon organized in Uuron County The Solider* were mostly settlers and-farmera. armed with scythes, oes.and guns if they had ;hem, who Met at Ootierich for regular drill Sessions and praCties On a het day in July 1866, an alartn spread that the Fenians had finally landed in Rayfield an were marching on 20 Seaforth by Way of Erncefield. SchoOl children were immediately sent hothe4 the volunteers Were quick -1Y organized and towns in this part of Huron waited in suspense ler the dreaded attack. While John ;Fletcher censidered joining the parade of carts, wagons and others on horseback which were malting their way to Bayfield to fendoff the attack, but he was worried what would happen if the Fenians managed to reach Eginondville. Over the years the bachelpr, who lived On 50 acrs of land be'd purchased from the Canada Company, changed any surplus cash he had into gold coins. Like many settlers of this dine, he didn't trust institutions like banks. so the coins were safely hidden snmewhere inhis shanty that WaS on the edge of the woods, . The gold was supposed to be a safeguard for his old age, and John Fletcher wasn't .,about to sacrifice it to anyone, particularly the traitorous-Fenians who wanted to steal Canada away 'from the British Empire. • Now according to, the legend, Mr. FletcKr took a pair of brand new, cowhide boots, the kind which reached to his knees. .the co-operato$ BRUCE :.SMITH 34.111•Ohelm St., MItch•11 PHONE: OFFICE 3441-9975 RES. 3411-0,973 Issutascl AND IntAIKuit StiVIC1$ LIFE • HOME • AUTO • 'BUSINESS Ciderfest sunday, September 30th. 12:0a a.m. - 5 p.m, at the historic VAN EGMOND HOUSE • .Egmondville SPECIAL.ATTRACTIONS • Cider Making • Crafts SanSage stuffing • Flea Market • Flower Festival & Art Show • Country Jamboree • Home and Wagon rides • Antique exhibits • Nail driving eomPellitiona • Log Sawing & • Muth, muell more A.dtnissiort $1.00 CHILDREN, UNDER 12 ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS FREE Beat the spring price increase on fertilizer and apply fall plow down, Still have A goodsupply of' fail bulbstulip & daffo.: dil tlyacintito narcissus, croctisl . *=rhowtowthowo-o $4.FoRTH 'FARMERS colmoP • $.2.14770 10 Then he located 'an awl and! Pate Waxed thread. Not about to reveaf WIS carefullyi guarded secret after so many years, Shanty John pulled the heavy oak door shut and; drew the bot. Then he fulled Some kind Of makteshift blinds 'aerOSS the winden,va,, After the chanty was completely private,, be [raised- several boards in the floor and ,drew Ont a "well-filled leather hag", according tO the poplar version of the story, Carefully John. •transferred the coins, whift included English sovereigns, -from the bag and filled the toes and legs of both, boots. Then he doubled over the top part of the boot and sewed them up firmly with the - awl and, thread. • fiVRIED TREASURE With his domestic die $ fittiShett. Shanty John released the bolt and peered: outside into the darkness, ,checking that he was entirely alone, 'Then choosing a. knoll at the foot of a large oak tree, he buried the treausre: Whatever else happened to the residents of the Egmondville area when the • Fenians descended, .1,ohrt Fletcher wasn't about to let them discever the bounty he'd put aside for his "golden years." New the one "version of the Shanty John, story ends 'here, with the man digging up his treasure again when all danger of attack had passed (a danger which actually never existed to begin with,) But my favorite version of the story, " published in the I„930's, takes the story on • from here. En this version, the scene shifts to a drowsy Indian Summer afternoon in the fall of 1896, A young man named Bud Ryan is lounging against an old Talman Sweet apple tree at the foot of the orchard; whistleirtg every now and then, From the . upstairs. window'of the farmhouse at the end of the orchardo a • Seaforth Centenaires TRAINING CAMP • Oct. 1 2 3 4 f 8:30 - 10:30 p.m. ALL INTERESTED PLAYERS WELCOME Bring your own sticksand eqUipment EXHIBITION GAME. OCT.5 at 8:30 p.m. Centenaires vs. Tavistock e head Soddenly appears and the a hand waves, Within a few minutes, tt, pretty young girl of about 20, named Nellie McGowan, saunters down past the apple orchardas if she just happened to he out for a .casual Sunday strell. When she reaches Mr. 