HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-27, Page 3•
OKAy, OUIT CLOWNING AROUND—The Expositor doesn't know whd
this crazy looking clown is, but he pr she certainly put a good deal of hard
work into decorating their bicycle for Friday's fair parade.
(Expositor photo) Seaforth
Two hundred members
and friends of EgMondvilK
and area attended the Sun.
day morning service of wor.
ship at E8mondville United
Church, Sunday*, SepteMber
23. This special celebration
Marked the 144th anniver-
sary of the eangregation and
the 100th anniversary of
worship in tbe present
shurch building. Special
luded the eon
nt h
$ests athe service
gregation, and
minister of flnleenel0 United
Rev, B. McMullen, guest
Church -
minister* andhis congre-
gatien Bmeeffeld. .cofl
ducted the inseiring service,
The choir and various mem,
1.oers of their congregation
presented a series of para.,
bles and song with contemp-
orary interpretation in Belt of
a aprmon. Those attending
found the presentation
,meaningful and enjoyable.
A few members added
sparkle and authenticity to
the celebration by denning
Appropriate attire of the ,past
Following the service of
worship, coffee and apeciat
anniversary Cake, Which was.
cut and dedicated by the
clerk of session Jim Mont. '
Bomery, was enjoyed by all.
Mrs, Frank Johnsten 76,, of
79 Goderich $t. W., Seaforth,
died Sunday at Stratford.
General Hospital.
Born in Grey Township
she was theformer Harriet
Blanche Bolger, a daughter
of the late John and
Margaret Bolger.
deceased ier Jaeuary,
A member of Duffs Unite4
Chnrch, McKillop, she wa.s a
Life Member of the W.M.S•
and active in the Huron
presbyterial, later becomieg
a • member of FirSt
PreSbYterian Church,
Golden Helmets highlight
(Qmtinued from Page 1)
the second, and S.
Coluntban students the third
In the baking division,
Irene Kelly of 'R.R.5,
Seaforth was awarded the
most points, for quilts Mrs.
J. Cronin of Dublin had the
most points and Mrs Mary
Neville of tSeaforth Manor
was first in knitted and
crocheted articles.
In craft work Mrs. Glen
Webster of R.R,3, Auburn
was first and in . floral
exhibits Hazel Hildebrand
was first
The results of the livestock
juding are: Perth Huron
Jersey Breeders' • Parish.
show with Jack Armstrong
and son Fred, of R.R.2,
Auburn having the senior
and grandchampion female,
and also the reserve
In the dairy cattle,
Ayrshires Brian Mitchell of
Thamesford was the major
winner and for Holsteins,
Emma Franken of Auburn
Ron McLean of
Appin, topped the beef cattle
near fair
on Fri
Jan Van Vliet of R.R.2,
Brussels, was the major
winner in the swine division.
Jack Meadows of St. Pauls
won the most points in the
light horse class and David
Carson and son of Listowel
wen in the heavy horse class.
Lorne -Ross of St. Marys had
the best heavy horse on the
In the 4-H juding classes
the winners were: Cathy
McGavin of R.RA, Walton,
had the champion 4-h dairy
calf, -a Holstein and Dianne
Oldfield of R.RA, Seaforth,
was champion 4-H dairy
showman., Mary Gibson of
Clinton with her Limousin
• had the champion 441 steer
and Terry Smith of Walton,
with his Charolais„ had the
champion 4-11 beef heifer,
and Les Falconer of R.R.5
Clinton was the champion
4.1i beef showman.' •
Paul Dodds • of R.R.2,
Seaforth, was the champion
4-H swine showman and had
the champion 4-11 gilt.
Susan Pullman of Seforth
horse showman, was the'.
showman when she won the
three showmen in the finals.
Dianne Oldfield was runner-
Who was the champion 4-H
sweepstakes champion
sliest Points over the ether
Speeding, licitlor
• charges•Iat
' h yin uer readd avail
eedm char es un a g q
necessary noise offences and able.
liquor offences made up the Peter John Jansen of
majority of cases heard in Egmondville was fined S104
county court in Seaforth on as a minor having liquor
Sept. 19. Justice of the peace available.
