HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-20, Page 13Cowin ral+he,.. rn7 hors.
$ at u1 -e C 1':t ve ?LAT
Goodb e and Good;
�1ARP.TNON r.AN (offfo
reeriet- pas+Ure..)
►n a'
7:a0 p.m:
2nd Floor, Seaforth Town Hall
Held in conjunction with Seaforth Sports
mens Club and the Ministry of Natural
r.nr.h FIGURE
will be hosting a booth at
Seaforth Fall Fair
Registration formswill be available at
this time or at the Arena on Wednesday,
September 26th, 1979 between 8-9
OPEN 1-4
OPEN t,—
1 Yi r 1t !!i'I,1
We've Helped
Each Other Grow
ANI) (;RI Thtf
On the greens
by iCorolaInno Doig,
Where are
you all?
Where are all those keen'•
golfers I saw in May? You
can't have ,given.upalready!'
The weather has been lovely,
crisp mornings, sunny and.
warm afternoons, pleasant
evenings. It is an ideal time
to enjoy the game of golf.
The course is quiet, the kids,
are back at school and after
the rain last week the course
is once again in good shape.
The leaves are just beginning
to change colour and in
another weekor so the
scenery will be super:
Motherswho have been,
hoping to learn the game this.
summer should be out while
the children are ''in school.
Not only that but the course
not busy so you can take
your time and not feel that
you are holding anyone: up:
For those of you who work
during the day, leave those
! dishes in the sink at night
and enjoy ' the evenings.
before that old clock falls
back and reduces evenings to
I'm sure everyone is
anxious . • 'to beginwinter
sports with hockey, curling
and bowling just around the.
cornea.••'. Remember 'though,
that our golf season is; short
enough and old man winter
seems to : take his time
around'. March and April.
We would love to See you.
extend summer and :enjoy
golf well into the fall. Our
course is kept in goodshape
so take advantage of these
greatdays before you trade
.in your golf clubs for your.
trusty snow shovel.
Last weekend' the course
was the sites of much
activity. On, Saturday the.
Brussels Lions enjoyed golf
and a steak barbecue, 'while
on : Sunday the • Seaforth
Legion held their second
mixed two, ball of the seaosn.
After the .golf' a corn roast
and barbecue topped off the
On Wednesday the ladies
Goofer Golf group played
nine holes and then had
dinner in, the clubhouse..
These ladies have played
every Wednesday all
summer at various courses
and it sounds asthough
they've certainly enjoyed the
last few months, •
This Saturday (the. 22nd)
the Clinton Fish & Game.
Club will have a tournament
in ` the , morning!. This
tournament should be over
by noon. On Sunday the 23rd
the Hensall Legion . Men's
Tournament will be on
scheduled to begin early in
the morning.
On Saturday night Sept. 29
the Club's final dance of the
season•. is on. It looks like it
will be a super time.
Tonight is men's night and
I'm sure there won't; be `too
many good nights left so
come on out. Last week Cam
and:; Rod Doig were drawn.
together and managed to
take the honours with a 73
St. Colutnban's hopes of
capturing first, place int he,,. •
London ` District Soccer
Association's 2nd Division:
suffered a setback on
Saturday as they were
defeated 4-2 by London
Fortuguese•, The ' other
contenders either won or tied.
their games, thereby 'moving
ahead of St. Columban. With'
three games remainingin the
schedule; tour' teams are still
capable of ending up in. first,
or second place and earning:
promotion to the 1st division
for the 1980 season,
St. Columban have the
opportunity of determining
their own fate as their three
remaining games are against
the teams currently ahead of
them in the standings.
However, in order to win
these games they will have to
show a complete reversal of
the manner in which they
played against the
Except for the solid play of
a few individuals, the quality
of St, Columban's play was
far from good. They fell
be1iind''2.0•early in the gatne
and never seemedto regain:
Passing and tearmtrork was
incffectiVF ac iitev
struggled against a teem
they should: have easily
f tichardVetiertic and Rick
Ryan Witt ',the St.'
toiiiinbsn Oafs,.
St. Columban returns
''home, this weekend as they
play :the: German -Canadians'
at th e high school: <field in,
Mitchell on Sunday att2 p.m.,
The German -Canadians are a
strong well balanced team
and the game should be quite
W L' T Pt"s.
London !United'' 8 2 5 21
White Eagles 8 4 3 19
Canadians 7 3 5 19'
St. Columban 8• S 2 18
Delhi 8 7 0 16
Goderich S 5 15
Portuguese w 1 1 12
Oakridge 3 u a 11
WestLorna 2 7 6 10
Strathroy 1. 8 5 7
by Pal gifts.
