HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-09, Page 195 roils INDOOR.OUTDOOR
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HIT Y'ALL—Rita Vonionci right, of Dunwoody, Georgia, is staying with
Brenda Dowson, left, while on a Lion's Club exchange to Canada. Miss,
Vonland r will return to Georgia Saturday after three weeks 1Fr Canada,
"1 like it, )(all"
Georgia girl
visits Varna
"It's nice, I like it, said Rita Vonland,
about Canada after her first two weeks in
' the country.
Rita, 18, is visiting .from Georgia on a
Lion's Club exchange. She is enjoying the
weather which is "nice and cool" to her,'
but the water at Lake Huron, which is now
warm by our standards, feels cold, Miss
Vonland also enjoys the way people talk:
She noticed that we end our sentences with
, "eh?" say "likely" instead of "probably"
and •"youse guys" instead of -tail."
• Canadians tease Miss Vonland about her
use of the word "Y'all" and about coming
from Jimmy Carter's home state.
• Since she is staying on the farm of
William Dowson near Varna, with Brenda
and Bonnie Dowson, the 'major differences
• she notices arc those between the farm and
• the city. Miss Vonland lives in the city of
Dunwoody in Georgia, •She enjoyed. Tor-
onto and its shopping centers and bad the
• opportunity there of riding a streetcar, and
a subviay, neither of which she had done
before. •
The group of 61 young people on Lions
exchange visits to Canada, from all over the ,
world that Miss Vonland was part of met at
St. Mary's on July 22, where they camped
for eight days, taking side trips to Niagara
Falls, Seaford', Clinton, and Goderich. In
Gtxlerich they visited the salt mine and jail,
and rode a tug boat. Each exchange person
was then taken home by a Lion's Club host
• family..
Both Miss Vonland and Brenda, Dowson
hope to go overseas next year on a similar
exchange program. Miss Dowson spent
• three weeks in Texas this summer as part
of the program.
A snowmobile was a new sight for Miss
Vonland, as in Georgia, when they get an
inch of snow they close the schools. it
starts to warm up in February there.
There is no grade thirteen in Georgia,
• and most students attend college. Summer
• jobs are a little easier to get but Miss
Vonland mentioned that ?there is no
chicken catching." Most high school
students from Georgia got to Florida in the
_spring break and Miss Vonland said "it's
"just like a big party."
Our soil, which we take, for 'granted,. is
interesting_ to Miss Vonland who is
accustomed: to "Georgia•Red Clay."
While- staying with the Dowsons Miss
Vonland has been attending ball games
and beach parties and has travelled to
Collingwood where they tried out "The
• Great Slide Ride.'": Miss Vonland said that
she is glad she came to Canada.' • .
Y'all come back now, eh?.
MILS. BEirauk
The 49th annual Thomson
reunion was held on Sunday
at the lovely new 'home of
Bert and Audrey Vorsten-
ibnoch• and family Mitchell.
'Ontario, with an attendance
of 60. Everyone enjoyed a
smorgasbord dinner On the
patio while the young
NOW, LET ME SEE -- Looking over the
merchandise at the, garage sale in Varna on the
weekend is Tracey Proctor of Waterloo, Tracey
was visiting her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs.
Mervin Johnson. • • (Expositor Photo)
Crowd at. Bedard
Sch 1'0e er reception
A large. number of rela-
• tives, friends and neighbours
attended the wedding recept-
ion in the Hensall Recreation
Centre on Saturday evening
in • honour of 'Kenneth
• Schroeder and Denise Bed-
ard who were married oit.
Saturday at 2 p.m. in St.,
Boniface Church, Zurich.
Kenneth is the youngest son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schroed-
er, Zurich and Denise is the
eldest daughter of/Mr. and'
Mrs. Peter Bedard ;• Hensall,
Dancing was enjoyed to
music by Mozart and his
ewfoundland cou le in
Mr. and Mrs, 'William
Shaddick • and family of
Kitchener were weekend
visitors with the former's
mother Mrs. Pearl Shaddick.
