HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-09, Page 3A BIG BANG -Jim Sills of North Main St, and daughter Tracey take a look. at the_ #rte outside: their family home which was struck by lightning during: Tuesday's suppertime storm. Power was off in another section of. town for several hours, A. tornado, hit Woodstock south of here at about: the :same time and did an estimated' billion dollars damage. • (Expositor Photo)'' No deCisionT;Ofl.dUrnpiflg [BY WILMA OKE1' McKillopTownship P council will make no decision on •a request from ' Kenneth fr Campbell and Arthur Bolton odum P ::residue from a g grain Mining plant at the Walton dump until a discussion has been held with officials from Grey and Morris Townships who share the site. Marion McClure, Clerk-treasurer,will attend a seminar'. for municipal treasurers on September 19 and 21: Passed for payment ,we e road accounts amounting to $40,599.39 and , general acco nts, -f S61 .58. u of ,13 3 Discussion on drains and the possibility of buying or P tY y rentinggrader took u a P most of council's time. No ar r oil J A Monkton Woman escaped serious injuryafter P an accident near Walton Sunday morning at 9:45. 8 Brenda G.:. Ward; of R.R. 2, Monkton • was travelling' west on County Road " 25, when a car driven by. James A. Lunn of Seaforth, north- bound on County Road 12, made a left time. Hullett a f.arniI' decision was made about the grader. The a ernoo meeting ft n was adjourned at 5:22 p.m: unaa y The vehicle driven by Y Brenda 'Ward travelled: into the . ditch as the driver • swerved to avoid a collision.. The car rolled over, i • Police e_000 to the d*timate thedarn'''. age at '$ ..1, a Ward car. No damage was sus- tained by ustained'by the Lynn vehicle as no actual collision• occurred. '(Continued' from Page:1) don't even hear the wind, and it's easy, to Maintain and heat. ' Standing on the main floor, looking out: the large patio' doors and down on the lawn, you do, feel secluded, 'safe. The furnishings are' warm, and: lovely, with: burnished antique wool :and. 'flourishing greenery:, .Some of the renovations the Pattersons completed themselves, for other work, they hired help. Inaddition to the upper deck, they have a °ground -level patio, shutters and window boxes. They recently returned from a trip out west, but have no • need for, a cottage or other quiet retreats; The schoolhouse home .. provides its own peace. "We don't need to. B et awayfrom • the mad rush," said', Mrs. Patterson. (Continued from Page 1) weightlifts Mr two hours a ,`day. Now, he works out with the weights for a half-hour to. an hour. "Youdon't notice:; the minutes tick away • heen you're out there killing yourself," he Thesecond rneet was held in Angiers, but 15 to 20 events were not scheduled, including shot, said Johnny, So. the Canadian team . ran their own competition, and' Johnny threw against his teammate. Johnny threw a personal best --15.97 meters --with the 16 pound shot puts The teamthen travelled to England by ferry, spending the night in London. By bus they went to Wolverhampton, where workouts were held, and later, the meet against the Italian and English teams took place: Johnny placed third out of six competitors, and was beaten by two Italians. One, of them he said, probably ranked as the 'thirdor fourth best thrower in the world. The first place competitors threw 17,18 meters; Johnny threw 15.49 --the same distance he threw in Vancouver. ` After staying on for a few morn days, the team flew back to Canada from noon. "It's always good to be back" ; he said, though he made new friends from the team members, half of whom he had already met. Johnny`expressed his special thst%ks to the Seaforth ,branch of the Royal 'Canadian Legion and the Optimist Club for'aponsoring hint for part of the expenses of the trip. He also extended "lots of thanks( to Terry ',Johnston (his coach in Seaforth) for the last five y'eittyt of hitt hard work and 'dedication." Johnny's next Meet is Aug. 19 in Toronto, a peovit ceii 1de competition in which he hu emu to thsOw in the senior division, S4rneiIiing tto.soy bX `Susan Whltr> There are at least .two schools of thought about picking beans. .the one 1 adhere to holds: that you pick only the a nice young, small, sweet ones, because they taste the best and freeze the best. But this isn't as simple as it sounds because by the time I get around to serious picking in my bean rows, the plants are weighted down with eight inch wonders and small. beans arefew and far between, But I find ahem„ pick them and berate myself for not attacking the rows: sooner, Oh. the waste of it, The bean: picking school; that a family member who shall remain, nameless adheres to says that you, denude bean plants when. you pick them. You 41m, 'gal all, big ones that this person. admits may be getting a. bit tough, along with the small sweet onesiand you put them all in one basket. This school; of bean picking owes, a greet deal to the depression. Yolk