Much to the dtsappotntmept of a lot :of
students, school is bock into full swing
again. Along with Ibis, ,almost as a form of
compensation, ,cOrile School at,
Fine especially lin ;the high schools, sports;
arid inter -school competitions are the only
thing that make education bearable
This, year at Seaforth 'District High, an:
attempts has been: made to get more
students involved m athletic activities with
the advent of an al new houseleague/intra
sports systf`tn. For the past several
years, SDIISS has divided students up Into
four .houses, Cornets, Phoenix, Taurus and
Aurora Borealis. The problem in the past
was that there was very little for students
to do' in connection with these houses. No,.
a systemhas been set up whereby sports.
such as tennis, soccer and; touch .football
can be run for all students. Enthusiasm is
the main need, not ability as it is with
school teams.
Such a setup was not possible in the
past, as it was hard to arrange teams when,
sortie students had their lunch break at ,one.
time, while others had it at another, This
year SDHS has gone to a common lunch
hour, for all.
This should make everyone happy. The
Students get something to do. Parents
don't have to worry about the kids being off
school and running around town during
lunch. School spirit, is built, up and teachers
don't have to listen to complaints which
used to conte from almost everybody.
Great. Hope it:wgrks, It should
i neo i ed
Hate to aCtrait it. but the summer is all
but over Most of the baseball leagues have.
either finished up their season, or are.
involved in playoffs. Even the World Series
in professional ball isn't far away- The
North American Soccer - .ague, has, wound
up for 'the ''year, with the team . #Torn
Vancouver coming out on top; the firs such
accomplishment for a professional team
from, British Columbia, in snore than a
The leaves; are Starting to fall from the
trees, as autumn is approaching. Begin
ning tofeel a little bit cooler? In less than
60 days you, .Can expect snow! NOW you:
should be feeling really cold.
Oh; but enough of this cruelty. Leave
thoso skis in storage for a bit longer, and
enjoy what's left of the summer weather,
My point is just that the cold, season is.
coining, Then, of course, many people will
neglect their physical fitness, using the
excuse that it is too cold outside.
So why not get outdoors now, while you
still can without the need for a parka?
There's still lots to do, How about :a quick
early morning jog before 'breakfast, It's
said that one can meet a lot of interesting
people that way,
Qr why not a bike ,ride around a 5 mile
country. block'' Or try a rousing game of
tennis. You'd be surprised at all the things
there are to do at this time of year.
If none of this turns you on, just go out to
the garageor barn and polish up your
SuO,.,.Ae t.
2 P!.Ilri.
•SE4FOlRTI cemiwu1Vrf O;1!> T E'
Seaforth District High School Cafeteria
8 p.m.
Sept. 24th
Anyone interested in playing Broom ball
this year, please try to attend.
will be hosting a booth at the Seaforth
Fall Fair
Registration forms will be available at
this time or at the Arena on
SEPTEMBER 22, 1979. Our annual
registration will be held between 10:00
a.m.,'and 12;09 Noon
TENNIS TEAM Tennis is just one of theseveral' different sporting;
activities already under way at Seaforth District High School Here John
Cairns and Mary Lynn Giew;practice up for interschool competitions held
in Grand _Bend on 'Tuesday.
Main St..
Main Street advanced to
the league finals Friday night.
with a 14 to 7 win over the
Firemen and won the series 2
games to 1 Main Street
started off- scoring 3'runs in
the first inning and had built
up a '8 to '1• lead after 3: The
Firemen came back very
strong in the bottom of the
4th scoring 6 runs. Tom
Johnston hit a 3 run homer in
this inning,
The Main. Streeters came
back in the top of ;the fifth
inning with 6 runs and at
this point each team vvas
malting a lot of errors. There
was no more scoring after the
5th inning and Main Street
goes on to play,the Queens
for the championship.
On Sunday afternoon Main
Street pulled out a 6 to 5 run
in the first game of the finals,
This series is 3 out of 5 and
the second game is
VVednesday night at 8 p.m.
and the third garne IS Sunday
at 3
The Queens struck first
with a run in the bottom of
tho 3rd inning ' as Jerry
Hetherington hit a double
and Jack Price follovved with
a single to seOre Jerry.
Neither team could get:
anything going and the score
•Harold Jordan
Electric Ltd.
•lnd'usfr#al', Horne S Farrel Wiring
•Hydro poles installed and
(Expositor Photo)
in finals
reaniined' 1 to 0 until the tog
of the 6th when Mainstreet
Scored ' 3 runs '. on Bill•.
Roberton's triple and Grant
Currah's •single, Mainstr«'et"
canie storming back• in the
bottom of the 7th i 'with 4
runs and tied the game at 5..
A walk; 2 errors and two hits
by Jim. Finlayson and Brian
Dale tied the score. In the 8th ..1
Main Street pushed' 1 run
across on Bill Robertoa's
single and Brian Nigh's.
single. The Queen's were:
unable to score in the bottom
of the 8th and Main Street'
won the first game 6 to 5.
Don't forget to tome out
and see exciting ball played
by the Men's industrial
league. Games willbe played
Wednesday at 8 p.m: and
Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. •
at the ' Seaforth 'Optimist
Bigger & Better
Seaforth Fair
Guests .Clive Buist
Tom Ryan
Marilyn Gaffney
Paul Carroll
Feature:. "Our Tosyl a Pleasant Place to
Live" Mitchell .
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