Miss Carla Dalton of.Wal-
ton: spent the weekend with
her cousin Miss Lorie Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Luther
of St. John's Newfoundland
visited last week with the
former's brothera nd sister-
• in-law Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Mr.' and Mrs. Elmer
Campbell and family of Tor-
onto were vlekend visitOrs
with the former's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Perc Camp-
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
.Adams, Exeter and Mrs.
Blanche Chapman of London
were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mit. Jack Corbett.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Luther
of St,. John's Newfoundland
visited this week with the
former's sister: and brother-.
in-law Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Slade and Glenn.
Mi. and Mrs. Harry Hoy
spent the weekend holiday
at • their cottage at Pte.
Mrs. Don Luther and fam-
ily of St John's Newfound-
land visited this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther.
Rev. Kenneth Knight con-
ducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sun-
• da y speaking on the subject
','From Admonition— to
Encouragement" taken from
Corinthians Chapter 10 verse
13. Miss Dianne Verlinde
played selections on her
accordian. Worship will be
conducted next Sunday Aug-
ust 12th at 11:30 a.m. when
Rev. Dr. Hugh Davidson,
Listowel will be guest mini-
ster. Sunday, August 19 Rev.
A.C. Young of Goderich will
conduct the service at 11:30
a.m.• 'Everyone is welcnine to
• the service.
The bridal couple Kenneth
and Denise Schroeder visited
residents at the Queensway
Nursing . Home following
their wedding dinner on Sat.'
inday evening. The bride is
an employee of the home.
The church service last week
,was co:inducted by Rev. K.
Knight accompanied by Mrs.
Malcom Dougall on the
piano. The Christian. Re-
formed Ladies took residents
for a drive to Exeter Park on
Monday. Visitors with Ellen
• Kendrick were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Smith;
• Visitors with Vera Linunie
were Hazel Snell, Da and
Chester Dunn, Ivan Ridley.:
Visitors with Louise Mitchell
were Hazel Snell, Mr. and
Mrs. Parker. Mrs. Dave
70 Wart. St.
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Melody Makers. The couple
will take up residence. in
Kevin Parker visited last
'weekwith his cousin Rod
Parker at Sugar Bush Camp,
Miss Marina Ladage of
Verdon, Illinois spent a few
days with'Marilyn Pepper
and her family, Mr. and. Mrs.
Cecil Pepper, Joanne and
Laurie, as an exchange
student in 4-H. While in
• Mensal!, she saw Niagara
Falls and places around this
area. •
Bishop and Mr.. and Mrs.
Funnell visited Irene Kalb-
fleisch. Sim and Mary Roobal.
Helen Klenike and daughter
Jean, Jim Lewis visited
Nelson Loghrin. Visiting with
Russell Erratt were Pere &
Clara Johnston, Phyllis &
Don Campbell, Lee & Anna
McConnell and his wife Pearl)
Bill, Helen & Mark Taylor,
Sim & Mary Roobal, Prank
and Mable McClinchey,
Mable Kyle. Highest Bowl-
ing, scores: ladies - Aleida
• Kats, 78; Men - Neil Regan
166. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Flynn, Lorie and Susan spent
• the weekend at Pinhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray
Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Corbett spent the weekend at
the former's cottage in the
• Haliburton region. ••
More Varna
newion page 7
weep preferred to sit outside
in the Sun and under the
trees, The group's thanks, go,
to Audrey and :Bert for an
ideal place for a picnic.
A short business meeting
was held with the President
Cecil Pepper presiding and
welcoming all present. A
minutes silence was bed in
memory of the late Samuel
Thomson who died in the
Past year also the former
Members gone 'before. Let.
ters of greetings were read 10,
the Thomson cnurns_ from
Eleanor Fischer and Hazel
Chance and ,from, John
Thomson in Arizona.
Eleanor Thomson read the
report of 1978 meeting as the
secretary and her assistant.
Mary and Beatrice Thomson
were on holidays in Jamaica.
