HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-02, Page 31HISTORICAL, CONTEST - SWUM 1. Sponoor.d by The Hoo Gout. Hlstor)a1 Society Clan 1. Prizes: 1,. *6.$10; 2nd *8.00; 3rd $4.00; 4th $2.00; 5th -1001$1.00 each.. Amadei, demonstration Or display of pioneer craft, industry or activity of, pioneers In horns, trm,or.factory. A demonstration, display or working* model could involve more than one person, Crafts or Industries would hay. be typical or representative of pioneer life In Huron County. 2. Prizes: 1st 8.00; 2nd $6.00; 3rd $1.00; 4th $2.110; 5th -10th $1.00 each: M historical essay contest for elementary; school pupils throughout Cha. ° minty. The topic would dal with some aspect of Huron's past, such as: a person, a family history, industry, buildings, settlement of a municipality, agriculture, an important achievement. The assays must be received by Mrs. Doris Baskin, secretary• -treasurer; Huron county Hi1110TKat $0clatYt Clinton, Ontario, no later than 1978 Jana ?B.. Friday. EGGS- SECTION.1 To be judged Thursday p In charge: Clare Reith Prizes: 1st $4.00; 2nd $3.00; 3rd *2.00; 401 $1.00 Class 1. Twp and one halfdozen brown eggs 2+ Twit and one half dozen white sags Key trays will be supplied free.. LIONS' Pt:7 SHOW SECTION K as.. 1, Beet looking cat .., . . ... , 1.00. 2. Most unusual cat' . . , , ....... 1.00 '3. Best looking rabbit .75 .50 ,25 .75 .50 ,25 1.00 .75 .50 .25 4. Most unusual rabbit . ......... : : . 1.00 .75 .50 .25 5. Best looking dog 1 50 1.00 .75 .50 6. Best dog, least resembling any known breed , 1.50' 1.00 .75. .50 7. Best behaved dog . .75 8. Any breed pigeon . ,. , „ , , , .1.00 .75 .50: .25', 9. Fancy fowl • . ... . « .1.00 .75 .50 .25 10. Mont unusual pet . , .. , ..• .1.00 .75 .50 .25 11. Consolation event ...... • ...... , ...„ 1.00 .75. .50 .25 . No exhibitor awarded more than two prizes In pet show. These entries may be made through your school or direct with secretary. Exhibits must be in place by 09:30 on the second day of fair. Dogs must ba shown on leash. Above are judged solely as pets. Pedigrees re of no consequence. A Lions' Club representative will be on hand from 11:00 to 12:00 on the second -day of the fair to pay the prizesfor the pet show, Competitors should arrange to collect their prize at that time.. PARADE SECTION L • In charge: Art Bolton, Pat Soldan, Norma Riley Fbyal Canadian Leg Ion Branch 158 donated $40.00 to prizes In the following, competitions; Class 1, Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 - To room with the best identification headdress, sash or apron. Prizes *12.00, 510.00, $8.00, $8.00-`$4.00,to all entries. 2. Grades 5, 8 7,. 8' -To room with bent banner (any size) or Individual, placard, flap' or pennant, not to exceed 21 cm x 30 cm. Prizes: $12.00; .310.00; *8.00; *6.00 and 54.00 to all other entries. 3. Best.. Claes Float - Prizes: $15.00; *12.00; 510,00 and *7.00 to all other entries. • FAIL FAIR SUPPLE EST,. AUGUST 2, 1970' -• TA; PAPADE 4. Best Clown. (any aye) - 315:00; $12.00; 119.00; $8.00. 5. Best decorated pony or horse with cart or wagon - *10.00; *8.00; $8.00; $4.00 6. Best decorated pot and hsrtdler - *10.00; *8.00; *8.00; $4.00 WALL, TABLE AND DISPLAYS - SECTION M Vie would like each school, In our Fair District to put a display of children's work In the round -hake. This may take any, form you choose to allow the public some of the work done in the school over the year. Wall apace, (approx. 2 m high by 3 m long) and table apace (1 m wide by 3 m long) well be reserved, for each display, ' It would help in dividing the space if each school would notify P, Carroll, Sestorth, of your Intention to put up a display. These will be noncompetitive but each school placing a dtaplsy will -• Maive: $10.00.. SECONDARY SCHOOL.. Section U Committee; Mrs. Jean Whyte, Mrs: Nancy Turnbull Open to boys,and girls 18 yrs. and under (exclusive) N.B. No person shall be allowed 10 make more than one entry In any class. 