HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-30, Page 24A1(1111.
Singe 1860, Serving the COMM -104 Firg
Nblished at SFAEORTH,ONTARIO every Ttotrs4ornOrning
ANDREW Y. MeLEAN, Publisher
ALICE GI130, News Editor
Member Canadian Community Newspaper Assotiaton
Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associaton
and Attdit Bureau of Circulation
Subscriptiori Rates:
Icanada fin advance) S 0.00 a Year
Qut4i4e Canada fin advance) $25.00 a Yea•r
Second Class Mail Registration Number Oh96
Telephone 527-949,
Probkm$ here too
Small town living has its advantages when looking at.the process of
socialization in this community of 5,000 -plus citizens.
. We tend to look favorably on the advantages of the slow pace, less
hectic life-style, leaning away from associating our town with problems
more prevalent in larger, more sophisticated surroundings such as
Toronto, or even London.
However, as a recent Journal -Argus story revealed, the problems
apparent in larger communities, are also prevalent right here. in St,
Marys, • • . •
Social worker Brian ,Hodgins told our reporter of cases involving
alcoholism, drug abuse and a fast -rising problem, marital disputes.
St. Marys, believe it or not, is no different than the larger
comMunities., Marital problems here reflect the national trend in our
:'`lazy hamlet". He said 45 percent of all, cases dealt with over the past
Year involved marital problems, while 20percent involved some form
of anxiety and were categorized "Supportive" and 10 per cent were
alcohol related.
The national average sees two of every five marriages ending up in
courts and divorce is the end result, •
• One statistic we were glad to see, was the alcohol related incidents
were apparently lower than average. We should thank our own social
worker along with the local branch of Alcoholics' Anonymous for
lending to the low figures of alcoholism and its effect on society in St.
In the big city, people try to blame the fast living, slumping Moral
attitudes and other deviations of the norm associated with megalopolis
existence. If that's their excuse, what is. it in St. Marys?
(From the St. Marys Journal -Argus)
We .d. pay more
Ontario Place, on the Toronto waterfront opposite Exhibition Park,
has proved to be a very interesting and attractive spot, providing a
wide range of activities for all ages. Of course the fact that it is located
right within the City of Toronto means that a very high percentage of
its paying customers are Toronto people.
It seems that Ontario Place is losing money. . .a million dollars this
,year and three time that in previous years. An increase of 50 cents per
head would put the centre in a break-even position, but Larry
Grossman, the Ontario cabinet minister who oversees Ontario Place
policy doesn't want to increase the admission fee because the place is
so popular.
Ontario Place losses are borne by Ontario taxpayers generally. It
could be safely assumed that the people outside of Toronto would
gladly pay 50 cents more to get in on those comparatively rare
occasions when they have a chance to get there, provided they didn't
have to foot the bill for huge IOSSeS.
Governments are strange:organizationS indeed. There has been no
audible argument about millions of dollars lost at Ontario Place, but all
hell breaks loose when the hospitals of the province try to keep their
active treatment beds.
(Wingham Advance -Times)
In the years agone
• • "'I:.
BACK IN 1897—The children at S.S. #6 Tuckersmith• had been out
picking flowers before their photo was taken on this Spring ('?) day, The
photo has been loaned to the Expositor by reader John E. Turner of R.R.
4, Seaforth • Those in the photo, as identified in 1921, were, front, left
Edna Turner, Ila Townsend, Florence Hugill, Jessie Robb, Almej•Crich,
Jessie Landsboroddh, Clinton McDougall, Rbt. Carnochan,next row:
Wes Coleman, Percy Crich, Francis Coleman, Jonathon Hugill, Melvin
Crich, Stewart Broadfoot, Jim Carnochan, Les Crich; next row -Ella
Robb, Bertha Robb, Bessie Broadfoot, Laura Routledge; Fletcher
Townsend, Jack Coleman, Arthur Routledge, Roy Routledge, Rbt
Henderson, Sam Carnochan, Ernie Crich, back row: Flossie Townsend,
Nin Robb, Annie Carnochan, Ella Carnochan, Agnes Broadfoot, Bill
Coleman, Aggie Routledge, W.C. LandsboroUgh, Bella AitChison, Allie
Martin, Tina Tdwrisend, Qunc Ashton, C. lam Carnochan and in behind,
_George N. _Turner of Tuckerimith• with his son Harold.