The 1980 picnic will be held '
at the home of Ken and Pat
Britton* Dubftn,, The
executive will be as fOHOWS:
President Gwen O'Rourke;
Vice -President: Ke rt Britton;
SecretarrTreaSuren iloYee
Pepper; Sports Committee*
Pat and Linda DeJong, Doug
and Patricia Stanlake; Lunch
Committee: Lorne and Elaine
Schneider, and Ken and Pat
The sports then
commenced: Winners were
With Miss MacDonald12 Britton, Stephen Foster. 9 to
1 •
• • • Vorstertbnoch, Bruce. Thom-
NewTaiwan V I rs
Yottngeati 141•1/ Present;
1Patrkk Gordon son of Pat
and Linda Peon 2 meethir
ohl. Person with moat but,
tons on clothing: Oak
Schneider; Birthday cleaeat,
to picnic; Xaffirrenee
Schneider. OdePaing number
of !maul in: jar: Hannah'
Milkr; Mystery spot c'n
lawn: Ale; MOW.
Races Tor S. & Vrakt*.
Stephen Pullman; AM"
Britton, 0 to 8: yr.; Janet
Visitors, last Wednesday
Gail from Wakaw,
Mrs. Alice Hoscheit also of
Wakaw, Sisk, Mr, and Mrs,
Les Messeros of Regina,
and Mrs. Phyllis Hughesof
Lower Montague. During
their stay there, they were
joined by two sisters who live
and r
atea news
with Miss Flora MacDonald,
who resides with Mrs.
Rachael Schwalm, • were
Grace Tsai of Taiwan and
Sophia and Albert Lin of
Willowdale. Miss Mac-
Donald'slate- sister, Miss
Hazel MacDonald was pre-
viously a missionary in
Taiwan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray.
mond Dyk of Goderich and
their • daughte Miss.
Catriona Dyk of oodstock
also visited on th same...day,
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal
spent Thursday in Ridgetown
and dined with Anthony
• Gelderland and Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Gelderland while
The service at Hensel!
United Church. on Sunday,
August 5 was cbnducted by
Rev. • Stan: C. McDonald
• with Miss Karen: McAllister
at the piano. Further music
was provided by Mrs. Eric
Luther and Mrs. Cliff Britton
accompanied by Eric Luther
who sang two duets, during
the service. The children's
talk was about "At -a -boy,
God". God is always present
even in the storms of life.
• For • his • sermon, Rev.
McDonald gave a message
• on "Be yourself'. Many
people go through the same
stages as the "Prodigal Son"
- self-will, self rejection, self
surrender and reconciliation
or self love. God forgives by
• love and reconciles by grace;
He accepts us as we are.
• Mrs. Sam Oesch, who has
been a Patient in Victoria
Hospital, London, has re-
turned to her home.
Relatives from the West
who visited ,with Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Oesch during last
week were Mrs. Edna Nick-
olson of Delie, Alberta, Mrs,.
• Ada Messeros and daughter
Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Schmidt and Clarence of
Prudhorrime, • Sask. and
Leonard Schmidt from
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith
have returned from- a happy
holiday in Prince. Edward
Island, visiting • with: ' the
latter's mother and her two
sisters Miss Francis Cowan
In the States and their
• daughter's family, Mr. and
Mrs. John McGuire and
children of Erin,
The Hensall Peewees
played their regular game
last week, against Hibbert,
scoring a victory, 20-10. On
Tuesday, August 7, they will'
be • playing their last regular
game of this season.
son. Girls' race 12 and up.
Pam oster, o-ann Pepper.
Nail hammering Women:
Pearl Preistap, Men Nail
Hammering; Ken Britton.
Life saver relay; Vince
Priestap's Team. Tooth in
jar: Ted Foster's Team,
Fill the bottle with water;
Ted Foster's team. A peanut
sportss aandle w conecnI juodyeedd b y the
the 1 ittleones.
• Misses Mary and Beatrice
Thomsonreturned home
after attending the wedding
,of the former's girl friend
Annette Harry who attended
Western , University with
Mary. Annette and Phil
lsber, ' Sarnia were married
Saturday in Monteville,
Jamaica, the home of the
brde's family, and are
holidaying in .Jamaica prior
to taking up residence in St.
Catharines, Ontario. Sixteen
guesta-from Canada attended
the wedding.
• .
• t
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