Gordon Ferris presided. Daniel B. Merner of R.R.
Michael G. Ansell of Bay- 3. Bayfield was fined S104 on
field was fined $33 on a. the same charge.
charge of speeding. Gerald McLaughlin of Sea -
Kathryn Coentbs of Sea-, forth was fined$28 for failure
forth was found giiilty of to produce an operator's
M rr of
creating •unnecessary noise license. PatrickM. Mu ay
and - fined $103. Marilyn Seaforth was fined $54 on a
Anne Engel of Seaforth was speeding charge.
S• f th police 11 d fine 04 as a nor huin rY • •
ea or wereca e
out to investigate two acei- liquor available. Seaforth was fined $18 for
dents on Friday afternoon, in Oeanie Fehr ofspeeding,
d $1 rni h in ar as
She . was a member of': For niore than SO years,
Northside United Church.
Seaforth. She was married in
Walton to. .Frank Johnston
and the couple famed in
McKillop TOwnship She
moved to Seaforth in 1968
following the death of her
Surviving are • two sens,d
Irwin of Seaforth anHarry
of R.R.1. Dublin, a sister
Mrs. Torrance (Olive)
Dundas of Walton, seven
grandchildren and four great
grandchildren. She was pre-
in1959 bya
brothers Howard and Harry.
Whtiney-Ribey Funeral
daughter, Roma, also two
Friends were received tit
Home,. where service was
held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m
with Rev. James Vanslyke
officiating. Interment
followed in, Maitlandbank
Cemetery. Memorial
donations may be made to
Ontario Heart Foundation as
expressions of sympathy.
On Friday, September.
21st, 1979 Mae Hillebrecht
died in Stratford General
Hospital in her eighty-fourth
Born in McKillop Town-
ship August 31, 1896 to Robt.
A. C m bell and Annie E
Bolton, she attended school
• at S.S. No. 6. After her
marriage to John Hillebrecht
they farined on Lot 20,
Concession 1 of McKillop
wheresheresided until her
Aleath. Her husband ore -
she was a • member of
Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge
where she was a past Noble
Grand arid was awarded the
Degree of Chivalry.
She was a Life member of
the Seaforth Women,:$
Institute and a leader of 4-1-1
Clubs for many years.
Special recognition for her
many years Of service was
given by the Seaforth Agri,
cultural Society, and she was
a valuable member of the
Horticultural Society. She
was an ardent visitor to the
Seaforth Community
Hospital as well as a member
of the hospital board for
The late Mts. Hillebrecht
is Survived by two sisters •
Mrs. Cecil. Baxter (Edna),
and Mrs. Adam Dodds
(Cora) and a number of
nieces and nephews. She was
predeceased by two Sisters
and a brother, Mrs. Rich
mond Orr (Reta), Minnie,
and Robt W Campbell
The funeral was held on
Monday, Sept. 24th from teh
Whitney--Ribey Funeral
Home, conducted by the
Rev. T.A.A. Duke of the
Presbyterian Church, with
inter meat in the Maitland
Bank Cemetery.
Pallbearers were six
nephews,Dr. Walter
Harding, Harold Stoskopf,
Ken Campbell, William ,
Campbell, Robert 'Baxter and
William J. Baxter.
Flower bearers were
Harold Bolton Elgin
McKinley, Harry Arts and
' the area of the Seaforth Fall Seaforth was fined S153 for Robert Nigh- of Seaforth 00 expensive,they say
Fair. not having any evidence of was fined S103 for creating
• At- 3:30 P.m., Marion insurance. unnecessary noise.
Nolan of West Street Sea- Mane J. Garrett of Bay- Gerald Nobel of ea or
S f th
' • fined S 04 as a minor
• Main Street comin back •v readilY available in a having liquor available.
Arthur Devereaux.
Mr. IS.L. (Lawrence)
Cummings, wilt/ Was born in
Walton, died suddenly at his
residence 1in Godench on.
Friday. Mr. Cummings was
81 years old.
