HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-09-06, Page 5• If the• address 'abet.
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June 2-1-0-9'
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., f 4 IS. LAValtri W OLFF
Rev, and Mrs. C. Klages,,
Grand Haven, Michigan,
pleasantly ,surprised some
friends whenthey visited
Ralph, Carol,, .Lorrie and.
Lane Siemon recently. The
visitors also dropped, by at
the .First Lutheran, Church,
Logan, where they took, some
pictures,and at the Ritz.
Villa, Mitchell.
Guests with. ;Mrs; Adeline;
Bennewies on Sunday were,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Quereagesser;,. Stratford;
Miss Marie Koehler ; and
Mrs. Ed Zimmerman of Galt,
— who attended the Decoration:
Day, at .St. Peter's Lutheran,
Also attending were
Clayton and Linda, Markle of
Guelph and Mrs. Wendy
Derferd', of Kitchener and
Judy and Ross Wood,
Colleen and Carlene and
Craig of Mitchell also
Wayne and Marie:. Wolfe
were guests with Mrs.
Dorothy Wolfe, Warren,
Kenneth and Faye,
Enjoying a week's holidays.
with Wilbur and Norma,
Hoegy was their aunt Minnie
Querengesser and their. son
Merle from Edmonton,.
Guests with, Mr, and Mrs.
Milton. Bode on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Beuerman, Elmira.
Mark Kirkby enjoyed a few
days with his, uncle. Milton
Bode and aunt .Gerry and.
sons Howard', Ross. andEric.
Visiting with Mrs. Lavern
Wolfe was Mervin .and
El'.e.anor Beuer.man:,,<
accompanied by their grand=
son Bobby Ostrom from
Lynchberg, Virginia, who
has since returned to his.
Nelson • Brodhagen .of
Slabtown, :and 'Mrs. William
Rose of the Mitchell area,
visited with their sister, Mrs.
Ordelia Trentowsky, form-
erly of Brodhagen, who: now
lives at the ' Smith Nursing •
Home, St. Mary's. Mrs,
Trentowsky iswell and
Visiting with Mrs. Herman
' .eonhardt and Earl were
`Richard and Marlene Jeffrey
andiKevin of Embro, who. all.
attended the Decoration Day
service. The boys have re-
turned to their home after a
week's: holiday' 'with their•.
We are gladto report Mr.
George We.isenberg,
Brussels,, has returned to his
home where he 'is
recuperating after a long stay
in both: the Stratford and
Seatorth. .hospitals, His
friends slosh, bim a speedy
Guests 'with Kart, Jane
and Sarah Schuesster were.
Phyllis Anne and Jennifer
Schuessler• of London,.
Mir Roma Smith, who,
was, at the home of her
daughter and son-in-Iaw
Arbutus and Ross
MacLean, Stratford, where;
she is convalescing,, is
expected home soon. Hope
her health will keep, on
Mrs, Lavern Wolfe was a
dinner guest at the home of
Bill and Hilda Lockhart of
Mitchell on Saturday,
Guests with. Mr. John Vock
were Mr. and. Mrs. Walter
Bode. of Listowel, Gerald', and,
Y^ J
Karen, Lucana,, Mrs'., Ken
Reihl, Monktor ands Marys
Ruth and David Vernon of:,
Jean "and, Ray 1Cett1ewelt
and Elaine; of Strathroy,
enjoyed a week's Tiol days.
with their daughter Pebble,
and son-in-law Wayaep
Hansen at Marathon;
On their way home 'they
Visited with '' it parents,
William .and .Dere Brown of
A successfulsale was held
for Mrs. William (Dorothy)
Wolfe of Slabtown on Friday
evening when a I•-ge crowd
gathered at the house., The
auctioneers were .Mr.
Parsons of Listowel and Mr,.
Lobb of Clinton.
Mrs. Wolfe is a patient in
Staffs news
Kiibarchalq Nuptn Hone tn.
Sea orth-,.
The Women's Institute,
,8,ugus ' meeting was: herd at
the home of :the secretary,
Mrs. Michael,' J, Connelly.
She reported a card of thanks,
was received from Mrs, Carl
Eisler for the flowers,. from;
the group sent to Mrs. Eisler
when she was, shut in.
Mrs, Connolly also gave
a short sunirnary of the
Bornholm K; ,men's Institute.
since .its' inception ii 1950.
Members were reminded of
the area convention to be
held on. Oct. 29 and 30 at the
Bingham Park, Kitchener.
