HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-13, Page 2244 40 of 00 4 0 .• 0 0" oft lor *9, 40 Ms 01 * ‘0. 40 I* • Alt • 4 *0 4 . 4 • * * 0" 4 * 44 le, THE HuitoN,aPoorraft SEPTIENAPPI 13, 19?9; 19 Notices , Noticeo. HOUSE PtNS, ADkAW111' free EStifludli References For ProVioil,* 'Work *halter ReSidellifol Noon lilAtowel 291-1449 CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSINa Al's Market Beef - Monday* ;Inge- TheadaY* Al's Market Phone 262-2011 19474 Funeral 'Home 474figh.Street... • Senienh. Phone: 5274.885: • 19-1 4.. 20 Auction Sales20, Au,etion Sales AUCTiori SALE Aotiques, furniture, modern appliances etc ao be held at Richard Lobb's Barn, 289. BaYfield Road, Clinton 'Ont, for the Estate of Harold Webster of Goderich plus additions, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 AT 12 NOON Six matching pressback chairs; pressback rocker; 2 parlour tables; McClavy square model fridge (like new); Zenith colour TV; Westinghoute square .model fridge; antique side board; pressback, high chair; Admiral 24" electric stove (like new); three wish, stands; wooden bed; matching dresser & washstied; antique secretary desk; plant Stand; library table; wicker arm chair; 4 matching pressback chairs; foot sto�lff��rtipsoldkitehen cabinet_vvith..rell door; rocking chair; extension dining table with 4 leaves; chrome table 4 4 ehairs; trunks; 3 antique ' dressers with mirrors; chesterfield & chair; laWri chase hall tree; :chest of drawers: .single bed with mattress; B & W TV; antique gun BSAC 1872 with • barrel rod; night. table; coffee table; piano bench; 2 upholstered chairs; picture frames; smokers stand; new Acorn fireplace with pipes; 2 wardrobes with mirror doors; six ft. section of modern cupboards top and bottom with sink and taps; lawn mower; garden tiller; Oil lamp; crocks; aluminum step ladder; natural gas heater; yogurt "maker; pots & pans;' small kitchen ..aPPliatteeS; bedding & linens; dishes & glatsware, • some antique pieces; plus our usual large offering of mite, items.. + PLAN TO ATTEND, TOMS CASH. CHEQUES ACCEPTED WITH tp Auctioneer Richard Leib ()weer or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. ; .20-18-1 e2r/4eirg<43e,'iile..4 UNRESERVED LIQUIDATION Auction lwe have been instructed by Glenn B. Diegel and Company Incorporated Trustee to sell by Public Auction- all ..assets of. Tomiuk's Building Centre Limited .of Milverton to the highest bidder without :reserve on Saturday, Septerriber +15th at 10:30 a.m. • Located 3 blocks. East of Main corner. Consisting of approx. $ioo,000.po worth of building materials and supplies, small tools, equipment and a 1976 Dodge truck, .hardware and miscellaneous items. TRUCK: 1976 Dodge 16' flat bed with hoist BUILDING MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: approx.. $50,000.00 mirth of cedar, spruce, ash, fir & pine 2" x 2", 2"x4", 2"x6", 2"x8", 2"xi0", 4"x4", 4"x6" (treated), 1"x4", rx6", 1"x8", all • in various lengths and sizes; large assortment of • 1 plywood and particle board, aspenite, peg board and various thicknesses; 400 bags of cement; 50 bags, of, masonary; 100 bags of sakrete; 6"9"10" cement blocks (in quantity); approx, 3 ton of assorted nails; 5�bundles of 'insulation aSsort. sixes; 179theets styrofoam, assorted chimney blocks flues and caps:: 50' fibreglass sky lights; assortment Of windows of various sizes; 36 garage doors; -interior. exterior and aluminum: driers; quantity Of suspended • ceiling;. complete inventory and vinyl trim, molding; quantity of -Mahogany moulding; quaetity .of shutters; building Vents; uni-steps, roofing & accessories; paneling; ceiling tiles; and Matiy more items pertaining to this line of business, • HARDWARE & MISC. ITEMS: complete belt & nut & Washer inventory; large assortment of door& gate hinges; complete inventory of electrical supplies; • large assortment of hand tools, barn door tratk & rollers; hinges, door locks & latches; 1500' polypopiene rope; eavestroughing & aecessories; aluminum ladders; snow fence posts & gates, OFFICE SUPPLIES & TOOLS:. 