He was born in Walton on
Pee. 29, 1897, the son of
James and Jane. Ann
(McLaughlin) Cummings, He
was an auto mechanic and -
operated his own businesses
in Walton, Warwick, Luck -
now, and Clinton before
retiring in 1969,
Mr, Cummings is survived
by his wife, the former Jean
Allen, who he married in
1919. He is also survived by a
daughter, Mrs. Arthur
(Ruth)' Buck of Moneton,
New Brunswick and two
sons, Garnet Ross and James
Allen Cummings, both of
Goeerich. He is also
schildrenu vi vee and
four four grandgrea
grandchildren. He was pre -
Rd eucbeyaspeudnbdya:ne sister, 1VIrs.
The funeral .for Mr.
Cummings was held from the
McCallum Funeral Home,
Goderich. Rev. Walter Mills
officiated. Inter ment was in
BuHarveys se1 s cemeterytielmpe, The Dougpal
bearers were. Bill Jenkins,
Dalton, Stewart Humphries,
Dave Brereton and Dave
Mrs. Red Johnson • of
Edmonton and Mrs. Donald
week.Buchanan of Goderich visited
with Mrs. C. Turnbull last
Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Downey of Flatrock,
Michigan visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Devereaux and
BEAUTIES ALL — The judges had a tough deCiSiOn to make in the Queen
of the Fair competition Thursday evening. The winner was (Centre)
Joanne Van Dornick, 18, with Bonnie Larone (left) as first runner-up, and
Joan Sills as Second. In the rear are Diane Witson, named Miss
CongenialitY, and Susan Smith.
(Expositor Photo)
You're invi.ted
• The Happy Citizens of go phone Grace Pepper - ,DornogthhytoTriown5se2n7d-1,088527.00906r,
Carietizinevnistedctolutxetr 527-1285' or Hazel Me -
the Legion Hall, Exeter. All ' 1.
Tues. Oct 2 at 8:00 p.m. in
• e •
Happy • Citizens welcome.
Anyone who hasn't been
contacted and would like to
"Congratulations" to Miss
Mary Neville of Seaforth•
Manor who. won the Stewart
Bros. Special Prize for- most
points in knitting. Miss
Neville won three first and
seven seconds.
Church Service was con
ducted last Wednesday after-
noon with Rev. Yielding in
charge and the ladies of
Bethel Bible Church con-
tributed to the service also.
Special music for the service,
was a beautiful duet rend
eree by Mr. and Mrs. Orval
Green. Hymns 59, 27, & 96
were sung with Mrs.
Yielding at the piano..
Twenty-two residents were
taken to see the Fair Parade,
A special thanks to Mrs.
Grace Broadfeot and Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Maloney for •
letting us use their lawn and
driveway' to view the
• ..•;
.t?"..•• •
.••• •
• • .„
' • ,
' .10 • t0;•
•• • •
parade which was one of the
better parade s, Seaforth
• •has organized in recent
v t k .
• anas ra nocks addition
go was. enloyed last
Thursday evening and
winners were Full House
Mrs, Marqeinite Shill and
Mrs Cecil Rhoades. 4
forth was driving south on field, was fined S54 for having was 1 •
into town when a ear driven motor vehicle. Daniel Scott of R.R. 3,
by Brian Moore of Egmond- BrYan Leslie Godkinof Walton Wasn filled S51 for
ville pulled out of jkike R.R. 4, Walton was fined $22 speeding ancl Charles G.
Street. The Moore vehicle for speeding and $28 for , Turnbull of Edmonton,
collided with the Nolan car. failing to wear a motorcycle Alberta *as fined $52.50 on
There was approximately helmet. . the same charge.
S2400 damage to the Nolan Garth M. Hargreaves of Wendy R. Welch of Clin-
vehicle and $450 damage to Brucefield was fined $69.50 ton was fined S104 as a minor
the Moore car, There were for speeding, and S104 for having liquor available.
. . •
no injuries in the accident
.• A second aceident later in, Rebek h
a s donate
the afternoop involved a car
(Continued from Page 1) •
then the government grants would match
with another 25 percent He said the.
' government has not confirmed the grants in
writing, only verbally, •
Mr. Hammond asked what the addition for
the mentally retarded and handicapped
would do for the people of Vanastra. Mrs.
Durnin said that with the additional rooms
added for them, the rooms could be used for
whIrlpod local groups at Vanastra. as well, such as the
Lions Club and the Cubs. (Both groups meet
at the centre at the present time.)
