HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-08-02, Page 6“ ,*” ,40 tObn., 470,1ft1,71$,N41,45 717177,,,,„9117411157.7 "4,41.1V47.,4,,,A,e,71...471,A17,0,274.,1161,,a,,41,0716 7. 7 THE Z 1979 Consurnet •A ,Octiorno. 1,1SE LNY Every now and then you find a non-fiction book w hichi especially delightful. Bert Bacharach. father of Burt Bacharach the composer. and father-ublass of Angie DickinOn of 'Police Woman. has ssritten such a treasure, packed fuUsith hints and tips for the 111 4.Nansumer. IternenatTring then). P.1 along Vying to pravitte them, woulti imprAv- tieal due to the sheer s oh; etc ot unique and interesting ideas Ativ single person armed with ti -11 a Mr R4‘hara.h'r, suggestions Ns -wider hat tune co spend Intones* Here are t*ohic..,t the innts and rips trent Haw Torin Almost kerr, thing 'that 1 found partieularly innovative Ot intriguing. pinmog, A heavy piece of costume tewellery on elothing, hold, a piece of felt beneath the 'fabrie. Bits pitt through this Added thtekneSS. and it vela save dresses from pin marks. -Runanordinoy WO 'pewit up •and %WWII a sticking zipper. The graphite wilt Voionteers wanted Help t. tttl:ta.k n.it tiotivritts 7!..t.10. Olt % IA ;13 soon b.: Assum th,„ ri sponstbd/p, of rt. acrd r/'svetintg,io Row t .•api 111i nit ni in, • pi tor fooI1. sheltt t' NM% t7a..t. oft hit .to k. in t arta.l4. k. n.pl.r. mon. Ski...4001N u...11111013111(%' scrsh.e.,, Bs, • rht- tnom r eitarin;sv daii. I..: Huron 1 1 anatia 1 inoos nu. m e v.,1.,.sran4 _ parr oti ration 01 irido. duals And groups to oat., thsuo.esstul ink Et 411 ths..sv ntw ,ornt rs 111. tinanoal respons.bilit tood rent. %II; tot til 1,11Voi rcst with the and wail bi. tidmintsti.rvoi b thtlnnm wad: Resettlement 1. 0Uu41 ' Int , Smith- 5.24./042 1 hiIpporting • role ot %.ilunti..er (Swops v,toutd 1k vo)neo.ittql 411, iltrittriat • gro.., ries. It would to.,01.. up 4%..onnalation: transportation tri pi:ople and ht longings. rcgistering ,hil n s!,ho4. Ipiri(o o ort'.11 hank as,ounts shop t „;,'` oNaltling , !Nwt, to •t 4 and what t s il:sise in 4 si;vp,-.•1•17„; too, „,..1114 ASSitot t%4'. .4 nt "111 ar,attr.laJs appom. h, L. rht protess, ot4tJ10fl .11141 % t.s s 11.7d prosidc rs impor- iautnh ndep. acd stir SUM% • otos poksst/t4,, ,Int 44 omt,t-out.;%g%,. Ott It% .%%,„%tirt, t's tot do.4.1 :at on;. prAlt!..ms on their own. inditidaals ' tirgarkt,- ,ittkir-S. tttItt clISh 10 assist actin, !duals to 4iliust H-urohview choir -sings 'the hon. held it,,tir • pravei.4,• •S.,iturelay, morning . and on' .unda in...ruing sang -1 surrender JO' at the church serOve... "•1..ong'• showon .slikeidas afternoon in •the anittfOrium stared out with Da( ("are -Performing -Seven ,airls sitting in the, bad. • . 'Adam Wilson who S• our -winning eon tcStant •plired 1s. fiddle: Then we •-had -a rather queer.gratip of deil. tors. tenth an 11111SUCCOSSflil '•operation serie, 'Donna • 1.3t4..id1oot accompanied by an ad ora hie puppy played, • • -ltoss muelf-es that doggy in lilt: IN tittlott" on her ecord. • ,i4ti, •Winning the prite for • 'the most hilarious act was (tintiingharn as a • . • Fttie Hiagill and Betty 'Bell :sang a duet, We were: treated to a denton.' stration oI"'twisting done- mg 'b Ronnie and MiChael 1.3de, Wendy • Kloss • played tiloi!.kleand sang, ' A •hither • . non-professional. • .,prOup Of Staff members put. on . two ai pro- "!Little Red • Riding Hood". :to round off the'rreigrain.: •• . Our 'Director, of Nursing, Mrs,: M'... Yeats. . -Mark • • Kennedy, and Dianne Elliott • • were 0.1tr gongerS. and we • •svenrat:.like• to thank them for • . thetr participation.. • • .• •the resident barb*peg.. this Tuesday at • noon with Ciround • floor ' •North emiwing the. • ham- burgers and hotdogs. (NIB delivered new talk- ing machines this...eek 411 Hurunsiew . and these has e been distributed to our blind residents— ' Norm tioaing took a van • load IA residents on a tour of Goderit harea on WednesdaY atternoon. Hurons test would like to • welcome Charles tvicKibbon. Mr. McKibbon is from the Whigham area originally. . .roolgtomoilokol.rloopt."00,cookoolortotallomorortAr• • • „ ot.romototrottroktotkoott•000fterwrioo••.. • THE HURON COUNTY, BOARD OF EDUCATION require a CLERK -TYPIST for general office duties at Central; Huron •Secondary School, Clinton, beginning Mon- day, 17 August 1,979. Written applications will be accepted until Monday, 13 August 1979 by The Principal,. • Central Huron Secondary:School CLINTON', Ontario NOM 1L0 Interviews will -he arrtintigd 'with selected: applicants. • Cochrane R.J.- Elliott Chairrtion Directoi •,e,4f, • 4, htAIR •HaiitREM0i/Eft LOTION ONLY 12$rrit • • 19 • RECK • PALMOLIVE , AND SAVE A BIG ( BUNCH ON OUR htc ut Canada. please contact ii,, 3 Smith t'anada. Frn plosment Centre. tioderteh, or John Collespie. Canada •I'mplo‘ mem Centre, Fixeler. Sm tie L.„,, 1,1 -tint "IS* untie uta, -.1 to te ;eh the Friend,Joey: -What dicl do?" Jobems: ss as, a doctor. Hs: treated all the animals:* JoeY7 'HOW did, •he treat the lions?" Johntt>: "*With respect,'' lubricity the parts god malte MC' zipper M11091•MY. • k For those bar4-10-regett bark 4pPerS, straiphten out a wire banter. boa into eve of zipper and pulp nil. -A small piece f hie halk in the eostume jewellery box will keep the PrItentS. from tarnishing, .Cement a rubber jar rips tO the bottom of a. dog's feedirts, dish to make it skidproof, •.Coat book covers with clear shellac dust will wipe off easily. —TO clean book. coverS. fl -hent briskly with a clean cloth wrung out Ina- solution of one part vinegar 4nd two parts water...Rub book covers %NO waxed Oaper and they will, stay cleaner. .If white handkerchiefs are discolored4 try using a little Marti Of tartar in e014 water. -Sas e tiny soap leftovers; tie them in a soft piece of flannel and dip into boiling, awr until they're soft. Then hold in cold water until firm - and you will have •a good, solid ball of soap. 'Keep leather.covered furniture from •cracking by polishing regularly with a. cream made from one part vinegar and two, parts linseed oil, -After sanding a surfaee., pull an old ' coon stocking over your hand and rub it lightly over the wood. This will located even the slightest rough spot. Putet •throw ;way 'ashes ,from t.00d Ares; they are perfect fertilizers for roselmsbes. -To keep flowers fresh longer, cut a piece off each stem and plunge the sterns Into warm, then cold, water before arranging. The stems expand to take up more water—Or, cut the stems of fresh flowers a little bit each day to prolong their life, or, if you cut the stems onthe diagonal, with