HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-06, Page 23r TIP
Mary Helen' Munro and Robert ,lames Costello were
united in marriage on June 29, 1979 at Northside United
Church,Seaforth, Ontario, The bride is: the grandaughter
of Grace Munro of Seaforth, and the groom is the sonof
' Bernard and Etma Costello of Seaforth: Rev; James Van
Slyke performed the double ring ceremony: The bride was.
attended by Donna McGrath, matron.. Of honour. -
bridesmaids; Daren Munro, sister of the bride; Donna
Costello,wsister of ..the.:groom,and Kim Dale; -friend: of the --
bride. Duties of the best man Were performed by
Beurman and the guests were ushered by Tom and Mike
Costello, brothers of the groom, and Graeme Young,
friend of the groom. Following, a reception was held!, at
Seaforth Community Centre. The honeymoon was a trip to
Midland:, and now, the couple are residing in Seaforth,
Occasionally' low acid tom- -
atoes create a risk' of botu-
lism if they are processed in•
a boiling 'water bath,.
Agriculture Canada urges
consumers to add citric acid
or bottledlemon juice tri
ensure a safe product.
Thanks to research, the
number of varieties of toma-
toes has: greatly' increased itt
recent years. But • the'. acid
content varies according to
the :variety' and with! the
growing conditions = across
Canada: Tomatoes become
even Jess acidic, later on.'an
the season or if -they're
overripe, So there's a distinct
possibility , that :Canadians
are using tomatoes that are
too low in acid-for.canning..
When there's a: low acid
Canning tips
`'Don't. can strained: or
purced'squash or pumpkin
it's too risky says Michelle
Marcotte from 'Food Advis-
ory Division, Agriculture
Following a study of recent
research. home canning of
these productsis no longer
recommended. "Studies
show that'. thickness affects'
heat . penetration in . pureed
squash and pumpkin: This
could be critical ' in home
processing because the home
canner cars; neither measure
nor accurately control viscos-
Agriculture Canada's pub-
lication "Canning Canadian
Fruits and Vegetables'" is
amended" to 'reflect these
recommendations. Only
cubed squash or pumpkin
should be pressure canned in
the . home", continues
COI: s.
Marcotte, ',Add just enough
water to cover and`bring to a
boil. Pack the cubes in jars
and cover with ;'hot cooking
liquid or water, leavinga
half-inch. heads/Jam.-
As with all vegetables;.
except tomatoes. processing
done • with a pressure
canner with ' an accurate
gauge. Be sure, the rubber
gasket, vent and safety valve
are clean and in good order:
Don't use a pressure sauce-
pan unless you have a special
adapterthat regulates pres-
res sure at 10 pounds._
,''Allow' 50 minutes pro-
cessing time for small 'pint'
jars and, 85 minutes for
i9 -ounce cans: Maditm con=
tainers such as 'quart' jars or
28 -ounce` cans need 90 and.
115 minutes respectively."
Cubed squash or pumpkin
canned this way can bei
r ma.vsr�w� arn.
There has. been muck
discussion in recent months!
about the imbalance in they
labour market, resulting;
from available opportunities;
and the skills or training of
people who are looking for
work. Undoubtedly, oar edu-
cational system has a major
;responsibility in guiding,
young people and helping
them to -recognise and cope
with the realities, of life
The changeswhich affect
female members of the labra
our force are particularly-
significant, Here in Ontario,
more than 50% of all women
are now working "outside
their homes."' Some 40% of
the entire labour force is
female, and women earn, on
the .average, a little more
than half the average male'
wage. Indeed, a study made
in 1976 showed that a woman:
with a university degree
earns less than $10,000, on
the average for full-time
work, while men with a
degree earn an average of
Ontario laws require equal
pay for equal work, and we
have a Human Rights, Code
which specifically prohibits.
discrimination on the basis of
sex, with respect to all.
training stn ng or prone,
,otion. Yet women in Ontario
do not.rcally have equal job
;opportunities, More than
60% are in low-paying cier-
ical, sales and service jobs,,
while only about : 25% of
working rnen` are so `orcin
- Difficult as it :is`to believe
in this modern age, there are
still a number of myths which
persist with `' respect to
"working women." Some
people continue to believe,
for example..: thatwomen
workfor different reasons
than do :.men, Yet several
level, an acid must be usd, in
canningtomatoes, to yield
the required acidity that's
needed to prevent spoilage,
Food Advisory Division
investigated tomato acidifi-
cation in 1974 and. 1976:.
Citric ..acid ' was. the first,
choice.. It was found to be the
most practical: and effective
treatment because it lowered
drained ,and mashed before
using if desired. ' '`
studtea bane shown that the
stain, Motivations are the
aacne for both sexes; eee'.
mimic necessity combined
with a `basic need for -per,
sonal satisfactin
The motion :that WOMent:
work only !for pin money bas:
little fovndatton some 4.,%
of working women are bread-
winners. It has even, been
said that women really dont
need as much Money as men.
What logic can be found in
•such a statement? A single;
woman . :as the: same
expenses as a single manw,.
she pays the same rent, food!
bills . and taxes, Not all!
married women, have has,
bands to support them: often
they are -the main, if not the
sole'wage-earner, Thousands
of women are • struggling
against great odds toraise
their families as single par-
ents, trying to be beth father
and mother to their children.
