HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-13, Page 7mre
At, the Meeting of
1,00.n Township Clantleil.
SePtenther S* the road Piper-
inteildento. Sam AcheSon, re.
ported that constriction on
aideriaad progressiog
favourably Healso mew
tinned' Several. defieineeies itt
the equipment 0,nthe new
truck and the council advised
him to .check the,
company to have these
AsSociates MC" itchenerp
that T.W. Vim "live & Sons
ThedfordA veil' be
moving, into the, township
with in a few days to
-complete 'several drains for
Which he Was awarded .the
The clerk and dentltr'clerk
will be attending a meeting
in'Seafortlt On Sept, 14. This
Meeting is ;winged by the
41furen-Perth Assessment of -
flee and they will eXplaittneW
services available to
Inunieinal offices for the ta
roll and the new Standard
Assessment System.
At *
recent meeting in Stratford;
attended by the deputy -
clerk, Edward :Scherharth,
was learned that. new
equalization factors have
been determined. With these
neW „entralization factors
The surface,
treating on Part of Concession Surprise Dublin lady
1Z 'WO,discussed and the
council thoushr. that wes
Logan townsh p ra epayers
will be required topay
greater Share of the county
budget and the sehool
boards, budgets. The reviSeri
eqUaliXatlen factors are the
result of the increase in
erty valoes. Forpro,
pert)* itas increased in Va14.01
at a faster rate than urban
property in the last ten years.
It estimated by Mr. Scher -
VOW" satisfaCtorilY. goad • $ I tors from
accounts In the arnOthlt of
$45,686.23 were ordered
Paid- ineithled in this.
north's accounts were the
part payment for the snow
plows and gravel boz for the
trick. eonstructiott ,costs for
roads, weed spray and dram -
age for the road
1110wanee$ affected by drain4
• recently cOmPleted.
.General accounts of
S74 328 08 were also
approve& Of this amount,
113959.38 was actually an
expense to the township; the
- remainder being transfer
payments on behalf of .
Municipal drains, tile
drainage loan debentures.
and school, debentures,
Council' approved a number
Of tax refunds for buildings
demolished Or removed from
the ownersproperties
during the last 9 months. The
cOnstruction of the Elrod-
hagen sidewalk ho been
completed and payment to
the contractor was
approved. Two new filing
cabinets and a desk have
been purchased for the town-
ship office,
Planning, Board member,
Dan Connolly, presented a
plan for a new chicken barn
to be built by Frank Van-
hevel on his farm at west half
of Lot , 18, Concession 8.
Council approved the plan,
but referred Mr. Vanhevel
the Committee of Adjust -
went for a ' minor Variance.
Council his been advised by
the engineer, W.E....Kelley gSr
Correspondent Pe.long and family, Monkton,
Mrs. Jean DH had a
surprise visit from her
brother Mr. Jack Frost of St.
ThOmas who was ap-
companied by his daughter
Nicki Frost front perthi,
Visitors with Mrs. Millie
Evans during the past week
were Mrs, Jack Cleary,
tondon; Mrs. Monnie Hol-
land, $tratford;Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Evans,Colleen and David
Niagara Falls, Mr and Mrs.
Jim Arnold of Hamilton,
They attended the Bruxer-
O'Reilly wedding at St.
Patrielts Church, Dublin.
Karen and Kevin Cleary and
Beth Van Horne of Londen
-Mr anti Mrs. Pat Cleary
visited with Don MacRae on
Sunday one week ago.
. Pat and Marvin have just
returned Tom out
where they visited their two
daughters and grandchildren
Sunday was birthday time
for, „Mr. Harold Fulir of
Stratford when a celebration
was held for him at the home
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fuhr„
Mill St„Dublie. Guests
attending were Mrs. Allan
Fuhr and , Lee-anne of
Shakespeare; Mr. and Mrs.
James Hugill. and family;
$eaforth; Mr. and Mrs'. Gary
McNichol and ;family,
Walton; :Mr. and Mrs; Joe
Mr* aarl Mrs. Doug fuhr and
Shelley, Nelson St. East.
