HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1979-07-26, Page 4HE, ;HUROl UMW() •, 1919 ANNIVERSARY OF FORTY YEARS—John O'Leary, re.presentmg the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Sohools, marks the, 40th anniversary rn the ;priesthood of Father OostVeen of St. Columban, who sats to his right, referring to his, "40 years of marriage with our Church•• Reside Father Oostveen is Monseigno r,C. Adams, of Logan. Correspondent MR. DON. MacRAE. 345=2842 Mr. Mike Eckert of Mill St. to find :a, cord, operating a 2 ft. fan had. shorted and, over- heated. burning a hole in the carnet. • r Dion MacRae spent the wc,":kend o Parkhill risiting, his hrrtter Ken from i area news . Dublin credits a 15 amp fuse that. blew saving his home. Mike returned . from cutting grass at Dublin Athletic Park :Mr. Mike Eckert and friend spent the weekend at toured Rock trlen .C':inserv- Sauble Beach visiting with • his brother Jerry and family. ' ation Area. Washingn. n •D.C. and also Staffa Ladies.: discuss quilting. Correspondent MiBS., JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Mrs. :Robert Laing hosted the Marion Ritchie Evening Auxiliary meeting at ` her home. on Tuesday; July 17 at 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Lorne .Elliott pre- sided and.. opened with a poem on Sharing, followed by Hymn 572 with Mrs.. Ivan Norris accompanying on the piano. Mrs. Elliott led in prayer. Mrs. Ivan Norris had 'the, Meditation and scripture reading; from Acts 12 verses 11•;to 17: Fifteen answered the toll call with a verse on sharing. 'During business quilting : *as .discussed as there had been a number of enquiries about us. quilting., Mrs. Larry Gard ener read a paper on "One Small Stone". Hymn 451 was sung. Mrs. Eldon. Allen had the study book taking ,the chapter on Christ and the community in New China. She was assisted by Mrs. John Templeman, Mrs. J.ean Carey and Mrs. Sally. Scott. For her special number. Mrs. Carey read a chapter from Harry J. Boyle's book on the Depression and Shar- ing. She ' also . conducted contests .en waistlines and spoon photography. The meeting eh sed with: hymn 561 and The Lords Prayer in unison: Forty Skaffa Women's Institute mena.bers, their hus-• bands and friends attended the play. 'Til Be Back For You Before Midnight" at :the Blyth Memorial Hall on.. Friday evening and later dined at the Walton Inn. The eveningwas arranged by Mrs. Russell W.orden and. Mrs. Cameron Vivian. Mr. and Mrs.- Dennis Stewart, Penticton: British Columbia . were weekend guests of Mr...and Mrs. Rob Penipiernan and Carrah, Y'AEECOME r ANDSAUEABIG r.. BUNCH QN r kt 11��rs priests, parishutaers. friends • an4 s tsitors. um ittSt.. t: olumbaf Mondo earening.to celebrate Father PIC Dnstsven's 4.Qth sear as: a .priest. celebrations began at m with a High Mass of tGsanksgiving in St- l'oitinnban church. At titer afar *ere Monseignoe C. Adams .4.4 St Brigid's int Lc►gan, a. her S. McDonald. of Sin`cc.e. Father l,•J- Coughlte, ivririer pastor of St. C'olutnban. Father. A. Nolan: of JCinkora, -Father '.tl ..Dill of Dublin.:Father 1t 3 taragh of Scafortlt. and Father Frank Moylanra.P. Nt• on a :brief vacation from, Santo -Domingo. Father Arthur Melodic of Windsor. preached the homily. All gifts. we • haee re.etredmustgotowards the building up of Christ's Body:, the Church: he said to the .: rgregation The life -work of any priest must be seen in the kontert of this: prophecy, administration, t* aching and. pre:aching...giving alms and. works of mc, rev. l 1 .Lager in the c retying. celebrations. continued' •in the Parish hall. docm4wdi by Mrs. Mary 0.'l,cry. The officialy dinner was attended by 250 people.:prepare*d by Mrs. Miller anl: her star• The dinner and; :the :wninsgu, pperrgsaiomn roe •unadcek Malone. After the ,smorgasbord, M'r'g :iean.1!"hit Oration spoke On behalf of the Catholic Women's League. of r .htch she is; rstIc7i' N1.atthewCesets gav al nwssage onsbaoto the parish Parent-Teacher Association,* Louis Nolan for the knights. of Columbus, and John Q'Leary for the Huron -Perth Ronan Catholic separate School 'Board, Monseignor • =Harris; interpreted the tccltngs of the clergy on the Ito:Aiotu of Father . Dust ee*n's anniversary, and Leon Maloney gave an address on behalf of the parish Father Oostr vim was presented • with a colour television, a wrism inch. .a. purse and; .a ;gift AVM, the Knights of Columbus. The ;iubtlaritan then: stood to thank the speakers. the parish council, the clergy and: tho roneretaatinn• He .closed With a brief comment: on the motto of the former Canada Company: "non mutat genii* solum, " which means the country does net alter^ the thee. ,He W9144 prefer. be The Perth County Board of Education trustees made eight. teaching appointments. at their July meeting. Five of these posting were to Perth. County elementary school*. They were:. Mrs. Luria Boogerrnan, Spruce. dale ,Public School.; Mrs. Phyllis Davidson, Juliett Mr' ;*.trot .rtrvh. Morning.. Said, tit transiate it :as, "`Girl! quality remains.* .' The pioneer ,qualities, ;of .f:aith. good family life and :interest ***Iwo values are today r announc is nee4.ed more tlhat> :et!et^ :iia said. The celebrati,ns were elosed, with prayet'y Father S. Merionald. iton„Central. Listowel, Eastdale school; 'Mr. Dobald Garrett,. Mrs. Lillian Henry. Wallace Listowel !District' High Public School and Miss, Meridith Hutchings. Anne Hathaway Public School - 'Three more teachers were hired for positions in area secondary schools., They were; Mrs. Mary. Butt,. Mitchell Pistrict High. Give.■ THE HEART FUND to stings school; Mrs. Barbara Hood Listowel: District High.Scho ii Correction. Roth's advertisement, In last week's paper was incorrect in he; following pap ,.ta. notation: Prices effective until Tuesday, July 31, 1979 should, have read Prices effective'until Tues. Julys 24, 1979. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused by this error The Huron Expositor TICKLE ROLL -Ott DEODORANT 75 ML. CLAIRESSE ►IR COL.OURy. COLGATE '00TH PAS 150 M4,' SON. AM1 SPRAY WINDOW CLEANER( • 20 0Z. 994 CURAD BANDAGES 100's 59 TRA•C 11 RAZOR BLADES 2 6 9. 14's' Y'ALL C i ME AND SAVE NOW, YA HEAR! nODERICH ti the Square CLINTON Main corner SEAFORTH Main Corner Cut from, Can. Grade A• Beef . • IR S LOIN STEAK. 2.89 Ib. RUMP ROASTS 24 Maple Leaf Waxed BOLOGNA CHUBS Maple Leaf Mini Smoked Ready to Eat PORK SHOULDER Meat & produce.prices effective Until Sat. July 28, 1979 Schneiders CORNED BEEF -1.4 Pkg. of 3. x• 2 oz. Pch. Schneiders Sliced Side` 1 BACON .ENDS _ 1.Ib. Pkg. Ont. Grown .Fresh Crisp BUNCH .CARROTS 3 Ont. Grown No..1 - GREEN CABBAGE• Prod. of Honduras Chiquit:e • • • Golden Yellow or Green Tipped BANANAS 4 lbs. Ont. Grown CELERY STALKS st PAIL CHERRIES HAVE ARRIVED AND ARE READY TO BE PICKED UP No Name 14 oz pkge PIZZAS" ` Pkg. of 4 McCain FRENCH FRIES Mon,Tucs.Wed. 9.6 p.04 Thurs & Fri. 9.9 p.m. Saturday 9.6 p.m. Canada White VINEGAR Clover Leaf Solid. White TUNA Carnival 'PORK & BEANS Brown Bear Creamed` HONEY Sank* INSTANT COFFEE Heinz Strained . Fruit or. BABY FOOD 43/4 lar 1 Jolly Miller Orange FLAVOUR CRYSTALS Hlghltner Pkg. of 3x 31/4oz. FISH STICKS or FILLET PORTIONS,2.99 Weston's Apple Snack • 'BUNS Dietrich's Country Styie ROLLS Pkg, of 12'' Prices effective until Tues. July 314 1979