10" radial arm saw; hardwood fleet nailer; spot nailer; miscellaneous,. tool, wood & Steel store shelving & fixtures. • • Also to be sold, a 30' x 100' open steel storage O building - to be removed. TERMS: full payment day of sale; No reServe, •;Foir full information please contact Temiulet Building Centre Umlted -595-8138 Or Bruce Rathwell at Rsithwell & Associate at 5274458. 20-18-1 eiltAgel / .5.4oaaie O AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. sEAPORTH, ONTArtItt .140$ 1w0 't 519' 527414S8 20 Sale* 0.444•14114, Lil i. 110.- 11.! • • ,OENERAL • :Oethke re. • • • • SAT., SEPT. 22, 1 • • • ° o'clock Airnittme. . antiques etc. in the • • village of Brodhagen • for Mrs, Mary Dittuner. • • , • 01100111155,4 ADCTIONEEll 41‘ Serving Perth and : Huron Counties with 1:i, many years of A. experience. • For reliable servieeat reasonable rates • Call:34740S Olivet . • ' Richard Lobb Auctioneer AUCTION CALENDAR O Clinton 482-7898 • Tues. Sept. 18 7 p.m. Holten Twp. shed in Londesboro. Sat, Sept. 15 12 noon household • sale for the estate of Harold Webster to be held at Richard Lobb's barn, Clinton, Sat. Sept. 22 pm.1iousehold sale for Mrs. Edith - _ Lemon, Kincardine. 20-18-1 555• • if a Wattled L gat NotIC'e* ypna**oguog club fuel. Oil fender Sealed tende.r.s. clearly Marlied4U In contentS will be reeeive4 by the undersigned until MONDAY,. SEPTEMBER 24t 1979 for the supply of approximately 16,000 gallons Of fuel oil to heat the VanaStra Curling Club. . Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MICKY NOTT Vanastra Curling Claris Box 976 • , COMMA, Ontario • 21-184 22 Legal Natieen NOTICE TQ CREDITORS In the estate of ALBERT KEITH SHARP All persons having claims against the Estate of Albert Keith Sharp, late of the • Township Of Tucicersmith, in the County of Huron, Mer- chant, deceased, who died on' the 28th day of July, 1979, ' are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of October 1979 after which date the assets will ,be distributed, • .haying.rogardenly to claims then received. • DATED at Seaforth, Ont- arie this 10th day of Sept- ember, 1979. McCONNELL, STEWART & DEVEREAUX, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 22-18-3-• 21 Tenders Wanted VEENSTRA DRAINAGE • WORKS "B" DItAIN, Repair & Improvement Tender for Municipal Drain • TOWNSHIP OF flULLEIT Excavation, Tile, Pipe, Catch Basins etc. 910n. of closed drain, 1 Offset Catch Basin. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. All material & equipment except C.M.P. to be supplied by the Contractor. A Certified cheque for 10% of the Ten- der Price to accompany Ten- der, Tenders close at 4;00 p.m., Friday, September 28, 1979, Further partitulars 4nd tender forms available at the • Clerk's office. • CLARE VINCENT, Clerk Box 293 Londesboro, Ontario 21-18-2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS' • in the Estate of ()henries •Nosgerchian • All persons having laims against the estate of Ohan- nes Vosgerchian, late of the City of Dearborn Heights in the State of. Michigan, de- cease who d:ied on the 25th day of June, 1977, are hereby notified to Send in full parti- culars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of September, 1979, • after Which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then • received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 24th day of, August, 1979_,„ "--'-c.Connell, Stewart & Devereaux NOTICE TO CREPITOM in the Estate of Norman. Henry Kiehl AR perSons having claim against the Estate of Normao Henry Riehl, late of thc TOwit of Seaforth, in the Conntf ot Huron, decea4ed. who %lied On the 3Ist day. of Iviay. 