HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-30, Page 8Nk M , HOP i H EXPOSITOR, A ►Gi? ST * �#O
LUNCH, 1SLIKE'THE SCHOOL UNIFORM' --It has to LOOK, right. This:
balanced lunch contains something;, from each of the tour tood groups
milk and mi products; meat and. aiternates; bread and .cereals; and
fruits and vegetables. Morning and afternoon snacks are always
welcome; bran, muffin and gorp (good or raisins and Peanuts).
(Agriculture Canada)
Seniors have boat cruise
The Seaforth Happy .Citi-
zens left :on a day long; bus
trip to the Caledonia and
Brantford area on August 16.
A highlight of the outing was
a two hour cruise aboard the.
Grand River Belle,. a river-
boat, ' through an historic.
• portion of. the Grand River.
During dinner members list-
ened to, the captain as he
explained the history of the
area, After the cruise the
Botanical Gardens and. Rock
Gardens at Hamilton were
visited: on the home varT-
trail; the bus stopped at the
Ponderosa in Kitchener for a
snack. Members said they
enjoyed the outing and are
looking forward to another
Four generations mark
Knights' both anniversary
Four generation, des-
cendants of the late James
and Christina Knight of Grey.
Townships gathered at Grey'
Central School in Ethel on
Saturday in honor of
anniversaries being
celebrated in the. Knight
families this year,
About 100 people attended
the celebrations. One of the
couples who were honoured
were Russeiland Ella Knight
of Brussels who . will be
celebrating .their 60th an-
niversary in : October. The
Knights were married at the
Melville Presbyterian,.
Church in Walton on October
29, 191.9 by Rev. R A".t undy..
They had a mixed farming
operation on. Lot 7, Con-
cession I5 of Grey Township
until 1950 when their :son;
Ross nook.. over the farm.
After that, the Knights con
tinned to liive.on the farm in a
second house while Mr'.
Knight sold insurance for 20.
years, The Knights moved to
Brussels about a year ago.
Their son Ross; a semi -re-
tired farmer, now lives. in
Cranb'rook with his wife, the
former Betty Fisher. They
Have four children, two' boys
and two girls:
Asked the traditional
,,TS' 0,0,411,71%-775,Srls,SSeSSWIllfst,,
t«onsicler this school tu:nch-
boli. a saa'uttttil bottle of
Vichyssoise soup. :at. few
pieces of t:rispc chicken: twt•g;
little plastic, containers of
coleslaw :acidfrOit swa\l(adl aitt
.battered. crusty
Adultsvarve :of this Illns:lt:
nourishing, appetizing, sat
isfy ing.
Schooley s, view ief the,
saltie lunch .it,rttb.
Wit? Firsttfa11.noone
8v4*d be caught 404 chew-
ing on :a chicken leg irk the
eafeterhi. Who has the time
for all that anyway, on a
thirty-rninete lunch including
two locker stops? .Besides,
this lunch: is sissy . children's
attitudes to lima are dif-
ferent from adults. Leneb is
like the school uniform; it has.
to Zook. right.
A good lunch Should con-
Min something front each of
the four main food groups . a
prgtein food (probably - the
sandwich 'filling), bread (the
sandwich again). fruit Or'
vegetable (ideally both) and
milk -
The wrapping around the
sandwich tilling doesn't al=
ways have to be white bread,.
question of what :has: kept:
:their marriage ' together so
long Mrs. Knight replied.
"VVe're a good-natured
air. ,They both agreed .that
marriage was regarded as a
permanent :thing at their
time they were wed.
Peoplee attending the; .get-
together came from
Manitoba. Picten, Windsor,
Stratford. Toronto and
1X5e,whule Wheat .rolls, ses-
Aire buns submarines. hag-
gis, muffins, crackers, and, a
variety of breads rye, tattallp.
ernicke4, malt, cheese, eraelF
ed wheat and oatmeal. ;Coria-
bine two kinds of bread in
one sandwich«
Her are a few e0
"balanced" lunches:
.double«decker sandwich
with chicken and egg, salad
on round ,malt loaf: celery
sticks and cherry tomatoes;;
granolabars, apple; milk
-bagel with cream cheese,
sliced beef or hani; green
pepper sticks,, grapes. Pat
:meal cookies with date' filling
tomato juice,
-buttered whole wheat muf-
fins or .carrot bread: chuck of
cheddar hard -cooked egg;
celery stuffed.; with ;peanut.
butter; peach; milk.
But how 40 you keep hot
foods and cold .foods safely?
The familiar vacuum bottle
snake these possible: soup,
hot chocolate, stews and
casseroles, hot macaroni and
cheese, chilled fruit, yogurt.