Mediate fire
Our politicians have developed a new
word game. It is as yet unnamed, and 1
suggest a name that resembles another
well known word game. I suggest we call it
The game is played with zest and vigor,
and the ground rules seem to change
wherever it is played. But it remains a
protracted and costly game where the
principal players never seem to lose.
The big boys have long been playing it
around freight rates and grain transport-
ation. The Crowsoest Pass Agreement has
been the ground rule in this game. This
games is not yeti ended, but we all know •
that the real loser is the Prairie Farmer.
An interesting game has .begun over
control of energy resources. The BNA Act
provides the ground rules. The pnncipal
players are our Premiers and Prime
Ivtinisters, and the real loser could well be
all Canadians.
The game has finally caught tire locally,
It has been a hot item in the Expositor
these past two weeks. The ground rules
here are in the old FAB Agreement We all
know who the principal players are and we
all know that the real loser could well be
Boy save in 1879
AUGUST 29, 1879
Messrs. Charles, John and Alexander
Wilson, Malcolm Munro and A.W, Bleat-,
dale are representing Seaforth at the annual
rifle tournament being held in Toronto; •
- Farmers in this vicinity are now busy
getting in their fall wheat. A very large
amount has been sown this season.
Fall pears were sold in town for .75c per
While practising on the Seaforth rifle
range a few days ago Alex Wilson made 34
•points out of a possible 35. This is pretty
good shooting. . •
James Lennon of the Huron Road and who
• has good trOps t owed a field of fall wheat on
the 7th of August.
Arnim liked a horse and buggy from Thos.
. Nicholson livery to go to Belgrave and on
Thursday afternoon Mr. Nicholson received
• O. telegram from Winghaim that hit horse was
there and badly abused. '•
A number of boys were amusing them-
aelves in a wheatbin in the grain warehouse
of Mrs. Beattie when a young lad, about 8
years old, iOn of Rev. A. McDonald, nearly
lost hit life. While he WO in the bin the
• spout opened and as the grain began to
decend the boy was slacked in towards the
*Intel mouth and in it few minute* 'nearly
Covered. A companion gMbbed his hand ind
pulled film to safety. •
AUGUST 28,1904
Messet. Reit and Dieeitert have cold'
pitted sawing the hunbet In wm, tiunontt
bush- in Stanley and we -Understand they
have it All told.
The energetic threithing company at
CMselhurst art doing a rushing business
under the able Management of Matt Clark.
Dr. Width") • at Bayfitild it pushing
feinoietd the *fork on his new teeidotten*ntt
will.*** be ready for occupy
• Owing to the increase in •business and
revenue at the St. Columban post office,
money Orders will be 'issued and cashed
starting September 1st.
The heaviest rain in a long time fell at
Farquhar last Friday night. In the morning
the fields were covered with lakes of water
,and some sheaves even took to swimming,
Over 30 tickets were sold from lienSall for
the excursion to Manitoba.
T.E. Hay hat been appointed agent for the.
Farmers Weather Insurance Company.
James Robb has purchased a building lot
from Mrs. Rtidolph on John Street and
intends erecting a nice residence in the near
Harry Edge bas had several offers for the
purchase of the handsome new residence
which he is erecting tin John Street
The brick work for the new residence
being eteeted for the Messrs. Mulholland in
'Hitipurhey is nearly completed.
Wm. Hugill of Constance hat purchased a
Planer .and put it in his shop,
AUGUST 30,1929
Miss Dorotliy Dr g r, Walton haS re
Aimed her position in N.C. Bennett's store
after having art attack of tonsilitis.
W.COle of Chiselhurst has disposed of his
Store to W. Fairbairn who has lived all his
fife there.
C.Ftitz Of Zurich has a Wither Of men
working on the excavating of a portion of the
'area under his shoe store.
Farmers in the vicinity of Zurich have
started harvesting the bean crop. Although
the yield will not eOtTle up to average the
40*Jity .is excellent.
Messrs. OWen Geiger and son have a
large number of Indians and their families
from different parts engaged in flats pulling.
