HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-20, Page 11U'•.,1l9 ^^„pu',�.t+YT3 ai!I; e NEW VANASTR'A LIONESS CLUB Betty MaCLeart left, formerly of Seaforth is the charterp `resident of the Vanastra Lioness club.S turda a y night she received the charter from George leather, Lion district . governor, of St,. Marys, (News Record Photo)• Ex.ceptiorat kids are top.ic; John AvecneY. "" MPP Kitchener -Wilmot, told an audience at the first meeting of the Huron -Perth Chapter of the Council for Exceptional Children that only 12 per cent of Ontario pupils receive appropriate special education services. Mr. Sweeney,: speaking in Stratford, wars a director : of Waterloo education inn County, before entering politics. He cited parental concerns about the lack ocer deteriorating quality. of special education services ,and present provincial funding procedures.) as two basic problems. Mr. Sweeney said the one year teacher, training :course and Ministry, of Education Special: Education courses do: not provide teachers with the necessary skills to diagnose and program adequately for children with; special needs; He said provincial .policy shifts in funding procedures hamper local board efforts to improve the situation be- cause since 1975, the pro- , vincial funding for education has steadily decreased,. leaving, local boards .highly Benefit Dance for Hugh & Donna Flynn & family at Clintons Legion Friday, Sept. 21 /79 8-1 DONATIONS AT DOOR BRUSSELS FEST '79 Saturday September 22nd 'Brussels, Morris B.Grey Community Centre; aPM't/I1 AM ; . .,.�. et our ,c ets 'ow.` Sa'0.00 per person EARL Y'BiRDDRAWS ON ADVANCE TICKEi SATES, 3 OOP M. Ldcotn Green i frond. 5 00 7 00 P M Brussels Feo Supper 7 00.9 00 P M Gong Show and liar Cameo 9`00 P.M 1 00A M Dance Jo The Con,binohon LIARS & ON SHOW ENTRY :..Nome Andress Type of Art I ` r/Noth onff Re,u,n,o Maie, JPwpttp,y 9 u.,0.r • . . L-1;nrrwter 1740$.n9ieY.$GOG»aup .. STRATFORD FALL FAIR SEPT I9-23. ----COOPER BROTHERS FRIDAY, SEPT .• 21 $5.00 per person includes gate entry GODDO SATURDAY,. SEPT 22 $5.00 per person includes gate entry 'LIMITED ADVANCE TICKETS FOR ABOVE. SHOWS AVAILABLE •AT STRATFORD COi.ISEUM & MUSIC, SHOPPERS RECORD. & TAPE MART. THE FOLLOWING EVENTS ARE FREE WITH GATE ADMISSION OF . • ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN 7=14YRS..50c Campbell Amusement* - Over 24 "rides Horse shows Wed.-Thurs. 'Sept. 19-20 Too' of WE Thurs. Sept. 20 Trans Canada Hell Drivers Sat., Sept. 22 DEMOLITION DERBY SUN. SEs' ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT STRATFORD FAIRGROUNDS FIRST 40 CARS ACCEPTED dependent on the already heavily burdened property taxpayers for expenses. According to the MPP,. impending legislation; in- voicing establishement of , programs for early identifica- tion of learning problems and mandatory special education for children in need will only increase pressure on local boards 'neonse they will be fareed to expand:• services without being provided with any source of provincial funding. Mr. Sweeney feels some MPP's will be forced to vote against these proposals, even though they are "popular' concepts, '-because in- adequate provincial funds .for procuring such programs and preparing teaching eta ff s to_ implement 'programs will have an adverse affect., DoetHuin ne0d BY ALICE GII:BB John and Mary have a gross annual income of $12.000 and last year their debts totalled: almost $9,000.. The couple, and; many others like them', are victims of Our credit -oriented society, :and their only. salvation may lie in getting ,help, Prem: a debt counselling, agency- Pam Coleman, the debt counselling co-ordinator for the Huron, Information and' Multi -Service Centre in Vanastra, said that Huron County is one of Mk (,;our Bounties. in the prpvince without some kind of debt counselling program. Ms,. Coleman made the statement at ameeting held Thursday night at. the Vanastra Centre to discuss establishing such a service locally. If 40er cent of the cost of establishing. the service can be raised 'locally, then 60: per cent of the costs will be picked up by the ministry of community and social, services. • Ms. Coleman said to. date .local busi- nesses have pledged about $1,000 to aid in, establishing a service in the county. AiMS A debt counselling service aims to lin totubers Provide debt counselling members of the p,blic, to educate people on the uses and: abuses of credit, and to seek the c -operation of merchants, lending insti tutions, banks and others to achieve those objectives. Perhaps most importantly, a debt counselling service tries. to protect individuals from embarassment and harassment due to their inability to meet financial contractual obligations, and to. show them a way they can Menage their finances to get out of indebtedness. At the public meeting to discuss establishing the service locally,: Ron, Mason of the ministry of community and social services, outlined Some of the problems facing the county. ' • ' He said in order to establish the service, the agency must be a non-profit organi- zation and the board of directorsmust be. representative of the community, including members from labour, 'industry., credit agencies, education institutions and busi- nesses in the area. He said the maior -problem facing a Po nseiii b04r4 interested; }n, establishing: #fie Service is blit Huron .County .has a stnalll populatipn and the urban centres are widely Battered, He .said. nnost •debt coenseliingg services find they .acquire one new case per 1.,000people per year. He pointed out: in a town like Clinton foe example, there might be only three or four ,people in. the whple town who wool,¢ want to make use of such a service. Quoting statistics compiles by his ministry. he said the average client has an income of approximately $11;000, annually, tan be married, divorced',or single, and has, an average debt of 75 per cent of his 9r her gtt$s' a,tanual income 1MPAR3"!AUJ'Y Mr, Mason said an :important aspect of credit counselling which can't be matched by banks .Or ether lending institutions, is that the counsellor must be completely impartial.. When a member of the audience asked if there was a need :for such a service in the county. Pam Coleman quoted statistics she has compiled recently. She said there were 1,266 claims filed in small claims courts in Huron County in 1978. Also, although bankroP tries . aren't broken down, by county, it has been estimated there were about 100 bankruptcies a year in Huron. Me Macon told the audience,composed of representatives from county spcial::. agencies, a, credit union manager, a lawyer' and representatives from Champion. Road Machinery, ry,th t there •we.re three o dioo ns. open in establishing the service locally- OPTIONS He said the 'county could have its own , debt counselling service, and employ a half time counsellor for approximately •$10 5.15,400 annually. The second option is to form a local board, raise the funding and then purchase the counselling: • service from another agency such as. the :London; or Stratford debt counselling; offices. Mr. Mason said London. already sends out a counsellor every month to provide debt counselling services to thepeople in Axford and Elgin counties. QUILTS, QUILTS AND MORE. QUILTS -. Joyce Doig, Doreen Johnston and. Marg"Smile are admiring some :of the beautiful quilts on display in the window of Box Furniture which were made by Seaforth and. area women. The quilts will be donated "to families who lost their belongings in the tornado which ripped through the VVoadstockarea this. summer. (Expositor,'Photo). Crowd at Kippen shoot Kippen Gun Club on September 15, had 57 shooters. Scores were: Goderich No. 1 team 233; Claybird 223; Kippen No. 1 team 223; Fullarton 222; Kippen No 2 team 196; Goderich No. 2 Team .193; Henson; 162; Exeter 147. George Hamm 25; Paul' Middleton' 25; Bill 'B'oussey 25; 'Tom Russell 25;. Bert Mahaffey 25; John Anderson 25; Bob "Ironside 25; Glen • Mogk 24; G. Martin 24; John Hessels 24; Bill Webber 24; Grant Hodgert 24; Bob • Cochrane 24; Terry Caldwell 24; Jack Bell 24; Al Bell 23; Bob Caldwell 23; Al Kyle 23; Dan Crerar 23; Murray Christie 23; Calvin Christie' 23; Wayne Riddell 23; Paul Ritchie `22; Bryan Beer 22; Larry Mason 22; John Gredanus 22; Grant McGregor 21; Jim Butcher 21; J. Fischer 21; Stan. Christie: 21; Jamie Caldwell 21; Jim Godbolt 21; Ray B Lions NGO Every Saturday at 8t00 p, Blyth Memorial Hall 2 reg. games, S share the Wealth, Jackpot $150.00 in 60 Bails 4 Ingram 20; Gary Koehler 20; Paul Kristoferson..20; Roy Lamport 20; Bill Armstrong; 20; Paul. Webb 20; Len Lobb 20; Paul 'Armstrong 20; Sandy Ingram 19; Robert; McGregor 18; Dave Lovell 18; Wayne McBride 16; Paul Jeffery 16; Todd Caldwell 16; Brad McBride 15. ple Mr. and Mrs. Jack -Nicholson of Preston visited with. their Dad at the hospital over the weekend. Hur�n.4 Tavern. Wed. -.-Sat. & Sat. Matinee ' Lisle Next Week Dingle Day comedy Dining Room Open Daily from 12 Noon Good Old -Fashioned Hbme.Cooke f'Metils COntlnuona Entertainment front 8 p.ni. to 1 a.m. ,HIGHWAY 08 DUBLIN 245.2820 0 ? CI 04 -441 T.i.EI(IRON , .P debt meeting Herold theaittdience that the counsellors have found they Can't handle debt management ;for people in business for themselves, and they have also found that fanners with.a debt problem, get assistance from the Ontario Ministry of Food and! Agriculture, rather than from their Services Mr'- Mason said most debt eounseliing services handle wage or salary earners. as. their major clients• The final option open to Huron. County i$; to operate the service on a voluntary basis, but Mr, Mason, said this usually liadtttt proved satisfactory In the past. He said the ministry' also insists that the debt counsellor be bonded, and that the service carry insurance against holdups. :PURCHASING SERVICE Mr., Mason Said Huron County Might considerP urchasing the service from the Stratford debteounselling service, at a cost of approximately $3,000 annually. He said this way, a counsellor from Stratford could come to the area one :day a month. While Mr. Mason admitted''this would only be a "minimum service" he told the audience "it's better than what you've got now."' He said starting with a part-time service might eventually generate more financial support from the community for the counselling service. At the end of his talk, he ' told the Artbitis is n��Ya s illness. 3r, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Townsend of Harpurhey attended the Lane -Montgomery wedding in Riverside United'' Church, "London, on Saturday, September 1$th. Mrs. Kerr and Leslie. Kerr. of Toronto were . guests of their many friends in town on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Grovenby of Simcoe were guests of Mr. and .Mrs. M.H. McKenzie. Mr. Joe McLean has 'returned from two weeks in New York,. city. While there: he visited with Jim.. and Donna.. White of Bronxville, New • York. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nobel returned recently from a six week long trip to Holland. The visit was a surprise to relatives there and the Nobels were able to attend the 25th' Anniversary of Gordon's ' sister and her husband. . Hensall's newest business, Drysdale Major Appliance Centre, Is having their grand opening this week. Bob and Jack Drysdale have recently completed their new building on King St. which features Western Ontario's largest display of over. 200 appliances on the floor. • froi4VINWOlieer 11 audience he; had purPnaeiy pointer ?nut the difficulties of getting organized, but the ministry, would be "really deighte4'i t a see sub ,a service in the eounty, ,Pam: Coleman told' the audience :in her canvass Odle county, she had fOtInd little interest in the service at the local'bank branches, but planned to contact their head: offices in London next. She said the best response to the proposed serViges CAW from area industries, in on interview following the meeting* Coleman said she already hasfour people who have committed themiselyes .to' serving on a board of directors She, said. she hopes the first Meetingof the: board can take place early in Qetober, She said she hopes a service canbe established in, the county at least on a part-time basis and will be approaching the Stratford debt counselling agency "to; see if they would be interested in selling, their services td' the county. Ms. Coleman said, she was disappointed. there wasn't • a 'larger turnout at the Vanastra meeting. She said she had contacted all the county ,`reeves and. deputy -reeves either by letter or telephone to invite them to attend' the meeting. There weren't any representatives of county council in attendance at the' meeting, REAL. ESTATE LJ LTD. MaM Street, 77 !seat Se l arth: 527.1577 Your Reprereatadveo,'' Bruce. Radoriell 482.3120': '. Dawn Ratbwon 482-3120 Maureen Wildfowl 482.3224+ Willy Bunn SIS -Sols . —24 Ne -TN v( A.....1 „n a__., ,.......,,,,... ...„.... ..,, it _....,,,____ epfember 20th, 21st, & 22nd • Door Prizes • Free Coffee & Donuts NEW CITAtiON. 4500—The two-up luxury sled, economy priced! • Single caib gos miser! • Oil- 'snjection! • Torque Reaction* slide suspension. Most new 1980 models in stock Save up to $400 darllife Opeo Molise F1. Special Offer from Skii-EkX) foH. Back 1» School. Give winter a warm 4.4 2 -piece• . wekome,with these outfits . from SWDoo. Child ,I.e.3 A.1 Youth 1,1.re.7Itst s„ Hi way 86 East, ' Wi-gham Enterprises Ltd. 357-3435