It will keep hot food hot,
above 140'F, and cold foods
Cold, below 40°F. Thh temp-
,eratures; in between] are dike
;perosis bereellae harnifttl; bac
ter* greet Meg eaarlythis
;range. •
There are 'several other
ways to keep food cold; Make
sandwiches ahead and freeze
Fillings of meat, poultry, flab
;and cheese freeze: well_ -
These include roast pork,
roast beef gr meatloaf with
chili sauce and Phi eaefi pea-
4!rt butter alnd' itiits3as.; Pea*
nut butter. honey and chop.
,Fed :aprieota„ cream cheese
with,chopped Oates -and tints.
,ehppped chicken and chop*
ped olive, or chopped turkey
,and cranberries, Eggs, hew-
Lever, becerne tough, and dry;
luncheon meats and bologna,
become overly salty, Frozen
individually,. wrapped sand-
wiches packed in the moat-
H•'t,!'r nv i .f .:..:d� art to
Father Hardy held Roman
Catholic mass on Friday
morning, Bingo was. ,played!
in the Auditorium on Friday
afternoon. We would like tq;
thank Rev, Darrell for filling
in for Rev. Wittick while :he
was on holidays,. At the.
Churchservice on Sunday,
Mrs, Elsie Henderson played!
the organ. Rev. Wittick led a
prayer request for Mrs. Polly
Wiltse and Mrs. Edith
Lovett; These ladies are both
in Clinton hospital. " The ,
Choir sang "Drinking at the
Spring of Living Water",
Dick Roorda held a service in
the chapel ea Sunday
Tuesday noon, First Floor
North men and Men's bed
Care, held their barbecue. An,
invitation was extended to,
the other men in the building
who wished to feast on
hamburgers and hotdogs and
there were 59 men in attend
ance. Plans are now `coin•
pleted for our trip to. Niagara.
Falls,. We have hired a van.
from Murphy's Pus "•Line,.
and ten residents .and two
staff will be leaving at 8;30
A.M. on Sept. 12th, We will
be tatting a tour of .Niagara.
1 ng w th?tV!r ily noon.
Freeze asmall can of lAge
„ :it helps Selz other food*
chilled and ,s ready to drink
at lunchtime, Qr, you t;att nae
a small freezer gel pack,
Early training results in.
sensible eating; children can,
handle a lot more nutrition
ndeeation, subtle or other
wise,,,, 'than, YOU. Might imag
Falls': on ,tle 13th0 and
returning home later in the
We would like to welcome
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dunn
from Bayfield. Mrs. Mary
Allister and. Mrs, Muriel
Gibson from Hensall, Mrs.
Luella Norris from, Seaforth,
and Misr, Edna Mustard from
Brucefield, These are all new
residents this past week.
Sympathy is expressed te,
the families of Mrs. Ella
McAsh, and Mrs. Mary
lee. Their health sad fond'
attitudes ", ..be reflected:
:. ,.g.
s:hd ren, . make
. ,
start by •worlttng; ,tan those
SChool lotiehes.,
Donna :Henderson, 0f
R.R.5, Seaforth was
named, to the 1979 ,
President's Honor List
at Lambton College,
where she is stuciyirlg
Early Childhood
Education. Donna re-
.turns. to Sarni this.
September for the
second year of the:
• Schneiders' Thuringer
Whole or By the Piece.
32T-(02 711
Russell and Ella Knight,
Meat, & produce ;price
effective until Sat.,`
September 1,197'9
Tide, laundry.
Campbells .
1,0-'0... tins
PA LL 1979
The following courses are being offered this Fall semester. Students
are already enrolling. To ensure yourself a, place in the course of
your choice, please telephone 482-3458 Monday to Friday from 9:00,
a«tri. to 4:00 p.m, and Monday and Tuesday from 6:30 p.m, to 9:30
p rn. or visit our campus at Vanastra Road, Clinton, Ontario.
Horne Study [Mathematics and English)
Office Practice
Basic Bookkeeping;
Advanced Bookkeeping
Dolt Yourself Plurribing;
00 If Yourself Carpentry
Bartending Techniques
Driver Training
A Systematic Approach to Patient Care Planning
Psychiatric Nursing for Registered Nutting Assistants
basic Cardiopulhtionary Resuscitation
Dirtrensionall Metrology
Tools, Jigs and Fixtures $33.00
Betty Crocker Super Moist
Asst,. Flavours
Betty Crocker Asst. Flavours
Picnic Pink dr White
LEMONADE 2'/ tins
v Carnivoi' •
\.,a;Fftc.N.•Cft FRIES
Frenchs Squeeze
Toiletgowl C`rystal's
Hot Dag `or• Hamburg
1kaspberrl •
MON. TUES. WI D.9.6 P.M.
& PRI. 9-9 PM.T
DAY 94 P.Nii.