HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-30, Page 12Elk ENTERPRISES
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..!**Ttit HUROK,!.EXPOSITORtAtigf4ST
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The Seaforth taWn $Awl, mts, mural a wposto,
ing Club held amotuCsS' 3W + 37 pp 5. to
ful tonrnatrient last Wedrieas forty-seven, •teams received
day August
22nd With every prizesgreen .
filled for a, -04„„big" ConsOlatiOti prizes went tO
•AraW. This being tne Stith Art and Mary Finlaysian, in
anniversary of the gitth 'it the first draw anti to Art and
was very gratifying to :have Betty Seeney Stratford in the
such a splendid entry- Win- second draw. The beautiful
nig 1st prize of $154) was prizes on display had been
Bob and Elsie Doig Of Sea- deflated by the Merchants of
forth 3W + 48. 2nd prize of $eaforth, Members of the
S10,0 was wen by the Mitchell lawn Bowling Club and
entry of Walter Westbrook friends.
and Margaret Robinson with A special thank you goes,to,
3W + 47. 2rd prize was John Art Finlayson ho tt as chair,
Patterson and Kate Malin% t• titajt of the committee for the
of Seaforth With 3W + 4:' ,, pnuiver4ary tournament.
Mr 4F Members of the cornitrittee
o pw
3. 4th as, r. an .
Kelley of Sarnia, 3W + 44
oft) 8. 5th was Cliff Broad -
foot and Jean Lunn of Sea
forth with 3W + 43. 6th was
Mr. and Mrs.. Nadalin of
Woodstock `3W + 40 ofp 3,
7th was Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dodds of London, with 3W +
40. 8th was Reg Gillette Of.
Kitchener and Myrna Beanis
of WoOdsteck with 3W +
oft, 8. 9th was Howard and
Soccer fete
The soccer season ended
for Seaforth Atoms and
Squirts with a. fete match at
Bayfield on Saturday.
The players had an enjoy-
able game and were treated
,0„ to hot dogs, pop, and ice
A ,
•,On • behalf' or the team
captains, Peter. Ste, Marie
• (Atoms) and Aaron Broome
(Squirts) and the players, ,
local organizers would like•td
thank Fred and Ann Gale of
Bayfield for helping, to make,
the event a big success.
- Thanks also to the interes-
ted parents who supported
the team throughout the
season and to Clive Buist and
Joe Verbeine for their assis-
tance in organizing the teams
t,',..4-1 .-4/04;...f. L -.%.,` ift- • ---. ,
A CHARTER MEMBER—A charter member of the 1929 lawn bowling
club, Lorne Dale of Seaforth, displays the form that has kept him bowling
' for 50 years at the tournament held at the greens on Aug. 22. .
(Expositor photo)
Many of the Seaforth-Gol-
tiers have heeri."on-the Moe!
.in the last couple of weeks.
'SorneoftliernhaVe done very
Well and all havehad a good
On August 22nd the Malt -
Charlie Malcolm 4th low golfers on Sunday Aug 27. Of 'firstwin. Congratulations go
gross juvenile; and Brian all the Seaforth golfers who out to Ian who incidently had
McCowan 3rd low gross entred in their Men's Invita- shot 84 on the same course
Junior. tion Kevin Bennett, brother the previous day. That's
On Thursday Aug, 23 of Canterbury's assistant Pro some improvement,
Steve Bennett had .the best The Seaforth Men's Invita-
Mert's Night was won by the round when he shot 75. Carn tion is just around the corner.
Doig finished at 10 and other Call the proshop to enter.