1979. UP hereby notified to send in full particulars of their cl *IS to. The undersigned on or before the 20th da.) Of SePt- ember, 1979, after whith date the assets will be distri- buted' having regard only to claims then received.. Dated at Seaforth. Ontario this 23r4 day of August, /979, McConnell, Stewart seatStoOrthev,eorantrarlo Solicitors for tho executrices 22-16,3 21 Cards Q f Thanks I wish to thank all My friends, and family for 'their get -well 'wishes, -gifts, and flowerswhile a patient in University Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton, Dr. Wall, Father Stoe2k4.1a8n: James and Janis. — Dorothy Flannery.. I would like to thank every -- one who sent cards, treats or flowers and to all who visited nyeduring my- stay -hosp- ital, It means so much more than 'words can say. Also thanks to Dr. Underwood and • the nurses for their excellent care. Everything was very Much appreciated. *Leona Nigh • •24-18-1 would like to thank Dr. Malkus and the nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital for their kindness and care while 1 Was a patient there. Special' thanks to rela- tives, friends and neighbours for cards and treats. —Ron McAllister •24-18-1 I wish .to eripressMy sincere thanks to everyone: for their • masses, prayers gifts,, flow- ers, cards and visits While in. Seaforth & Stratford host).- .itals. Special thanks to ambu- lance operators, Dr, Brady and nurses:of Seaforth hosp- ital, Dr. Quinlan and nurses of I.C.U. and fourth' floor south and Father Beck, Strat- ford. . Thanks to those who took my husband to see me. Special thanks to our: fancily for moving us to Apt. 2. It was all greatly appreciated. —Mrs. Agnes McQuaid .00 24-18x1 , TOWNSHIP CIE - Seaforth, Ontario TUCKERSM1TH •Solicitors for the Tender for • administrator • • 22-16-3 Winter Snowplowsng Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 -• noon on Monday, October 1, 1979 to supply a 1.975 or newer, 190 HP grader for winter snowplowing operations 1979-80. Lowest or any tender • not • necessarily • accepted. Tender documents may be obtained from the undersigned. • ALLAN NICHOLSON Road Superintendent Egtnonclville, Ontario Phone 527-1838 • • . TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSIVIITH Fuel Oil Tender Sealed Tenders onforms available from the effiee of the undersigned clearly marked as to the contents will be accepted by the undersigned un til IVIONDAY) OCTOBER Is 1070 for the , supply of fuel oil at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Tender forms may be picked up at' the office of the ulidersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, • J.R. McLACHLAN • aerk-Traiiattrer , T0'01104 of Tuckeramlth • 482.9523 21484 Action Ads PHONE DIRECT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elmer • Koehler All persons having claims against the Estate of Elmer. Koehler, late of the Town ship of lvIcKillop, in. the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 16th day. of June, 1979, are hereby notified to send in full • „particulars of their claims ,to the undersigned on orbefore • the 20th day Of September, 1979, after w,hich date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 27th day of August, 1979, •• McConnell, Stewart & Deveraux Seaforth, Ont.:ale • Solicitors for the executors • 22-16-3 • NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Ethel McClure All persons- having claims against the Estate of Ethel McClure, late of the Town of • Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on the 5th day. of July, 1979; are hereby 'notified to send in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of September, 1979, after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to claims then received, Dated at Seaforth, this 21st day of Auguat, 1079. McConnell. Stewart & Devereaux • Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the executors 2246-3 1, Archie Sthith Will not be responsible for any claims or debts other than my own. -yArchinSmith 22416tt3 I 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to relatives, • neighbours and friends who sent cards, gifts and visited me while I Was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London and since returning home. Your kindness will always be remembered. —Lottie Ross • 24-18x1 I wiSh to thank Dr. Harris & the nursing staff at Victoria hospital, London, Ont. for the'r kindness to me during my recent surgery. —Violet Smith •24-18x1 1 would like to thank all. my friends, 'relatives, neigh- bours, my Sunday. School class, Waltoti Squirt ball. team 441 If elub and -Card* of ThAiiks, tittrse$ 4 staff .0E **forth. Hospital for their eare . *lociness. Also Om** V those who helped at hew. --*WilsOn Allan 24-18x1 g6. vroor,tals mr. and Mr. Ed, Taylor are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Nancy Marion to Leaman Lloyd, Sayer, son of Mrs, Jean Sayer and Mr, Jack Haldemby. The wed- ding to take place on Sat. Oct. 6/79 at Cavan United Church at 2:00 p,m. Open reception to foilow, 26-18-1 Mr, and Mrs. Keith Kelly, R.R. #4, Stratford, are Pleased to annqunce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Mary Louise, to Lorne Allen Kew, seri of janies Kew of Lakeside and Mrs. Donna Langdon of • Stratford. The -wedding will take place on Saturday, Sept- • ember 29, 1979 at 3:00 p.m. at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, , Stratford, Ontario. 26.18x1 Mr, and Mrs. John Jansen, LR 2, Seaforth, are pleased • to:announce the fgrthcoming Marriage , of their daughter • VVilina„ to Bob Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, R.R: 5, Seaforth. The wedding to take place at •• JarneS Church, Seaforth, on SOtimber 29th- at a 26-18-1 • 27_ Births • CARTER: Allan & Karen, R.R.. 4, Clinton, are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter • Vicki • Diane on Sept. 2 in Clinton Public ' Hospital, A baby sister for Parn and Cindy. •27-18-1 TowNsEND; To Gerald and Mary (nee Sills) Townsend at Guelph General Hospital on Sept. 5, 197.9: ,g2ft7-1io8fx: • son, Michael Alexander. PRINCE: Tom and Glenna Prince (nee Brown) announce the arrival of their son Thomas William, Sept. 5 at KingstonProud gra nGdepnaerreanl t sHaer Sep imt a Mr • and Mrs. Herb Brown, Dub-:. Montreal.IinNir.and •Mrs. • 27-18-1ince-i ONN: • David Onn and Jeanette Harris wish to an- nounce the birth of their daughter Zoellyn Kara • on August 6th at McMaster. Medical Centre, Hamilton. 27-18-3 • WESTERnOF: To Mr. and Mrs, Paul Westerhof, Dublin • on Sept. 1 at Seaforth Com- • rnunity Hospital, a Son. 27-18x1 PRYCE: To Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pryce, R.R. 1, Seaforth at Seaforth + Cominunity _Hospital on Sept. 2, a son. 27-18x1 I CoPailig Events • • flaying a WEDDING' ANNIVERSARY, STAG, • SHOWER or any set together le us supply the lunch. No party too big or small. We will supply the Cold Meat, Potato Salad NIcKillop Unit for your cards, Coleslaw, Cheese, Relish treats,. flowers, gifts and many visits to me during my long stay in hospital. 'A very special thanks to the doctors, my great nurses, cleaning and kitchen staff, and other patients for your many kind- nesses and friendliness. Also thank you to all who made my birthday a very special. day. —Craig Hackwell ' • • 24481 A sincere thanks to all who sent cards and visited me while 1 was a patient in Seaforth Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. UndetwOod and the nursing staff and a speeial, special thanks to the Walton Interniediate Ball Team for coming out Champs in the Mildmay Tournament that weekend. —JOe Steffler 1 WOuld like to thank all my friends, • neighbours, vla,, ties & Seaford' Legion Branch 156 for their visits, gifts, cards & flowers While was a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Special thanks to • 24484 Drs, Whit & Maiktts, the Trays and Dinner Rolls, For parties of 200 or more people it could cost you as little as 51.00 per person.. Before you Buy Give us a try ROTH FOOD MARKET Phone 527-1631 • 1-18-2 DRYSDALE MAJOR APPLIANCE CENTRE LTD SALES WITH SERVICE Tk„ 8(-v Art, (3• NEW AND USED !Iprlsoll 262 2728 Closed Mondrivc 414 550 1! p The .hook says that winter Wheat- ShOuld be Planted in. 'Penh county between Sept- eMher IS and Octohqr you Plant before September 15 an insect called the Hessian fly can 44ntage the new plants. If you plant later than October 1st, yields low- er or the plants, may even. The past 2 or 3' years, farmers have been planting all threugh the month of October, Some farmers claim they get'better yields by Planting late, ThiS, yield eompatiSon is ften invalid since They compare two -different fields Or IWO different years. • 144 year the Whyte Ores, from Seaforth, planted variety in 1 field on 2 dates, 'y planted October 10 and October 28th. The earliest planting yielded about 13 bus/acre more than the later planting 68 bus. vs, 55 bits, On another farm that was planted September 25, the yield was 80 bus/acre. On their farm last year they lost. .10 tate Se-gt. ,,, ..,,, , 0, ,wheat by planting later, more. than Yorkstar. OttkoT:t larioe4,n;i:PstrettzTrintc:k:snyeevspmarinrisetgtoy,is care.WfoirnTht latere 0Henhigherde tsineeghtlso;agd rat: is Fredrick. In some areas of sown at VA le 2 bas.. Per This also seems to be the .0F411abofertutilitria.hoontld„.41.910: ease the VbrilYtets farra' la gen and abOut 40, lbs. 0( temirearteharo' Yug"hkstth4reseewnlst�ittr urP11-13c.osPirster rha?sdisP°0tnasiyhafaCr-wleid* better than Fredrick. One of their neighbours. /nixes Fred. guess, but without a Soil test skhaeni and Ywoerikgshttar, in • TraditiOn- it's as close as we ealt •Ceule' Fredrick hasa bettertierththYoeusemaiertb.ielilzwearstdoinglir. some of • thanreoreudntriYog endeorelyYorylcisetlards. st9tth oeltrintigainndg,, tyhoeu cmroapy, he 0* *40 A4NOLD J. STINNISSEN. LIFE— and MOrtgage.Insurance Plan* lneome Tax Peductable Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities Ask forour pew Flexible Premium R,O,S.P. --REPRESENTING— Sun. Life Assurance Company of Canada . for 19 years. Te1327-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH ENTI FOR SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER IIBLUEWATERI" AAANOR - - -52SUI4COAST DRIVE , GODERICI4 THREE STOREY BUILDINGS - all utilities paid - - controlled entrance - - almond o.toured cappliones - carpeted throughout • - laundry facilities - - large storage closets -• FOR MOREIRENTAL INFORMATION CALL 524-7348 EXT.30_...NOAN$WER. 686-9513 ts, ADORN/400 ml.. HAIR SPRAY ie agree with BEN ANKLIN . . . a penny. saved . • is a. penny earned!. When you're counting pennies. . . make them really .count. Right now you can take advantage of these Outstanding values and enjoy big savings! 99 , .o., $ : '79 tn.iLi • . . $ 1 2 ONLY ONi.Y ULTRA MAX/300 ml. :RIGHT GUARD/75 g. STICK DEODORANT. GILLETTE FOAMY/300 mi.• $ 1 29. SHAVING CREAM •ONLY GILLETTE TRACK II/4's • RAZOR • BLADES '0No. $ tf CSQUARE. 000111ICHMAIN COONINK CLINYON/ MAIN CONNIE*, $4AFORVH • '1 4 01.