HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-26, Page 17'correspondent
children enjOY- the Kinsmen
park equipment as they have
Outside playntime every ,fie
, day. In the wintertime, the
Glen vel-Lte* Inter. parking lot providt s a fear
provincial 441 xchange 1979 nice sliding bills for the
delegate" frout Cut Knife' children, so they are able to.
Saskatchewan Was, chosen to play outside all year long.
l'PreSeht his province in the Teacher Madame Shirley
4.4i program. He was spen.. Vaillencourt. had tri move
scored by the Royal Bank of away because of her hus-
Canada. Glen was a six day band's job transfer in the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. spring but we were very
Mervyn Falconer and. sons fortunate to see our school
Brian and Brad, year end with the continued
' qualified hemp. of a lOcal,.
glen is 18, and- a. high
school graduate. He is
presently working on his
father's 400 acre farm. Glen
has been a 4-H member for'
seven years- Plans oil
attending University. where
he will study law,
While on this exchange
Glen hoped to gain a better
understanding of Ontario
and its relationship with.
Western Canada. When
leaving Falconers,, h went
on to Shaptons at Exdter for
six days.
A, very busy year at the
Hensel! Nursery School
ended last month, 22 child-
ren participated in many
school activities throughout
the year including a rest
aurant visit and a trip to the
The nursery sehool facil-
ities are excellent, being
housed in the new arena. The
experienced teacher,. ,Mr$*
Jean Mccallough.
Three open, houseS were
held during the year to, help
aettuaint the community with
'the special aspects of a co-op
nursery school. The Hensall
and District Early Childhood
Centre, as it is formally
known began last year as a
Parent participating nursery
school which means every
family involved in school
activities must share
responsibility for the running
of the school. Few fathers,
because of work schedules
can help as teacher/assist-
ants although it would add a
unique note to the predom.
inately female world a small
child experiences, Rather,
fathers help by repairing,
building and installing
equipment that 'is needed to
operate the nursery.
Families in which both
• •
Seatorth Hoter I is VALUES'
Hwy #8 .
Goettler mai
High 'Quality Low Prices
Furniture IN
_ 0 Okblin
ne F u rn itu re
,MAIN STREET 345,2250
Closed Mon. Open all day Wed. Fri. night tip 9 pan.
u nesses..
4 . A
Parents Work ot!tside the
home and: who. are thinking
about nursery Sebellifer their
child should contact 'the
Registrar, Mrs. Bath
(Charles) DalrYinp
then will be better able to
decide if the) have enough
time to commit to a eo-Op,
nursery school'.
The final week of school
was quite citing for the'
children with a class trip to
the Pineridge Zoo in Grand
Bend, Special arrangements
were made to sponsor a
"Binkly and Doinkle" Pup:
pet Show ,and two junior
classes,from the Public
School joined our pre-school
children for an educational
and entertaining show about
home safety.
The nursery school mums
J. vvebs er
al queen
Janice Webster. 16, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Webster of Varna, was crown
ed queen' of the Zurich,
Agricultural Society Fair on
the weekend.
About 1,000 people attend-
ed the 115th annual three-
day event held at the local
arena and fairgrounds.
Features at this year's fair
included livestock and 4-H
competitions, a parade on
the theme International Year
of the Child on Saturday, a
midway. horse show, and a
German shepherd dog show.
On SaturdaY, the Zurich
playground won the award.
for the best theme float with
the children dressed in cos-
tumes from around the world
The horse show attracted a
high number of entries, and
two horses tied for show
chamption. They were Freck-
les, owned- and ridden by
Laura Johns of Auburn and
Springboard, owned and rid-
den by Carol Minhinnick of
have. just, 'finished 'contrib-
uting their favourite recipes
'to be printed this, summer
into a cookbook which will be
old to raise money for the
,equipment for the new school
A bake Sate at Pinelake
ram," rolefield Art
July 20 will also provido
funds, necessary to run the
Even though the children
are out of schaol, the parents
will be busy this summer
'fundraisingcleaning and
gathering equipment for the
next year - now families are
welcome to get involved and
register their children for the
next school Session •begin.
fling in September.