.area golfer s were well back because spaces are fillirtg up.
in the field, ' The Club's final dance of
reene; When it was over the only the season will .be .on Satur-
, . Seaforth Club member to day. September 29 from 9 . 1.
place well was Ian Doig, who Tickets are on sale now
arolanne Doi
9 shot a 72 to win the Cham- There are no large gtoups
pionship. Ian was playing in scheduled for the long week -
his last tournament as a end so it will be a good time
team. of Larry Brootrie(41) junior atid that was his very to come out.
and lan Doig(32). Because of
thderstorm and a con- Crowd
pie of groups finished at tourney
they took the honours over a t
small field, They had-- idealweather Mike Murray of Chepstow.
night and we would like to
Men's night continues to -
and a large crowd attended. Seaforth won the A Cham-
seyou all out, especially the Walton Area Sports Club pionship, receiving the Don
because we'd like to plan
5th annual squirts soft ball Achilles ' Memorial Trophy,
final Men's Night Party and thurnament held at the Wal- presented by Joe Steffler,
e need your ideas!
ton Park, Saturday and Sun- The most valuable player
wday with eleven teams enter trophy was presented to
Ken Doig' of Seaforth was ed. Chepstow won the B.C. Scott miscoll of seaforth.
participating in the Canadian championship receiving the There were, 12 home runs
Amateur Championship in
trophy donated by. Ann and with, a dollar being paid for
Brantford, Ken shot rounds
of 757678and a final Jerry Ryan and presented by each by Doug Kirkby,.H & N
round of 72 to finish at 301 a, , . . —
nti ttyan. Dairy systems. Walton Inn
and place in the top 20! Ken ,
fhe most valuable player and McGavin Farm Equip -
was one ,_ ,
tropny was presented to meat.
I playerst
the g
by C
land Golf anti Curling Club in
Goderich held their Junior
Invitational Tournament Fif-
teen boys from Seaforth
made the journey to Goder-
lett and made an excellent
showing. The championship
was won in a 3 way playoff
among Derek Divot( of Saw.
mill C.C.; Claude Daw and
Greg Core from our home
club, Derek 4 putted the first
green • in the playoff to put
himself out of contention, It
was his nineteenth birthday
and final tournament as a
Clatide and Greg contin-
ued to the next hole where 15
year old Greg won the cham-
pionship by sinking a 15 foot
Putt, to take the title out of
aaude's reach. It was Greg
Core's first tournament win.
Greg also won closest to
the pin in the tournament
Seaforth golfers who pla-
ced well itrOoderich were:
Greg Core, 1st low grosS
79; Glaude Daw (Clinton) Iow
junior 79; Gary Armstrong
(Clinton) IOW net junior;
Bruce Morten low net ban-
tam; Jenny Wright 2nd low
gross juvenile; Al Nigh 3rd
low gross juvenile; Todd
Dig 2nd low net bantain;
match par en the final day.
Only01.2 Canadians finish-
ed better than Ken and of
these -only 7 were from our
home province.. It a tine
performance and gains him
exemption front. having to •
lualify for next year'S Ama
, , .
tour so We'll. be watching
froth the wings again next
The Canterbury Country
Club was host to several.
111310411 fltteart
190 Wortley, Road 679-1602, London.
F.OP•401•40 AACI. SRPA
toomhers Appralsal Institute of Canada
were lorneandthelMa Dale.
Elme and DorOthY Town.
Send lack and Verda Sinclair
(Harold and Helen Cortnelk
Art andMary Finlayson
Munro and Claii".;1. Ruth and
Eileen Adamson.. All !Pent -
hers Of the eontrnittee work-
ed diligently towards making
the tournament A, atteceSs,
and if anyone drove past the
greens last Wednesday they
would see their efforts paid:
Mei Brady and Walter WeSt-,
brook were in charge of the
draws and did an excellent
job. The ladies in charge of
the food with Mrs. Esther
4',7k4R,,-.4''t&'''I%tV41(,T,p,,,,R.,'41W;4MRT,qRi4',414.A114,''faT6,,R,I •
Brady Convener are to be
commended for the way in
which they handled the large
crowd, and also the bowing
burgers received many PM
plimentr y remarks.