'Ryan, Sh•e Athispets quickly that they'd better be off awn, the lane, since her parents are sleeping in their chairs on the verandah and she hopes they won't Inok for her until it's time to do the evening chores, The couple's walk takes them across to 011trkt now -being helO, In St. Patrick's School, Gym •Via &NV the old Fletcher place, by now vaeant and - - justa little dilapidated looking. USE Mr. Kyan tells his sweetheart that he can josEXPOSITOR t barely remember Shanty John, • "roaMiag constantly through his hush. aa if seeking something. They do say he WA„ NT !ADS buried his money somewhere time of the Fenian raid, and never could find the spot again. Neither could anyone else, though Phone 527-0240' many's the hint there has been after it, - guess it was just a fairy tale." PROPOSAL But the couple's thoughts soon tlirn froth an old man that has been .dead for several years. It seems the main matter of concern is .that Bud wants to marry the girl, but bleillie's parents feel the young man, who works 'as hired man on an adjoining farm, just isn't quite a suitable financial prospect for their daughter. Nellie and Budare leaning up against an old, gnarled oak stump, and pondering their fate when Nellie's parasol catches on something in the ground at herfeet. Bud gets down on his hands and knees and gives the object a few hefty tugs. Out come something, slightly rotten and a little • foul.stnelling. Of courseyou've guessed (cbntinued on Page 24) • Proshop Seciforth Golf Course Ltd. • Shoes, bags, clubs, clothing, headcovers, umbrellas, carts, gloves Every week more • and more people discover what mighty jobs are ac• . complished by low cog , Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. . • You don't have to be a genius like • AGREE SHAMPC" • o get your . money's worth; Siveon t'ialues throughout the store! 350 ML, PLUS $‘ 29 ta% moat - FREE ONLY Iv NOXZEMA /3 OZ. ROLL ON DEODORANT VASSALINEI400INTENSIVE CARE LOTION ONLY $ ML SUCNETS/24's iTHROAT LOZENGES ONLY r‘ STAY FU/10's $ 3 ON1 LY 110 $ ' 0 MUJ ONLY • PERSONAL SIZE [• IVORY SOAP ' PACK AOE OF 4 °Nur TRIANS LE: DISC 0 U NT„..,, -WOOF Wait ttitS0101 APPLIANCE REP tar,* Or riang Wien fix • Our .rtkeil0 **Port' Will haw", youg opplIerK0 Intip 1PP shoe, tAket POI MA to SOY^ PECK APPOIANCIES • "IN MI HEART OF • DOWNTOWN vARFTS' VARNA 41124103 . • SALM CONSTRUCTION Farm-, Commercial $t Residential cfn141.-• Framing, Roofing, Aluminum Siding, Renovations Dave as 523-9641 1,311/th, Ont. s Hotel Seaforth This Week: Entertainment Next Week Monday to Saturday C C Connection Re egiori Meeting, Thursday,:September 27th "Dealing with Outside renovations to Br. 156" ALL MEMBERS ARE URGEDTO ATTEND Early Bird Campaign now under way for 1980 Legion Dues DUES MAY BE PAID TO • • • Allan Nicholson 'William O'Shea Ken Cardno • Bob Watson Bar Steward White/with red & white interior, 360 engine, automatic transmission, White wall radial tires, light package, accessory floor mats, electric heated rear window, deluxe windshield wipers, under coating and hood pad, A.M. - • F.M. radio, regular spare tire, Cheysler 300' decor package. eliflYSLEIVANTI•CAROSION wmtilAtiTY • sr, 1 • .#1v#••#44 "04:4 #c a•e price „ IpJThZ ;opus* loMi-so•et; Reg. price $9 ,X7Hai 1 • A $400." Chrysler rebate • applies on the above ear Rowcliffe Motors • usterfl.527400 •