The service at Hensall
United, Church on Sunday
was 0)10%30 by Rev. Start
C. McDonald with Mrs,
Genie Middleton ably assist
at the organ both, this
Sunday and last. Soloist Was
Miss Mary Ooodwin. singing
-I would be true."
The children's story 'Was,
on weeds or plants we
haven't found a Use for yet.
Some people seem- to fall into
this category but God has a
purpose for everyone. The
sermon was titled. "la orbit"
The church, is composed of
three circles of people
according to how mttehot our
energies are directed for it -
all should be pot in motion
with ‘004 at the centre,
Next Sunday. a combined
open air service for the area
will be held at Camp Merle.,
setung, north of Caderich,
with* Patioelt picnic follow-
ing the 6prvice. The congre-
gation is aSked to meet at the
church at 9:46 a.M. atilhat all
who Aced: a tide may find it
flowers in the Sanctuary
were in loving memory, of
JeSSie, McAllister, placed
there by her family.
Hensall Women's Institute
were very pleased to get
second place with their
exhibit at the Zurich Fair last
Me. and Mrs. Sam Oeseh
visited with their dattghter
and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Ray MeNtill of Fergus. on
Mr. and Mrs. .Carl Payne
were guests with Mr, and.
Mrs. Irwin Johnston. Sea -
forth last Friday.
and area. news
• Co,nt.tcttite.. -..,Neittin,ds:.Hrotorn..froril. •
Janet Reynolds and Vince
Burnhart of Michigan visited
over- the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. John Thompson,
Sharon and Bob..,
Mrs Betty Powley, Jason,
Jonathon and Mandy re-
who was born on July 17th in
enioya . . . st
ble We ern tour.
. . ,
and Linda Dillon on the birth
of a son Bradley Kenneth,
Seaforth hospital. Linda and
Bradley returned.home Sat-
urday. ' • -
ill% Mrs , goss. Corb.e
I accomPanieti her mother
Mrs.- Ruth Taylor. Clinton
turned with them to Michi- Correspondent motored to Ktlwerthy, Ont-
:. 84o to spend the next two MRS* RENA CALD WELL ario lastweek where they
weeks visiting with Mr. and 262-5935 visited with the latter s son
Mrs. 'Robert Reynolds, Bob Recent visitors with Mr.. and daughter-in-law. Mi
and Nancy Jo. and Mrs. Emerson Ander- and Mrs.' Morris Taylor and
• Financial assistance
• Management counselling (CASE)
• Management training
• Information on government
programs for business
Can we help you?
See our Representative
at: The Queens Hotel, Seaforth
- the 1st Thursday of each month
on: Next Visit: AUGUST 2
n' • ,
, A/A
leranchOffice Address) 'For prior information,
can 271-5650 [collect] or write' 1036..Ontario Street:,
' Stratford, Ontario. , •
• son vvere: Mr. and Mrs. diughters'
Lynn and Steve MeLlwain
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Consitt
returned' on Friday from a
23 -day tour to the West
Coast rettirning.home by way
of Yellowstone Park "Mont-
ana, U.S.A. They report an
interesting and scenic trip,
Rev. Kenneth Knight con-
ducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church
delivering an inspiring
'message on Slaves of
Righteousness." Miss Sylvia
Bell was guest soloist and
sang."I'm Heaven Bound"
'accompanying on the guitar.
Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Mc-
Donald .of. Brampton were
weekend visitors with their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Cudmore.
.• m d m • Mrs. Pearl Baynham of. . . • .
and Linda Coulthard of Strat- Red Denton, Mr. and Mrs. London was a neck end vis .
ford spent the weekend with. John Webb, - Mr. and Mrs. itor with Mrs. Gertrude
Mrs. Geo. McLlwain.Carl Chaote from Nashville, Moir.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steven- Tennessee, Me,.. and Mrs. Mrs. Dale, Gooding of
son spent the weekend with Carl Summed ield,Chat. Parkhill spend a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bauer of • ham. Mr and Mrs• Chuck 'last week visiting with her
Cambridge. Bruner, Ruthven, .Mr. and grandmother Mrs. Edga.
Mr. and Mrs': Larry Scott Mrs. Court Kerr,Mr. and Munn. . . ' •
of Parkhill visited on Sarum-- Mrs. Harold Cartr, Goder mr.
day evening with Mr. and . 'ich, Mrs. Alma Schneider, 'Mrs. paui Ned.
ands .Mik and d Susa Mr :
Mrs. -Jim Preszcator. Bill, Sundridge, Mrs. Nettie Sti- and mrs,-Teliannias Neiloods,
Debbie, Michael, when they more,•Mrs. Frances Upshall, Gerry and Miss Kathy Neil -
celebrated Jim and Shirley's Seaforth,, Mr.» and Mrs. ands, London, returned
birthdays. Ralph. Clark, Bramalea, Mr. home after an enjoyable
Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Mrs. Ross. Taylor, Ron three week's touring and
Preszcator of Seaforth, Mr. Anderson and Steven, Ex- .
holidaying with relatives in
and Mrs. Dave Preszcator eter, Mr. .and Mrs. Jerry Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
and family visited on Mon- Upshall, mr. and Mrs. Ho
day evening with. Mr. and mer Campbell, Hensall. Alberta. British Columbia
and Jasper Park. Mrs. Paul
Mrs. Paul. Stevenson, David, Mr. and. Mrs. 'Harry Van Neilands enjoyed visiting her
Darren and Luanne. Wierea visited in Beachburg home town Graveiburg,
Congratulations to Larry recently. - •‚.. 'Sask, where she was born.
Parkers hold reunion
The Parker Reunion was slate of officers for 1980 are:
held on Saturday at the president ' George Parker;
Hensall Community Park Vice president -. Ron 'Parker;
with fifty-five in attendance
from. Brampton, Mitchell.
London, Stratford, Grand
Bend, Exeter, Walton and
Hensall. Mrs. Edgar' Cud -
more. Mrs.. Robert Keyes
and Mrs. Elsie Keyes were in__
charge of the Reereation.
Following are races 5 and
under - Jane Parker; 6 and
over - Ronald Parker; Bean
bag walk - Ronald Parker;
three-legged race - Ken
Parker.and': Marg Ruston:
guessing the peanuts in bag -
Lori Parker. A delicious
smorgasbord supper was
enjoyed after, which two
couples recently married
were presented with gifts by
Pat Dalton. 'they were torn
and Lori Ruston; and Doug
and Kim (Keyes) Green.
They made fitting replies
thanking one and all. The
Town Hall
*4 14- .
Civic Corner
Thursday Evenings.
7:15 9:30 p.m.
Month of August
Due to functions being held' in the skating arena on July 19th
and 26th, roller skating will resume again on Thursday
evenings from' 7:15 - 9:30 p.m. on August 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd
and 30th.
' Adinisslort
secretary treasurer - Gail
McDonald; beverage com-
mittee - Gordon '& Vera
Parker and Ken and. Marlene
Parker; cup & plate conven-
ors - Marg Ruston. It was
decided to hold the reunion
next year on July 26 at
Hensall at 3 p.m. and supper
at 5 p.m. A ball game
climaxed the days sports.
Mrs. Wanda McClinchey
Craft, and activity director at
Queensway Nursing home is.
-.enjoying a weeks' vacation,
Mutual' 'Fite
Insurance Company
tEstalilkhed in 1 .S -i»
Mrs. Neilands., left there
some forty years ago and
found very little changes
being made. and was thrilled
'to visit the huthe where' her
parents resided
also attended the wedding of'
.their son John' and &Ann
Strang. in. Edmonton, Alta.
John haS.been promoted and
transferred to Beamsville,
Ontario where, they will take
up residence. "Congratu-
lations" John and JoAnn.
°Mrs, °Emma Farquhar and
Miss Dorothy Farquhar' of
London have spent the past
two weeks here preparing for
the household, sale of Mrs.
°". Farquhaes which was held
On 'Saturday.
Provides Full Insurance
.Coverage for Town Dwellings
as well as Farm Properties
Ross Hodgert
John Moore
Joseph Uniac'
Mrs.Elaine Skinner
Wally Burton
Woodham 229-6643
Dublin 345-2512
Mitchell 348-9012
Exeterxeter 2351553
Jack Harrigan
Robert Gardiner
Lloyd Morrison
Lorne Feeney
Ray McCurdy
William Chef fe
R.R „3, Lucart 227-4305
R.R.2. Staffa 345-2739
R.R.i, St. Marys 229-8277
Dublin 345-2543
R,R.i, kirkton 228-6694
Mitchell 348-6129
ower 'II
lures man
Ernie ' Chipchase, 61.
formerly of Hensall , was
injured Monday night in an
accident with his' lawnmower
Mr, Chipchase was riding
the mower behind . his home'
io. Lakewood Gardens sub*
division, Grand Bend, when
the tractor went over a
45 -foot embankment, Mr.
Chipchase fell about 15 feet
On the tractor, then was
thrown off and rolled another
Theto the Lake. Huron
The injured man wus dis7
covered by his wife. Olga, a
short -time later. l'wo ambu-
lance erews:were called in to
rescue Mr. Chinchase, The,
injured man, who, was 'Calton
to University Hospital, 'Lon-.
don, received a broken arm,
extensive cuts and bruises in
the accident.
Hensa I
Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence
Waddell and Sandra spent •
Friday in Mahon at the, •
Holiday Inn where Sandra
competed, in the Ontario
Central Music League Fest
ival. She received first place
for the third year accordion
solo class. It is the fourth
time Sandra has placed, first
at' this Festival.
'We will be roc
this year
°We IVY/d: ensell we &
dry, cOrn
are taking your
Corn Contract3 now'
* We receive White Beans
Trucicinstitt available for pick-up & dittivery
VValton, Ont.
Brussels. Seaforth
887-9261 527-0527
V illeirh • .: cz,"4 effir. ,A 4 ----.
in Area Churches
59 Goderich St., W.. Seaforth
• Minister; Rev. T.A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs. D.'Carter'
Joint worship. with Northside united Church
" • All are welcome ...
ST. THOMAS Anglican Church
• Seaforth
Rev. James R. Broadfoot B.A., M. Div.
, -
Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Members are invited to join St. Paul's for the
Service at 10:00 a.m.
- •
NORTHSIDE: United Church
. 54Gp.
, uSeafoorthih
. Nursery provided .
Rev.. J.G. Vanslyke, Minister •
Organist -Choir Directer , Jr. Choir Leader
'Margaret Whitmore • ,_ Audrey IVIcLiwaln
Area congregations are invited to take advantage of
the church direetory tO announce their church services
each. week.. Church directory announcements are
available for •a °minimum of 26 consecutive weeks in
units of two column inches at 52 per unit. Changes in
copy may be made each week but must be received
°before noon on Tuesday.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert
Mickle, Jamie and Craig,
Cambridge. 'spent Sunday
with 'the former's mother, •
Mrs. Laird Mickle.
MF - 1500-D. 4 -wheel drive cab. air. duals
ME - '1105-D'. Tractor w /cab.
MF - 1100-D. Tractor w /cab..
AC - 17 Tractor
AC - W.D. TraCtor
36 -10' Swather wlBatt reel
MF - 44 -10' Swather w'/pick-up reel
•MF 34 -12' pick up reel'
MF 750-D. cab, air new pick-up table
MF 510-0. cab. air new pick-up table, 43
corn head
MF - 410-D. cab,
Case 600 w/pick
Case 1160 wicab.
J.D. 45 wrecking
pick-up corn head 43
404 corn head cutting
for parts
Massey -Ferguson