HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-02, Page 11S Seaforth Lions, were the .hosts to bi young .people ttomk 141 different eountt'.ies. provinces .and states ,on Fridays ata barbecue at the );Ions ;Park here, The Lions International Youth, Program began, five years, ago, ,and since then- ,young; men, and women front all over the world have been visiting Canada for four weeks each year. "Our, club never really participated'. so. wo felt that this year we should do. something in a. more positive Way,°" said Gordon Rimmer, who added. that Jack Pickard and :Irwin Johnston: headed; the committee in, charge of organizing the chicken sup,' per for, the visitors. 110n, s, ' funs in districts, M., which Seaforth: is, ar member ,of; and. A4S.. start- ed ,the program ,under the guidance of. Bruce Murray of St. Marys, who has been ,capip director for five yealrs. The visitors stay for one week with their host families upon arriving in Canada. •$pend one week ,at the Wildwood Conservation Area in St. Marys, and then return to their host fanilies for the remaining twist weeks of their stay, Ranging. in, age from 16 Of - 23, the young people who visit Canada are partially' or, fully sponsored by a Lions. Member ora Lions, .Club. Camp activities: included a trip to Niagara Falls, swine. piing; and twitch to .tow horseraCes• in WOodStnek, roller-skating in:`fjh.ainesford,. trips to Godericha lunch at Clinton„ and the Lions, supper in Sealant). "This isthe first time the Seaforth :lions have been involy d :as far •txs .a 111.0411 goes," said AI; 1.ockart, ,a ' tamp: counsellor ;from Tharnesford "The canto, really appreciates their efforts.'" One Of .the important pur- poses p poses. ,of ,tho canto. Mr. r „Lockart an4 his wife, ,Cheryl'" also a counsellor. ,agree, is to, "nnite :the youth sof .the 'old." The visitorsgain a. ."Metter understanding" of each other and their respect. bre countries through ,cis- cussing education, the Co lit LEADING THE HIGHLAND MUSIC 'Pape Major. 'Maurice Coughlin .leads the London pipes and drum band which :performed in Seaforth na Suyevening. (Expositor Photo) COMMERCIAL HOTEL SFAFORTH This week.& Sat. Matinee Graham Harris Next week 8 SaturdayY Matinee The Big Red. Ford (blue grass band) , FINE FOOD FINE F: \ 'T F FT T 11 'V 1 F; ti "T Last Night Thurs. * Aug 2 T1#E Starts Friday Aug. 3rd - Aug. 7th Friday & Saturday Two Showings 7 & 9 p.m. Sunday - Thersday One Showing II p.m. Ullir r i''0S 1 i .31r>2 5=0 ?t e . ,!. , t, , ..EtAltifte*trestEtNer`w�f yr , •, -•. •42; map ,nI iIonr bettve in-1ne tln, :J abi! 0 WArtpnsi , SOME 5e"'ENF' PIAY iRrr,HTFN • TM .ONT GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 52,4.7811 AIRCONDITIONED P og?air; %UbI itt Ye change ..... .;n.,AR,, UNITING THE WORLD'S YOUTH—(front to back) Msa Mori, Takako 'Doi, and Kenichi Tseunekawa, all from Japan, enjoy a chicken supper organized and- hosted for'.them by, the Seaforth Lion's CIub, Two Canadian. Lions Club districts, including Seaforth, host young' men and: •women from 19 different countries, stares and provinces each year for 'lour weeks. London police :.band Rousing The Sixth Summer Concert; of the Chamber of Commerce` was given by The Pipes and Drums of the City of London Police Sunday, July. 29. in: • Victoria Park. • • Introduced by Chief John Cairns of the local Seaforth, police, the band, in full McGregor Tartan under the direction of Pipe Maloe ar. avec Peter Malcolm of local) high- land fame and entertained to refreshments by thecommit tee, in charge under ' Past President Ken Lingelbach. The next•(7th) concert will be :August 12th, put on by the. Stratford Legion, Concert Band - 40 union members. under director of music Mr Paul Cross. Final concert by a variety group under direction of Mrs. Marie Flynn on Aug. 19th will conclude '79 Series'.. Let's have a bangs up 'audi- ence .:for these final enter- tainments. igei• • ic nCoughlin put' on a rousing Cien 't ' Cn hel d marching routine on the open. ground area'"to ,a very, large . Vincent Farrr Equipment 'and appreciative audience: , stores at Ayr; Cambridge, They interspersed their Woodstock and Seaforth held marches with vocal trios, 0 their • first annual ` family solos and highland dances by picnic at Seaforth Lions park members of the band to the on Sunday afternoon. ;Approxi piano accompaniment /of imately 125 were in: atter:- Mrs. Sinclair on their own` dance, the Ayr -Cambridge beautiful piano. group coming by bus. Two They were thanked at the exciting ball gameswere conclusion by Pipe Major played; Ayr versus Seaforth, then Seaforth a,ersus .Cam- bridge & Woodstock with Seaforth taking home the trophy. The ladies and children took part in games and prizes' were given. A barbecue supper was then enjoyedto conclude the afternoon's acti vines. See the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION :Special', Buses leave Bus Depot in :.'Daily Except Sundays Sundays' GODERICH ; (Goderieh'1-axi). 7:55 A.M.•• 9:55 A.M. CLINTON (Bartliff s Bakery.) $:20 10:20 SEAFORTH (United Trails), 8:35 10:35 MITCHELL (Co$y Grill) 8:50 1,0:50 STRA'TFORD (Gray Coach) 9:20' 11:20 Daily August 15 - Sept. 3 For reservations, ca Goderich Clinton Goderich Taxi Bartliff's:`Bakery 43 West St. ' 46 Albert St. 524-2092 452-9727. Coach House Travel 59A Hamilton St. 524-2615 or call' Seaforth Mitchell United Trails Cosy Grill 100 Main St. 25 Ontario Rd. 527-1222 .. 348-8741 Stratford United. Trails 9 Market PI. 271-7741 United Trails 527-1222 hosing, ,energy.. ` fo 4, law and order, and government, TheLions Loom "we serve" , is known in approic- ;;mately 140 countries around, Me world. PistrictS A•9. and tel$ were the first ;to sponsor ;a. youth exehang program which included' a camp. Youth exchange director is Dougald, Campbell from Elmira* : program chair. persons are Dave and Helen Fencer ,of ,Orangeville. Other counsellors include Clint and Chris Lindsay of Woodstock, and Ron and': 'Betty Jean Finlay. Countries, states and prow- inces represented by the young people at the Seaffrth, park were: Ontario, Quebec, Texas, Minnesota, Michigan: Georgia, Mississippi, Franee Italy, Holland,West Ger- rtiany, Austria, Norway, Fin. land. Denmark, Switzerland,, Japan, Jamaica, and Gabon; in Africa. SEAF..ENT OR SPORTS Recent donations to Lions Park & Pool Campaign Fund! include: Forward -$3,282.00,. Mrs. A. Dennis . 510.00: C.J. ' Walden - 10.00: 1..Nielsen , 10.00; E. Allan:. 10,00; H. Lansink - 100.00;. M. Malan- iuk - 13.00. Total to date is 53.435.00. THi HURON .EXPOS:ITOR, ~AUG4 , �r n . Townshend p,. Your know the old saying "if at first you; don't succeed, try, :try .again," f':trt sti:ll'I trying to make my life a little more .organized. I had resigned myself to confusion and; running in circles until the other daywhen t was rummaging through some old files. t found.4 yellow column written by a. lady alt; the United States. She explained her writing tirnet.able In the first• week, of each month, sht wrote enough columns for the whole month. That Left three weeks free for other things, Whe eser a column idea struck .herr, she tivrttte' it down. and whenever research yielded some valuable information. she tiled it away. Thus she always had a wealth. of topics from which :to chose when the first week of each. month rolled around. "Good idea," thought 1. "and it sounds. simple enough. 1 Il try it." Today is Tuesday. 1 intended to ,lttlinekt my program yesterday. but unexpected bookwork and errands postponed it. The plan has gone Weil thus far today and this column .should be finished on schedule.. One do'rn and four to .go and fin wondering why 1 decided to Start my project in a month that has five Thursdays. 1 Could write another one tc 'fight. but a Survey of my cioset tells nuc if !c ant,.alean clothes to wear tomorrow I should do the .laundry .first. Today I also learned, of appointments that %dill take me al.v.av from home both Mr. and Mrs. George Howatt and Mr. and Mrs. Georgc.. 'Addison spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Cora, Barrows Goderich. . Allan Armes of Egmondville returned from. Windsor' after spending a: week visiting with his daughter. Kevin Melody ' has- returned home after holidaying. in... Brighton with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Melady, 8 • Friday and Saturday. That leaves one day in which to write three or four columns, if my plan is w succeed`" Should 1 ignore -the interruptions, even though they're important, or shoald` ;l• postpone my organizational! glean, up for .few days? Postponement seems most likely,. especially since l just discovered another Major stumbling block - an idea drought. Sure 'I have Tots of topic suggestions scribbled On bits of paper, newspaper clippings cram my files, :and magazines litter my tables. Unfortunately I sometimes forget` my' (reasons for saving certain clippings, and reading takes time. 1 usually capsulize a column idea into: a sentence or two, and stretching one line into five hundred: words requires some thought. 