HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-26, Page 6THE HURON EX.POSITO8c...40IN -2.1.3i19T9 ••••., • • • • • • •...•• •• Mcrolert, a matchbook -size radio trans- mitter in the form of a pendant 'wor*. around the neck, ean save lives. It is now available in Canada. after receiving. praise and response in thelhtited States. TheMierolert pendant bas proven useful to senior eitizens, • those with medical problents who Wart to live at home, yonng women living alone and ayne with heart attack problems. The pendant is activated by a gentle. one -second squeeze which sends a signal to a dictionary-siied unit kept up `tot 30Q feet away from the wearer. Whea the receiver detects the signal, it automatically dials a set of pre- pro- grammed numbers on the telephone, and a. series of recorded, messages are relaYeci. One such message could 'read like tht.s: "This is an emergency call. There is, a medical emergency at the residence •of John Doe at 111 Essex' Crescent. repeat 111 Essex Crescent. Mr. Doe is a diabetic ;4n4 allergic to penicillin. If no answer. Use forcible entry. Please hurry." The machine then goes on to dial the second in a series of 'numbers, it egll dial long distance calls and can be run off battery in the case of power failure: The wearer in need of. 'help kneWS his Micrplert is working because a series; of red buttons light up and a speaker in the base unit are heard. as they are going over the .phone. Microlert can be used in a variety of different situations. CallS. for assistance can be sent to the police, the fire •departtnent. the atnbulance'. the tfamlir doctor. hospital and or friends. Tite. device was first developed three, YearS ago, by a Los Angeles electronic engineer' Whose mother suffered a heart attack and was not discovered and taken to hospital until four hours later. More than 4,000 Microlerts have been sold in the U.S. for S995 eacb, said; the Canadian President, of Microlert Systems of Canada Inc., Mr. Michael TiCk. Marketed in the United State*. 'Or the last two years, the device was introduced to Canada in April. For $995, plus provincial sales tax. you. Can purchase the base unita pre - pra warmed tape, and the pendant. If you are within 300 feet of that unit, said John Leighton. who belongs, to the Canadiart diso-ihtittno company. it will work. til Th addition to use by the handicapped, the elderly or the ill. Microlertcould prove vaiVable to convenience stores in a robbery situation, where police would be notified within seconds, to banks 10 security purposes, and to hotels, The system has also been bonked up to several home smoke detectors which. When activated by smokecan also alert the fire department, The Canadian tcompany which serves Huron and Perth .is located in Stratford. Since April, they have received six orders for Microlert. Anyone wanting to see the unit, find out more about it. or view a. demonstration, can call John Leighton at (519) 271-$361, or drop in to 32 Brunswick, St.. Stratford. Jt could prove to be a priceless. invest- ment. Chuck McKnight Tillsonburg In the fall of 1948, 19' year • Shortly after his arrival at old Chuck McKnight landed the Tillsonburg News, Mc - a job as a junior reporter on Knight was named editor of the Tillsonburg News. Born The Canadian. Sportsman, a and raised in the farming harness racing publication, village of Wainfleet, in t,he which has enjoyed years • of Niagara District, his exper- association with The Tinselly ience in the newspaper bus- burg News. Later he became Mess was limited te .part- advertising manager of The time sports repotting for the area daily, The Welland Tri- NewS, and in 1959 Was bune, and to summer repor- named vice-president and ting for his uncles, who at general manager. The fol. one tune owned community lowing year The News newspapers in. Durham, switched to twice weekly Thornbury and. Petrolia. His publication and then in 1968 grandfather; Charles. Ram- to a tri -weekly. On the death age. published the Durham Review from 1894, until his of H.F. Johnston, long-term death in 1936. publishetrof Tillsonburg, Mr, Thirty-one years later J.C. McKnight assumed the of - R. (Chuck) McKnight has flee • of president and pub- , FLANAGAN—SCHENCK" The marriage of Jeanne Kristen Schenck and. Peter William Flanagan took place, CM June 30 at St. Patrick's Roman •Catholie Church in Dublin. Joanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Schenck of $eaforth and Peter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Flanagan of Dublin. Reverend G,T. Dill officiated at the double ring ceremony. The maid cif honour Was Jacqueline. Schenck of Seaforth. Brides- maids were Janice Flannery of Kitchener, Joan Flanagan of Dublin, Wilma Jansen of Stratford and Barb Doig of r-:-...aforth. Best man was Pat Flanagan of Dublin, Guests were ushered by Mike Flanagan of Dublin, Brent Schenck: of Goderich; Casey Van Bakel of Dublin and Bob • Henderson of Seaforth. Soloist was Casey Van Bakel of Seaforth accompanied by Janie Delaney of Dublin on the organ, .Dinner was held at the Brodhagen Community Centre with the reception following. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Humphrey of Kincardine, Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Moore' of Milverton, grandparents of the bride and Mrs. -Katherine Flanagan Of Sebrin.gvillei • ' grandmother of the groom. After a- wedding trip to the Eastern Provinces, the , couple took up residence in: Seaforth. been named president of the lisher of the company. Canadian Community News- McKnight at one time paper Association for the vowed to purchase a news. 1979-80 term, He took over paper for each of his seven the reins of office of the 550 children, Although that feat titernber association during has not been met, slowly but official ceremonies at the surely his dreamaare becom- CCNA annual convention in ing realities. Toronto July 21. He succeeds In 1971he and W.J. Pratt, Ian MacKenzie of Portage La a shareholder in the Com - Prairie Leader, Man. pany whose association with SEAFORTH KIST G1NGERALt 26 fl. oz. bottle reg, price .45 •• plus deposit Chapmans assorted. flavours ICE CREAM 2 litre container reg. price 1.19 McCain Frozen Chocolate or Vanilla FIESTA CAKE • 21oz. pkg. reg. price 2.05 Wdtch for Seoot.-h • IGA••Hontibilt. in the mail this week with over 55 features. Mixed Rib End or Tenderloin End LOIN PORK CHOPS reg. price 1.68 lb. Canada N�. 1 HEAD LETTUCE reg. price .47 1.2p 3/689 Prkea lit'effect unfit Satitrarty July 28, 1979 • The News also dates back to the late .1940's purchased The Ingersoll Times, Two years later a third newspaper The Norwich Gazette, was added to the family. In 1974; a holding cOmpany, Otter Publishing Limited; was formed and a eomirnercial' printing division added. In April 1975 the Port Colborne News was added to the chain and in March of this year the company's first shopper, The Consumer News, covering the Welland' trading area, was added. Like many community newspaper people, the new CCNA president feels there are strong family ties to the industry. His eldest son, Cam, is the Manager of The Port Colborne News and the Consumer News; daughter- in-law, Vicky, is editor at Port Colborne, •while son in-law, Walter Kleer, .is ad- vertising director of both Port Colborne and Welland publications. Eldest daugh- ter Carol, is editOr and general manager of The In- gersoll Times. The younger children, still attending school, all work part-time in the newspaper ranks, Lining the walls at •the sleek mew 18,000 square foot head office and plant in Tillsonburg are dozens of awards and certificates pre- sented in better newspaper competitions and for com- munity service, proof that over the years the company's newspapers have served their communities and have done, it well. • In the newspaper industry, McKnight has served as president of the Class "A" Weeklies of Canada; pres- ident of •the Southwestern 'Ontario Newspaper Assoc.; president of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc- iation; treasurer of CCNA for two years; chairman of the executive for tWo years and vice-president of the national association latsf Year. THE TICKET SELLERS --Marilyn Ahrens, Barah Schoessler and Roberta Osborn, members of the Brodhagen Bantam girls baseball team used the Chamber of Commerce barbecue to sell tickets for an upcoming draw being held to raise money for the team. (Expositor photo) • • . kind in Canada, has a com- bined circulation of over 3,000,000 representing 550 community newspapers ac- ross the country. On the home front the new CCNA president has been active in a variety of organizations: Tillsonbutg, Chamber of Commerce, Til- lsonburg Business Associ- ation, Parking Authority, past president of the Tillson- bug Minor Hockey; • many years on the Board of Man- agement of St. John's Ang- lican Church, where he serv- ed as warden; a long term member of the Kinsmen Club and' apast president a the K,40; a member of,. Ashlar Lodge 701 A,F. & A.M., Woodstock Lodge of •Perfection; active in pro- vincial and federal political campaigns over the years; a member of the journalism advisory committee of Nia- gara College in Welland. to • The Canadian Community •name a few. Newspaper Association, the • • largest organization of its rea Bell Canada regrets any inconvenience you may experience because of our current labour problems. Right now in Seaforth and area, we have • a backlag of 167 orders and are about 3 days behind on Repair Service because of work slowdowns and stoppages. We are handling requests as quickly as possible, and do ask for your help and understanding. We are giving priority to emergencies and have have taken steps to'see that they are handled as quickly as we can under the *circumstances. You can help by keeping calls to the businessoffice to a minimum. We have a record of all your orders and we are attempting to fill them as quickly as possible under the circumstances. However, some previous appointment dotes are being missed and we will call you to arrange new date to fill your request. :You also.can help by post-poning requests for non-essential. work Such as rearrangements or changes to existing serViCe, • We thank you for your paflence 'cooperation,, Guaranteed Investment Certificates percent Annual Interest for OneYeai'. • VICTORIA • AND GREY TRUST Since1844 • Contact our branch: VG tvlember. Canada Deposit !Amirante Corper4tion • • • • After Thurs., July 26 - 4 p,ii. -• 12 midnight . ,• Many items at dealers cost - up to 5 0 0 off chesterfields sleeper lounges bedroom and dining room sets TheIpw.,:e.$1:pric.'el.'ev..:Or offered PtiARAJTEEP! • design and technical representatives from malor companies will` be here to • " • assist you with all your home decorating needs and problems. Shadow Dance . CARPET Many more makes, colors and styles from which to choose 0 SPECIAL YD. $ 15 reg. $14.95 SQ Robert L. Plumsteel Interiors !Mt Pitillottint 'PAiNt$ WM3.0001101. g MAIN r.fillte't V11) 4,SEAfORTH,ONTArnbNOK tWO PHONE husiNess (519) 527 0902 HOME 15101 521,0052