A.B. Farmer of McMaster has been
appointed nrincioal for the, Seaferth Col-
legiate Institute.
W.M. Stewart has sold his residence on
Main Street to Wilson Campbell of McKil.
' John Corley who has been on the staff of
the MacTavish store for a year has accepted
a position as traveller for a dresS company• ,
E.R. Crawford, principal of the Seaforth
Public school has purchased the residence of
MISS Crosbie, on Center Street,
Miss Margaret Grieve has been engaged
as teacher in the Egniondville school for the
coming year.
Miss Jean Cluff has accepted a position in
one of the Woodstock scheols,
Mr, and Mrs. Emile ls..acovics are home
following their recent wedding. The bride is
the former Rebecca Shinen, .daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, SaM Shinen, Seaforth,
Mrs. Geo, Wheatly of Winthrop was
hostess at i trouseau tea in honour of her
daughter Jean, a recent bride,
Joint services which have been held
• during the summer months by NOrthSide
United Chu th and ,First Presbyter; n
church here, concluded last Sunday. During
the suninter improvements have been
carried out in First Presbyterian thurth,
including sanding and refinishing the fIckirs
and the installation of carpets,
Leslie Habkirk of town, son of Mr. end
Mrs. Scott Habkirk has accepted a position
in the Toronto school area at Creemort.fi
has just completed a teachers course.
Mr, Lester McSpadden of Winthrop was
in charge of services in Cavan Oath,
Witithrep, ••
C. J. Walden and Clifford Broadfoot 1,;111 .
Operate the new enterprise of the Graham oil
service station' in Staforthi,
NVe'll all miss Clive
Seaforth is certainly • going to miss Clive
Buist, Clive came to Seaforth when a
Recreation Directer was considered a
"Inicury, torricope, ,the town eouldn'•t
In the six' years lie has been here he has
the: Seaforth taxpayer. •.
.We cannot afford it, but it will continue if
t4v, the taxpayers, do not register our
disapproval, 1 urge our interested citizens
AO express their opinions, and. I would like
-.!ito suggest a new avenue mediation with
,an arbitrator from the Ministry of local
government. Respectfully yours,
K. Rodney,
Gordon G. McKenzie
• proved what an interested, willing •and
.dedicated director can accomplish
He accepted many tasks and reponsib-
ilities referred to him that were not.
necessarily his responsibility as a directOii
but never once said "1t not•job' , heard
so frequently today in the work ferce.
Instead he always responded "No prob-
He guided, enceuraged and worked with
the community and the recreation programs
enlarged., More balls - were needed and
obtained Arena time got tcarce.
He certainly must have enjoyed his work
and people to have managed to work with
the young and old and still hold the respect
of every one.
1 would like to wish Clive and his wife
Susan and children well in Fergus. I'm sure
-Fergus will not regret choosing him out of
185 applications.
In order for the people of Seaforth and the
surrounding municipalities to show how
much we have appreciated him. - How about
a "Clive 13uist" night! Betty Catlin°
• •
• •
• . •
1 de to Dief the Chief•
• •
• • • • • . • • •• • • • • •
From the city of Prince Albert came a great
Canadian man,
He was born upon the Prairies, 'way out in
He was shrewd and idealistic, with a sense
of purpose. strong, •
Mr. Sohn 0. Diefenbaker, will be remem-
bered hang! •
Through the many controversies in .. his
prominent career,
He had a great ambition, and a startling lack
of fear:
He used his wit and humour, both in victory
and defeat,
And his devastating mimicry, just never
could be heat!
In using innuendoes, he had great ability,
Which he practised to advantage at each
Opportunity: '
And many a funny story, on himself he
would relate, •'
Or aimed it at opponents 'Who he wanted to
He had: a sense Ofjustice--human rights and
And he strove for social reforms that would
help his country: , • ,
With his skill in Speech and drama, this
great tempermental man,
Chain letters
Could devastate opponents, as few other
people. can!
Though political ambition, often only failure
And, it seemed that disappointment met
him, everywhere he turned,
He, undaunted by the rebuffs, with
determination strong,
Became Canada's Prime Minister (what he'd
strivenfor so longl"
Nearly 40 years Hi Parliament, his constant
In the House of Commons' issues, brought
forth jeersor adulation:
This intelligent Canadian, whether he was
right, or wrong, •
Was respected by his fellows and admired
by the throng!