The celebrated guest on
Sunday On Mill St South was
Mrs. Lillian Hill, from
-Chicago on the 'occasion of
•her birthday which was held
,barth that •if this new
•fIgse‘idanlain °clafettriagetti:rg italtde b19"797
14Pair b;tYi770(1(fth;f1',,004"trts:tsswilit''
oold' have been, 07o 72
•instead of ,S851.76. Or an
Overall biereaSe of 25.7%.
The neat meeting of
ceyncil Will, be on Septenther
17 al li.
Dundee and Mrs. Ellvg
Bryson of Toront0.
Miss parr Ellicitt,daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Elliott,
$t. Marys was struck and
injured by acar at neon on
Friday. Pant is Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Elliott's granclanghter*
Reports are that she is in
at her sister's, Mrs. Angela
Klinkhammer. Guests were
Mr. and •Mrs. Don and
Sheila Klinkhammer of New
Staff°, friends
elow-pitch Ball Tournament
thisflAthetwi ekeAswend aatti 0 rip ubl Parki
starting at 1200 Saturday
and Sunday. Linn Dave
Brown will be in charge and
can use -some helpAccording
to Lion Dave he is expecting
at least six tearns.Dublin,
Sebringville, Slabtotvn,
Manley, Winthrop,
Leo Club Advisor Lion Jim
Paratchek advises that Roller
Skating hours on Sunday
night have been changed to
7:30 p.m.. until 930 p.m.
Lion President Herb
a netvs
Brown announces that
S100 00 has been donated to
L.I.F. (Lions internationai
'Fund) to be user! for victims
,satisfaetory condition at Tof the Woodstock and ,Area
home. •
and District Lions
Club are holding their Ladies
• ornado un
• Travel to wedding
345-2346 '
Mrs. Dave Capling,
Mississauga, visited Friday
with Mr, and Mrs. John
Templeman and family,
Quite a number front. this
community were guests at
the Dow -Beaulieu 'wedding ,
and reception at Grimsby on
MrandMrs. Rob Temple
man apd Carrati visited .
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. 1
Hap Swatridge and Sill• , 1
Mrs. Ethel Stanzaic, Nancy
and David Lyall, Ottawa and
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Skinner,
Mitchell, visited on the '
weekend with. Mrs. Sam
Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
• Norris and family. •
Many of the ipter-rninistry
problems have' now been
solved, and with a little leek
tenders for the new addition
to Mitchell District High
School may soon be called,
according to Superintendent
of Finance, Leigh Anderson.
Plans for the S268,385
addition to the high sehoel,
include A new auto shop and
alterations to the metal, and
woodworking shops.
Andersen, in his report of
the proceedings to the Perth
County Board of Education,
last Tuesday night, said that
the project was now in the
final Planning stages with
revised drawings meeting
the ministry'sapproval and
'hopefully tenders for the
project would be called late
this month orearly October,
Anderson explained in his
report that things. had been
held up by the ministry
because the original plans,
which had received initial
approval from the ministry of
education's regional officein
London, did not meet with
head office. entail:wet in Tor-
"Toronto claimed that the
two classrooms which were
to be Converted in the origin-
*1 pian were too small, to
accommodate the art and
drafting doses." Anderson,
explained. "And instead of
going back over the plan and
spending more money on all,
the conversions, we decided
to ,drop, conversions, to the
new art and drafting MOMS,"
Ile went on to say that
classes, in those *nhiegtS
would be taught thexes
e residents of Seaforth and Per
seatorol_u9Hrtit FURNITURE
Furniture. mit Quality Lo‘k.:friceS
1 1: 0: Oublivi.
Fine Furniture
MAIN STREET 345 2250 '1
Closed.Mon. Open all day Wed. Fri. night till 9 p.m.
rooms however.
