HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-20, Page 1011‘ io THE HURON EXPOSITFL SEPTEMBER, 1919 Serendipity by Alice, Oibb . slid; gracefully into the low. sleek We cat and my legs stretched ,out into inanity. I leane4 back against the soft: leathettipSholstcry. ,and closed my eyes We wee Speeding along the coast. the count andlL iny ham blowtmg in the Mediterranean breezes, headed tor the casino at Monte Carlo.' The speedometer registered over. I SQ miles per hour, but we were wild and carefree and nothing mattered. Then the older matt sitting beside, the wheel turned to me atatSaid. "WS really something, isn't it!" The spell w as broken. Foolish dreams aside tinduding Ltu counts/ once in my Itfennw.1 did sit in a car that was low, and sleek and cOuld do Over 200 miles an hour. Vitfortitnately it Was only wishful •thinking about the Mediterranean, since the car was firmb grounded on Holday' Inn carpet Still. there L was sitting itt one (if Ital.)'s most fabulous exports. the Lamborghini Conntsch. The price mg on the car a et), gool %SAO, In Italian lire. the figure would, be astronomical.. INVITATION My foray into a w *.irld of imagined wealth, exotic automobiles, fine' wines and beautiful women began when received a tasteful invitation TO attend the first showing of, Lamborghini automobiles in London about three years ago. Well, to be truthful, my newspaper publisher received the invitation, and passed it on to me, deciding some other engagement was more pressing than viewing, Italian sp,orts cars. If only he'd keown. The cars, which have been nicknamed -the magnificent motor cars of Italy", could only be unveiled instyle-in the ballroom of London's City Centre Holiday inn in reception:worthy t" least Of 1, tstting royalty. • Years later. rin still ityng to guess how the cars arrived In the ballrociin. I know the couldn't possibly bast been transported, by ,escalator Or eleyatOr, and each time 1.'m in City Centre. 1 try to solve the puzzle again. lean only conclude it %as Motoring "miracle. - Now guests at the ,evening*S, party Were greeted by a hostess in a flowing gown Whct handed us .all a. publicity blurb on. the ears. It read. "In 194b, a young automobile aficionado had a dream, Ferrucio IambOrghtni was his name. TO create an inunOrtal design itt motor cars was his The aerodynamically "perfect" cars the Italian masterminded and then named after .a strain of fighting bulls are the Vrraco, Melt eetild be a family car. if the .41114 could afford a then $34.000 price tag and the Espada and Jarama, which fall in an even higher braeket. ,W.hat makes a car worth thousands and thousands of dollars? That night George St edelbauer, general manager Of Lamborghini London, listed a. fen of the features. Lamborghini have an aluminum body that won't rust, a V-12 engine, a fbe speed transmission and six carbUretors, Also, a reputation for very • high performance. I didn't dare ask about gas mileage -somehow if you can pay s65,000 for a car, 1 don't think paying SI a. gallon for as will likely faze you. Who would service sucha car? Well, obviously not just anyone -the, London, ear dealer had to send a local mechanic to spend' weeks in the Lamborghini plant, so he could work with the very specialized machinery in the ears, . A STYLISH INTROBLJGFICON The cars thetnselves were introduced fitylo.4, long reception table stretched across one end of the hallro&n, and it was pied with shrimp oysters and a number 2of other delicacies you might expect ifyou belongedto the breed of people who can, :arise t tarnhorghini. Also. each t ime you turned around. one of those gracious. hostess would deposit a glass of bubbling, champagne in your hand, 'Finatiy. if the food and expensive "tn" weren't enough. in the middle of the room. a cold. gleaming ice sculpture of one of the exotic Lamborghini stood on a table. surrounded by flowers. As I struggled to balance a glass of ehampagne and notebook in one hand, and keep the stuffing in one of the mushroom 11'�r d'oeuvre$ from toppling, to the carpet 1 read more about the car. "in 1963. Ferrucio"s dream came true, The first Lamborghini was completed. meticulously handcrafted by the master himself and the legend was born." ' Oh. the beautiful sound of money. I knew why 1 had been invited to the reception for more accurately. why my boss had been invited) but 1 wondered who my fellow guests were -they could have been the elite of London, some looked like young , suburbanites, and others like, more than moderately suvessftil businessmen, Mr; Stedelbauer wouldn't say; only that an advertising firm had mailed out the invitations. The implication. however, was that it was a select group who received them. Now, there was One Other question couldn't.- help asking. Wheu would buy such a ear?.Mr. Stedelbauer didn't hesitate- "Someone who appreciates the finest itt automobiles and to whom costis not the primary consideration.'" he said. CONTEMPLATION . I contemplated the cars once mere met the:rim of an oyster On a cracker and Irny: third glass of champagne. Oh for Italian counts. a villa by the sea. and a cgir that resentbleS ''high spirited purebreds." As 1 left the ballroom. Slightly fuzzv beaded frOm 'my. dreamsof grandeur (well, ite,t‘be from the ellampague) I tripped langractously Cover a cord running across ;the .,:a,rpci. certainly shattering any iliustons that I belonged to the class that could, own such a ear. 1 retrieved my coat and hat, stepped out mb the cQeindteadapan air '4d' turned h t° ic?;tin : AZ d ! n endued about the man who would buy tondon's first Lamborghini. Still elated, I dropped off ata friend's, ready to tel her about the exotic automobiles. She took one look at my flushed face and said, "What's the Matter - you look funny," I tried to exPlain, it was riding in the Mediterranean breezes, but 1 don't think she believed the tale. What happened to the beautiful Lamborghinis? Well, rumours circulated et.erynow and then about one purchaser or another, but I never did see one of the ground.hugging sports. cars on a London. Street. n I phoned Central -Chevrolet Oldsmobile recently, in a bout of nostalgia, and asked if they still had the • Lamborghinis, the receptionist said rather offhandedly, "Oh, I think there's still one around 'here somewhere." So much for my dream, But every now and then when 1 turn the key in my rusty ord. I think of sliding into that Lamborghini: Someday, when I'm old and crochety, I'll be able to say, "Did I ever tell you the story about the day 1 drove along, the coast in a Lamborghinir' Let them top that tale! COMMERCIAL HOTEL SF AF OR T This week & Sat. Matinee Sylvia Jo • Sounds Of Country ext Matinee • • FINE FOOD FINE ENTEHT UNMENT Ciderfest Sunday, SepternI3er 30th 12:00 a.m. 5 p.m. of the historic VAN EGMOND HOUSE. Egmondville •SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS • Mk* Makfaeg • Crafts • Samaage MON. • Flea Market • Mower Fisagivai & Art Show • Country Jamboree • Harm Ind WOVE rides • Annette exhthlta • Nei *trim essopedtfaults • Lae, Sawing & • Mach, mach mere Admission $1.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12: ACCOMPANIED BY PARENTS FREE PUC wfll.,get water tower painted 4,inch water MAW on 14.44* *001* the aa * 140 Water Street 10 KeRttIMOdate It0W :services ,for the hottaes, BY WANA, OKE Painting of the 60,090., gallon water tower at the rear ef the •town hall will, be stared the first rtf October. At a meeting prom row ;poop* Commission manager Tom Phillips re- perted the B. Phillips Cempany limited of Toronto, steeplejacks, would be doing the work- The colour to be sed has not been decided on ,at this time. Pbillim said the Painting Could not be done in the summer because the tank sweats with water in it during hot weather, Three phase power banks, will be put in ft:or the new senior citizens apartMents on John Street, for Louis McNichol and Luke's Machine Shop in the industrial park, and for two new homes being built at the corner of Franklin and East William streets, the last work will be underground wiring. Mr. Philips said re- calibration of 200 meters was started a week ago. He said _ ;lie meters will be sent for government inspection, then re -installed. He said this is done about every five to six years, PUC workmen have been besy installing new trans- formers, new poles .2 new tsecondary feeds arid other upgrading work on James Street from West 'Street to Adam Street, on Adam. and Ann Streets as well. The, town is in the, process of installing new roadway, curbs and sidewalks in thiS area, Other work included the installation of 400 feet of Remember it takes but a moment to place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527. 