The president, Mrs,
Gordon Rose, askedthe lad-
ies to take antique cups and,
saucers to be exhibited at the.,
Mitchell Fall Fair, Cups can
be taken to the home of Mrs.,
Carl, Eisler prior to Sept. 7.
and the executive will place
n d�..lav that
ids rights WI
Mr. Philip Fox, supervisor
of Family Protection for the
Perth County Childrens, Aid:
at Stratford "was guest
speaker at the August
meeting of the Staffa
Women's Institute. He gave
a most ,informative talk on
childrens rights, touching.
on. 1. Economic Security. 2.
Health and Welfare, 3.
Education. 4. " Protection
:from -harm.` This was
followed by some excellent
slides on child abuse and
child neglect after which
everyone joined in a discus
Sion, period. Mr. Fox was
introduced by Mrs. Charles
•Douglas and thanked. by
Mrs. John. Templeman. Mrs.
Cameron Vivian hosted the
Meeting in .tter home on
Wednesday. evening August
29. with 11 members and 14
visitors present. Mrs.
Norman Harburn presided'
and opened the meeting with.
the Mary •Stewart •Collect:
Roll Call was •.answered ' by
giving a United Nations
Rights for a
g child.
Minutes of • the June'
meeting were read and
approved and the treasurer's
report given. Members were
reminded of the Perth
County, Rally in Listowel on.
Oct. . 18, the 'London ' Area
Convention in St.. Marys on.
Nov. 1 & 2 and the fall:
executive banquet for Perth;
Cancer Society
exceeds goal
The Seaforth Branch of the
Canadian Cancer Society has
exceeded its 1979 ` fund
raising objective by , over
5400 so far.
The branch set a goal of
$4, and has Managed to
raise: $5,173.51 as of June 25.
Of this total, $3,332.50 has
wine :from door-to-door
come from daffodil sales; and
$340 has come from special
The Huron s County Unit
has set a goal of $45,000 for.
1979 and has already raised
$67,099. This total is up 23
per cent from last year when
550,730 was'raised. Given
the population; -of Huron
County, the money raised so
far, this Year means a
donation of about S1.20. per
The. Canadian Foresters
organization is one of the
major supporters of the
Canadian Cancer Society's
cause. On July 11, .the
Canadian Foresters Life In-
surance Society of Brantford
presented the National
Office of the Cancer Society
with a cheque for $61,500. Of
that amount $20,40,8.19 is the
Ontario Division's share, The
total contribution made by
the Foresters in the period
1976-79 is S122,130.83.
The amount donated to the
Huron County Unit by the
Foreseters this year at the
national level so far is
$4,658.56, From 1976 to
1979, the Benntiller Court of
the Foresters has donated
$4,803,50 to the Cancer'
Society; the Constance Court
52,571.08; and the Huron
District Court $2,91.1 for a
total of $10,288.58,.
On Saturday, September
15 the Essex•Southwestern
Districts of the Canadian:
Cancer Society will hold /u
mini -conference in the
Chatham -Kent Secondary
School. There will be special
workshops on all major areas
of interest. Dr. P.G. Schole-
field, assistant executive
driector fo
Cancer. Institute of Canada,.
will be the principal' speaker.
Bill Brady, well-known
London radio personality ' and
executive member of the
Canadian • Cancer Society,
will be. the wrap-up.; speaker.
South in Staffa on Nov, 6.
Mrs, Robert McCaughey
conducted a contest on
names. A delicious .lunch
followed the closing, served
by the hosts .. Mrs. Vivian,.
Mrs. Douglas and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Miller and family and . Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Butson and-
family, were guests at, the
Doupe-White wedding and•
reception on Saturday.
Mrs. Marion Miller,
London visitedon the week -
end with Mr. and. Mrs.
Robert McCaughey.
A Templeman family
gathering was held on.
Sunday at the Ische pond
with over 40 relatives present.
. Special guests were Mr.
Mrs, Robert ''Swan,
Essex, England, and Mr. and
Mrs, Reg Templeman and:.
Darryl Brampton.
The Jefferson family held.
a gathering at the home of
Mr: and"' Mrs: Norman Jef:-.;.
ferson and family on Sunday.
ome freezi
As the , g
sayin goes, if all
elsefails, read the directions.
That's an old adage that cer-
tainly applies to home freez-
In spite'' of the . fact that
mostconsumers., agree that
home freezing isthe quick-
uickest, easiest, safest and, in
most _ cases, the;, tastiest way.
to preservefresh summer
produce, there are still quite
a few of us who manage to
make a few errors each year .
and end up with frozen food
that is of less than adequate
:quality. .
If you're one of these.
people you might be able to
ward off potential problems
ruining -
Mrs. Henry Davey .read'
the informative article', the
Japanese Wades Economic
condttians ere favourable in
that '•country, :which has much
less ;unemploynle.pt .than.
