HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-13, Page 24.4.
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- It Oft • It It a _ 4 4 .. art.
4iiiet not interested
In' 'ect , ort, fire idea
. .
. .
Hoeft is not interested, Jo buying fire
potectod front the town of Seaforth.
Cmineillmk agreed at a meeting Monday to
meet with 'afortll and, other area fire hoard
members to renegotiate the present Seaforth
Fire Area BoaPd.
Seaforth announced this summer that it is
pulling out of the Fire Area Beard (FAB1 and
forming its own department and offered to
sell fire protection to the present township•
members of FAB The towliShiPs en/Overt
include McKillop, Tneltersnlith, Hibbert and,
in, the past Serderth as boa :having
problem negotiating fire hydrant rentals.
with the board. If Seaforth leaves the board
the town will lose its Share of the fire
In other business council accepted the tile•
drain inspector's report on lot 4, cencessien
8, lot 12, concession 8. north half of lot 6. A
bylaw .was passed ta impose special an_nual
drainage rates upon lands where money has
beep borrowed under the Tile Drainage. act.
Bnilding permits for the .following were
approved: Lloyd Stewart. Robert Anderson• ,
A. Dykstra, Lorne Snell, Wayne Kennedy,
• John. Benjamins, Bruce Bergsma, C and J.
East, and lugh Flynn, Council viewed a
preliminary report on the Hellinga Dramn. but
will discuss the report in full October IS-
Preient was Mr. Shiefflett from Gamsby,
Mannerow along with four affected owners.
Council accepted the proposal that Dave
Anderson pay the difference between the
18" to the 21" tile, Lawrence 'Taylor's tile
drain loan application was refused by council-
Oli the grolittlia, that he We was atreadlt
installed before the applIcatiott was, re,
Courteit vOted, to engageCanadian Salea
Tea cOliStnhtlitS, to check into towns/4
evernayntelit of Sales US. The roa.4 sliPerllik
tendent was instructed tO apply. fc .44
interim road subsidy, andadvertise for
snowplowing for the winter.
Council voted to pay $750 rent for the
council chambers to the road department,
head resting
John Ellacott is resting quietly at home
after blacking our Saturday at the Pioneer
Threshermens Reunion, Blyth.
Mr. Ellacot is president of the Pioneer
Thresher and Hobby Association and is one
of the key organizers of the annual event,
While helping getting corn ready for the
roast Saturday evening, Mr. Ellacottfell and
struck his head. Local firemen were called to
the scene and he was taken by ambulance to
Wingharn hospital and thin London,
Mr, Ellacott said Monday 'that be had
been working very hard for several days
preparing for the weekend event and doctors
thought that a small clot of blood had caused
the problem. Although warned by his doctor
to take things easy, Mr, Ellacott vas again at
the reunion Sunday. He is scheduled to have
tests later this week. Mr. Ellacott is 67 and
•lives in London,
Seaforth approves draft
Another draft plan of
subdivison was approved at
Seaforth council Monday
night, giving the developers
the go ahead to present their
plans to the Ontario Ministry
of Housing,
• •• The •four acre
development, seuth of the
town's West •Branch
subdivision, is planned by
Tastione and Caffagna, both
involved in • Vast°
•Construction which., did
sewer work here. •
Seaforth's planning board
and Huron County Planners
both approved the plan,
which calls for 20 single
• family lots, and •a narrow
strip along the back of one
.set of lots to be deeded to the
• town as remlired by the
• It coukr be three to six
months before the ministry's
--26-agencies get through -with -
the plan, clerk Jim Crocker
Said. After apprqval, a
Subdivision agreement will
• have to be negotiated with
the town,
The developers plan to
service lots only, not build
houses, clerk Crocker said,
In other planning
business, council agreed that
once Herman Lansink of Tina
Holdings signs a developer's
agreement that is approved
by Huron County planners
and the local planning board,
a• building permit will he
issued for a second
apartment he plans on Side
Clerk Crocker said the
developer's agreement
would spell out solutions to
problems, like the one
rept-A/es:I-by neiktibenr-Frank
Sills who coinplained of
runoff from the paved
parking lot at the first
Lansink apartment. - -
Clerk Crocker said Mr.
Lansink,had told him paving
was a temporary measure to
keep dust down, that it will
be torn up for sanitary sewer
construction and once that's
finished, he'll 'consider a
catch basin and buried drain.
The developer is anxious
not to lose precious: building
time by waiting for council to
sign the agreement at its
October meeting, the clerk
said. • •
4 II
Harold Natick of 49 Ai.
her* St. Mitchell died at
Stratford General HOspittlt
no Tuesday, September U.
He was born in Hibbert
Township en' Peeember
19t2, son' of the late Loth8
Pethiek and Rachel Fawcett.
,Ctti September 28, 1940 he
was married to the former
Ada,Speare. Mr, Pethick was
an electrician 1.)y trade and
had farmed at Lot 18 Con 3. pr
Ifihbert Twpuntil his retire -
.men ! to. Mitchell in May of
1978. fit was a mernh.er of
Hibbert United Church.
Surviving besides bis wife
are one son Gordon a
London, and one daughter
Betty Lett of Oakville and 2
grandchildren. 1-eg and Sofi-
ya Pethick of London.
