HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-09, Page 18TFIE HURON. ,EXP9SITC)Fk* AUGUST9, 1979
20 Auction Sales 20 Auction Sales
• Auction '..Sole
Sows, weaner pigs, truck, trailer, tractor. Case Vni
'wader, farm machinery etc. to be held for
at Part .Lot 2Concession 10 Osborne Township 1%
roes west of Woodham, Ont. Woodham is located
just South Of Kirkton, on #23 highway.
SAT. AUG 18 AT 10:30 A.M.
PGS --26 sows, some due sale time, aOrne open,
several with pigs at side 1 to 6 weeks aid with, balance
due up to N.overnber plus 35 Chunks approx. 50 to 60
lbs„, 1,-Hamp breeder boar, 4 farrowing crated, electric
barn fly sprayer, aluminum wheel barrow .
BIKE—Suzuki 100 on road, off road bike , tun 871
kilometers, selling as is.
TilUCK-1968 Ford 500 With nearly new 14 ft. steel
platform and pole holSt, 5 ft. wooden side tacksreal
good rubber selling as is 1968 Ford tab and ch.asis
with 5 speed transmission, tires, no motor selling for
TRAMER—NUHM 16 ft, tandem axle trader Sft wide
platforms side racks, hydraulic brakes.
UNI LOADER—Case 18, 16, 13, Uni Loader just 1 year
TRACTOR—Duetz 6006 diesel tractor with cab external-
hYdraulic outlets new tires, and 18.4-30 dual wheels
selling separate, •
MACHINERY --Triple OK four furrow semi mount
plow with automatic spring, reset bottoms, spring trip
coulters, bottoms adjustable 14" to 18". Kongskilde
tow rowcrop stuffier with rolling stjelds: 2 years old.
Kongskildell ftcultivator with three time extensions
and land levellers. 1 HC 12 fttrail vibra shank.
cultivator with harrowS. 1 HC 3 furrow 14" bottom
mounted plow, New Holland 328 PTO Manure spreader
with double heaters. New Holland 352 mixmill with
variable speed loading auger. New Holland 68 hay
baler, 1 HC 15 run seed tItill. Massy Harris 8 ftwheel
disc. New Idea #310 cone raw corn picker, New Idea 7
• ft: PTO trail hay plower, JM 250 bushel gravity bin- on
George White 7 ton wagim, Allis Chalmers 8'ft. 3 PT
hitch blade, 40 ft, Mayrath hay and grain ,elevitor PTO
drive, Turnco 12 fthydraulic fertilizer auger, Allied 51
ft. 6" portable grain auger PTO drive, 1/2 ton feed
miter with 2 'H12, electric motor, Allis Chalmers 4 bar
PTO drive side rake, cement mixer and electric motor
feed cart,20 ft. 5" Auger with 3/4 hP motor, 12 ft. 3"
auger with motor, quantitv. of steel posts, 3 full size
horse saddles, 2 set of weight scales, AC 2 row corn
planted, old snow thrower* snow fluty snow mobile, 3
PT hitch buzz saw, Quantity of used telephone poles,
quantity of end posts.
STEEL -3,4 ft. x 12 sheets of 3/16 steel, 2-6" heavy
wall pipes. 1-approx. 20 ft. long,l-approx, 10 ft long, 2
• railroad irons, approx. 20 ft long, Quantity of scrap iron,
small quantity of Daco mineral, 2 emerys, plus many
• other items too numerous to Mention
Please plan to attend this interesting. sale.
• TERMS; Cash day of sale, cheque accepted with LD.;
Lunch 'Booth .
RICHARD LOBB 482-78911
For further information phone Dennis Brock at Kirkton
Owner or auctioneer not responsible for 4ccidents
.day of sale. Clip ad for future reference.
, 20-13-1
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••
Auction Sale
• •
. 1.
