HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-02, Page 9Correspondent
S23 -4S0'
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kelland
on the death of her step.
mother Mrs. Emily Hickman
'fertnerly of Mitchell, July
24th age 73.
Mr. Bob Reid is a. patient
in, Clinton. Nitric Flospital.
Mrs. Laura Forbes
•returned to her 'home on
Friday from spending 1
weeksat home of Mr. and,
Mrs. Walter Forh s —Tinton.
Visiting with Mrs. Laura
Forbes is her .fr:,•.nd Mrs.
Howe of St. Mary's.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Johnston returned home on
Monday after spending a
weekend in Haliburton area.
Miss !Joy Shaddick of
Kitchener visited her parents
" Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shaddick
last week.
Bert Van der aat and
friend front Holland isited
• last week with M. and Mrs,
t le Duizer.
• This week their niece Flora
• Duizer from Holland, is
visiting there.
THE WINNERS—Jane Hoggart of R.R, 1, Londesboro and Robbie Sloan
of RJR. 5, Seaforth, display the new bicycles they won after coming in
first in their age group in the Winthrop Bike Rally held on Saturday. The
adult cyclists rode 20 miles and the younger competitor's completed a five
milecourse, finishing at the Wirtthrop park. (Expositor photo)
Tuesday visitorswith Mr.
And Mrs. Reg Lawson. John
and Elizabeth ere her
cousins, Mr. and Mrs. ,Perey
Mr. and Mrs Imo .Duizer
and family returned hor
on Monday ftotn„a weeks
vacation around Ottal,va,
visiting places of ••••crest.
Mr. :•nd Mr- Bruce
w Kt: In 414 Kent
spentf dos with her
parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Shillinglaw at 3aJdn.
- Mrs. Bert Shobbroo k.
Mrs. Ron 'Ellerby Frank and
Darie spent Thursday in
WoodStock with Mr. and
?Am, go,s Nlillson and
fnilv;), mat returned
home with them hr a V. eeks
holiday '$sith his Grand.
Visitors at the manse on
the weekend with Rev. and
Mrs. Scott, Angela and
Debbie, were his parents Mr.
and Mrs. .14k''cott from
Valois. Montreal. Quebee.
And MS great mita Winnifred
Rutherford of Pont Claire,
Rev4 Senn took part in the
Golfers in Seaforth
Forty-four golfers enjoyed
the lovely weather on Sunday
July .29th when Londesboro
Lions • invitational Golf
Tournament. was held at
Seaforth town and country
club. VVinners were - Low .
gross Randy Millar; second
iow gross. Billy Roy. 1st low
net Gordon' Sholthrookt 2nd
low net Eric Sehcllenberger
• There were 16 other prizes
won by draws. Mrs. Miller
served a. smorgasboard
dinner of ham and turkey.
• Mr. and Mrs. .Ted
Fothergill, Heather. Naney
and Kevin attended a family
pienic on Sunday at home of
•Mr, and Mr. Wnt. Gilmore
R.R,2, Palmerston. The
•Free Press
The London Free Press
will be closing both its'
• Stratford and Goderich
bureaux early this fall. The
• two reporters manning the
bureaux - Helen Connell in
• Goderich and John Matsui in
Stratford, will be returnjng.to
London in September.
The two bureaux are being
closed for economic reasons.
• The Free Press will also
paper inthe
north. of Huron • County and
most of Perth County.
G. Dauber of the Free
• Press•cireulation 'departtrient
• said on Tuesday, hotne •
distribution of the paper will•
in the Seaforth area
• and in the south of Huron
County. 'lie said the news-
paper will • also still, be
available on the newsstands
in both- Perth and north
Huron counties when home
distribution ends. likely on
October L
• oceassion' was hill of good-
byes for Mark and Connie
Harris who all: moving to -
Pennsylvania. there he w ill
be assistant Pastor at the
Lutheran Chtirc h. They also'
celebrated birthdays of
• Heather.Pethergill• and Jack
Mark S More than 30 were
Fun run ,at Seaforth timmer
games on Saturday.
tvir. and Mrs. gin
Brotoley. Cheryl and tori.
spent few days Jag week on
laccianititoyTOrOnto and
'Bradley Shobbrook of
Winghatn spent few days last
week with, his uncle Mr. and
Mts. Gordon Shobbrook
Darrell 4d
Brt shot),
brook and. Ken Vodden spent
Sunday with their brother
Mr. 'andMrs. Fred' Vodden
1IN hen their family enter -
wined, on the oCeasion of
their 40th Wedding Anniver.
sary at home of Bob and See
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turnbull
of •Scotland left for home
Sunday night JOly 29 from
spending 3 weeks with his
sister Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Roy and family.
Mrs. Re th Kncix held a
family gathering, on Monday
night July 23r4 in honour of
her cousin Mr. and Mrs.
Hartild Spring. Winnipeg.
Present were Mr. And Mrs.
Cliff Shobbrook, Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Shobbrook Julie
and Dean r. and Mrs.
Wayne Allm. MMr. and Mrs.
„IvIcivin Knox and family.
Mrs, Beth Knox held a
family .gathering on MondaY
night July 23rd in honour of
her t•ousin Mr. and ' Mrs.
Harold Spring,• Winnipeg.
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Cliff ShObbrook. Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Shobbrook Julie
and Detin Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Allin. Mr. and Mrs.
MeiVin Knot and farnilY.
Mrs. Florence Cartwright,
John and Claude went to
London on Saturday IQ Mr.