know, waste not. want not, This has caused no end of argument at our house, as. yours; truly who usually gets the crop 'ready for the freezer sorts. through the six quart' THE HURON EXPOsTo.R, AUt u$T s baskets of beans separating: mv.,s•'tze of beans (editor's, note: the good beans) from, the toughies. "Yeah, but they snake really good stew" I get told, ''Or how about freezing them :fo;s' 1!e)low bean soup?" After long thought and years of experience amongst the: bean rows, I honestly believe my method is best. It's like my late lamented. Uncle Jim used to say when his wife was about to put a dish of leftoversin the fridge; "Do we throw it out now or store it in the fridge for a few days and then throw Re.m;eni ging u BY W. G. STRONG When certain senior citizens pick up a pound of butter at the supermarket. they may recall, nostalgically, the • delicate flavour of the butter made from their own cows for many years. Churning day. usually' began the night before when the can of cream was brought up from the damp, cool cellar to the warmth •of the kitchen so that it would properly sour at room temperature. The churn had to be brought infrom the shed.. Actually the process began some time before that when the cows were milked by hand in the byre, Each morning and evening the pails of warm milk were: carried to the house and down cellar where it was carefully strainedthrough the strainer pail into the shallow milk pans and allowed' to cool on the cellar, floor or local shelves: There had to be two sets of pans, one to hold the morning yield, theotherthe. evening Each time the cream had to be skimmed off anddumped into the cream can, the milk carried to the piggery and the pans washed SCALDING. WATER When churning time came. scalding water was poured into the dasher churn, over the dasher, the wooden butter bowl,. the ladle,•the lid and the print. In due time this :was'poured off and rinsed with cold water. Then the sourcream was poured into thechurn and the dasher and lid assembled. Then the monotonous task of churning, began. Sometimes 'newspapers were spread 'oti. •thefloor to catch any spatters, of cream. which might be spread around as the dasher plunged up and. down. Most folk liked, to sit on a high: stool to operate the dasher h r w title (Alma •preferred to stand. In due time you could hear splashing Sounds as the- dasher worked its way through the. -thick contents. Then the dasher began to, move more leisurely as the butter began.. to, form as. evidenced;': by the little :golden.': flecks which gathered on the dasher handle • n • it out?" Yes dear reader'Vd rather discard oldtough bean; right In the garden or even leave them on the bush; than dog what that other person, woe fancily promotes. That is to pick all the beans, spit them, cut, blanche and freeze theist. and then throw them out in January. Or February 'cuz they are just too tough. Gardening, as you have gathered, is guaranteed 'to promote family harritony and., peace. And we've got 12 quarts of beans, the, small, sweet kind, in the freezer to. prove it. sass** Unless l can persuade Lise or Alice to write two columns a week while :I'm away, which they could do quite capably though they won't admit it, this space will be vacant for two weeks. Andil do mean vacant. For the last couple of years when I've been on. vacation my friends who lay out this paper have amused: themselves; by finding, outrageous ,b illustrations to head up this column, illustrations'which, give thein ideas on what I'm up to on holidays. We've bad a crazed. looking character with a' suitcase and a tennis racket in this space, And a cruise ship. too. And I've been embarrass- ed to open the paper to see what they've done to me. But I'm fixing, them. About six other people are on holidays when I am so those left behind will be too darn busy for any hanky panky with illustrations, Just to male sure, I'm taking the book they get allthose gems from with me. There's nothing like an ad illustration book for, baby to colour while we're at the lake, See you at the ;end of the. Month The, H PPY .Cf t hen* going on the bus trip. to Caledonia: area and Hamilton meet at United Trails Depot (Flab kirk's) Thursday. Aug. 16th at .8 a.m,, For the August meeting of the Seaforth Women's Insti- tute .members are invited to tour the milking parlour at Eckerlea (Eckert) Farm at .7 p.m. August 14. Then to the home of Mrs. Gordan Papple for the remainder of the. meeting, Roll call, your favourite milk recipe and bring a copy for exchan8e. and were brushed affoo the hole in the lid, At this time operations began to slow down to allow the little bits of butter to gather. By lifting the lid one could tell by the size of the globules when the operation was nearing its completion, Even the dasher knew -as it sought to rest on the thickening surface. The cold water was poured out of the butter bowl and the butter was scooped out of the churn with thebutter ladle. . Sometinies the liquid, contents were strained through .cheesecloth to separate the small particlesfrom the resultant buttermilk. BUTTER WORKED The butter had to be worked with the. ladle to remove any excess of fluid and salt . . added. in winter it was often necessary to drop in some colouring matter in order to produce normal colour. In early spring when the cows wereallowed to pasturein thewoods, there was the danger of certain. wild herbs adding a distinctive and often unpleasant o a t lea flavour to the flutter, In the'.. dandelion season there seemed to be an excessof colour, In early winter when'. the cows were stabled and fed a ration of pulped field turnips another flavour' was evident. After the butter had been: thor- oughly workedto remove surlus liquid the mass was packed in an earthen pottery crock with appropriate lid and handle and put down, cellar. At times the butter was placed in wooden frames or prints which, were supposed to hold a• .pound. If the butter were to be sold and exact pound was, weighed : out then: pressed firmly into the print so asto remove' any air spaces. Many prints had fancy patterns carved in the top add a distinctive totouch. Forth Yars e farmer's wife sold her butter to ctis omers in the town or village or to the local grocer .. asbarter forneeded household supplies. In due time the barrel churn supplanted theold fashioned dasher type, but manual power to operate the contrivance persisted. BY W.G. STRONG "All the world's a stage And all the men and wom69 rnerolyplaStrs; They have their exits and their entrances And tine man in his time a plays many parts." Shakespeare The writer was eminently sound in "As You Like It" in telling us that life is 'full of exits and entrances, the closing of doors and. the opening of doors. All of life• .is a succession of closing of doors, each :'accomp- anied by mild,. alarms. This, .is true in our emotional life as well as where our 'physical cipacities are concerned:. pFollowing an accident. or a heart attack, • a series of .effortless actions assume new proportions. Simple exertions which were once consid- • ered almost automatic . like eating and walking, so normal, that we scarcely .were: aware of them, become infinitely precious. A door has been slammed between us •and. them..'. Most of the time, however, life ,is closing doors behind us so softlythat scarcely hear the lock snap. The gracefulness with which we accept this is the measure of our maturity. ln'the quest for maturity, we often attempt to retrace our steps down corridor of time in order to reopen the Boors of the past.Perhaps the urge is strongest. when life becomes complicated and per- piezing. ..and we want to relive earlier experiences but we find that we cannot "pick the 'locks of the doors that have closed on our yesterdays. A Jewish writer once uttered this brayer, • • "Open to us a gate at the time a gate is closed." The author of this prayer under- stood one of the basic truths of our spiritual life. Godnvto never closes a doorinourlives i s. without, atth e samtime, opening n another. When When one area of life is sealed off to us, anothercomes intoview. To havefaith in Him means, among other things, to believe that the door He opens leads us to a stageB .of P. life with its own 'satisfactions and delights, new challenges and, rich adventures. As our physical powers diminish, added time and energybecome available for life's less taxing g but no less rewarding activities. We have more rime to reflect, to study, to cultivate new friendships, toelevate our souls to get to know, ourselves better. We should always be grateful for r His great mercyin constantly closing and opening doors for us. ".. I pass this way Y But once and then no more; But u once and thenthe silent door Singsits in on hinges, . . Opens, closes, and then no more I pass this way. So, while I may, With all my might I will assay Sweet comfort and delight To all I' meet upon the pilgrim way For no man travels twice The great highway That climbs through darkness Up to light, through night to day." Oxenham; Five Seaforth and area men: were charged with mischief last weekend following a • :testing himself against the best in Canada. His. last 'meet of the year will be in Tillsonburg on Aug. 27 where the 'London' Western Track Club will compete against other clubsin Ontario at the :League Cup Final. He will train indoors at the 'Thompson arena hi London this winter as he completes. Grade 13. • He's shooting for the 1984' Olympics. ,To qualify, he explains, you must throw 19.4 meters. He hopes to be able ,to. throw 'that far, in three years, Johnny has another year in the junior division, but many shot putters don't hit their prime until they are 25 or. 30,. he said. He'd like to be the best, he said;. "but that's a long way away." "There are guys out there at ISO pounds,. lurkingraround," he said. Mr, Johnston and U.W.O coach Bob Vigars have been helping Johnny to reach' his goal. He has already been offered one scholarship