Asked what would happen if a '
neighbouring town put in an enclosed pool,
• • •
Reeve Ervini Sillery replied that when council
members visited the ininistry offices le
Toronto, aides to the minister had said
Vanastra had a very good centre. They said
if other centre wanted an enclosed pool they
would have to put up a very good argument,
Askedwhat the architect's fees had been
for drawing up the plans for the construction
of the additional and renovations to the
present complex, Clerk McLachlan said the
fees would be eight percent of the total cost
whkh would amount to about S24,000 if the
Const ruction was carried out
Asked if many extra employes would be
hired Mrs. Durnin Said probably One other
person and said there would pethaps be
other government grants to fund activities,
and a pedestrian. Mrs. '
walkirig along Duke Street
when a car driven by Gladys - •
Gladys Doig of Seiforth was to Huronview
he lodge,
Wallace. 81, of Clinton • BY
with e.nt
t' for
kUTH PAPPLE encourrigeM t
mounted the sidewalk on the Edelweiss Rebekah ge . much in orma ion
openedh'fll thelodgefortheg
north side of the street, 117 Seaforth
striking Mrs. Doig. The drie- session on the' evening of Year. Seaforth installation is
er of the car said her attear.. Sep_ _t• •1°th with a pot luck on Oct 22 at 8 p.m.
ion was distracted by one of supper and an exchange of • A letter of thanks was. ,
gifts from secret pals'. Lodge received from Chester Arehi
her passengers Mrs Doi
opened in form with Noble bald) Huronview admini
stiStained minoe injuries and
was taken home, followipg Grand Esther CamPbell in strato;for the Whirlpocil bath
the accident No charges . charge. Vice Grand Marion that the Rebekaha & Odd
have been laid in the wet, lose gave a visiting report fellows are . having installed
• for the Sumner. at Huronview, Clinton. S50.
dent,Police Chief John Cairns Rachel Riehl gave District was tent to the Woodstock.
said even with the fair, it was meetingreports. Mildred Area Disaster fund.
± Kerr gave CPT report. The A new chairman for the
a pretty quiet week at town.
lodget share of the Whirlpool March of Dimes i$ neeed.
Ari EXpesitor Classified bathfor Huronview had been Anyone wishing to help
•,vill pay you dividends. Have sent in, President Constance please contact Noble Grand .
roti tried one? Dial 527-0240. Humby sent a letter of ' Esther Campbell. ' ' ACROSS TOWNSHIP
, When asked how the council could think
Teen group formedVanistre could stand the extra expenses of
the addition, deputy reeve Robert Bell said if
. he had any voice on council he would try to
eciHoh _ Leos
, towns p. IVIr, Hammond listed several
, things that Outten had not carried through
Ostt were spread actoss the
The Seaforth teen town group is now treasurer Brad GoWan.
offidally called the Seaforth Old Area Leos Anyone interested in joining the Leos Club
Club. • can belong for an annual $2.50 membership
The 35 teenswho attended a second fee.
meeting on Sept 18 voted tebetome Leos, a The first official meeting Of the chth will
• - -group affiliated - With .. the Lions Club._ be held at the town hall On -Oct: 1 at 730"
etittnization. Members of the Dublin and p.m. There will be a ceremony to mark the
Brussels Leo Clubs attended the meeting to kickoff of a. neW group.
describe some of the 'activities Of their Tile club hopes to organize dances, and
. group*. other community activities for Seaforth and
The exettitiVe for the organisation is area teens.
. president, Dennis McNeil, vice-president, By becoming a Len Ciib, the teens will
Matey of Esmondole, secretary be able to maintain -their independence andi
Kittity. Lucille of R.R 3, Seaforth arid
set their own vele for the Organization.
dn, including the curling rink which. Wastd
have been a skating rink for Vanastra get
ended up being tented to a group of
curlers He said when the church was bought
and turned into a recreation hall, it was for
the use of the residents as a temitilthily
centre but has ended' up being.rented Out all
the time to Outaiderk.
Mrs. Durnio said She crud not be United
if the citizenof Vanstra did not make use of
the hat, and it had to be rented but tO make
money. Mr. Hammond said it fragmented
the community when they did not have the
use of their own tadlitiet.there is it lot of
bittettiess, Instal& Deputy reeve Bell stild;
"We ean't rnake the citizens 'Use it.''
Mr Hammond said the addition was a
major job and that it should be done by the
whole county. He asked what consideration
would be given Vanastra if the county took
over, as Vanastra had been paying all along.
• Mrs.: Clare Haskett said she was at a
recent meeting of recreational officials who
warned that grant money was going to be
less. She said that Vanasta had had its share
of grant money and future grants should go
to larger centres.. "The days of the golden
goose are over," she said
Mrs. Haskett.complained that, 'We can't
use our own centre, not even for weddings,
and our handicapped have been turned away
and snubbed. People that are handicapped,
are handicapped.''
Mrs. Durnin replied that the reason
patients from Heather Gardens, which is run
by Mrs; Haskett, had been turned away was
because they were not attended by a staff
Member. Mrs, Haskett replied that her staff
worked at minimum wages and "We canna t
afford to send a staff member with one
Reeve Sillery said the enlarged facilities
would attract new industries to Variastra,
but one of the busines men said he was in
business to Make stoney and that the
recreation' centre will' met entice* neiv
business, only increase the traffic flow.
The business men seemed to agree that
the costs Should be put over the whole
county and that the reeve and the deputy
reeve who represent the township on county
council, should do a selling, job to convince
the county to take over.
Reeve Sillery replied that, "We have tried
to get the comity to take Otter recreation but
it did hot go over. There is so much
overlapping of facilities such as arenas that
the county 'felt everyone could, swing their
owr0 -
Mr. Hammond said that ludas the county
took over "we Shall not accept the building
of an addition." 1 -lo the MO Step for the
business men Was a delegation to Queen's
Park to speak to the ministry to petition
against the construebbn. Ile said they Would,
be taking it long list of names of homeowners
Itt Vettattri who ate against the 30 per emit
enlargement of the present centre,
• ,
corners Mr.. Erie Dow &
Mr. Charles Ross; 'Under B -
Mr. Charles Ross, Miss
Kate Lvaerty I - Mrs.
Margeurite Shill, Mr. Cecil
Rhoades; N Mr. Erle Dow,
Mr. Emil liermansen; G -
Miss Edith Salo, Mr. Bert
Hendy; 0 - Mrs. Verna
McClure, Mr. Morley Bloom
field. , •
Last Thursday afternoon at
bowling high stores were
held by 'Lenny Bloomfield
137 and Charles Ross 99.
Tuesday afternoons will.be
our euchre club and this
week's volunteers were Mrs,
Elmer Townsend and Mrs,
Arthur Nicholson. • High
scores for the afternoon were
Mrs. Verna McClure and
Mrs. Art NitholSon with 50
points and Mr. Albert St.
Denis and Mr. harold Walsh
with 27. Visiting with Mr•
Wilber Keyes was his
daughter Mrs. Ruth Carter of
Woodstock and Mr. Watt
Webster of Clinton. Mr.
Webster also visited with
Mr. Bill Scott Miss' Mae
Smith visited with Miss
Isobel UMW on Tuesday
Mr, Wrii.Scott enjoyed oh
outing on Tuesday afternoon
with his wife Isobel. Mr.
James Shortree is spending a
• few days at home with Mit,
We are sorry to report
Miss Bessie Davidson and,
Miss Mary Neville are
confined to Seaford"
Community • hospital, We
Welcome Mr. Arthur Nichol-
son back to the Manor after
his stay in hospital and else
Welcome Mr. Ross Boughton
a new resident to Seaftirth
Mr John Nisbet from the
as.C. Oita Id London
visited on 'Monday,
,;I( •
410, t'
. •
Seaforth holds Snoopy, a cut little fellow who
Ann describes as "a junky poodle." The two
were spending the afternoon at the Seaforth
Fall Fair,
(Expositor photo)
161-116K5Taiioldt one
Of the baby chiCkana on display _ at Old
Mti4Oanaldis Parrot always a NNW plaile with
the younger generation at this Seaforth fad
Pair. lExpositor photo)