• •
Of antique tractors, farm machinery, walking plow
• collection, collectors items, etc. to be held at Lot 25,
• Concession 7, Hibbert Township 3% miles south
• and two miles west of Dublin or 3% miles south and
• ,four miles east of Seaforth on
• OFFERING INCLUDES: Allis Chalmers model "U"
• tractor in A-1 shape; Allis Chalmers model "B"
• tractor with loader, two row stuffier, and bean
• puller; high wooden wheel wagon with box and
• spring seat; walking pldw collection includes one
• Yeandle, two. Varity, four Munro -Hogan (three
• •
high -cut competition plows); Perrin one furrow
• riding plow; IHC three furrow trail plow; cast iron
• implement seats; land , roller; antique hay
• hammermill; 100 ft. endless belt; Fleury oat roller;
• set of sleighs; two furrow gang plow; 12 plate, disc;
• Dearing horse mower; 1949 Dodge car as is (rough);
.• '
• ,
• ;
22 Legal Notices
• ,
• • In the Estate ixe
• James Joseph Ducharme
•• All persons having claims
• against the Estate of James
• Joseph Ducharme, late of the
• Township of Hibbert in the
County of Perth, Firmer,
• deceased. who died on the
21st day of June 1979, are
• hereby notified to send in full
20 Auetion Sales 20 Auction Sales
Auction Sale
of two .tractorS 4.nd a complete line of farm
equipment, held for GEORGE WATSON, located .5
mile south of Zurich on
Sale to consist oft
730, Case„ gas, 2200 hrs., c.w. cab, duals, remotes &
power adjust wheels: 16S M,F. diesel, 2500 hrs.,
Imulti, power, remotes, power adjust wheels, fully
loaded; Both in good condition. Massy Ferguson
self-propelled 510.-13" header cionbthe, c.w, 422 4
row corn head (to be sold separately); John Deere
494A 4 row corn, 4 bean planter; New Idea 323 corn
! picker (new); Little Giant 28 foot 8- utility elevator;
George White 8. ton wagon; 180 bu. Tunica gravity
box; J.F. 3 pth. field sprayer c.W. 24' booms;
International 15 run grain & fertilizer drill; 2 row
Maurer bean puller; 200 A.R. Innis 2 row windrower
' w, cross conveyor; Ford 130 3 furrow 14'' high
clearance 3 pth. plow; Sanderum 11' 3 pth.
cultivator; J,D. 12' 3 pth, cultivator; International
' 370 12' wheel disc; 12' Turnco packer; 4 section
diamond harrows; plus a number of household
Fenn sold: No reserve.
ad(velig .00aatei
(519) 527-145s
24 Cards of Thank*
would like to take ihts,
opportunity to ,espreSS MY
sincere thanks: to all AV
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives for their cards. gifts and
best wishes while 1 was a
patient in University Hosp
ital, London. my special
thanks to Mrs, Vissher for
her help at the time of mY
accident and getting me •
admitted into ,Exeter hosp-
ital. Also to Harold and Jim
Parsons and Bob poll for
helping out at homer and to
the Chiselhurst, I.1.C.W. for
their lovely gift of fruit and
card and, Rev. Stan McDon-
ald for his visits to see me in
the hospital, also to all the
doctors and nurses who
cared Nr me in hospital.
Your kindness will never be
forgetten. -,-Harvey Jacobi RIBBON OF FLAME Dry wheat Ingnites
25 In Memoriam
STEELS: In loving memory Ifalfa
of a dear mother and grand: -
mother, Alena Elizabeth who •
passed away Aug. 12, 1961. research
If I wrote a million verses,
It wouldn't be a start,
To tell the world about you, • ' it_
And what is in our hearts
I never asked for miracles, I
hi hi nt
But today just one would do, ; g
} . To see the front door (men,
Auction Sale
to be held an the premises Lot 24, Con, 4, McKillop
° ToWnship, 21/2 miles north of Seaforth, 4 mile east
for Archie Smith, R. R, #5, Seafotth.
Ilufield diesel tractor, ferguson tractor both in
good condition, manure loader, 2 -furrow Case plow,
spring tooth cultivator to fit Ferg. 10 Int. cultivator,
3 JD. trail plow, MH manure spreader (new apron
chains), Fleury Bissell double disks, , stiff tooth
scuffler, 1B. 8 ft. packer,•1 Mil tractor plow, Int.
siderake, 2 row AC bean puller, rubber tired wagon,
new tractor chains to fit ' Nufleld, rubber tired
wheelbarrow, 2 wheeled trailer, 2 garden tractors,
aluminum ladders (36) (24), 2 block and tackles.
BLACKSMITH EQUIPMENT—large • anvil, power
forge, hand forge, large assortment tongs,
hammers, dollie, vice, work bench, power drill, taps
• & dyes, power emery, chisels, bits, large assortment
wrenches,- sledge harnmers, cant hook, broad axe,
Stanley mitre box bench saw, '/ H motor, belt
sander, wood shaper with knives, pipe vice, skill
,.saw, jig saw, gas lantern, vibrator sanFler, 7 ft.
Cockshuti tractor mower.