from an American University, and is hoping for another offer from Washington University. He plans to Study to be a physical' education teacher, and keep practicing his throw" Scholarships from Canadian universities are few and far between --too few and far between to allow an aspirin ... athlete to stay Y on his home soil. He would consider Western. University in London, though,, because Mr. Vigars is there, he said. • Johnny', , the son of Mt, . and Mrs, •!'van Nielsen, has three brothers, Dennis, and twins Tony and Eddy. Dennis is presently away ati, tarso Athletic LeadershipCamp for two weeks, Hes a good hockey la er, sold Johnny, and this Septeinberwill try out for the North Bay team. His 17 year old brother is also a good golfer. Johnny, had been working,,' toward' his recent trip for three veers.' He it new setting S W after c bizarre chase which occurred at approxi- mately :1 a.m. Friday morning, new goals, The Canadian Interscholastic Record, set in 1976, is 19.25 metes with the 12 pound shot. This year's best for Johnny is 18.65. Next vear. he wants to break that record, and he will, he said, if he' works hard. "When I stop improving, 8 .I might as well give it up," said. Johnny.; ; RETURNS ._. FROM EUROPE -- Shot-putter Johnny Nielsen is back from compettitOn in England'and France, surrounded' by his twin brothers, Eddy (let)'and Tony.. (Expositor Photo), Sparks start two wheat fires (Cantiftied from Page I ) burned, but no dol lar and centsloss ftas yet been calculated. The alarm Was answered by hoih the Bruc truelis: This efield and Hensail ,'fire trucks: 'this second blaze was also extinguished within an hour, Both fire departments did a'WOnderfui ob P j Said Mrs. Dell, who expressed her thanks to them. A second truck owned by Grant McGreg or of Ras .R.3, Seaforth Wburned is :the Tire. The vehicle, left idling, caught fire from the sparks. Five or six people, all of the St. Marys area, were pursued through Mitchell area back roads in their Ford by a group of men in another' auto: • The chase began. on Highway'8 east of Dublin and ended at Highway 23 south, of Mitchell when thevictims abandoned their car. When they returned; the car's interior was on fire. Constable ;Randy McLeod of the Sebring- ville vilie provincial police refused to identify the victims because they are afraid of retali- ation. , • Sebringville police' were notified of the incident at 2:05 a.ni. Friday, and told local television and radio stations that they were looking for the pursuing vehicle, a Grand Prix. , • The police received an.. anonymous phone' call Sunday morning. The caller reported. that a car answering the description was in ' .the Seaforth area, said Constable. McLeod. Goderich ` provincial police <checked the address given by the caller and found the vehicle: Seaforth officers assisted the OPP in locating the youths who' were subsequently interviewed and :formall charged byCon- stable McLeod. 1, There was nont' apparent. motivation for the act, said a Sebringville officer,` and neither. group knew each 'other. Charged are Randolph Stewart Scott, 19; Rickie Laverne Dalrymple, 18,, Clayton Ronald Geddes, 17, Bradley Wilbert Glan- ville, 17, and Kenneth Thomas Nigh, 20, all of the Seaforth area. • ; Bdijndthe scenes by Keith Roulston Continued. from Paget,) • ance of a play of mine recently said to herself: Lord, not another play about small town politics. She Was right of course. It's all been said before: Yet the thing about most cliches is that they are eternal truths,: They May be Aeries told a thousand times but Usually they've happened a million times in real. life. One of the most common eriticis _ ms I've received over the°years as a writer is that my characters are stereotypes (that's a walking, breathing cliche). To sone people 1es gu s they are. On the outer hand, nearly every One of the* stereotypes was based on a real person. that I've met over the years in the variotts animal towns in this Part of the country`. The etta raed a bit They're: gem t 'for the sake of comedy perhaps, but they started out as real people. The problem is that we have dealt 'With' fiction on television, and in movies and. books for so long that sometimes it's hard to separate out what is real and what is the Dopy. Does art imitate life or does art imitate art? Sometimes when 1' get such. criticism 1. find it hard to figure out myself whether my characters are original or are shaped through the vision of too many stereotypes of Small town people ;perpetn, ated on the television screen. The nice thing about writing for theatre however is that you have the real final. judge right in front of you: the andience. Someone phoned the other night to tell me how much they had enjoyed my play. "You know," she said, "we.didnwt realize'untit we got home that all ,those characters(, reminded us of people we had " .. k?tiot�t, ' The cliches and stereotypes May, not be new, but they're still true, 1 guess I'll soot, with them. • e