Mrs, W. Hunt uttered her
home for the next meeting
when she and Mrs, Rose will
give a, report on •family and,
consumner affairs.
In honor of lnternation_a1
Year of the Child, Mrs, J.
Gloor spoke on the topic of
foster children, giving an
interesting report on the ten
years; she and husband took
Mr, and Mrs. Grant of
Stirlingsh ire, Scotland and
Parking meter: A legal`
device that bets dollars to
pennies you won't' get back
from shopping before the red
flag pops up.
Being poor has its advan-
tages -the car keys are never,
inyourother pants pocket. _
me golfer, a duffer, lost
three new balls in succession
in the rough. His partner, ..
noticing his luck, said, "You
lose so.many balls, why don't
you; play an old ball?"
"Si`nple," came the reply,
"I never owned any old;`
• balls!''
in. Ruts ranging 4'94 sine
j.7 years of age-
Lunch was served by uce'
hostess and the lucky cup r
prizewas won by Mrs,
Pavey, Mrs. Rock was• the'
winner of the prizg for having
the lucky saucer,
Did you know that. , -
Delays in receiving. your
•re1'ppd chequerare mainly the
resplt of, fling an incorrect
return. It helps to double
i heck all .,calculations•« to
include all T-4 slips, medical:
and, charitable receipts anl.
other necessary infor ,ati.in.
with your return,
11 i1
NEW, BOARD MEMBERS With newly appointed inted Seaforth Comrnunitr
Hospital • board chairman, Wayne Ellis, left and new vice -,chairman;
Gordon Rimmer are two new board members, Gwen Scott and• John
Turnbull. Betty Cardno was: also appointed to the- SCR .board, at Itlt
meeting; last Weeit,: -
(Photo by -Ake).
t Dublin peo
Mr. and Mrs, • Stark of
Lanark, Scotland -are spend-
ing a few days with Mr. and..
are spending a few days in
Hamilton' and Niagara Falls.
Visitors, with Mrs. Tessie
of weeks in New Glasgow,
Nova Scotia visiting her
Mrs., Herb Brown and visited
with other relatives in town -
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown
and. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Fleming on Anne St. Mrs.
Grant is Mrs, Jean Brown's
sister. The Scottish relatives
by reading the .folliwing Jt Utes, is the basic step. to suc-
of,Do's and Don'ts cess ui: zinvg
There, arefreesomeg execeptionsetables.
DO blanch vegetables,• ;to blanching , herbs, pep-
Blanching, which is simply Pers, turnips and tomatoes
thedunking of a small ::quan-
of raw,prepared veget-DO
be use•frogoozendas' quality,is: thick
tity p ee p plastic bags' which have been
ables into a pot of rapidly
boiling water for a few min- specially designed for freez
ilderness trip worthy it
This summer has treated me to a
naturalist's dream come true two weeks.
of wilderness' travel down' the Missinaibi,
River in northern Ontario. Two weeks of
peeling sunburns, black; fly. bites rocks in
your bed, and sand •in your soup that
prompted one friend to compare wilder-
ness travel to hitting your head against'the.
wall - it feels so good when you stop. ,Yet"
every one of our group would jump at ;the
chanceto do'
it again, and their'enthusiasm
is. obviously shared by the thousands of
others Clocking, to the wilderness in
unprecedented; numbers. Unless �' .Tan
that all these people actu. ,like
wet socks in the' morning and fn.: 4e -dried
eggs that. bear a' strong: resemblance to
rubber:` cement. their'motivation'to exper-
ience the wilderness despite these draw-
backs must be intense.
For some, the. attraction is, merely. a
change in pace am opportunity to
exchange the bustle of the city for the
camadarie of a small group and; the
solitude of a wilderness setting.
For others. the challenge of the wilder-
ness acts as the lure.. The thrill of white
water, and the satisfaction of overcoming
physical discomfort
an"d fatigue. P Yt gue; each in;
their own way provides a test unknown to
the average day in the: city.
But perhaps most of all,. wilderness..
(ravel for Canadians is a voyane back to; our
roots. The Missinaibi was one of"the 'great
fur -trading routes of Northern Ontario. As.
we stood on the ruins of a Hudson's Bay
post. now overgrown and abandoned. we
began to really appreciate the kind of'
adventurer that had manned this post,` and'
others like it, for close to one hundred and
fifty years. We had canoed forty.miles'' to
reach . this site, a short paddle. for a
voyageur,. but• u
enough to• make us realize.
the rigors of. their life in a way that an•
auto -borne visit never could.'
Wilderness travel is not for everyone. it
rc urces reasonably good Health a sound
r Y
i iasis "iri outdoor skills; ,and an ability to
cope with inconvenience and the un-
• expected. To be worthwhile,. travel through
the wilderness, also demands respect -.'the,
kind of respect that leaves the'. transistor
radio at home, and instead brings the
harmonica to make music in harmony with
the land.