In recent years, withhigh
unemplayment, it bas, even.
been charged that women,
are taking jobs away from;
men who have families to
support. However, according,
to Ontario's: Minister of
Labour, if every Ontario.
married woman handed her
job to ;an unemployed man,
there . would still be about
800,0(10jobs leftover,
jobs which' men are not
trained• to 'do
Studies have demon-
strated all too clearly that
there is no validity to the idea
that women . are unsatis-
factory employees because
they have high absenteeism
and turnover rates There -is -
no , significant difference
between either rate for men
and wonlenat similar levels.
One major Canadian study
actually showed that while
women may.: have slightly,.
more :shortiterm absences
than men,' nien have more
'lengthy ab'kf►ees.
Have you ever heard state
mems such ••. fall.
al!alt underas pressurewomen"'.,H
"they simply .aren't temper,
mentally salted, to. hold down;
carriednsjbile joout in th?e UStunitdied:
States. have rerun up with
some :very interesting, find:.
Iin, Ibis conction, Male
emngsployees losenetheir temers
twice, .as, often as: t:
employees. Wheia they do so
they shout, bang their desks,.
slam doors and drive errat
ically. 'Women, on the other
band; when they lose their
tempersseldom do any of
these things, although they,
have been known to cry, Are
a woman's; tears a greater
indicator of lack of control, of
"emotionalism", than a man,
shouting, banging and driv.
Ing erratically?
• What about,the ide a that
it's a waste of time training;
or giving extra responsibility
to 4„ Woman employee; be,
cause she all; 'probably get
married and/or pregnant,
and the employer's invest-
ment will have been wasted?
The fact of the matter is, of
course, that women in the
thousands arc working full-
time during their child,
bearing and child -raising
years, At this moment in
time, almost 66% of Ontario
women between the ages of
20 and 44 are in the labour.
force, Some 62%u of them are
married. In fact; more than
50% of all Ontario wives_,
'iaOrk; .... .
. Ontari&s.–_ Minister— -of-
Labour has defined what his
Ministry considers to be the
goals of the women's move-
ment, including the need to
increase the options for
women,and consequently for
men, the importance of re.
moving the labels "male ' or
the acidity to the greatest
degree. Citric, acid is avail-
able from most drug stores.
If you find '. citric acid
unavailable, the next best
thing is bottled reconstituted
lemon juice. .Fresh :lemon
juice is not anacceptable
Choose tomatoes that are
firm, well formed, ripe and
unblemished. Don't use soft -
ripe, overripe, bruised or.
spotted ones.
Dip the tomatoes in boiling
water for 15 to 60. seconds,
then in . ice cold water.
Remove the stem end and
the skin,, Fill the containers
and over with boiling
tomato juice. Add theacid on'
top of the . tomatoes 7 Vs
"female"' tom ,+rta1hs.
The Ministry's 4, .!oW' Weft's,
Bureau.. is a resouree centre*
offering individual' counsel-
king, as well as support and,
encouragement to Omnatut-
ityageneies. A wide range Or
I '
materials la published. ;t0
inform workers and employ -
ors, ,of their rights anld
responsibilities. The Bureau,
has; ilaunelted an, .Affirmative
Action, Censulting Service
because manyeznployers and
lm while obeying: they
letter of the law* still dtset'tm
*ate* many, ;different-: and
sl#btle ways. ..
The own object of the
exercise is, et course,to
increase the pool or qualified
Women. ;a aidabk for MORI
and promotion, an4te erAteUriA
that quaff ,omen *WV
equal acco** 0 employmo4t
ff these aires can :be acb ieved
nett only Worrier", but all
Oatariatis. wilt benefit.
librarian Trudy Browne organized a picnic Last
Friday afternoon whih attracted: these local;
teaspoon citric acid or 1
tablespoon, bottled reconsti-.
tuted' lemon juice per pint
jar: Double the amount for
quart. jars. Leave a '4 inch
headspace for glass jars, '4
inch for cans: •
If salt is preferred, add it
with the acid. Use '/z tea-
spoon of salt to each pint jar
and 1 teaspoon to each quart
Tomatoes are usually pro-
cessed in a boiling water
bath. Allow 50 minutes for
pints or 60 minutes ` for
If you're canning tomato
juice, add the same amount
of acid and process 40
' minutes.;
Citric acid is a naturally
to get your
Save on values throughout the store!'
time began...
Advertising Pays
Phone 527-0240
'/////////, MW \\\
r' :� • ■ [stoat rtb ;.
occurring acid in tomatoes:.
Neither itnor reconstituted
bottled lemon juice will affect
the flavor very much. But if,
you find the flavor a little
tart, • add a little sugar to
taste (about 1 teaspoon per
small container).
children ;and their best friend(Exs p- ositotheirr Photo):
The corn season is fast approaching
See us for •Forward Contracts..
Grain .. (for use in
Grain Bank:
feeder later on):.
Storage (for sale later er on
Seed wheat is also available 1'
This is the only noticeyou'll receive
that your •subsrri tion is due..
on- the front of you papier;`
Mr. Doe's subscription ex
Doe, John O. pries the first of June 1979
R.R.6, Walton The last digit at right
June 2-1.-0-9 indicates the year of expiry.
.Please watch the date on your label and
renew before your Subscription expires
t� �nrw � ocher
Sine 1$60, Serving the Community First
Seaforth 627