And Mr. Keith Cartwright,
then to Ottawa where Keith;
took part in the wheel. ehair
Olympics for handicapped.
John Cartwright is
attending United, ‘Churett,
eamp at Menesetung Park
Goderich ibis week.
Elizabeth Lawson Attended:
11.C. Camp at Menesetung
Goderich Iasi week. Several
are attending this, week.
on Sunda)* MM. Beth,
visited a few days with br
niece Mr. and •Mrs.. Pere
, McBride. Carlo
Puh,ic Relatifms
meeting wilt be held August
8.th at 8 p.m. in the hall.
•Speaker "On Internattanal
Year of Child". Guests from,
Auburn WI and Seaforth
WJ.Aro invited. Rall Call
"Something that you would
like to do as a group to
promote the Institute"...
There will be an auction first
half of meeting.
U.C.VV, General Business
meeting will be held on
Monday, August $th at 8
Karen awl Kimberley
Wright; Organist wen ;Auk*
mcpregpr. Duets were sung'
by Barbara and Judy Carter
singing "Put your hand in
the hand of the man from
Galilee' and **Antaging
Grace.* and. Judy.
accompanying on the guitar.
Rev. 'Scotts childrens story
was What' in your Bible".
Junior teachers were Joan
Whyte and Joan Howatt,
The Message was praying,
for a perfect church. Rev.
Seel*. announced the retire-
ment of Ruth •Shaddicks
choir director. She has been
and area
'Knox was guest at the 40th
Wedding Anniversary dinner
of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Baan ,
held in Listowel with 3$
family and friends preSent
and returned to home of their
son John .and MarytBaan.
Walton later.
Laura Chambers of Clinton
spent Sunday With her
Grandparents -Mr, and Mrs.
Jim McEwing.
Mrs. Laura Saundercock
p.m. in the Church,
Ronald Vodden of Thomp-
son, Manitoba visited on
Monday, July 30th with his
Aunt Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook• .
WCehlcoumriech news
Narthex on Sunday morning
• were Don Buchanan and Reg
Lawson. Ushers were Lisa
„Duizer, Cheryl Bromley,
• a choir member and director
for, the past 3Q years. He
expressed thanks from the
Open air services will be
held at Church tamp at
Menesetung. Goderich next
Sunday at 1030 a.m.
Monday, August 6th is be-
ginning of Vacation Bible
Registration is still
open for anyone interested.
UCW les donate fo church
MRS. BE:171A WCA,Lte
1 he BonntlaiN and seven.
• tenth unit of Duffs United
Chureh met for their July
meeting on f'cilnestlay eve-
ning at the home of Mrs.
Fred Uhler with 10 members
Mrs. Jim Williamson gave
the Call to Worship with a
reading, "Freedom to be-
• come.— cli•nitt.. 'Take my life
and, let it. be .. was sung,
Scripture reading was taken
from Chapter Si verses 1-22
of Deuteronomy: followed by
prayer Iv Mrs, Hugh John-
Stomihrs, J. VVilliantsen gavea
reading. "46. high standard of
Jiving.' Mrs. 'Johnston gave
a poem..• ''Neighbours.''
Hymn, "Will your anchor
hold?' was sung. Mrs. .1.
Williamson closed With a
reading "If Eddie Mills could
de it."'
• Business Was chaind by
• Mrs. Graeme Craig thanking
those who took part in the
devotions. Minutes were
read by Mrs. Helen William-
son, followed by the roll call.
Mrs. Cliff Haegy gave the
treaSurer s , report fol owed
by the miscellaneous . turd
report by Mrs. H.,!ohnstoi
was moved to'd r $
YOU GOTTA liAVE A GIMMICK! Harry. Johnston finished the
Winthrop. Bike rally in a backwards fashion on Saturday,which might
explain why he didn't win the event The adults rode 20 miles in the, rally
which ended at the Winthrop Park ,
(Expositor Photo)
Farm Systems
Orlin 84 Find Handling Specialists
• of
• •SEi N0 11111LIL
Doug Arnold4ttattord 273,16/1
Ross JoIllife-Stratford 2/3-0332
Larry 'Smith -Atwood 356-9018
• NEWTON 519.5954182
• Pepsi
Kist Gingeraie
• Gingeriale
12 - 26 oz bottles
• *3,89 pus ceps:
s t
the general, hind of the
v h ti reit, Report from the
• supper committee referred to
meals being served twice in
• A ugust.
Members w•ere reminded
at the bus going to Alma
• College on August 21. Let
• the UCW president know as
• soon as possible. Plans were
made for a shower coming up
in August. Copper money for
• first half of year was taken
in.Next meeting in Sept-
ember is to be held at the
president's home. Mrs.
Graeme Craig with Mrs. C.
Ritchie and Mrs. F. Uhler on
for devotions. • Lunch was
°nit Miss
served by the hostesses and there they attended some of
• the events connected with
the gathering of the clan.
• Recent weekend guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Searle were Mr. and Mrs.
• Gordon Saunders and Mr.
and Mrs. Barry Saunders
and family of Royal Oak,:
a `social half hour enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser
and Cheryl have returned
• home from a motor trip to the
cast coast, where they visited
with their daughter and son-
• in-law, Dr. Gerald and
, Carolyn Sullivan of Dart-
• mouth. Nova Scotia. While
• On the Sidewalk for your shopping
THURS. • a.m. - 16 p.m.
FRI. 4 a.m.. p.m.
• SAT. a.m. • p.m.