SPECIAL ITEM—Heavy duty trail type 1 -furrow..
bush & braker plow, (excellent cond.), chain
saws -Pioneer 1074 saw, Pioneer P40 saw, Reming-
ton elect. chain saw, partial listing, many other
ACCIDENTS: Neither the owner nor the auctioneer
will be resporisible ,for accidents or property iloss.
1-• •
And see my Mom walk
through. • '
--Always will be loved and
missed by • her daughter
Mary Helen, Bob and grand-
son Shawn. 25-13-1
26 Personal
Mr. and Mrs;William Smith,
• R.R. 5, Seaforth, are pleased
to announce, the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter
Linda Diane to John Gary
Morrison, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Murdock Monison of
Varna. The weddingwill take
place on Saturday, August
" 25, 1979 at 630 p.m. in First
Baptist Church, Clinton,
Ontario. 26-13x1
• turnip seeder, horse scuffter; cutting box; Peter particulars of their claims to
• Hamilton seeder; harrow cart; sash maker and
tennon machine; 16 ft. steel gate; sugar kettle;
• woven wire stretcher; 200 ftcable; feed mixer; used
00 aluminum roofing; iron posts; Buzz saw; 10 in. x 10
• in. timber,' 18 ft; fanning mill; three wooden
• washing machines; hand horse and sheep clipper;
• some antique ear partS; cistern pumps; wooden
• the undersigned on or before
• the 16th day of August, 1979
• ,
after which date the assets
• will be distributed having
•• regard only to claims then
• received,
• Dated at Seaforth Ontario
this/23rd day of July, 1970.
Solicitors Nr the executors.
24 Cards of Thanks
1 would like to' thank rny
relatives, friends and neigh-
bours for their kindness, for
cards, gifts and visits. Spec-
ial thanks to Drs. Uriderwooct,
Rodney and Malkus, also
thanks to. he nurses at the
hospital 1 won't forget it,
—Julie Acheson 24-13x1
Many thanks to my fantily,
relatives and friends for your
prayers, cards, flowers and
visits while I was a patient in
Seaforth hospital, •ls�
thanks te Dr. Malkus, 1Dr.
e Whitman, nurses and staff,
• pump; grain cradle; steel stoee boat; set of di oui•ble
• harness; horse collars, harness parts int udng
• a large assortment of bits; chime bells; Shafts and •
• totigueS• blacksmith anvil; barn jaels; Stewart •
• electric horse and sheep clipper; scrap iron;
Victrola, Quebec heater; small Wingham;cOok stove; •
• cabbage cutter; used lumber; coal oil cans; horse "44'
41 power knuckle; wedges; 'mangle slicer; buggy •
• wheels; cant hook; wooden ladder; and other items, ,00_
• ,„ .
• note; ms is an interesting auction with many items
• not listed as this is a century farm 'without
• sale Plan to attend.
• JOE HASTINGS, Proprietor
• _., G GETHEE, Auctioneer •
• Not respon'sible for accidents day of sale.
• • 20-13-1
• $
Father Laragh, Father
THE HEART McQuaid, Mary McIver and
FUND these in the apartments who
were so good to the before
and after my return home.
All greatly appreciated.
-1,111le Murray 24-13x1
•24 Cards of Thanks.
We wish to thank our :sOn
Robert and his wife Nancy
and our daughter Sheila and
her husband Roy Taylor for
putting on a party at ,the
Legion to help Vs celebrate
our 25th wedding anniver-
sary. Also thanks to our,
friends, neighbours and rela;
tives for attending and for
the beautiful cards and gifts.
Thinks to the. Legion and
Ladies AUx., and the Tee '
Keys, the band. All was,
aPpreciated. —Ken & Betty
Hiusser 24-13x1
. ' •
We, the family of the late
ICeith Sharp, wish to convey
our sincere thanks to the
many relatives, neighbours,
friends and associates for
Sympathy shown us through
cards, prayers, floral tributes
and memorial donations
during our . recent
bereavement Special thanks
to Whitney-Ribey Funeral
Home, Revl T.A.A. Duke,
and Kirk Session,
pallbearers, honorary
pall eaters,
Seaforth Dashwood band,
the Legion and Masonic
ledge. We appreciate so
Muth the thoughfulness of
thote who brought food to
the house and offered help inINVITATIONS
any way, and thank the
ladies of First Church and
the Rebekah Lodge who
served the lunch at the
ChUrch, All these many acts (thP Aurati*Atxpositor
of kindness have deeply
touched us and will never be
27 Births
BROWN: To Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. G, H. Brown, Guelph,
on Sunday, July 29, 1979, a
girl, Karen Emma. Grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Brown, Jarvis St, Seaforth
and Mr. and Mrs. Heinz
Meihofener. London. 27-13-1
Joseph's Hospital, London
on August 3rd to Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Devereaux, the
gift of a daughter, Katherine
Lindsay. 27-13x1
FRANION: Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Franken are pleased to
announce the safe arrival of
their daughter at Clinton
Public Hospital on July 27. A
grandchild for Mrs. Emma
Franken and Mrs. and Mrs.