1:- might :develop four coluninS in one day. if miracles do happen.. 1 hate+to sound like a pessimist, but I'm 'beginning to think 1 was destined to run around in circles. For the time being at least. I,'m shelving my planned organi- iation. I'll keep the lady's colutnn. though. 1 admire her: she's certainly an organized person. • Maybe next January, VII dig out her column again, make it my New Year.'s. resolution and try. again. Everybody knows hoc good I ,am at kcepinP, New Years' resolutions! le McKillop, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of Clinton, Mr,. and. Mrs. Wyman Driffin, Albany, NY. An arc ,'Rscendents of ' the late Alexander Kerr. Recent visitors with May and Wesley Roe W William St. were Dianne and John. Clements, Tillsonburg, Mary Lou Baol and Sandy Justason, Kitchener; Lois, Bill,, Rick and Stephen Our Waterloo. Earlier Stephen spent a few days with his grandparents rand agents the Roe's. Miss Joan. Sills has recently passed her Grade VIII Piano Examination with They Royal' Conservatory of Music. She was a. pupil of Mrs. Jane Vincent; Also earlier this summer,. Joan was successful in passing the Instructor's • Course for the Royal Life Saving' Society, Mr. and Mrs. D'Orlean Silis were on a motor trip to Timmins. Miss Berndien Groothuis of Hengeveld, The Nether- lands, who has spent three weeks visiting friends and relatives': here, has returned home. Liz Brown of Seaford.' spent the weekend with Jackie:. and Doug Racho and all visited the Lions Safari at Rockton on Sunday. Julie and Glen Quaid, and sons Jeff and Matt of Palm Springs, California and Donna and Jim White of Bronxville New York, visited: one day last week with their cousin and: brother and family, Andy, ' Susan and.. Gaby . White, in McKillop:: Mrs. W M. Hill, Strathroy entertained on July 8th, Mr and Mrs, Carl Dalton, Mrs. David Muir;andMr.. and Mrs. Percy Dalton of Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs. R.M. '`Scott. of BEYOND THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE dot I•In Re-D'--e'•ded O, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STARTS FRI., AUG. •3=9 t twice the speed n the Concorde ace attack? recommended as i ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A1RIOR)PLUS 79 He was tough enough for the streets.... was he tough enough to leave them? ".0 WARNING: Some scenes 'may - frighten. Theatres Sr. Ont. LOS ADDED 'ONUS FOR SUNDAY DUSK TO. DAWN. Love, laughter, good guys, bad guys. 'ri r r]r The movie that tleses yraotOt LOWS) i1i11; G ADULT ENTERTAINM?'NT NWT 1 CODEiItCN AT /ititCONCESSION ID 4 • • PHONE S?4 9911 No passes actept•dfor Sunday's Dusk to dawn Show BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 30 P M FIRST SHOW AT DUSK For Information Phon,. 482-7030 DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIMITED BEECH STREET-CLINTON PLAYING WEDNESDAY THROUGH,;, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1-2-3-/ ...CATCH THEM TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME! la the weld. 'ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Warning: Some material may be unsuitable for pre teenagers. . SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 DUSK -TO -DAWN 4 BIG SHOWS! PLEASE NOTE GENERAL ADMISSION (DUSK TO DAWN SHOW ONLY 15 '3 .0 r/''. ADULT ConvoyBuddies"ENTERTAINMENT 2. 'LAN of Love" 3. "Buckstone County" 4.. t does* Hurt?" " i t - PLAYING MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY. AUGUST A-74-9-10-11 2ND FEATURE 'CLINT EASTWOO GLINT EAsrW0on. WILL 'TURN YOU Metter %S1iICH VKAY `WAIS. am Loose air army of orae. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULf'ENTR*TA'I$MINT PLEAS. NOTE: Complimentary Peeset not'vilti for Clint Eastwood shaves.