0240. Have your r nist proofed (Used oll) only *1 pm Paul Kruse 527-1WWIteffarlafter 443.0.•PmgrOr on the weekend. ,411101011,110001011101100111011011114111161111010101111111111110111001M00011111111111014 HURON BRUCE PROVINCIAL iS.9.001ATION' „.2 A GOOD TIME - Lynn and Doug Harnilton of Listowel and Steve Murray of St. Colurriban are obviously having a good time while waiting in line for their supper at the Seaforth Agricultural Society barbecue at ▪ the area . ' • •(Expositor Ph,oto) AN EXPECTED GUEST — Ken Moore, president of the Seaforth Agricultural -Society, was the one man you could expect to find enjoying the society's annual beef and , pork barbecue, held at the arena on Saturday night. (Expositor Photo) • Stratford s CN station not closing: offlciaI A rumour that ,the,, :Clsz , station . tn. Stratford will: he • dosed has been denied by CNA .officials The tumour surfaced at Mciida!Cs, nieetrng of Strat- ford ceuneil when •sonitime asked if it were true the s."z.attOrt wOuld Talose in March. manager of .public affairs'. Mike Nlatthew s said there are no plans to 'close the 'station. 'He s.1id. rumotif ritay have .started as of dtscuSsiOus. the CSR has lte.c.frt .0minctnig arch tts union titeMbers ab..xit the 'nossiblt More :donations, Regent :donations to Lions Park & Poo 1 campaign' Fund. tM.';Ude. proiotisly reported • $.1.43•S„.00; Si:mat:ion • X0 R.S• McKercher 1510. Mrs. F.E., M;iGaii.iri • 10 M. Mrs. A..tliderwood • 10.4:10. The fitild now tOtal$. OE Queens Hotel Seaforth This Week fl'IHve Kid 'Nekt. Weak • P10rtday.in•Setutdtty,: forriforly.Greysiorte'VVii1044 ization of freight tram work in Kitchener, rather than in Stratford. • • Stratford, • Although reorganization is jest a possibility it could mean that sonic freight work assignments would be done Mr. Nlarthews stressed even if this were •dOne, it wouldn't affect passenger service in the 'LAST NIGHT; THURS.. SEPT. 20th city. •A second rumour brought up at' Council was that the 6:45 a.m. train from Strat, fOrd to Toronto will be discontintied. This was also denied by a VIA Rail official. FRIDAY • SATURDAY SUNRAY' • SEPT. 21st 22nd-=t23rd .t 'SOX 01.71Ct 010E03 7 30 SHOWTIMI GUM( The Greatest Cruisin° in the Land Takes Place on the Street —Where It all Began... • ANNUAL METING and FUND RAISING DINNER & DANCE = FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 AT THE LIJCKNOW COMMUNITY CENTRE. LUCK -NOW SPEAKER: Pat Kinsella, Director of the PC Party of Ontario, Entertainment Empire Furnace • and Stove Dixieland Band Social Hour 6 p.m., dinner 7 pm - $15 Per Person tz- For tickets contact Joe Reichenbacti, Walt- erton, 881-0950.• • BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7 30 P AA FIRST SHOW AT DUSK For Information Phone: 412-7030 DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIMITED BEECH STREET-CLINTON PLAYING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY: SEPT. 21, ft; 13 4 WARNING: Some scenes of violente may be offensive , . . . .. , . .................. .. ......1111... mittaimimmimilltVIIIIblifilliffillilitlit111101P1111110111161111/1i0101/0/010111111110M-q • . . ma. • • • = • EiNISOY YOURSELF: AT EXETER'S 125th ANNUAL =-7- Starts TOMORROW! Sept. 21st . 27t1, ForloAyi sAnteDAY 0741.1 IWO SHOWINGS 7 00 I0 SUNDA 7" 70 TUESDAY Orit SHOWING I P M ONLY ' The FIST Certified Crazy Persons CenaellY 1dt 1 21, 1 I f th is one o e funniest films in years." Gene Shalit. NBC-TV 0 ‘. 00 PETER ALAN FALK ARKIN 7%tkI,IA -ravveraor THE eeetoi eswettiPetb.. " .AND -SATURDAY .•.::.-.:.I.EPTEM'BE11; 22 : iFREE: GUESSING 11 CONTEST = 7.1 On Fridast. yOu te flted filovegute:::.he weofigh: a an Saturday ,batling s Yoh be dem OnSti a t4ip. meal tuttino and It.00 S; invited to ouesS the 41 dressed weight r, YOU could win El. * TALENT NTEST * EXHIBITS & 4-H. COMPETITIONS *• HORSE SHOW * LIVESTOCK and. 5l5Worthof , STEAK,: 'FREE MUCH MOR