The Federation of Ontario Naturalists.
operates an extensive trip program to help
introduce people to the wilderness. Most
participants have never experienced wild-
erness travel t a el before, but for almost all, that
firswr tri .b `en the door a new kind of
p p s t to
recreational habit. Once. bitten by, wilder,-'
ncss fever; the lure of the wild keeps
Calling them back.
ho visitors in McKill
Orville Beuerman
has been a patient in Univer-
sity 'Hospital London.. We
wish her a,speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, Van Yost.
and family of Dayton, Ohio
1.4.A. spent Labor Day
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul McCallum and girls and
Mrs. Mary Yost spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold McCallum and Carl.
Mr, and: Mrs. Ed Regele
and Miss Brenda Glanville
visited Friday evening with
Mr. and Mrs`. Reg Schultz at
R.R.3, Blyth.
Mrs, •Mervin Smith is
patient in Seaforth
Community; Hospital. We
wish her a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. . Stanley'
Preszcator and Mrs. Mary
Thornton of Credit on and
Miss Jodi and 'Ronda !,
Glanville of Parkhill, Mr.and
Mrs. Robert England,
itobert and Dennis of Huron i
Park and Mr. and Mrs. Fred`
Kistner Were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, .Edward
Regele. Miss Brenda
Glanville who spent the past.
week with her grandparents
has returned to her home at
Mrs. Murray • Hare,
Angeline, Carrie aria Corey
of Stratford visited. on Friday,
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold,
Mr. Charlie Sherwood of
friends for
The Canadran Red Cross Society 11111.1
London a former resident- of
12th Concession of McKillop
Township t?is a patient afie
nt in•
Westmin ster Hospital
Did you know that, ..
There are 13 million 'tax
returns filed and approx.
• imately three-quarters result
in. refunds. '
R. .P 'K,
_ECK •
"hi the heart ofdowntmvn Varna"
VACUUM CLEANERS • ;Sala and service of mowt mak.' ,
Varna, Ont.,
ing- It is practically .impos-
sible to ward:'. off freezer -
bum, hold stewed fruit or
pureed, vegetables and 'pro-
tect the delicate flavors of
most fruits by 'using plastic
bread bags or the supermar-
ket type designed to trans-
port your vegetables from
the store . to your crisper.
These are not thick enough
to provide a proper mois-
.ture barrier; Furth. ,more,
many of these bags, particu-
larly those from milk, carry.:
natu food oil bacteria which
washing may not destroy
and which could affect the
quality of your frozen foods.
DO select thee
b st u'
4ah ty
freezer 'bag you can afford.
The investment is small corn -
pared to the cost of the food
and the time invested. Look
for bags which are thick to
protect against moisture loss
and resist: tearing or splitting.
DO label every package of
food you freeze. If you put
nothing else on the label, at
least indicate the. date. Sortie
people; report disappoint=
in .their products as-
suming they were last year's
vegetables when they could,
be two years' old or more,
Costello were Mr. and Mrs,
Danny Costell��MMaureen and'
Michele, Kitclfener •also Mr.
and Mrs. Pete Groshok -of
Mrs. Elizabeth Connelly of
g St. has. returned
home after spending a couple
The best way to label a pro-
duct is to date it in the same
fashion as supermarkets us-
ing the "Best Before" con-
cept: You•would need. a
freezer guide that tells you
the maximum time any given
food; should be: frozen.
DO • remove all.air . in the
bags of any food that won't
expand when it freezes. To•
do this, when the freezer bag
is filled, insert a straw into
the mouth .of the bag, hold-
ing the bag tightly around
- the. straw. Draw the .air out
of the bag, slip out the straw
and: thbag
a fewtwist • times. e Then quickly
twist -tie tightly,
blanch too much
at one time. Work with small
amounts, blanching only . a
pound of vegetables at -a
tune, ba
those, .ho putting
them in the freezer, and
starting over again. By the
time the second' batch is
your first batch Will
— — —
Water e Well
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Seaton I.
Hwy a8 VALUES!
GoettferHigh Quality Low Prices
Furniture �I
Fine Furni
MAIN STREET -d5 2250
Open Mon. 0 en all day Wed. Fri. night till 9 p.m.
Mrs. Harold Mederak. of
Kitchener, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Maloney
and: family, She also called
on her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Maloneyr.
Peter Malonev,.is a patient in
'Seafo.rth •-CoMMunity
Ship your livestock
i ;
Tuesday is Shipping Day
From Dublin
CALL DUBLIN 345.2656 "
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