knife, and clip- in salt, they will stay fresh for-arel.hfh7ireuit%s'aneekd. Fvegetables give off an .ethylene.gas harmful to flowers. DO pot put, fresh flowers on the same tables with a fruit• bowl containing apples, pears, or bananas. .Moisten a sponge, sprinkle it with parsley and place it near a window; it 'will soonbecome a clump of foliage. -Keep a lawn mower in lop condition by wiping the blades with an oily cloth after each, use. -Keep a box of baking soda in the glove compartment of the car as an effective emergency extinguisher for an engine fire. Should a fire occur, turn off the ignition and toss the soda on the engine. Soda also soothers a blaze should a fire start in a seat cushion or floor mat.. Keep a sprinkling of soda in the ashtrays, It will . prevent,elgarettes fretto smoldering itt the -Sprinkle grated- nutmeg in lk Op of Coffee. -Keep, your spices in a cool, dry place, If Stores over the :stove, they are liable to ,deteriorate. -Keep cake from sticking to the pan by -wrapping a towel dipped in hot water •around the pan whcn. it is remover!, from the oven, ' -To get a flakier, tender crusts *in the ingredients into a ball after blegding and allow to rest for 15 minutds before rolling pelt- -InStead of using oil or butter. fry fish in water or in grapefruit juice for your •favourite fruit juice); • the taste will tm, terrific. -If short one egg. in a recipe„ substitute one teaspoon of cornstarch, It's an almost perfeet replacement. -f1rush pork chops with a thin film of -molasses before baking or broiling, When warming leftover meat, put in a heavy skillet and cover it completely with, lettuce leaves, Cover with tight lid and heat in moderate oven. Tastes as good as if it were just made, The Expositor welcomes suggestions for future consumer columns. Anyone' with ideas or problems please call 52-7-0240. Sch• neiders MINI SIZZLERS Schneiders Thuringer SAUSAGE Whole or by the piece Schneiders BOLOGNA Great for Bar-B-Que Schneiders Kent Brand Strip LOIN STEAKS Frozen •5 -Ib. ctn. For Your Freezer • THIS WEEK ONLY Canada Grade A SIDES OF BEEF 1.46 Ia. Cut Virrapped & -Frozen Buy your beef this week and get5- lbs. of pork chops FREE Schneiders 'WIENERS '1.39 pkg. • Meat & produce prices effective 1-1b. until Sate, August 4, 1979 • , • NOXZEMA StOLL.ON .:- -Ifteart., ONLY e. • PLAYTEX 1101111:1 DETERGENT(; CANTELOUPES • Ontario Grown No. 1 CARROTS 2-1b. bag Ont. Grown No.1 HEAD LETTUCE Ont. Grown No.1 ('.:UCUMBERS MAXI PADS • 30's $ 2 4 9 LUSTRE SHEEN HAND CLEANER 1 LB, VALI. COME AND SAVE NOW, YA HEAR! GODERICH sS The Square CLINTON Main Corner SEAFORTH Main Corner -rRIANG E I S C vow..,6. FRESH FRUIT ARRIVING DAILY FROM NIAGARA PAIL CHERRIES ARE NOVV.IN Westons Chocolate Swiss ROLLS Pk Agree CREME RINSE. Hostess POTATO CHIPS Liquid BLEACH 128.oz. Bicks RELISHES a sis2't ovza.riiaerties Westons Hotdog. or Hamburg BUNS Pkg. of 8; Picnic pink or white LEMONADE 121/2oz. tins Old. South ORANGE JUICE 12V2oz. Tins Laura Secord Pk of PUDDINGS 4x5oz. Cup • Purina CAT DINNERS • 1 kg. Heinz. MUSTARD 16 oz. Jar 2/.89 • Carnival Orange FLAVOUR CRYSTALS •sPcckohgw. Ceo pfAp 46 Xs 09 z .LAPo ucohr2e4sx 'cOls:z7fTins 4•99} GINGERALE. Mon.Tues.% id. 9-6 p.m. •'Mors & Fri. 9.9 p.m. Saturday 9.6 p.m. Prices effeeefse until Tues. August 7, 1979'