• When the question was
raised as to the need of the
new technical wing, Trustee
Earl OppenhaOser, represen-
tative for the Mitchell area,
explained that Mitchell stud-
ents are •presently being
bused to Northwestern Sec-
pnIthay, Soon" in $.#1,0100
technical trahlng*
"It is *natively planned;
that starting next yeart
Grade 9 ;Olden% will Stlitt
'taking classes in the new
!facilities," he said," and it is
pc:osii)le that those in Grade
10 next year may also be -
• Students in senior classeit
would probably nontinue,
their studies at Norfinvestern
Until Completion, while stud-
ents in the junior grades
would be used to eventually
phase in the new program ht.
the Mitchell school until nrt
Mitchell students would at-
tend Northwestern Second.
pry School to take curses
otrOesditIetchell. OPP0-
biome said.
Trustee Deb McTovialt on -
pressed his OlostsY tbat *
Mitchell Pt4sot bag °kg*"
loPit to Sit oif the SIONsld
and wondend just how such
olotO the 1**ot. which villa
proposed just over a year
*go, was On to Mit with
winter building.
"We hive sirsadY taken
the possibility winter build-
ing het° sccoost." mai
Anderson. "and Ods ht the
figure that we came up with
after careful eousidenitioa."
The new addition is expec-
ted to be fully equipped and
operational by next Sept-
Order your
345-2330 Bus. Dublin, Ont. 345-21164 Res.
On Saturday, September 22 Victoria
and Grey offers its customers the
first Drive-Thrufinancial facility in
Perth County. • •
We're having a celebration at our newest
location, 988 Ontario Street, Stratford. We'd
like to invite you to come Out and see the
Branch. The Teller's window will accept all
your normal deposits and withdrawals from
the comfort of your car. Try the
convenience of our new office ... Drive-
thru, open a new account and pick up a
commemorative 1979 Canadian Silver
Celebration activities get under way at 10 in
JiI17 Brethour
the morning ... the ribbon cutting by The Manager, Strafford East
Honourable Bill Jarvis MP for Perth,
"I'd like to extend a
sincere invitation to the
residents of Stratford
and Perth County to
° drop in and see us on
September 22 We are
looking forward to
• ,providing you with
V&G's financial services
for many years to
Minister of State for Federal-Prdvincial• ,
Relations, Hugh Edighoffer MPP, His ..... ...._ SPecial Note: Extended Office
Worship Mayor Blowes and Warden' Hours Six Days a Week.
Ormond Pridhorrime,.takes place at 11 00
a.M. There will be a parade Of antique cars, Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 5:00pm
The Royal Canadian Regiment Pipe Band Thursday & Friday 9:00am - 8:00pm
will be in attendance. Mother's cookies and Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm
free coffee/soft drinks. For the kids we have •
Balloons and Clowns . . , have a polaroid
taken of the family. ., .
V&G customers in Perth County are
at home .. all over the county
We're "on-line".September 22 with 4
branches to serve You, You will be able to
conduct business in any of our Perth
County V&G.J2ranches just as though it was
your branch .. our "on-line" computer
allows instant transactions in all four Perth
branches .. , Listowel, St Marys, Stratford
East and Stratford Downtown.
Our new, branch provides a complete range
of financial services. Special high interest
savings accounts; Chewing accounts:'
11RSP's; RHOSP's; Loans, including low
personal loan rates now through September
.29 (ask our manager for details) . also 60
and a Day Club; money orders and the
many other services you've -come to expect
from Victoria and Grey,
• Our celebration includes a nureber
of great gifts for new custornere and
Invest $10,000 in a Guaranteed Investment
Certificate for 5 years and you receive a
Invest $2,000 in a G.I.C. for 5 years and
receive a portable radio.
invest $500 in a G.1.C. for 1 to 5 years or
deposit $500 in our Savings or Chequing
accounts, and you may select a gift from
• our display of sundry items,
With every new account receive a
commemorative 1979 Silver Dollar.
One gift per customer while the supply
lasts .. . from September 22 to the 29th.
All because Victoria and Grey feels at home
in Perth County ... we'd Re to share our
celebration with you. •
We are growing
with you to
serve you better
Since /841
988 Ontario Street East
• Stratford, Ontar10
, . ekeraii2.1,Qar..trurgi., ragarrlik..,10treL119;filiknermrt,arr....thuirtitUt. re,
'Neither Cilitildt p*Onitlit