Friends may call at the
Lockhart Funeral Home, Mit-
chell where funeral s.erviee
will be held nn Friday at 2
p.m. with Rev. John Davits
interment in Staffa
"George Wilson Varley, 59,
of 8,3 North Main Street,
Seaforth died in University
Hospital, London on Sunday,
Sept. 9.
• Mr. Varley is survived by
his wife. the former Marjorie
Smith and by two children,
Carol. Mrs. MacLean of
Seaferth and son Frank of
• Ilensall,
Be is also survived by a
sister Doreen, d
Chapple of Egmondville and
two brothers, Robert Varley
of St. Catherines and. Arthur
Varley ofSeaforth, He is also
survived by 'five grand-
Mr. Varley •was pre-
deceased. by his parents,
John Varley of Kippen and.
Mrs, Flora Dalrymple.
Mr. Varley, who was born
in Tuckersniith •Township,
and educated at S,S, No. 10
School in Tuckersmith',
farmed in his early life, and
was .then employed at the
Benedix plant in liensall. He
Was married in Exeter in
1940, He was a veteran of
World. War If and a member
of. Hetisall, Legion, and
Seaforth Atielican Church.
r s
The hOdy rested 4 RA.
13.9; Funeral Henie, entil the'
fttnerat Tuesday at 2 P.o.
Rev'. James Sroadfoot
•officiated and burial was in
Maitland Bank ccIneter3e-
The pallbearers were Erle
Pop*, Robert McLachlan.
BOh floward PaY-
man, Laird finlaySnit and
Ray Consitt.
The flower beaters were
Mike Connelly, John Woods,
Mike Coyne 4 OCI Dave
• A met/1044 Serviee was
_held, for Mr, Varley bv the
fiensail Legion on Monday
evening at, 8 p.m. and
Seaforth Oddfellows No, SS
also held a memorial service
at 9 p.m, Monday.
Anyone wishing to make 4
donation in memory of Mr.
Varley is asked to donate to
the Canadian Cancer Society.
James Watson Sholdice of
Brussels died suddenly in
Wingham and District iiosp-
041 on Friday, September
7th, 1979 in his 74th year.
The late Mr, Sholdice
farmed in Morris Township
:until. his retirentent in Brus-
sels in 1%74.
He was predeceased by his
Wife, the former Catherine
,•Pt'ace Pethiek #earlier this
He is survived by.nne son!,
•Kenneth of Brussels, and
three grandehildren, Doug.
Cathy, and Don. Also surviv-
ing are two sisters, Mrs.
John (Jennie) McNaughton
•ef London and Mrs. George.
•(Annie) Williamson of Wal-
One sister, Mrs., Talbot
(Maggie) Clark of London,_
and one brother, Joh, of
London predeceased him.
Funeral service was held
at the M.1-• Watts Funeral
Home, Brnssels at 2:00. p.m.
on Monday. Rev, E. Le Drew
of Brussels United •Church,
Interment was in Brussels,
Pallbearers were Wilmer
Cuthill,'Seaforth;' John
.McCutcheon, John Smith,
Rae Crawford, Bill McArter
and Jack Mitchell,
Flower bearers were twe
nephews, Earl and Art
McNaughton, Jim McTag-
gart and John Pipe Jr.
Vandalism in, scn000s
Not. that bad
• Vandalism at the local high
• school is not a erious as
appeared in a recent school
board report, according to
SDHS principal Bruce Shaw.
While vandalism: is usually
considered; ''wi'lful
damage"; 'the -'board- figures
on vandalism in the schools
included any damage that
was dime when restitution
wasn't made, the principal
• says. At least two incidents
at SDKS when panes of glass
were broken were accidents
and the kids involved re-
ported the incidents. '`I don't
call that vand," Mr.
Shaw said:
• As well as bill' from 1978
was included in the board's
1979.total of vandalism and
the $203 bill for some reason
was • added twice. ''That
takes $406 eff the°. total,"
Shaw said, •
The SDHS principal and
vice principal Harry Scott
Were guests last week at a
parents' meeting, held at the
home of Audrey and .Tack
Mcllwain. More than 20
parents attended.
•Both-the-SDHS spokesman
and. a 'parent involvedsaid
the meeting was helpful.
"We liked the atniosphere, It
was friendly and open," said
Betty Beutentniller,
Mr. Shaw said a nutnber,of
parental Concerns were •
raised and one; a request for
an open house in October so
that parents can get to know
SDHS teachers will be set up °
right away.
• One' of the concerns, last
year's staggered three hour
lunch has already been dealt
with. This year SDHS
students have one common
lunch 'period form 11:45 to
1100. . •
rnitirS • •
with rms! kaolin!,
Com I an get the etails
summit =ma°
• Ph. 527-0240: Expositor Action Ads
is opening soon!
77 Main St-, Seaforth
We would like to take on consign-
ments for sale:••
Locally made Crafts & handiwOrk
If you sew, macrame, crochet, knit, paint, do:
ceramics, etc. • -
-Contact us at P.O. Box 434 or •527-6331,after 6 p.m.
while quantities last -
C,;1..gaitaiatta.tUdidia Aftt(aWakakilig
• We wish to take this
opportunity to thank
the people of Seaforth
& Area for their
patronage over the
•post 4 years. •