Gordon 1:1eJorig. 27-13-1
IVIeDONALD: Rick and Jo-
Ann are pleased to annouce
the arrival of Lee Ann Marie,
on July 18th at Stratford
General Hospital, (7 lbs., I
oz.), Proud grandparents are
' Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald
2, Blyth, and Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Clarke, Mitchell.
WADDELL: To Mr. and Mrs.
James Waddell, R.R. 3,
Staffa, at Seaforth CoMmun-
ity Hospital on August 1, a
son. • 27-13x1
Farm Stock For Sale
17 pigs for sale, Bill Murphy,
345-2976 8-13-1
12 Wanted To Buy
f,Wanted to Buy 15 tons of
mixed grain Bill Murphy.
345-2976. 12-13-1
An Expositor Classified
will pay you dividends. Have
you tried one? Dial 527-0240
• At the recent alfalfa meet-
ing, Guelph Professor Bob
Fulkerson, brought out sev
eral points in regard to
alfalfa management. Potash
is vital to maintain a stand
and to produce yield. Often,
it's applied too late. Ideally,
it should be spread by mid
August so that it has a
chance to be taken up by the
plant before the fall rest
It could take 500 to 600 lbs
of actual potash to replace,.
the potash taken out in a
normal crOp year. The soil
can replenish at least one
haff of this amount. The rest
must come from commercial
fertilizer. Clay soils naturally •
s, 6
produce more potash each
year than lighter soils.
At Guelph, a good top is
a most important factor in ,
winter survival. Soil temp-
erature is warmer around a
plant with a good top. Top
growth Also provides a chan
nel for the escape of toxic
gases which accumulate tin-
der the snow. However, it's
wrong for us to expect a
stand to last forever. We
should be ready to plow after
we've taken one cutting in
the seedling year and three
cuttings in each of the next
three years.
Fulkerson would buy un-
coated seed, if he had the
choice. His reason was simp- „
easily in a strip of the Whyte farm.
(Expositor Photo)
• WHEAT FIELD FIRE -- Driver attempts to stall the fire in the field north .
of Seaforth owndszl by Bill Whyte, The c0111b, e helped by cutting down the
ary stalks that facilitated the spreading of the flames. '
• (xpo or 8 sit Photo)
. •
- •
ly economics. The coating
didn't seem to have much
value and coated seed was
more costly. It would have
taken 14 lbs. of coated seed
per acre to equal the 10 lbs.
of uncoated seed that John
Vander Eyk Used on his field.
The rate of seed to use
might vary from farm to'
farm. Heavier seeding rates
Were needed on heavy soils,
like the Haldimand clay near
Cayuga. There Was no need
to go to heavy seeding rates
if one. could get stands with
lower rates. It is much easier
to get good seedling stands if
the soils have been built up
because of fertilizer applied
previously on a corn crop.
The Guelph Professor ad
mined that he wasn't:wasn't:too
keen on sin:hying legume
seedlings. Even Embutox set
the crop back and sometimes:
the weeds weren't advanced
• enough to be controlled.
In looking to the future, he
predicted more concern with
insect damage on alfalfa
especially aphids., Potato
Leaf Hopper was a problem
last year. Insect problems
have been less in 19/9 be-
cause of the cooler weather.
He also expected to see
Verticilium Wilt make an
appearance in Ontario in the
PHONE 527.0240
Margaret, Anne,
Rob andietil Sharp
NEARING COMPLETION -- After taking several years to get started,
constructon on the new senior citizen apartments on John St.
is nearly
finished. There is still a fair amount of work to be done on the interior.
(Expositor Photo)
CROP DUSTING — This airplane swooping repeatedly over highwayfou
Saturday morning north of Brucefield caused a feW motorists to pull Over.
and watch. The plan was spraying beans for white mould on the farm of
Ken McCowan, one of several area farmerswho has taken this etep.
(Expositor Photo)
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