Tie large pot of vellevo
Minns on the table vt AS a
gift to the club from Mrs.,
Dorothy MacLennan whose
last husband ("Doc" to his
Man!, tirencis3 was a keen
and ardent bowler. The beatt
tiful quilt the ladies made.
was won by Mrs. R.J. flolton,
of Palmerston and the'ttievi-
son by Dave Colc lOnAlt of
Clinton. .
Sandy Pepper the greens
keeper :had the green* in
excellent eoridition And the
men ate to be 'congratulated
for all the work and improw•
ements made to the ptopert3N
Alpecial occasion which, was
also marked at our anniver-
sary tournament was a gift of
a• plaque to Lorne Dale
suitably engraved and pre -
'Seated ett behalf of the Club
a* Lorne was a charter
nwmber of the Seaforth
Lawn Dowling Club, e
thanked everyone for their
kind gestures,
A similiar presentation
was to be made tp Mrs. Ida.
Close and will be at a later
Monday afternonn the lad-
les bowled for the McLean
Trophy. Seven- teems were
,ertterect and first prize went
the Brenda Finlarien, and
Beatrice Stony kvith. 3W +
3S. 2nd was Katie Phillip*
' andWin Murphy with 2W +
37. 3rd was Helen Connell'
and Jessie Hilien 2V1
Monday September 3rd will
be the annual Mixed Pairs
watch tournament and eke-
adY 15 greenS are filled.
Tuesday everting will be
bowling for the Soole Trophy
• and also pot luck supper.
Good botvling to all,
green attracted several area bowlers to the
lawn bowling tournament bowlers clubhouse,
held in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Seaforth lawn
, (Expositor photo)
a ton men win again
Men's ball team was victor.- was at 1:30 with them after sdven innings, Walton
The Walton intermediate . tournament. Th7, first game: - the tension was. great, but
ning the Mildmay Tourna. received the win with' a 9 to 2 McDonald received the win.
inent Twelve •teams partie. win. over Formosa in five Over the course of the
ipated in the true double innings. 'Walton had, little eight games Walton scored
knock -out event. problem in the 4:30 game 48 runs and had only 12 runs
against Canada. Company against. Walton received a
The tournament started on defeating them 7 to 0 in five total oft325.00for:heit team
Thursday, August 16wit innings DougConley picked efforts. The team also
Walton Meeting Atwood and up the win, flaying again at ceived a trophy and Rick
picking up a 17 to 2 Win 6:00 p.hr. Walton had to McDonald received the most
Doug Conley picked uo the . smite up with a big in valuable player award.
win for Walton. against Wroxeter. The team Walton team members in -
Their next game was Sat- ruse to the • occasion -by dude: Roger Humphries,
urday morning pitting them winning by a score of 2. to 0. Paul Humphries, Ken
agairiSt' Canada Company, a McDonald picked up the win. Ritchie, Larry Carter, Gary
team from. Goderich, Walton, " At 7:30 Walton found their. Bennett, Murray Houston,
with Rick McDonald on, the selvespitted against Clif; Scott Bridge, Hugh Nichol,
mound were vviriners by a ford. Walton had no trouble Brad Knight. Doug Conley
• ions on the weekend—win- meeting Formosa. McDonald had defeated. Clifford 3 to 2.
score of 3 to 2. On Saturday'
afttheeirrnoonolyn,loss Waltontowrosxueffteerrbedy.
Doug. ,Conley picked up the who was unable to attend
a score'of 4 to 1. Being a true win. due to illness,
double knock out, this loSi. At this point in the toutna- The Walton teazn. has been
only made it tougher ' for ment Walton and Clifford entered in the Goderich
Walton to win the tourna., had each suffered only one tournamentto defend their
ment. loss each. To find a winner title his year and their first
Sunday was a long day for meant playing each other game is Friday, August 31 at
' the team because they 'again, which they did at 9;00 901/ Pan• Hope to see
played five games to win the •p.rn. it, was a close game and everyone there for support.
this time and` defeated Clif- and Ru
McDonald. Coach -
ford by a score of 6 to 0. ing this year is Joe Steffler•
t •
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