He was loved, or he was hated, as he went
his merry way,
But, in defeat or victory, it would be trtieto
That he ne'er postponed or faltered, as he
answered diity't call
This distingnished politician was most
prominent' Irian of all!
This man, unique in many ways, it's very
plain to see,
Had many special' attributes, not given to
you or me.
In future, we will miss his wit in what he had
to say -
He was like a , tragic actor in an old
Shakespearian play!
And so, a chapter closes on a man we all
And John G. Diefenbaker'S great political
peace he will be buried, but forevermore,
his name ' • '
We'll remember with affection, for his
wisdom and his famel
Through countless contests through the
years, he fought a valiant fight
And never in the struggle, have his foes e'er
stayed his might
Though great were his opponents, and his
chances oft were slim,
He now has claimed' the right to be a
heavenly Pilgrim!
Glory, glory halleluliah, Glory, glory hallel-
uliah, •
• Glory, glory halleluliah,•
His soul is marching on!
(Sept.' 18-1896)
(Aug. 16-1979)
Evelyn A. Brown, August 20, 1979
When We discuss safety, most often there
is concern for one's physical, self such as
preventing injury tO the body. This week
would like to pass on some infOrniation
which may keep your wallet or purse safe
from becoming empty through an unlawful
financial venture which may sound good at
the time. "
Presently, the Ontario Provincial Police
Anti-Gatnbling Squad is conducting an
investigation into a Chain letter circulating in
the Province of Ontario. The purchaser of
one of these letters is led to believe that by
investing One Hundred dollars (S100.00) he
Or she can reap a return of S204,800,00'.
This scheme is unlawful and any person
with knoWledge of the letter or participating ,
in it, is requested to contact their nearest
O.P.P. Detachment and leave their name,
address and phone number, and you will be
contacted by an O.P.P. member.
Please rethetriber that your Pollee force is
an extension of you and we can only enforce
your laws as well as eitizens help the Police.
A small bit of infortnation may lead to the
solving of many Crimes and it is your
repsOnsibility and ditty to seitist in this way.
Be sok - report a crittie. All information
always' be treated, with the highest
xpositor asks:
What do you think of chain letters?
Pssstl Hey mister. Wanna buy a chain
letter? That question has been circulating
around a lot of cities lately and has' now
readied the Seaforth area. The chain is one
in which the letter is purchased for SS0 and
then the buyer's name goes at the bottom
cf a list of other buyers, The buyer then has
to send another S50 to the name at the top
of the list, He then sells the list to two other
people for SSO each and if the chain is not
broken the buyer, according to the chain
letter, should received $204,800 through
the mail within 12 days.
This particular letter has started quite a
controversy among lawycrs,policemen and
even people net ino the legal profession,
over the legality of the chain. With that
thought in Mind, ExpOsitor Asks this week
dedded to find out what people in the
Seaforth area thought of ehain lettert.
Mrs. Julia Acheson of 62 Colenian St, hi
Seaforth said, "I think it's erazy,"
She said years age she used to get thent
•and threw them in the garbage. "1 think
IN a waste of time." she said.
Helen Byers of 83 Chalk St. N. in
Seaforth said, ."Well, I don't ge for it
mytelf. 1 think it's a lot of baloney. 1 'think
"it's just a hoax." She said she thought
that because she had answered a couple of
other types of chain letters ante and didn't
get any answert. • ,1
Delores O'Dwyer of 19 Coleman :St tif
Seaforth , said, "I've heard about that
before.," Although she hadn't seen this
particular letter she said she had received
a chain letter one time and just toteit up
and throw it in the garbage.
''.Arlene Van Den Akker of 77 Centre St itt
Seaforth said she hadn't see* this
particular chain letter but said if she had
She Wouldn't have Ourehated it "1-' think
there are better ways of spending trieney;" •
she said.
Mrs, Glad Reith of 18., Church St In
Seiferth said she had heard *Mit the
letter but, "1 have no time for them it
would have nothing at all to de with Ott*. 1
bdieve itt them," 1ihe
' Montinued on 11131