11 in any does tate entries do not merit a prize, no prize will be given. In a case of a tie, prize money will be evenly divided,' Pirie read Rules and Regulations. Payment. of *1.00 will entitle, you to compete to any of the following sections, also permits ONE free pus Thursday or Friday, but only once, Entry form must be filled In to be eligible for prize money. • Indicates sample of material must be attached GRADES 9 & 10 Sawing Class Al dress* A2 Skirt & lined vest Baking Class, A3 chocolate 8x8 cake A4 Seven fancy cookies Craft Class A5 Hooked pillow A8 Stuffed Animal , , SPECIAL: To winner of most points In cines, Seaforth GRADES 11-12-13. Sewing Class 87 dress' ....... , . B8 blazer & skirt ,.. . Baking Clan B9 angel cake (united) . B10spptepie Craft Clans B11 string art 812 hooked rug ....,. . SPECIAL: To winner of most points In Hardware, Seeforth. 111 2nd 3rd 2.00 1.50 1.00 2.50 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.00. 1.25 1.00 .75 ..... 1.25 1.00 .75 1.25 1.00 .75 A Classes -$10. voucher from Lar - 2.00 1.50 1.00 .........2.00 1.50 1.00 . 2.00 1.50 1.00 . ., .1.50'1.25 1.00 2.00 1.50 1.00 .2.00 1.50 1.00, B classes $10,`voucher from Crown 'GRADES 9 ah 10 Mdtistrial Arta 2.00 1.50 1.00 C13 Any. project In meal (and or) wood Art - picture must bra framed, ready to hang (frame not to be judged) Drawing -limited to any black & v'4hite media (.e. penial, oonte,en & Ink, duircoai C14 - Landow. Figura Drawing (full) Rendition it fou fabric, Oe{Ph must u tdo thing Petals: *3.00; $2.00; $1.00 Fainting; t6 ...Landscape In Acry lies L.andscaPe: In Watercolour, Portrait In any of OIL,, Watercolour or Aaytic Prizes $3.6!7; 32.00; $1,110 • C16 Silk Screen - Blade only on white or colg8.d pew- - - $lIk screen - Black (arid or) one Or mare colours on. white or coloured paper. Prizes *3.00; 32.00; $1,00 Thr.. Dimensional; 3.00;:.2.00, 1,00 C17 - Sculpture - any matsriai, any subject . - Collage - any material, any subject - Functional - Decorative, three dimensional rt of any type Other lain those covered In sculpture and allege, Eg. pottery. enamelling, macrame. lursilery making. Abstract M Printmaking 3.00 2.00 1.00 C18 - May Involve techniques from any or all :of Drawing, Painting, Print- making, end :hroe Dimensional Art. Basis of abstraction (i.e. Photograph or Explanation) must accompany,entry.: SPECIAL; To winner 01 Molt points In C Gasses $10. voucher from Laron.s,; Sa afartb, GRADES 11 & 12 industrial Ms 2.00 1.50 1.00 D19 Any project In metal (and or) wood Ari - picture must be framed. ready to hang (frame not to be Judged) Drawing-llmited to any black. & white media i.e. pencil, conte, pen &. Ink; darcoal. a D20 - Landscape - Figure Drawing (full) - Portrait (subject photograph must accompany entry) - Rendition of fabric, or articles of clothing Prizes $3.00; 32.00:S1.00 Painting D21 - Landscape In Acrylics - Landscape in Watercolours - Portrait In any of 011, Watercolour or Acrylic. Prizes 53.00;32.00; 51.00 Prentrnaking; D22 Silk screen - Black only on white or .coloured paper Silk screen - Black (and or) one or more colours on white or coloured paper. Prizes $3.00;12.00; $1.00 Three Dimensional, D23 - Sculpture - any materlal,:any subject Collage - any material, any subject - Functional - Decorative, three dimensional art' of any type other than those covered In sculpture: and collage Le. pottery, enamelling, macrame;: ' jewellery making. Prizes $3.00; *2.00;. *1.00 D24 - May Involve techniques from any or all of Drawing, Painting, Printmaking and Three Dimensional Art. Basis of abetractton (i.e. Photograph or Explanation must accompany entry.; SPECIAL To winner of most points in classes *15.00 meltprize from • n Pl esi Interiors. Abstract Art 4-H, JUNI1 for x FARMERS and' JUN( of Huron County AND SURROUNDING COUNTIES WHO DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN OTHER CLASS"B" filer Seafor te R-INST1TUTES. HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH AND UNDER AUSPICES OF ricultural Society In en•opcniton with CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ONTARIO MINi8TR`1f' .OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD'